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Scholarship of Teaching From a Computer Scientists Prospective.

September 4, 2013

Having won a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Award this year, I felt it was important to reflect on SoTL as a computer scientist in the hope of providing examples of how the very definition of SoTL should continually evolve and expand. This expansion presents just one example of how more faculty can get involved in SoTL research and practice to ultimately improve teaching and student learning. As a computer scientist, my view of SoTL goes beyond many traditional definitions. SoTL focuses on the public dissemination of the reflections and systematic analysis of interventions aimed at improving teaching and student learning. In many cases, these interventions are technology based, employing educational software to assist in the learning and teaching process. However, before these technologies can be tested and evaluated, they must be designed and developed. Therefore, my definition of SoTL not only includes the evaluation of technology interventions, but their design and creation as well.

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