For academic advising, please see the department and faculty advisor mentioned below. The CECS Academic Affairs Office (Engr. 1, room 107) handles general academic advising as well as advising on UCF policies and procedures. While the faculty coordinator offers advising on career and research fields that are particular to your areas of study.
Academic Alert is an intervention advising program for students who have experienced a significant slide in their grade point average. Students identified as having a continued slide or low term grade point average are required to complete an online workshop or schedule an appointment with an advisor in the CECS Academic Affairs Office.
Students placed on academic probation are defined by the university as having a less than 2.0 UCF grade point average. CECS requires students who have been placed on probation to participate in an online workshop their first semester on probation. Students who continue on probation for additional semesters are required to meet with an advisor in the CECS Academic Affairs Office.
CS Undergraduate Academic Advising Office
Harris Corp. Engineering Center
Room 246
Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM
(407) 823-2341
Dr. Mark Heinrich, Undergraduate Coordinator for CS & IT* –
Ms. Jenny Shen, Academic Advisor III –
*NOTE: An appointment is recommended in advance for advisement

Graduate Advising
Questions and Appointments
Jeanine Clements
Phone: (407) 882-2313
Advising and Approval
Dr. Wei Zhang
Phone: (407) 823-2638