Class StringOfObject

  extended byorg.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, JMLCollection, JMLType, Serializable

public class StringOfObject
extends Object
implements JMLCollection

Sequences of non-null object identities. Objects in the sequence are not cloned coming in or going out, and this type uses "==" to compare object identities.

The names in this type are based prnimarily on the RESOLVE design, but are also chosen to be understandable to someone familiar with Collection. However, note that none of the operations does any mutation.

Many of the specifications are translated from William Ogden's notes for CIS 680 at Ohio State University. (Thanks Bill!) This is especially true for the ones specified recursively. Specifications written using the #size and get(int) operations are an alternative, and often given in the redundant parts.

$Revision: 1.33 $
Gary T. Leavens
See Also:
JMLObjectSequence, JMLCollection, TotallyOrderedCompareTo

Class Specifications
public invariant this.owner == null;
public invariant !this.containsNull;
public invariant ( \forall java.lang.Object o; o != null&&this.has(o); \typeof(o) <: this.elementType);
protected invariant !this.elements.containsNull;
public invariant_redundantly org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject.EMPTY != null&&org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject.EMPTY.isEmpty();
public constraint_redundantly org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject.EMPTY == \old(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject.EMPTY);

Specifications inherited from class Object
represents objectState <- org.jmlspecs.lang.JMLDataGroup.IT;
public represents _getClass <- \typeof(this);

Specifications inherited from interface JMLCollection
instance public constraint this.elementType == \old(this.elementType);
instance public constraint this.containsNull == \old(this.containsNull);

Model Field Summary
Model fields inherited from class java.lang.Object
_getClass, objectState, theString
Model fields inherited from interface org.jmlspecs.models.JMLCollection
Ghost Field Summary
Ghost fields inherited from class java.lang.Object
objectTimesFinalized, owner
Ghost fields inherited from interface org.jmlspecs.models.JMLCollection
containsNull, elementType
Field Summary
[spec_public] protected  JMLObjectSequence elements
          The sequence of objects that represent this string of objects.
static StringOfObject EMPTY
          The empty string of objects.
private static String ILLEGAL_ARG_MSG
          Message used in exceptions.
Constructor Summary
          Initialize this object to be empty string of objects.
  StringOfObject(non_null Object elem)
          Initialize this object to string containing just the given object.
protected StringOfObject(non_null JMLObjectSequence os)
          Initialize this object from the given representation.
Model Method Summary
Model methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
Model methods inherited from interface org.jmlspecs.models.JMLCollection
Method Summary
 StringOfObject add(non_null Object elem)
          Add an element to a string at the end.
 StringOfObject addAfterIndex(int afterThisOne, non_null Object elem)
          Add an element to a string after the given index.
 StringOfObject addAll(non_null Object[] c)
          Add all the elements of c at the end of this string, in order from the smallest to the largest index.
 StringOfObject addAll(non_null Collection c)
          Add all the elements of c, at the end of this string, in the order determined by c's iterator.
 StringOfObject addBeforeIndex(int beforeThisOne, non_null Object elem)
          Add an element to a string before the given index.
 StringOfObject addFront(non_null Object elem)
          Add an element to a string at the front.
 Object clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 StringOfObject composedWith(non_null StringOfObject s)
          Compose this with s.
 StringOfObject concat(non_null StringOfObject s)
          Concatenate this with s.
 JMLObjectSequenceEnumerator elements()
          Return an enumerator for this string of objects.
 boolean equals(nullable Object x)
          Tell if this object is equal to the given argument.
 StringOfObject ext(non_null Object elem)
          Extend a string with a new element at the end.
static StringOfObject ext(non_null StringOfObject s, non_null Object elem)
          Extend the given string by placing the given element at the end.
static StringOfObject from(non_null Object[] a)
          Make an array of objects into a string.
static StringOfObject from(non_null Collection c)
          Make a collection into a string.
 Object get(int index)
          Return the element in the string at the given index.
 boolean has(nullable Object elem)
          Tell whether the argument is equal to one of the elements in this collection, using the notion of element equality appropriate for the collection.
 int hashCode()
          Return a hash code for this object.
 int int_size()
          Tell the size of this string.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Tell whether this string is empty.
 boolean isPrefix(non_null StringOfObject s2)
          Tell whether this string occurs as a prefix of the given argument string.
 boolean isProperPrefix(non_null StringOfObject s2)
          Tell whether this string occurs as a proper prefix of the given argument string.
 boolean isProperSuffix(non_null StringOfObject s2)
          Tell whether this string occurs as a proper suffix of the given argument string.
 boolean isSuffix(non_null StringOfObject s2)
          Tell whether this string occurs as a suffix of the given argument string.
 JMLIterator iterator()
          Return an iterator for this string of objects.
 int length()
          Tell the length (= size) of this string.
 int occurs_ct(Object y)
          Tell how many times the given object appears in this string.
 StringOfObject pow(int n)
          Compose this string with itself the given number of times.
static StringOfObject product(non_null StringOfObject[] a)
          Compose all the elements of a in order.
static StringOfObject productFrom(non_null StringOfObject[] a, int fromIndex)
          Compose all the elements of a in order, starting at the given index.
static StringOfObject productFromTo(non_null StringOfObject[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
          Compose all the elements of a in order, starting with fromIndex, and including elements up to but not including toIndex.
 StringOfObject rev()
          Return the reverse of the string.
 StringOfObject reverse()
          Return the reverse of the string.
static StringOfObject singleton(non_null Object elem)
          Make a singleton string of objects containing just the given object.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final JMLObjectSequence elements
The sequence of objects that represent this string of objects.

Specifications: spec_public non_null
is in groups: objectState


private static final String ILLEGAL_ARG_MSG
Message used in exceptions.


public static final StringOfObject EMPTY
The empty string of objects.

See Also:
Specifications: non_null
Constructor Detail


public StringOfObject()
Initialize this object to be empty string of objects.

See Also:
EMPTY, StringOfObject(Object)
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
assignable objectState, owner, containsNull, elementType;
ensures this.elements.isEmpty();


public StringOfObject(non_null Object elem)
               throws IllegalArgumentException
Initialize this object to string containing just the given object.

See Also:
StringOfObject(), singleton(Object)
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires elem != null;
assignable objectState, owner, containsNull, elementType;
ensures this.elements.equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.JMLObjectSequence(elem));
requires elem != null;


protected StringOfObject(non_null JMLObjectSequence os)
                  throws IllegalArgumentException
Initialize this object from the given representation.

Specifications: (class)pure
protected normal_behavior
requires os != null&&!os.containsNull&&os.owner == null;
assignable objectState, owner, containsNull, elementType;
ensures this.elements != null&&this.elements.equals(os);
requires os != null&&!os.containsNull;
Method Detail


public static StringOfObject singleton(non_null Object elem)
                                throws IllegalArgumentException
Make a singleton string of objects containing just the given object.

See Also:
Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
requires elem != null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == 1&&\result .get(0) == elem;


public static StringOfObject ext(non_null StringOfObject s,
                                 non_null Object elem)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
Extend the given string by placing the given element at the end.

See Also:
ext(Object), add(Object), addFront(Object), addAfterIndex(int, java.lang.Object), addBeforeIndex(int, java.lang.Object)
Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
requires s != null&&elem != null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .elements.equals(s.elements.insertBack(elem));


public static StringOfObject from(non_null Object[] a)
                           throws IllegalArgumentException
Make an array of objects into a string.

See Also:
from(Collection), addAll(Object[])
Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
requires \nonnullelements(a);
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject.EMPTY.addAll(a));


public static StringOfObject from(non_null Collection c)
                           throws IllegalArgumentException
Make a collection into a string.

See Also:
from(Object[]), addAll(Collection)
Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
requires c != null&&!c.contains(null);
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject.EMPTY.addAll(c));


public static StringOfObject product(non_null StringOfObject[] a)
Compose all the elements of a in order.

See Also:
productFrom(StringOfObject[], int), productFromTo(StringOfObject[], int, int), composedWith(StringOfObject)
Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
requires \nonnullelements(a);
ensures \result .equals(productFrom(a,0));
requires \nonnullelements(a);


public static StringOfObject productFrom(non_null StringOfObject[] a,
                                         int fromIndex)
Compose all the elements of a in order, starting at the given index.

See Also:
#productFrom(StringOfObject[]), productFromTo(StringOfObject[], int, int), composedWith(StringOfObject)
Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
requires \nonnullelements(a)&&0 <= fromIndex&&fromIndex <= a.length;
ensures \result .equals(productFromTo(a,fromIndex,a.length));
requires \nonnullelements(a)&&a != null&&0 <= fromIndex&&fromIndex <= a.length;


public static StringOfObject productFromTo(non_null StringOfObject[] a,
                                           int fromIndex,
                                           int toIndex)
Compose all the elements of a in order, starting with fromIndex, and including elements up to but not including toIndex.

fromIndex - the index of the first string of elements to compose with.
toIndex - one past the index of the elements to compose with.
See Also:
productFrom(StringOfObject[], int), productFromTo(StringOfObject[], int, int), composedWith(StringOfObject)
Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
requires \nonnullelements(a)&&a != null&&0 <= fromIndex&&fromIndex <= toIndex&&toIndex <= a.length;
requires fromIndex == toIndex;
ensures \result != null&&\result .isEmpty();
requires fromIndex < toIndex;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject(a[fromIndex]).concat(productFromTo(a,(int)(fromIndex+1),toIndex)));
requires \nonnullelements(a)&&a != null&&0 <= fromIndex&&fromIndex <= toIndex&&toIndex <= a.length;


public Object get(int index)
           throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Return the element in the string at the given index.

Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 <= index&&index < this.elements.int_size();
ensures \result == this.elements.itemAt(index);
public exceptional_behavior
requires !(0 <= index&&index < this.elements.int_size());
signals_only java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException;
public normal_example
forall java.lang.Object x;
requires this.equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject(x))&&index == 0;
ensures \result == x;
public exceptional_example
requires this.isEmpty();
signals_only java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException;


public int int_size()
Tell the size of this string.

Specified by:
int_size in interface JMLCollection
See Also:
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == this.elements.int_size();
ensures_redundantly \result >= 0;
public normal_behavior
requires this.isEmpty();
ensures \result == 0;
public normal_behavior
forall java.lang.Object x;
forall org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject beta;
requires beta != null&&this.equals(beta.ext(x));
ensures \result == beta.int_size()+1;
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface JMLCollection:
public normal_behavior
requires this.size() <= 2147483647;
ensures \result == this.size();


public int length()
Tell the length (= size) of this string.

See Also:
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == this.elements.int_size();
ensures_redundantly \result == this.int_size();
public normal_behavior
requires this.isEmpty();
ensures \result == 0;


public StringOfObject ext(non_null Object elem)
                   throws IllegalArgumentException
Extend a string with a new element at the end.

See Also:
ext(StringOfObject, Object), add(Object), addFront(Object), addAfterIndex(int, java.lang.Object), addBeforeIndex(int, java.lang.Object)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires elem != null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .elements.equals(this.elements.insertBack(elem));
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == this.int_size()+1&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < this.int_size(); \result .get(i) == this.get(i))&&\result .get(this.int_size()) == elem;
public normal_example
requires this.equals(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject.EMPTY);
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject(elem));
public normal_example
forall java.lang.Object x;
requires this.equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject(x));
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == 2&&\result .get(0) == x&&\result .get(1) == elem;


public StringOfObject add(non_null Object elem)
                   throws IllegalArgumentException
Add an element to a string at the end. This is a synonym for ext.

See Also:
ext(Object), ext(StringOfObject, Object), addFront(Object), addAfterIndex(int, java.lang.Object), addBeforeIndex(int, java.lang.Object)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires elem != null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.ext(elem));


public StringOfObject addFront(non_null Object elem)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException
Add an element to a string at the front.

See Also:
add(Object), ext(Object), ext(StringOfObject, Object), addAfterIndex(int, java.lang.Object), addBeforeIndex(int, java.lang.Object)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&\result .elements.equals(this.elements.insertFront(elem));
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == this.int_size()+1&&\result .get(0) == elem&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < this.int_size(); \result .get((int)(i+1)) == this.get(i));
public normal_example
requires this.equals(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject.EMPTY);
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject(elem));
public normal_example
forall java.lang.Object x;
requires this.equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject(x));
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == 2&&\result .get(0) == elem&&\result .get(1) == x;


public StringOfObject addAfterIndex(int afterThisOne,
                                    non_null Object elem)
                             throws IndexOutOfBoundsException,
Add an element to a string after the given index.

See Also:
addBeforeIndex(int, java.lang.Object), addFront(Object), add(Object), ext(Object), ext(StringOfObject, Object)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires -1 <= afterThisOne&&afterThisOne < this.int_size();
ensures \result != null&&\result .elements.equals(this.elements.insertAfterIndex(afterThisOne,elem));
public exceptional_behavior
requires !(-1 <= afterThisOne&&afterThisOne < this.int_size());
signals_only java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException;
public normal_example
forall java.lang.Object x;
requires this.equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject(x))&&afterThisOne == -1;
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == 2&&\result .get(0) == elem&&\result .get(1) == x;
public normal_example
forall java.lang.Object x;
requires this.equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject(x))&&afterThisOne == 0;
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == 2&&\result .get(0) == x&&\result .get(1) == elem;


public StringOfObject addBeforeIndex(int beforeThisOne,
                                     non_null Object elem)
                              throws IndexOutOfBoundsException,
Add an element to a string before the given index.

See Also:
addAfterIndex(int, java.lang.Object), addFront(Object), add(Object), ext(Object), ext(StringOfObject, Object)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 <= beforeThisOne&&beforeThisOne <= this.int_size();
ensures \result != null&&\result .elements.equals(this.elements.insertBeforeIndex(beforeThisOne,elem));
public exceptional_behavior
requires !(0 <= beforeThisOne&&beforeThisOne <= this.int_size());
signals_only java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException;
public normal_example
forall java.lang.Object x;
requires this.equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject(x))&&beforeThisOne == 0;
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == 2&&\result .get(0) == elem&&\result .get(1) == x;
public normal_example
forall java.lang.Object x;
requires this.equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject(x))&&beforeThisOne == 1;
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == 2&&\result .get(0) == x&&\result .get(1) == elem;


public StringOfObject concat(non_null StringOfObject s)
Concatenate this with s.

See Also:
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires s != null;
requires s.isEmpty();
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this);
requires !s.isEmpty();
ensures \result != null&&( \forall org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject beta; beta != null; ( \forall java.lang.Object x; s.equals(beta.ext(x)); \result .equals(this.concat(beta).ext(x))));


public StringOfObject composedWith(non_null StringOfObject s)
Compose this with s. This is a synonym for concat.

See Also:
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires s != null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.concat(s));


public StringOfObject addAll(non_null Collection c)
                      throws IllegalArgumentException
Add all the elements of c, at the end of this string, in the order determined by c's iterator.

See Also:
addAll(Object[]), from(Collection)
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires c != null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == this.int_size()+c.size()&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < \result .int_size(); (i < this.int_size() ==> \result .get(i) == this.get(i))&&(this.int_size() <= i ==> \result .get(i) == c.iterator().nthNextElement((int)(i-this.int_size()))));
public normal_behavior
requires c != null;
ensures \result .equals(this);


public StringOfObject addAll(non_null Object[] c)
                      throws IllegalArgumentException
Add all the elements of c at the end of this string, in order from the smallest to the largest index.

See Also:
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires \nonnullelements(c);
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == this.int_size()+c.length&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < \result .int_size(); (i < this.int_size() ==> \result .get(i) == this.get(i))&&(this.int_size() <= i ==> \result .get(i) == c[(int)(i-this.int_size())]));


public StringOfObject rev()
Return the reverse of the string. That is, the same string with the elements in the opposite order.

See Also:
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&\result .elements.equals(this.elements.reverse());
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_size() == this.int_size()&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < this.int_size(); this.get(i) == \result .get((int)(this.int_size()-i)));
public normal_behavior
requires this.elements.isEmpty();
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this);
ensures \result != null&&\result .isEmpty();
public normal_behavior
forall org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject alpha;
forall java.lang.Object x;
requires !this.elements.isEmpty();
ensures \result != null&&(alpha != null&&this.equals(alpha.ext(x)) ==> \result .equals(singleton(x).concat(alpha.rev())));


public StringOfObject reverse()
Return the reverse of the string. That is, the same string with the elements in the opposite order.

See Also:
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.rev());


public StringOfObject pow(int n)
                   throws IllegalArgumentException
Compose this string with itself the given number of times.

See Also:
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires n >= 0;
requires n == 0;
ensures \result != null&&\result .isEmpty();
requires n > 0;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.pow((int)(n-1)).concat(this));


public boolean equals(nullable Object x)
Tell if this object is equal to the given argument.

Specified by:
equals in interface JMLType
equals in class Object
See Also:
#compareTo(Object), #compareTo(StringOfObject)
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result ==> x != null&&x instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject&&this.int_size() == ((org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject)x).int_size()&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < this.int_size(); this.get(i) == ((org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject)x).get(i));
Specifications inherited from overridden method equals(Object obj) in class Object:
public normal_behavior
requires obj != null;
ensures (* \result is true when obj is "equal to" this object *);
public normal_behavior
requires this == obj;
ensures \result ;
public code normal_behavior
requires obj != null;
ensures \result <==> this == obj;
diverges false;
ensures obj == null ==> !\result ;
Specifications inherited from overridden method equals(Object ob2) in interface JMLType:
public normal_behavior
ensures \result ==> ob2 != null&&(* ob2 is not distinguishable from this, except by using mutation or == *);
public normal_behavior
requires ob2 != null&&ob2 instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType;
ensures ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType)ob2).equals(this) == \result ;
requires ob2 == this;
ensures \result <==> true;


public Object clone()
Description copied from interface: JMLType
Return a clone of this object.

Specified by:
clone in interface JMLType
clone in class Object
Specifications: (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
protected normal_behavior
requires this instanceof java.lang.Cloneable;
assignable \nothing;
ensures \result != null;
ensures \typeof(\result ) == \typeof(this);
ensures (* \result is a clone of this *);
protected normal_behavior
requires this.getClass().isArray();
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((java.lang.Object[])\result ).length == ((java.lang.Object[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((java.lang.Object[])this).length; ((java.lang.Object[])\result )[i] == ((java.lang.Object[])this)[i]);
requires this.getClass().isArray();
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(\result ) == java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(this);
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(this); ( \exists java.lang.Object result_i; result_i == java.lang.reflect.Array.get(\result ,i); (result_i == null&&java.lang.reflect.Array.get(this,i) == null)||(result_i != null&&result_i.equals(java.lang.reflect.Array.get(this,i)))));
protected exceptional_behavior
requires !(this instanceof java.lang.Cloneable);
assignable \nothing;
signals_only java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException;
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) <: \type(java.lang.Object);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((java.lang.Object[])\result ).length == ((java.lang.Object[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((java.lang.Object[])this).length; ((java.lang.Object[])\result )[i] == ((java.lang.Object[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(int);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((int[])\result ).length == ((int[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((int[])this).length; ((int[])\result )[i] == ((int[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(byte);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((byte[])\result ).length == ((byte[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((byte[])this).length; ((byte[])\result )[i] == ((byte[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(char);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((char[])\result ).length == ((char[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((char[])this).length; ((char[])\result )[i] == ((char[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(long);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((long[])\result ).length == ((long[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((long[])this).length; ((long[])\result )[i] == ((long[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(short);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((short[])\result ).length == ((short[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((short[])this).length; ((short[])\result )[i] == ((short[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(boolean);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((boolean[])\result ).length == ((boolean[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((boolean[])this).length; ((boolean[])\result )[i] == ((boolean[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(float);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((float[])\result ).length == ((float[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((float[])this).length; (java.lang.Float.isNaN(((float[])\result )[i])&&java.lang.Float.isNaN(((float[])this)[i]))||((float[])\result )[i] == ((float[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(double);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((double[])\result ).length == ((double[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((double[])this).length; (java.lang.Double.isNaN(((double[])\result )[i])&&java.lang.Double.isNaN(((double[])this)[i]))||((double[])\result )[i] == ((double[])this)[i]);
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface JMLType:
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null;
ensures \result instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType;
ensures ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType)\result ).equals(this);
ensures \result != null&&\typeof(\result ) <: \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType);


public int occurs_ct(Object y)
Tell how many times the given object appears in this string.

Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires this.isEmpty();
ensures \result == 0;
forall org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject alpha;
requires alpha != null&&this.equals(alpha.ext(y));
ensures \result == alpha.occurs_ct(y)+1;
forall org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject alpha;
forall java.lang.Object x;
requires alpha != null&&this.equals(alpha.ext(x))&&x != y;
ensures \result == alpha.occurs_ct(y);
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == ( \num_of int i; 0 <= i&&i < this.int_size(); this.get(i) == y);


public boolean has(nullable Object elem)
Description copied from interface: JMLCollection
Tell whether the argument is equal to one of the elements in this collection, using the notion of element equality appropriate for the collection.

Specified by:
has in interface JMLCollection
Specifications: (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method has(Object elem) in interface JMLCollection:
public normal_behavior
ensures (* \result <==> elem is equal to one of the elements in the collection. *);
ensures_redundantly !this.containsNull&&elem == null ==> !\result ;
ensures_redundantly elem != null&&!(\typeof(elem) <: this.elementType) ==> !\result ;


public boolean isEmpty()
Tell whether this string is empty.

See Also:
int_size(), length()
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result <==> this.elements.isEmpty();
ensures_redundantly \result <==> this.equals(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject.EMPTY);


public int hashCode()
Description copied from interface: JMLType
Return a hash code for this object.

Specified by:
hashCode in interface JMLType
hashCode in class Object
Specifications: (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
public behavior
assignable objectState;
ensures (* \result is a hash code for this object *);
public code normal_behavior
assignable \nothing;
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface JMLType:


public String toString()
toString in class Object
Specifications: (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
public normal_behavior
assignable objectState;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.theString);
ensures (* \result is a string representation of this object *);
public code normal_behavior
assignable \nothing;
ensures \result != null&&(* \result is the instance's class name, followed by an @, followed by the instance's hashcode in hex *);
public code model_program { ... }
assignable objectState;
ensures \result != null;


public JMLIterator iterator()
Return an iterator for this string of objects.

Specified by:
iterator in interface JMLCollection
See Also:
Specifications: (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface JMLCollection:
       pure non_null
public normal_behavior
ensures \fresh(\result )&&\result .elementType == this.elementType;
ensures !this.containsNull ==> !\result .returnsNull;


public JMLObjectSequenceEnumerator elements()
Return an enumerator for this string of objects.

See Also:
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&this.elements.equals(\result .uniteratedElems);


public boolean isPrefix(non_null StringOfObject s2)
Tell whether this string occurs as a prefix of the given argument string.

See Also:
isProperPrefix(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject), isSuffix(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject)
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires s2 != null;
ensures \result <==> ( \exists org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject s; s != null; this.concat(s).equals(s2));
ensures_redundantly \result <==> this.elements.isPrefix(s2.elements);


public boolean isProperPrefix(non_null StringOfObject s2)
Tell whether this string occurs as a proper prefix of the given argument string.

See Also:
isPrefix(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject), isProperSuffix(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject)
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires s2 != null;
ensures \result <==> ( \exists org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject s; s != null&&s.int_size() > 0; this.concat(s).equals(s2));
ensures_redundantly \result <==> this.elements.isProperPrefix(s2.elements);


public boolean isProperSuffix(non_null StringOfObject s2)
Tell whether this string occurs as a proper suffix of the given argument string.

See Also:
isSuffix(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject), isProperPrefix(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject)
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires s2 != null;
ensures \result <==> ( \exists org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject r; r != null&&r.int_size() > 0; r.concat(this).equals(s2));
ensures_redundantly \result <==> this.elements.isProperSuffix(s2.elements);


public boolean isSuffix(non_null StringOfObject s2)
Tell whether this string occurs as a suffix of the given argument string.

See Also:
isProperSuffix(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject), isPrefix(org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject)
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires s2 != null;
ensures \result <==> ( \exists org.jmlspecs.models.resolve.StringOfObject r; r != null; r.concat(this).equals(s2));
ensures_redundantly \result <==> this.elements.isSuffix(s2.elements);


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.