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CS PhD graduate and Prof. Shah win SIGMM Test of Time Honorable Mention Award

November 12, 2020

CS PhD graduate Yun Zhai and Professor Mubarak Shah received an ACM SIGMM Test of Time Paper Honorable Mention award for their paper “Visual attention detection in video sequences using spatiotemporal cues,” in Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, MM ’06, page 815–824, New York, NY,

USA, 2006.

Earlier this year, the ACM’s Special Interest Group on Multimedia (SIGMM) received approval for an annual test-of-time impact award to the authors of a paper published either 10, 11 or 12 years previously at an SIGMM sponsored or co-sponsored conference which has had the most impact and influence on the field of Multimedia since its publication.  Details of this are at

Recognizing papers published prior to the 10 to 12 year window of consideration, in the inaugural year,  SIGMM also announced a set of papers published at SIGMM conferences each year prior to 2008 as “honorable mentions” which could have been considered as strong candidates in their respective year of publication, if there had been an award for that year.

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