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UCF Team Wins Dept of Energy Cyber Defense Competition at Argonne Natl Laboratory

April 11, 2018

A team of 6 students from the Collegiate Cyber Defense Club @ UCF (aka Hack@UCF) won 1st Place in the 2018 Department of Energy Cyber Defense Competition at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, IL on Saturday, April 7th. The team was tasked with designing, building, and defending a corporate network including industrial control systems for a fictitious natural gas distribution company. During the competition, the Red Team, a group of professional penetration testers from the Illinois National Guard and Argonne National Laboratory, attempted to breach the student teams’ networks to steal data, deface websites, or entirely delete critical systems. UCF was one of 25 teams invited to compete in the DOE Cyber Defense Competition from a pool of 61 schools who submitted bids to compete this year.

Team Members (L to R): Craig Calkins, SR, CS; Austin Sturm, SR, CpE; Martin Roberts, SO, IT; Lazaro Fraga, SR, IT; Mark Paxson, SR, CS; Andrew Hughes, JR, CS

For more information on this competition, visit

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