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Research Interests

  • Big Data and Big Learning Computer
  • Massive Storage and File Technology
  • Data Intensive Computing

Ongoing Research Projects

  • CCF/SHF: Multi-criteria optimization control for temperature constrained energy efficient data center using fuzzy decision making theory (NSF)
  • SHF: Small: Developing a Highly Efficient and Accurate Approximation System for Warehouse-Scale Computers with the Sub-dataset Distribution Aware Approach (NSF)
  • DURIP: Army Research Laboratory, Next-generation all flash big data parallel processing

Professional Activities

  • Associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2012 – 2014; 2016-present
  • Associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2016-present
  • Program co-Chair for 2018 the 20th IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications
  • Local arrangement chair for the IEEE/ACM IPDPS’17

Honors & Awards

  • University of Central Florida Research Incentive Award 2017
  • UCF Reach for the Stars Award, 2015
  • University of Central Florida Dean’s Research Professorship Award 2013
  • University of Central Florida Research Incentive Award 2010
  • Charles N. Millican Faculty Fellow in EECS at University of Central Florida, 2010
  • US National Science Foundation Early Career Award, 2009
  • US Department of Energy Early Career Principal Investigator Award , 2005
  • Senior Member of IEEE