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Research Interests

  • Networks security and measurements
  • Blockchain systems and their security
  • Adversarial machine learning
  • Security intelligence and analytics
    • Malware analysis, detection and classification
    • DDoS analysis and defenses
    • Mobile systems abuse and defenses
    • Web threat analysis and attribution

Other Experience

  • Visiting Research Faculty, AFRL, Summer 2017
  • Visiting Researcher, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017
  • Faculty Fellow, AFRL, Summer 2016
  • Assistant Professor, SUNY Buffalo, 2015 – 2017
  • Senior Research Scientist, Verisign Labs, 2012 – 2015
  • Researcher, ETRI, 2007 – 2009

Professional Activities

  • Organizer: ACM CoNEXT 2019 (general chair), EAI SecureComm 2019 (PC co-chair), IEEE ICC 2019 (CISS’19 co-chair), IEEE SEC’19 (workshops chair), ACM WiSec’19 (posters co-chair), ACM MobiSys 2017 (treasurer).
  • Panelist: IEEE ICDCS 2019, EAI SecureComm 2018, ACM DLoT 2018, IEEE CNS 2014.
  • Technical program committee membership: PETS 2020, ICDCS 2019, INFOCOM 2019, NDSS 2018, ICWSM 2017
  • Editorship: Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2018-2021), Area Editor of Wiley ETRI Journal (2018-).

Honors & Awards

  • Best Paper Award, ACM DLoT 2018
  • Senior ACM Member, 2018
  • Best Student Paper Award, IEEE ICDCS 2017
  • Distinguished TPC Member, IEEE INFOCOM 2017-2019
  • US Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship, 2016
  • Senior IEEE Member, 2015
  • Best Paper Award, WISA 2014
  • Best Poster Award, IEEE CNS 2013
  • Dissertation Fellowship, University of Minnesota, 2011