Programming Assignment: View Morphing


CAP 6938-02, Visual Simulation


In this assignment you are required to create realistic view morphing of face or other scene images, based on the method described by Seitz and Dyer in


Toward Image-Based Scene Representation Using View Morphing




Physically-Valid View Synthesis by Image Interpolation


The “OR” above is meant to indicate that the two papers are referring to slightly different approaches in the first step, which requires rectification of the image pair. I suggest that you first implement the method described in the first paper and then compare the results with the approach used in the second paper. The main difference in the second paper is that you will need to use a homography-based approach to rectify the two images.  There are couple of references therein to homography-based techniques. Note that the authors have also a SIGGRAPH paper called “View Morphing”, which is relevant to this project. However, this paper assumes calibrated cameras.


For the implementation of the first paper you should follow the following steps

1.     Rectify images as described in the paper

2.     Find a set of correspondences per each scan-line

3.     Interpolate

4.     Post-warp


For the second paper use the following steps:


1.     Estimate the homographies and rectify

2.     Find correspondences per each scan line

3.     Interpolate

4.     Postwarp if necessary




Finding correspondences per each scan line


Step 2 in each case can either be user input or automated. For automated version, since we are using the boundary of homogeneous regions along the scan lines as feature points, you can use a 2D edge detection algorithm to detect them and then use the ordering constraint to match them.


Estimating the rectifying homographies:


Depending on the method that you decide to use for estimating the homographies, you may need to use the method described in the class (i.e. the 8-point algorithm), for estimating the fundamental matrix. You should use Richard Hartley’s paper “In Defense of the 8-point Algorithm” as a reference for this.



The rest of the papers are pretty self-explanatory.


Here are links to some images that you can use in this project:


Left face image and right face image

Mona Lisa left and Mona Lisa right


As in previous assignment you are required to deliver your source codes, your results, and a concise report. You will each present your work to the class.


The assignment is due on Wed. March 19, Midnight.


Extra credits:


·        Perform morphing between images of two different objects, e.g. two different faces, two different animals, or a human face and an animal face.

·        Use a single image to generate a approximate frontal view of a person (assuming symmetry).