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Research Interests

Socio-Technical Interaction Research Lab:

iUX Academy:

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Social Computing, Privacy, and Online Safety, Sociotechnical contexts.

  • Human interactions mediated by technology
  • Social media and privacy regulation
  • Adolescent risk and resilience in online contexts
  • Contextual Privacy in Internet of Things (IoT)

Other Experience

  • Postdoctoral Scholar in the College of Information Science and Technology, the Pennsylvania State University, 2013-2015

Professional Activities

  • Director of the industry User Experience (iUX) Academy and the Socio-technical Interaction Research (STIR) Lab
  • Program Committee/Associate Chair: CHI 2019, CSCW 2019, CSCW 2018, GROUP 2020, GROUP 2018
  • Workshop Co-organizer: CSCW 2018: Privacy in Context; CHI 2018: Individual Differences in Privacy; CSCW 2015 The Future of Networked Privacy: Challenges and Opportunities; CSCW 2012 Reconciling Privacy and Social Media
  • Advisor Board Member: Children’s Online Privacy and Commercial Use of Data
  • Member: Cyberbullying Prevention Research Collaborative
  • Journal reviewer: New Media & Society, Internet Research, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Human-Computer Interaction, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communications, and Gender in Management
  • Conference Proceedings reviewer: Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), and Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)

Honors & Awards

  • NSF CAREER Award, 2019
  • UCF Reach for the Stars Award, 2019
  • William W. Grant Early Career Scholars Award. 2018
  • Inaugural Member of ACM’s Future Computing Academy, 2017
  • McKnight Faculty Fellow, 2017-2018
  • Best Paper Awards: CHI 2019, VRST 2018, SUI 2018, CHI 2016, CHI 2015
  • Best Paper Honorable Mentions: CSCW 2015, CHI 2014