Congratulations to Kyle Martin And Dr. Joseph LaViola
Congratulations to Kyle Martin and Dr. Joseph LaViola who won a best paper award.
Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski
Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski on receiving $10,360 in new funding.
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph LaViola
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph LaViola on receiving $100k from Lockheed Martin Corporation for a project titled: “Improving Augmented Reality Technologies for Training and Education”.
Congratulations to The UCF Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Team
The UCF Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Team won 1st Place in the 2016 Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition held on November 6, 2016.
Congratulations to Arup Kumar Ghosh
The IEEE Orlando Section ( presents Graduate Scholarship Awards each calendar year.
Congratulations to Dr. Damla Turgut
Congratulations to Dr. Damla Turgut on receiving $27,800 from Career Soft LLC for a project titled: “Alternative Methods for Peer-to-Peer Mobile Communication in a High-Latency…
Congratulations to Dr. Greg Welch
Congratulations to Dr. Greg Welch, who received a “Long Lasting Paper Impact” award at the ISMAR conference, along with Ramesh Raskar and Henry Fuchs for…
Congratulations to Dr. Mostafa Bassiouni
Congratulations to Dr. Mostafa Bassiouni, who is a participant in a $5M grant from NSF,
How The University of Central Florida Built a Hacking Dynasty
The Christian Science Monitor has published an article about our award-winning Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Team and their many accomplishments since the team was created.
UCF Recognized as NSA Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense
Dean Michael Georgiopoulos was in Huntsville Alabama on June 8 to receive UCF’s official recognition as a NSA Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense.
Congratulations to The UCF Programming Team
Congratulations to the UCF Programming team for their strong finish in the World Finals.
The UCF CCDC Team Featured on Good Day Orlando
The University of Central Florida Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Team recently was featured on Good Day Orlando. You can view the video by clicking here.
CCDC Team Wins 3rd Consecutive National Title
Congratulations to our Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition team from HackUCF and their coach, Dr. Thomas Nedorost, for winning the National CCDC for the third year…
Congratulations to Dr. Charles Hughes and Dr. Mark Llewellyn
Congratuations to Dr. Charles Hughes and Dr. Mark Llewellyn on receiving UCF Teaching Incentive Awards in recognition of their outstanding teaching performance.
Congratulations to Professor Fei Liu
Congratulations to professor Fei Liu, whose paper, Crowdsourcing Annotations for Websites’ Privacy Policies: Can It Really Work?, was selected as one of the five best…
Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski whose Quality Enhancement Program proposal.
Congratulations to Dr. Shaojie Zhang And His CS PHD Student Ardalan Naseri
Congratulations to Dr. Shaojie Zhang and his CS PhD student Ardalan Naseri for their paper “Multiplexed labeling of genomic loci with dCas9 and engineered sgRNAs…
UCF IT Student Takes 4th Place in The Joust Competition
A UCF IT program graduate, Arielle Cohen, and her team, Zuke Music won 4th place in the UCF Joust competition on April 15.
Congratulations to Drs. Sumit Jha And Damian Dechev
Congratulations to Drs. Sumit Jha and Damian Dechev, who were approved for promotion to Associate Professor. The promotions officially take place on August 8, 2016.
Congratulations to The UCF CCDC Team
For the 4th year in a row, UCF’s CCDC team has won the Southeast regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition regional. Congratulations to the team and…
Congratulations to Khurram Soomro
Congratulations to Khurram Soomro, a PhD student in Computer Science, who won first place in the doctoral competition (for CECS) at the graduate research forum…
Congratulations to Drs. Narsingh Deo, Avelino Gonzalez, and Mubarak Shah
Congratulations to Drs. Narsingh Deo, Avelino Gonzalez, and Mubarak Shah, who were recognized for their 30 years of service to UCF at today’s Founder’s Day…
Congratulations to Arup Guha
Congratulations to Arup Guha for winning the college’s Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award.
Congratulations to Dr. Hassan Foroosh
Congratulations to Dr. Hassan Foroosh for winning the college’s Excellence in Research Award at the full professor level.
Congratulations to CS Major, Joey Velez-Ginorio
Congratulations to our own CS major, Joey Velez-Ginorio, was recently awarded the Distinguished Undergraduate Researcher Award (DURA) for the month of August 2016.
Boqing Gong Receives UCF’s First NSF CRII Grant
Dr. Boqing Gong, received a CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) grant from NSF. This is the first CRII grant awarded at UCF.
HACK@UCF Spokesperson Interviewed by Fox 35 News
Gaelan Adams, Hack@UCF media spokesperson, was interviewed by Dana Jay, Fox 35 News, on Airline Boarding Pass privacy risks on Monday’s 10 pm News. The…
UCF CCDC Team Qualifies For Southeast Regional Competition
The UCF Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Team participated in the qualification round of the Southeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition on Saturday, February 6th.
Congratulations to Arun Kulshreshth And Joseph LaViola
Congratulations to Arun Kulshreshth and Joseph LaViola for earning an honorable mention award (top 4% of papers) at the 2016 ACM CHI conference, for their…
Congratulations to Dr. Mainak Chatterjee
Congratulations to Dr. Mainak Chatterjee for receiving $12,000 from the UCF/I-4
Congratulations to Dr. Ladislau Boloni
Congratulations to Dr. Ladislau Boloni for receiving a grant for $37,882 from MosaixSoft, Inc. for a project titled “Investigating the Configuration and Visualization of a…
Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Wisniewski on winning a best paper award at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016).
Congratulations to Dr. Charles Hughes
New Scientist, a UK-based weekly English-language international science magazine, did a piece that featured TeachLivE and our own Professor Charles Hughes. You can view the…
Gaelan Adams Interviewed by Channel 6 News
Gaelan Adams, Hack@UCF media spokesperson, was interviewed by Louis Bolden, Channel 6 News, on Smart TV privacy risks on Monday’s 11pm News. The interview can…
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph LaViola II
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph LaViola II for receiving $40,000 in new funding from Coda Enterprises, LLC for a project titled “Exploring the Benefits of 3D…
Congratulations to The Collegiate Cyber Defense Club @ UCF (HACK@UCF)
Congratulations to the Collegiate Cyber Defense Club @ UCF (Hack@UCF) and their advisor, Dr. Thomas Nedorost, for winning the top award for collegiate cybersecurity teams…
Congratulations to Dr. Mainak Chatterjee for receiving $36,000 from Athena Technologies for a project titled: “Modeling and Simulation of Heterogeneous Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks”.
FOX 35 Interview With Dr. Ken Stanley
Dr. Ken Stanley did a Fox 35 studio interview about artificial intelligence. The story was done in light of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement to…
Congratulations to Dr. Hassan Foroosh on receiving $14,268 from the Florida High Tech Corridor matching grants program for a project titled: “Rapid Automated 3D Terrain…