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Known conflicts with other packages

Here is a list of known conflicts of ECB with other packages and helpful solutions/hints/workarounds:

Package avoid.el

With GNU Emacs 20.X ECB must deactivate mouse-avoidance-mode if the option ecb-show-node-info-in-minibuffer activates for at least one ECB tree-buffer 'if-too-long or 'always. This is done automatically but only as long ECB is activated.

Package BBDB

With ECB-version < 1.96 it is not recommended to use BBDB and ECB simultaneously in one frame because each of them has its own window-management and probably there will be conflicts. Use different frames for ECB and BBDB!

But beginning with ECB 1.96 you can use one of the window-managers escreen.el or winring.el (see Window-managers and ECB). With such a window-manager ECB and BBDB should work very well together - even in the same frame!

Package calculator.el

If the edit-window is already splitted then calling calculator uses the whole "other" edit-window for the calculator. With an unsplitted edit-window the calculator window has itīs normal size of about 2 lines. Therefore itīs recommended to set calculator-electric-mode during ECB activation to not nil so calculator uses always the echo-area instead of creating a new small window!

Package calendar.el

With activated ECB calendar does not shrink itīs window to the small size but splits the window equally. But if you add this to your .emacs it works:

(add-hook 'initial-calendar-window-hook
          (function (lambda ()
                      (when (and ecb-minor-mode
                        ;; if no horizontal split then nothing
                        ;; special to do
                        (or (= (frame-width) (window-width))
                            (shrink-window (- (window-height) 9))))

Package cygwin-mount.el

There can be a conflict between ECB and cygwin-mount.el if the following conditions are true:

Under these circumstances Emacs 21.X sometimes eats up the whole CPU (at least with Windows XP) and the cygwin-mount-table is never build.

But there is an easy work-around: Call cygwin-mount-activate first *AFTER* ECB is activated. This can be done with the hook ecb-activate-hook:

(add-hook 'ecb-activate-hook
          (function (lambda ()
                      (require 'cygwin-mount)
                      (setq cygwin-mount-build-mount-table-asynch t)

Package escreen.el

Beginning with version 1.96 ECB supports the window-manager escreen.el. See Window-managers and ECB.

Package follow-mouse.el

The following is only relevant for Emacs 20.X!

ECB works very well with follow-mouse if follow-mouse is turned on BEFORE ECB is activated (e.g. within the ecb-activate-hook). But if you activate follow-mouse first after ECB is already activated, then the follow-mouse stuff prevents the complete node-name to be displayed in the echo-area if mouse moves over it. Because ECB has a much more intelligent mouse tracking mechanism than follow-mouse the follow-mouse stuff profit from ECB and works even better and saver as without activated ECB!

Package Gnus (Newsreader)

With ECB-version < 1.96 it is not recommended to use Gnus and ECB simultaneously in one frame because each of them has its own window-management and probably there will be conflicts. Use different frames for ECB and Gnus!

But beginning with ECB 1.96 you can use one of the window-managers escreen.el or winring.el (see Window-managers and ECB). With such a window-manager ECB and Gnus should work very well together - even in the same frame!

Package JDEE (Java Development Environment)

JDEE has a lot of "dialogs" where the user can select among several choices. An example is importing classes via the command jde-import-find-and-import. These dialogs are strongly designed to work in an environment where a new temporary window is created, the contents of the dialog are displayed in the new window, the user select his choice and hits [OK]. After that the new window is deleted and the selection is performed (for example the chosen import statement are inserted in the source-buffer.

ECB can be work very well with this dialogs but only if no durable compilation-window is used, i.e. if the option ecb-compile-window-height is nil. See Temp- and compile-buffers.

If ecb-compile-window-height is not nil then these JDEE-dialogs will not work correct!

Package scroll-all.el (scroll-all-mode)

ECB advices scroll-all-mode so it is working correct during running ECB. This means if point stays in an edit-window and the edit-window is splitted then both edit-windows are scrolled by scroll-all-mode and no other window! If point stays in any other window just this selected window is scrolled. This is the only senseful behavior of scroll-all-mode with ECB.

Package tmm.el (Text mode menubar)

In general this library does not work perfectly with ECB. But if the option ecb-other-window-jump-behavior is not set to all then it should work acceptable. Beginning with version 1.95.2 ECB ensures autom. that tmm-menubar works - regardless of the value of ecb-other-window-jump-behavior.

Package VC (Version Control)

The variable vc-delete-logbuf-window must be set to nil during active ECB. This can be done with the hooks mentioned in Elisp programming.

Package winner.el (winner-mode)

winner-mode is autom. disabled as long as ECB is running. ECB has its own window-management which is completely incompatible with winner-mode! But winner-mode makes also not really sense with ECB.

Package winring.el

Beginning with version 1.96 ECB supports the window-manager winring.el. See Window-managers and ECB.