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2018 Events

Analog Bloom Filter (ABF) for Wireless Networks

Dr. Zhenghao Zhang - Florida State University...
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A Design Technique to Prevent Hardware Trojans from Leaking Sensitive Data

Dr. Kevin A. Kwiat - Haloed Sun TEK of Sarasota, Florida...
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Uncovering Footprints of Adaption from Ancient and Modern Genomes

Dr. Michael DeGiorgio - Pennsylvania State University...
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Defeating DDoS Attacks and Adverse Network Conditions

Dr. Max Schuchard - University of Tennessee...
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A Knight’s Welcome to Dr. Katie A. Siek

Dr. Katie A. Siek - Indiana University...
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A Knights’ Welcome To: Dr. Cindy Bethel

Dr. Cindy L. Bethel - Mississippi State University...
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From Explanatory to Exploratory Data Visualization

Mr. Chris Bryan - University of California...
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Automating Safe and Secure Software Development

Dr. Paul Gazzillo - Stevens Institute of Technology...
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Building Predictable and Adaptable Mobile Systems

Dr. Lukasz Ziarek - State University of New York at Buffalo...
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Building Correct Programs

Dr. William Mansky - Princeton University...
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Making Small Spaces Feel Large: Practical Illusions in Virtual Reality

Dr. Evan Suma Rosenberg - University of Southern California...
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Revisiting the Future Roles of Computer Architecture in Cybersecurity Research

Dr. Yan Solihin - North Carolina State University and an IEEE Fellow...
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