Course Staff

The instructor for COP 4910, is professor Gary T. Leavens.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions. The fastest way to receive an answer to a question is to email Gary Leavens at or phone him at (407)-823-4758. You can also send messages in Webcourses@UCF, but those may not get an answer as quickly.

During the semester, we will hold "office hours" at the times listed below, and by appointment. Please let us know if none of these times work for you and we will consider revising the office hours schedule.

Staff Contact Information

Name E-mail Office Office Hours Phone
Gary T. Leavens 437D HEC (Bldg. 116), but office hours will be on Zoom, see Webcourses@UCF Mon. & Wed. 10:15-11:30am, + appts. +1-407-823-4758

Suggestions Welcome

We welcome your suggestions on the course and how well (or poorly) we, the course staff, are serving you. You are welcome to make suggestions during or after class or to visit us during office hours or by appointment. You may also send us an email or call if you want to discuss something about the course in person.

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Last modified Friday, August 7, 2020.

This web page is for COP 4910 at the University of Central Florida. The details of this course are subject to change as experience dictates. You will be informed of any changes. Please direct any comments or questions to Gary T. Leavens at Some of the policies and web pages for this course are quoted or adapted from other courses I have taught, in partciular, COP 4020.