Course Staff

The instructor for COP 4020, is professor Gary T. Leavens. The Teaching assistants are Sungchul Jung and Gene Sher.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions. If you are sending an email, about a programming problem you are having, please include:

  1. A descriptive subject, such as "My code crashes on COP 4020 HW4, problem 3"
  2. A clear description of what homework problem you are trying to solve, such as "homework 4, problem 3".
  3. A description of your problem's symptoms (e.g., "my code doesn't compile" or "my code gives a arity error").
  4. If your problem occurs at runtime, then include a description of exactly what test inputs are causing your code's problem.
  5. A copy of your code. (It is best if you paste your code into the body of your message, so that staff can read it even on a primitive email reader, like a cell phone.)

The fastest way to receive an answer to a question is to phone Gary Leavens at (407)-823-4758, or to email him at, or to email one of the TAs. If you have an especially pressing question, please call or send email to all of us at once.

During the semester, we will hold weekly office hours at the times listed below, and by appointment. The office hours were scheduled to provide a variety of meeting times. Please let us know if none of these times work for you and we will consider revising the office hours schedule. At other times, you can also drop by our offices, but it may be best to call first to make sure we are there.


Name Gary T. Leavens
Office 437D HEC (Bldg. 116)
Office Hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 2pm-3:30pm, Fridays 1-2pm, and by appointment.
Phone +1-407-823-4758

Teaching Assistants

Name Sungchul Jung
Office HEC 308
Office Hours Wednesdays 4:30pm to 6:30pm, and by appointment
Name Eugene (Gene) Sher
Office HEC 301
Office Hours Fridays 4:00pm to 5:00pm, and by appointment

Suggestions Welcome

We welcome your suggestions on the course and how well (or poorly) we, the course staff, are serving you. You are welcome to make suggestions during or after class or to visit us during office hours or by appointment. You may also send us an email or call if you want to discuss something about the course in person.

If you would rather make an anonymous suggestion, you can leave a note in Gary Leavens's mailbox (in the 3rd floor office suite of the Harris Center). Please use this to provide constructive criticism and offer suggestions for how we might improve the course. Please note that comments that offer specific suggestions for improvement or that provide concrete examples of problems will be more helpful than generalized complaints.

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Last modified Tuesday, January 13, 2015.

This web page is for COP 4020 at the University of Central Florida. The details of this course are subject to change as experience dictates. You will be informed of any changes. Please direct any comments or questions to Gary T. Leavens at Some of the policies and web pages for this course are quoted or adapted from other courses I have taught, in partciular, Com S 342.