Home Page of CIS 6614

This is the web page for the course Advanced Software Systems Security (CIS 6614) at UCF, as taught by Gary T. Leavens in fall 2024.

Almost everything about this course, except for some pointers to various resources, is on Webcourses@UCF.

Get the Latest News for CIS 6614

The latest news about CIS 6614 is available as announcements (and discussions) on webcourses.

Questions and Answers

We plan to use in-class discussion, email, and the discussion feature of Webcourses as our primary means of communication. So please check your email, and the Webcourses site for this course often. It's probably best to ask questions by email, but general discussions can be started on Webcourses, and we will make other student questions and answers available on Webcourses. So please check Webcourses to see if others have asked your question already.

Prompt, frequent and constructive feedback is essential to success in any endeavor. For this reason we strive to grade your work in a timely manner. We would also appreciate your feedback on the course. We hope that you can do this (even anonymously) using Webcourses, but if you want to be truly anonymous, please write it down on paper and leave it in the third floor mailroom for Gary. We'll also ask for feedback in class. Thanks for all your feedback.

Last modified Friday, August 9, 2024.

This web page is for CIS 6614 at the University of Central Florida. The details of this course are subject to change as experience dictates. You will be informed of any changes. Please direct any comments or questions to Gary T. Leavens at Leavens@ucf.edu. Some of the policies and web pages for this course are quoted or adapted from other courses I have taught, in partciular, COP 4020.