
The timezone of the event is Eastern Time (EST)

October 16

8:45 – 9:00

Opening and Welcome

9:00 – 10:30

Session 1

Daniela Campos, Adrián Gómez-Brandón, and Gonzalo Navarro.
A Disk-Based Index for Trajectories with an In-Memory Compressed Cacheabstract

Sara Giuliani, Shunsuke Inenaga, Zsuzsanna Lipták, Nicola Prezza, Marinella Sciortino, and Anna Toffanello.
Novel Results on the Number of Runs of the Burrows-Wheeler-Transformabstract

Francesco Pio Marino.
Character Distance Text Sampling in the case of Small Alphabets abstract

10:30 – 10:45


10:45 – 12:15

Session 2

Stefano Scafiti.
Speeding up Online String Matching by Partial Indexingabstract

Lucas Gnecco, Nicolas Boria, Florian Yger, Sébastien Bougleux, and David B Blumenthal.
Compressing graph collections based on Edit Arborescencesabstract

Christina Boucher, Travis Gagie, Marco Oliva, and Massimiliano Rossi.
Finding MEMs with the RLBWTabstract

12:15 – 13:00


13:00 – 14:30

Session 3

Mozhgan Saeidi.
Concept disambiguation in Wikification using Multiple Overlapping Contextsabstract

Marco Oliva, Massimiliano Rossi, Jouni Sirén, Giovanni Manzini, Travis Gagie and Christina Boucher.
Efficiently Merging r-indexesabstract

Dustin Cobas, Travis Gagie, and Gonzalo Navarro.
An r-index for Lower Repetitiveness Scenariosabstract

14:30 – 14:45


14:45 – 16:15

Session 4

Francisco Claude, Gonzalo Navarro, and Alejandro Pacheco.
Grammar-Compressed Indexes with Logarithmic Search Timeabstract

José Fuentes, Alexander Irribarra, and Diego Seco.
Analyzing the effect of the topology on succinct tree encodingsabstract

Diego Díaz-Domínguez and Gonzalo Navarro.
A grammar compressor for string collections with applications to the construction of the BWTabstract

16:15 – 16:20
