Uses of Interface

Packages that use JMLType
org.jmlspecs.models This package is a collection of types with immutable objects; it also enumerators (which have mutable objects) for the types of the immutable collections in the package. 
org.jmlspecs.models.resolve This package is a collection of types with immutable objects based on the RESOLVE specification language's mathematical models. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph This package contains samples of JML specifications for directed graphs. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver This package contains samples of JML specifications that illustrate issues in component-based programming relating to callbacks and JML's model program feature. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer This package contains samples of JML specifications from the paper "JML: a Notation for Detailed Design". 
org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign This package contains samples of JML specifications from the paper Preliminary Design of JML
org.jmlspecs.samples.table This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to tables. 

Uses of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.models

Subinterfaces of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.models
 interface JMLCollection
          Common protocol of the JML model collection types.
 interface JMLComparable
          JMLTypes with an compareTo operation, as in Comparable.
 interface JMLEnumeration
          A combination of JMLType and java.util.Enumeration.
 interface JMLInfiniteInteger
          Infinite precision integers with an plus and minus infinity.
 interface JMLIterator
          A combination of JMLType and java.util.Iterator.
 interface JMLObjectType
          Objects that are containers of object references.
 interface JMLValueType
          Objects that contain values.

Classes in org.jmlspecs.models that implement JMLType
 class JMLByte
          A reflection of Byte that implements JMLType.
 class JMLChar
          A reflection of Character that implements JMLType.
 class JMLDouble
          A reflection of Double that implements JMLType.
 class JMLEnumerationToIterator
          A wrapper that makes any JMLEnumeration into a JMLIterator that does not support the remove operation.
 class JMLEqualsBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
(package private)  class JMLEqualsBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLEqualsBag.
(package private)  class JMLEqualsBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLEqualsBag.
 class JMLEqualsBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
 class JMLEqualsEqualsPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation and JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.
 class JMLEqualsObjectPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLEqualsToObjectRelation and JMLEqualsToObjectMap.
 class JMLEqualsSequence
          Sequences of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSet
          Sets of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of objects.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsValuePair
          Pairs of Object and JMLType, used in the types JMLEqualsToValueRelation and JMLEqualsToValueMap.
 class JMLFiniteInteger
          Arbitrary precision integers with a finite value.
 class JMLFloat
          A reflection of Float that implements JMLType.
 class JMLInfiniteIntegerClass
          Class with common code to implement JMLInfiniteInteger.
 class JMLInteger
          A reflection of Integer that implements JMLType.
(package private)  class JMLListEqualsNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
(package private)  class JMLListObjectNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
(package private)  class JMLListValueNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
 class JMLLong
          A reflection of Long that implements JMLType.
 class JMLNegativeInfinity
          Negative Infinity.
 class JMLObjectBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
(package private)  class JMLObjectBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLObjectBag.
(package private)  class JMLObjectBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLObjectBag.
 class JMLObjectBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
 class JMLObjectEqualsPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLObjectToEqualsRelation and JMLObjectToEqualsMap.
 class JMLObjectObjectPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLObjectToObjectRelation and JMLObjectToObjectMap.
 class JMLObjectSequence
          Sequences of objects.
 class JMLObjectSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of objects.
 class JMLObjectSet
          Sets of objects.
 class JMLObjectSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of objects.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectValuePair
          Pairs of Object and JMLType, used in the types JMLObjectToValueRelation and JMLObjectToValueMap.
 class JMLPositiveInfinity
          Positive Infinity.
 class JMLShort
          A reflection of Short that implements JMLType.
 class JMLString
          A reflection of String that implements JMLType.
 class JMLValueBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of values.
(package private)  class JMLValueBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLValueBag.
(package private)  class JMLValueBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLValueBag.
 class JMLValueBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of values.
 class JMLValueBagSpecs
          Special behavior for JMLValueBag not shared by JMLObjectBag.
 class JMLValueEqualsPair
          Pairs of JMLType and Object, used in the types JMLValueToEqualsRelation and JMLValueToEqualsMap.
 class JMLValueObjectPair
          Pairs of JMLType and Object, used in the types JMLValueToObjectRelation and JMLValueToObjectMap.
 class JMLValueSequence
          Sequences of values.
 class JMLValueSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of values.
 class JMLValueSequenceSpecs
          Specical behavior for JMLValueSequence not shared by JMLObjectSequence.
 class JMLValueSet
          Sets of values.
 class JMLValueSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of values.
 class JMLValueSetSpecs
          Special behavior for JMLValueSet not shared by JMLObjectSet.
 class JMLValueToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLValueToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueValuePair
          Pairs of JMLType and JMLType, used in the types JMLValueToValueRelation and JMLValueToValueMap.

Fields in org.jmlspecs.models declared as JMLType
 JMLType JMLListValueNode.val
          The data contained in this list node.
protected  JMLType JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator.key
          The current key for pairs being enumerated.
 JMLType JMLValueValuePair.key
          The key of this pair.
 JMLType JMLValueValuePair.value
          The value of this pair.
 JMLType JMLEqualsValuePair.value
          The value of this pair.
 JMLType JMLValueObjectPair.key
          The key of this pair.
 JMLType JMLMapException.val_
          The value associated with this exception.
protected  JMLType JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator.key
          The current key for pairs being enumerated.
 JMLType JMLObjectValuePair.value
          The value of this pair.
 JMLType JMLValueEqualsPair.key
          The key of this pair.
protected  JMLType JMLValueBagEnumerator.currEntry
          The current entry.
 JMLType JMLValueBagEntry.theElem
          The element in this bag entry.
protected  JMLType JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator.key
          The current key for pairs being enumerated.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models that return JMLType
 JMLType JMLValueSet.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 JMLType[] JMLValueSet.toArray()
          Return a new array containing all the elements of this.
abstract  JMLType JMLValueSequenceSpecs.itemAt(int i)
          Return a clone of the element at the given zero-based index.
abstract  JMLType JMLValueSequenceSpecs.first()
          Return a clone of the first element in this sequence.
abstract  JMLType JMLValueSequenceSpecs.last()
          Return a clone of the last element in this sequence.
 JMLType JMLValueSequence.itemAt(int i)
          Return the element at the given zero-based index.
 JMLType JMLValueSequence.get(int i)
          Return the element at the given zero-based index; a synonym for JMLValueSequence.itemAt(int).
 JMLType JMLValueSequence.first()
          Return the first element in this sequence.
 JMLType JMLValueSequence.last()
          Return the last element in this sequence.
 JMLType[] JMLValueSequence.toArray()
          Return a new array containing all the elements of this in order.
 JMLType JMLListValueNode.head()
          Return the first element in this list.
 JMLType JMLListValueNode.itemAt(int i)
          Return the ith element of a list.
 JMLType JMLListValueNode.last()
          Return the last element in this list.
 JMLType JMLListValueNode.getItem(JMLType item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 JMLType JMLValueBag.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 JMLType[] JMLValueBag.toArray()
          Return a new array containing all the elements of this.
 JMLType JMLValueToValueMap.apply(JMLType dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLType JMLEqualsToValueMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLType JMLObjectToValueMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type JMLType
abstract  boolean JMLValueSetSpecs.has(JMLType elem)
          Is the argument ".equals" to one of the values in the set.
abstract  JMLValueSet JMLValueSetSpecs.insert(JMLType elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this and also the given argument.
static JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.singleton(JMLType e)
          Return the singleton set containing the given element.
static JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.convertFrom(JMLType[] a)
          Return the set containing all the elements in the given array.
 boolean JMLValueSet.has(JMLType elem)
          Is the argument ".equals" to one of the values in theSet.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.insert(JMLType elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this and also the given argument.
protected  JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.fast_insert(JMLType elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this and also the given argument, assuming the argument is not in the set.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueSet.remove(JMLType elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this except for the given argument.
abstract  boolean JMLValueSequenceSpecs.has(JMLType elem)
          Is the argument ".equals" to one of the values in this sequence.
abstract  int JMLValueSequenceSpecs.count(JMLType elem)
          Tell many times the argument occurs ".equals" to one of the values in this sequence.
abstract  JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequenceSpecs.insertAfterIndex(int afterThisOne, JMLType item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with a clone ofitem put immediately after the given index.
abstract  JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequenceSpecs.insertBeforeIndex(int beforeThisOne, JMLType item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with a clone of item put immediately before the given index.
abstract  JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequenceSpecs.insertBack(JMLType item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with a clone of the given item put an the end.
abstract  JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequenceSpecs.insertFront(JMLType item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with the given item put an the front.
static JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequence.singleton(JMLType e)
          Return the singleton sequence containing the given element.
static JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequence.convertFrom(JMLType[] a)
          Return the sequence containing all the elements in the given array in the same order as the elements appear in the array.
static JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequence.convertFrom(JMLType[] a, int size)
          Return the sequence containing the first 'size' elements in the given array in the same order as the elements appear in the array.
 int JMLValueSequence.count(JMLType item)
          Tells the number of times a given element occurs in the sequence.
 boolean JMLValueSequence.has(JMLType elem)
          Tells whether the given element is ".equals" to an element in the sequence.
 int JMLValueSequence.indexOf(JMLType item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the sequence, if there is one
 boolean JMLValueSequence.isInsertionInto(JMLValueSequence s2, JMLType elem)
          Tells whether this sequence is the result of inserting the given element once into the given sequence.
 boolean JMLValueSequence.isDeletionFrom(JMLValueSequence s2, JMLType elem)
          Tells whether this sequence is the result of deleting the given element once from the given sequence.
 JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequence.replaceItemAt(int index, JMLType item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with item replacing the element at the given zero-based index.
 JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequence.insertAfterIndex(int afterThisOne, JMLType item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with item put immediately after the given index.
 JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequence.insertBeforeIndex(int beforeThisOne, JMLType item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with item put immediately before the given index.
 JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequence.insertBack(JMLType item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with the given item put an the end.
 JMLValueSequence JMLValueSequence.insertFront(JMLType item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with the given item put an the front.
static JMLListValueNode JMLListValueNode.cons(JMLType hd, JMLListValueNode tl)
          Return a JMLListValueNode containing the given element followed by the given list.
 boolean JMLListValueNode.headEquals(JMLType item)
          Tell if the head of the list is ".equals" to the given item.
private static boolean JMLListValueNode.elem_equals(JMLType item1, JMLType item2)
          Tell if the given elements are equal, taking null into account.
 boolean JMLListValueNode.has(JMLType item)
          Tells whether the given element is ".equals" to an element in the list.
 int JMLListValueNode.indexOf(JMLType item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 JMLType JMLListValueNode.getItem(JMLType item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 JMLListValueNode JMLListValueNode.replaceItemAt(int n, JMLType item)
          Return a list like this, but with item replacing the element at the given zero-based index.
 JMLListValueNode JMLListValueNode.prepend(JMLType item)
          Return a list that is like this, but with the given item at the front.
 JMLListValueNode JMLListValueNode.append(JMLType item)
          Return a list that consists of this list and the given element.
 JMLListValueNode JMLListValueNode.insertBefore(int n, JMLType item)
          Return a list that is like this list but with the given item inserted before the given index.
 JMLListValueNode JMLListValueNode.remove(JMLType item)
          Return a list that is like this list but without the first occurrence of the given item.
static JMLValueToValueRelation JMLValueToValueRelation.singleton(JMLType dv, JMLType rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.elementImage(JMLType dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToValueRelation.inverseElementImage(JMLType rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 boolean JMLValueToValueRelation.isDefinedAt(JMLType dv)
          Tells whether this relation associates any range element to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLValueToValueRelation.has(JMLType dv, JMLType rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 JMLValueToValueRelation JMLValueToValueRelation.add(JMLType dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLValueToValueRelation JMLValueToValueRelation.removeFromDomain(JMLType dv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain any association with the given domain element.
 JMLValueToValueRelation JMLValueToValueRelation.remove(JMLType dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
 boolean JMLValueValuePair.keyEquals(JMLType dv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLValueValuePair.valueEquals(JMLType rv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLEqualsValuePair.valueEquals(JMLType rv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
static JMLObjectToValueRelation JMLObjectToValueRelation.singleton(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLObjectSet JMLObjectToValueRelation.inverseElementImage(JMLType rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 boolean JMLObjectToValueRelation.has(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 JMLObjectToValueRelation JMLObjectToValueRelation.add(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLObjectToValueRelation JMLObjectToValueRelation.remove(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
abstract  boolean JMLValueBagSpecs.has(JMLType elem)
          Is the argument ".equals" to one of the values in this bag.
abstract  int JMLValueBagSpecs.count(JMLType elem)
          Tell many times the argument occurs ".equals" to one of the values in this bag.
abstract  JMLValueBag JMLValueBagSpecs.insert(JMLType elem, int cnt)
static JMLValueBag JMLValueBag.singleton(JMLType e)
          Return the singleton bag containing the given element.
static JMLValueBag JMLValueBag.convertFrom(JMLType[] a)
          Return the bag containing all the elements in the given array.
 int JMLValueBag.count(JMLType elem)
          Tell how many times the given element occurs ".equals" to an element in this bag.
 boolean JMLValueBag.has(JMLType elem)
          Tell whether the given element occurs ".equals" to an element in this bag.
protected  JMLValueBagEntry JMLValueBag.getMatchingEntry(JMLType item)
          Find a JMLValueBagEntry that is for the same element, if possible.
 JMLValueBag JMLValueBag.insert(JMLType elem)
          Return a bag containing the given item and the ones in this bag.
 JMLValueBag JMLValueBag.insert(JMLType elem, int cnt)
          Return a bag containing the given item the given number of times, in addition to the ones in this bag.
 JMLValueBag JMLValueBag.remove(JMLType elem)
          Return a bag containing the items in this bag except for one of the given element.
 JMLValueBag JMLValueBag.remove(JMLType elem, int cnt)
          Return a bag containing the items in this bag, except for the given number of the given element.
 JMLValueBag JMLValueBag.removeAll(JMLType elem)
          Return a bag containing the items in this bag, except for all items that are ".equals" to the given item.
static JMLValueToValueMap JMLValueToValueMap.singletonMap(JMLType dv, JMLType rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 JMLType JMLValueToValueMap.apply(JMLType dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLValueToValueMap JMLValueToValueMap.extend(JMLType dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLValueToValueMap JMLValueToValueMap.removeDomainElement(JMLType dv)
          Return a new map that is like this but has no association for the given domain element.
 JMLValueToValueMap JMLValueToValueMap.clashReplaceUnion(JMLValueToValueMap othMap, JMLType errval)
          Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then each of these clashes is replaced by a mapping from the domain element in question to the given range element.
static JMLEqualsToValueRelation JMLEqualsToValueRelation.singleton(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLEqualsSet JMLEqualsToValueRelation.inverseElementImage(JMLType rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 boolean JMLEqualsToValueRelation.has(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 JMLEqualsToValueRelation JMLEqualsToValueRelation.add(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLEqualsToValueRelation JMLEqualsToValueRelation.remove(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
static JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.singleton(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLEqualsSet JMLValueToEqualsRelation.elementImage(JMLType dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLValueToEqualsRelation.isDefinedAt(JMLType dv)
          Tells whether this relation associates any range element to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLValueToEqualsRelation.has(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.add(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.removeFromDomain(JMLType dv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain any association with the given domain element.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.remove(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
static JMLEqualsToValueMap JMLEqualsToValueMap.singletonMap(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 JMLEqualsToValueMap JMLEqualsToValueMap.extend(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLEqualsToValueMap JMLEqualsToValueMap.clashReplaceUnion(JMLEqualsToValueMap othMap, JMLType errval)
          Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then each of these clashes is replaced by a mapping from the domain element in question to the given range element.
 boolean JMLValueObjectPair.keyEquals(JMLType dv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
static JMLValueToEqualsMap JMLValueToEqualsMap.singletonMap(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 Object JMLValueToEqualsMap.apply(JMLType dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLValueToEqualsMap JMLValueToEqualsMap.extend(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLValueToEqualsMap JMLValueToEqualsMap.removeDomainElement(JMLType dv)
          Return a new map that is like this but has no association for the given domain element.
static JMLValueToObjectRelation JMLValueToObjectRelation.singleton(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLObjectSet JMLValueToObjectRelation.elementImage(JMLType dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLValueToObjectRelation.isDefinedAt(JMLType dv)
          Tells whether this relation associates any range element to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLValueToObjectRelation.has(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 JMLValueToObjectRelation JMLValueToObjectRelation.add(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLValueToObjectRelation JMLValueToObjectRelation.removeFromDomain(JMLType dv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain any association with the given domain element.
 JMLValueToObjectRelation JMLValueToObjectRelation.remove(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
static JMLValueToObjectMap JMLValueToObjectMap.singletonMap(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 Object JMLValueToObjectMap.apply(JMLType dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLValueToObjectMap JMLValueToObjectMap.extend(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLValueToObjectMap JMLValueToObjectMap.removeDomainElement(JMLType dv)
          Return a new map that is like this but has no association for the given domain element.
 boolean JMLObjectValuePair.valueEquals(JMLType rv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLValueEqualsPair.keyEquals(JMLType dv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
static JMLObjectToValueMap JMLObjectToValueMap.singletonMap(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 JMLObjectToValueMap JMLObjectToValueMap.extend(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLObjectToValueMap JMLObjectToValueMap.clashReplaceUnion(JMLObjectToValueMap othMap, JMLType errval)
          Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then each of these clashes is replaced by a mapping from the domain element in question to the given range element.
 boolean JMLValueBagEntry.equalElem(JMLType othElem)
          Are these elements equal?

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type JMLType
JMLValueSet(JMLType e)
          Initialize this to be a singleton set containing the given element.
JMLValueSequence(JMLType e)
          Initialize this to be the sequence containing just the given element.
JMLListValueNode(JMLType item, JMLListValueNode nxt)
          Initialize this list to have the given item as its first element followed by the given list.
JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator(JMLValueToValueRelationImageEnumerator ipEnum, JMLValueSetEnumerator iEnum, JMLType k)
JMLValueToValueRelation(JMLType dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLValueValuePair(JMLType dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLEqualsValuePair(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLObjectToValueRelation(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLValueBag(JMLType elem)
          Initialize this bag to contain the given element.
JMLValueToValueMap(JMLType dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLEqualsToValueRelation(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLValueToEqualsRelation(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLEqualsToValueMap(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLValueObjectPair(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLValueToEqualsMap(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLValueToObjectRelation(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLValueToObjectMap(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLMapException(String m, JMLType errval)
          Initialize this object with the given detail string.
JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator(JMLValueToObjectRelationImageEnumerator ipEnum, JMLObjectSetEnumerator iEnum, JMLType k)
JMLObjectValuePair(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLValueEqualsPair(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLObjectToValueMap(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLValueBagEntry(JMLType e)
          Initialize this object to be a singleton entry.
JMLValueBagEntry(JMLType e, int cnt)
          Initialize this object to be for the given element with the given number of repetitions.
JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator(JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator ipEnum, JMLEqualsSetEnumerator iEnum, JMLType k)

Uses of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve

Classes in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve that implement JMLType
 class NaturalNumber
          The natural numbers.
 class StringOfObject
          Sequences of non-null object identities.

Uses of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph

Subinterfaces of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph
 interface NodeType

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph that implement JMLType
 class ArcType
 class SearchableNode
          Nodes for searchable graphs.
 class TransposableNode
          Nodes for transposable directed graphs.
 class ValueNode
          Nodes with values

Uses of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver

Subinterfaces of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver
 interface Directory
          Directories that can be both read and written.
 interface DirObserverKeeper
          An object that keeps directory observers (i.e., a subject).
 interface RODirectory
          Read-only directories.

Uses of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer that implement JMLType
 class QueueEntry

Uses of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign

Subinterfaces of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign
 interface Money
 interface MoneyComparable
 interface MoneyOps

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign that implement JMLType
 class MoneyAC
 class MoneyComparableAC
 class USMoney

Uses of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.samples.table

Subinterfaces of JMLType in org.jmlspecs.samples.table
 interface Entry
          Table entries, which are pairs of an index and a value.

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.table that implement JMLType
 class EntryImplementation
          Entries for Tables that map an index to a value.

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.table declared as JMLType
private  JMLType EntryImplementation.ind
          The index stored for this entry.
private  JMLType EntryImplementation.val
          The value stored for this entry.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.table that return JMLType
 JMLType EntryImplementation.getIndex()
 JMLType EntryImplementation.getValue()
abstract  JMLType Entry.getIndex()
          Return this entry's index.
abstract  JMLType Entry.getValue()
          Return this entry's value.
 JMLType TableImplementation.mapTo(JMLType d)
abstract  JMLType Table.mapTo(JMLType d)
          Return the value at the given index.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.table with parameters of type JMLType
 boolean TableImplementation.isUsedIndex(JMLType d)
 void TableImplementation.removeEntry(JMLType d)
 JMLType TableImplementation.mapTo(JMLType d)
abstract  boolean Table.isUsedIndex(JMLType d)
          Is the given index used in the table?
abstract  void Table.removeEntry(JMLType d)
          Take out the given entry from this table.
abstract  JMLType Table.mapTo(JMLType d)
          Return the value at the given index.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.table with parameters of type JMLType
EntryImplementation(JMLType ind, JMLType val)
          Initialize this entry.


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.