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Sharma Thankachan

September 3, 2019
  Sharma Thankachan Assistant Professor Ph.D., Computer Science Louisiana State University, 2014 Email Phone Office HEC-207 Phone (407) 823-5316 E-mail Home Page Research Interests Parallel and External Memory Algorithms Algorithms for Sequence Analysis, Motivated from Applications in Bioinformatics Advanced Data Structures for Succinct/Compressed Text (String) Indexing Information Retrieval and Databases Geometric Range Query…

Shaojie Zhang

September 3, 2019
  Shaojie Zhang Professor Ph.D., Computer Science University of California, San Diego, 2007 Email Phone Office HEC-311 Phone (407) 823-6095 E-mail Home Page Research Interests Computational Biology and BioInformatics Theory of Computing, Algorithms and Quantum Computing Professional Activities Program Committee Co-Chair, IEEE ICCABS 2017 Organizing Committee Member, IDASH Privacy & Security Workshop (2017,…

Charles E. Hughes

September 3, 2019
  Charles E. Hughes Professor Ph.D., Computer Science Penn State University, 1970 Email Phone Office HEC-247C Phone (407) 823-2762 E-mail Home Page Research Page ARGIS Research Research Interests Virtual Environments Affective and Human-Centered Computing Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Virtual Learning Environments Other Experience Professor, Computer Science, Univ. of Tenn., 1974-80 Assistant Professor,…