JML Seminar (Com S 610 GL, Fall 2005) Information

This page gives access to information about the JML Seminar (Com S 610 GL) as taught (in Fall 2005) by Gary T. Leavens for the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University.

Meetings will be held every Friday at 4:10pm to 5:00pm in 217 Atanasoff Hall.

If you plan to attend, and haven't already done so, please send email to Gary Leavens.

You can sign up for 1 credit if you like by registering for course 610 GL. If you wish to register for this seminar, the registration number is 2724 049. Students who are registered for credit will be expected to contribute by presenting a paper and leading a discussion on it, and also by writing and presenting some specifications. (Grading is S/F only, of course.)

You can also attend without registering if you wish.

Since we will start with a tutorial on JML, the only prerequisites are some background in Java programming and interest in formal methods. It helps to have previous enrollment in Com S 512 and/or knowledge of formal methods.

In addition to unscheduled presentations by members of the local formal methods community on current work, the plan is to read various papers related to JML and its semantics, to try to improve the state of JML's documentation, and to try to improve specifications of the JDK. JML is an open source project, and students are welcome to, but not required to, contribute their specifications to the JML project.

Last modified Thursday, June 25, 2009.