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Charles E. Hughes

September 3, 2019
  Charles E. Hughes Professor Ph.D., Computer Science Penn State University, 1970 Email Phone Office HEC-247C Phone (407) 823-2762 E-mail Home Page Research Page ARGIS Research Research Interests Virtual Environments Affective and Human-Centered Computing Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Virtual Learning Environments Other Experience Professor, Computer Science, Univ. of Tenn., 1974-80 Assistant Professor,…

Hassan Foroosh

September 3, 2019
  Hassan Foroosh CAE Link Professor Ph.D., Computer Science INRIA-University of Nice, France, 1996 Email Phone Office HEC-212 Phone (407) 823-5299 E-mail Home Page Research Page ARGIS Research Research Interests Image/Video Understanding Deep Learning: Sparse Architectures, “Big Data” Analytics Confluence of vision and natural language processing Transfer learning, Deep Adversarial methods Facial features/expression,…