Class JMLValueBagEntryNode

  extended byorg.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode
      extended byorg.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, JMLType, JMLValueType, Serializable

class JMLValueBagEntryNode
extends JMLListValueNode

Internal class used in the implementation of JMLValueBag.

Gary T. Leavens
See Also:
JMLValueBag, JMLValueBagEntry, JMLListValueNode

Class Specifications
public invariant this.elementType == \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry)&&!this.containsNull;
public invariant this.val != null&&this.val instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry;
public invariant != null ==> instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode;
public invariant this.entryElementType <: \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType);
public invariant this.val != null&&this.val instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry&&((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry)this.val).elementType <: this.entryElementType;
public invariant ( != null ==> ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode) <: this.entryElementType);
public invariant this.containsNullElements ==> this.entryElementType == \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType);
protected invariant this.containsNullElements <==> ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry)this.val).theElem == null||( != null&&((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode);
public constraint this.entryElementType == \old(this.entryElementType);
public constraint this.containsNullElements == \old(this.containsNullElements);

Specifications inherited from class JMLListValueNode
public invariant ( \forall org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode l2; ; ( \forall org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType e1, e2; ; ( \forall \bigint n; ; this.equational_theory(this,l2,e1,e2,n))));
public invariant this.elementType <: \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType);
public invariant this.val != null ==> \typeof(this.val) <: this.elementType;
public invariant this.val == null ==> \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType) == this.elementType;
public invariant_redundantly this.containsNull ==> \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType) == this.elementType;
public invariant != null ==> <: this.elementType;
public invariant this.containsNull <==> this.has(null);
protected invariant this.containsNull <==> this.val == null||( != null&&;
public invariant this.owner == null;
public constraint this.elementType == \old(this.elementType);
public constraint this.containsNull == \old(this.containsNull);

Specifications inherited from class Object
represents objectState <- org.jmlspecs.lang.JMLDataGroup.IT;
public represents _getClass <- \typeof(this);

Model Field Summary
 JMLDataGroup elementState
Model fields inherited from class java.lang.Object
_getClass, objectState, theString
Ghost Field Summary
 boolean containsNull
          Whether this list can contain null elements;
 boolean containsNullElements
          Whether this list can contain null elements in its bag entries;
 Class elementType
          The type of the elements in this list.
 Class entryElementType
          The type of the elements contained in the entries in this list.
Ghost fields inherited from class java.lang.Object
objectTimesFinalized, owner
Field Summary
 JMLListValueNode next
          The next node in this list.
 JMLType val
          The data contained in this list node.
Constructor Summary
JMLValueBagEntryNode(non_null JMLValueBagEntry entry, JMLValueBagEntryNode nxt)
          Initialize this list to have the given bag entry as its first element followed by the given list.
Model Method Summary
 \bigint bi_indexOf(JMLType item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 boolean equational_theory(JMLListValueNode ls, JMLListValueNode ls2, JMLType e1, JMLType e2, \bigint n)
          An `equational' specification of lists, for use in the invariant.
 JMLListValueNode insertBefore(\bigint n, JMLType item)
          Return a list that is like this list but with the given item inserted before the given index.
 JMLType itemAt(\bigint i)
          Return the ith element of a list.
 \bigint length()
          Tells the number of elements in the sequence; a synonym for length
 JMLListValueNode prefix(\bigint n)
          Return a list containing the first n elements in this list.
 JMLListValueNode removeItemAt(\bigint n)
          Return a list like this list, but without the element at the given zero-based index.
 JMLListValueNode removePrefix(\bigint n)
          Return a list containing all but the first n elements in this list.
 JMLListValueNode replaceItemAt(\bigint n, JMLType item)
          Return a list like this, but with item replacing the element at the given zero-based index.
 \bigint size()
          Tells the number of elements in the sequence; a synonym for length
Model methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
Method Summary
 JMLListValueNode append(JMLType item)
          Return a list that consists of this list and the given element.
 Object clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 JMLListValueNode concat(non_null JMLListValueNode ls2)
          Return a list that is the concatenation of this with the given lists.
static JMLListValueNode cons(nullable JMLType hd, nullable JMLListValueNode tl)
          Return a JMLListValueNode containing the given element followed by the given list.
static JMLValueBagEntryNode cons(non_null JMLValueBagEntry hd, JMLValueBagEntryNode tl)
          Return a JMLValueBagEntryNode containing the given entry followed by the given list.
 boolean equals(nullable Object ls2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 JMLType getItem(JMLType item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 boolean has(JMLType item)
          Tells whether the given element is ".equals" to an element in the list.
 int hashCode()
          Return a hash code for this object.
 JMLType head()
          Return the first element in this list.
 boolean headEquals(JMLType item)
          Tell if the head of the list is ".equals" to the given item.
 int indexOf(JMLType item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 JMLListValueNode insertBefore(int n, JMLType item)
          Return a list that is like this list but with the given item inserted before the given index.
 int int_length()
          Tells the number of elements in the list; a synonym for size.
 int int_size()
          Tells the number of elements in the list; a synonym for length.
 boolean isPrefixOf(JMLListValueNode ls2)
          Tells whether the elements of this list occur, in order, at the beginning of the given list, using ".equals" for comparisons.
 JMLType itemAt(int i)
          Return the ith element of a list.
 JMLType last()
          Return the last element in this list.
 JMLListValueNode prefix(int n)
          Return a list containing the first n elements in this list.
 JMLListValueNode prepend(JMLType item)
          Return a list that is like this, but with the given item at the front.
 JMLListValueNode remove(JMLType item)
          Return a list that is like this list but without the first occurrence of the given item.
 JMLValueBagEntryNode removeBE(non_null JMLValueBagEntry entry)
          Return a list that is like this list but without the first occurrence of the given bag entry.
 JMLListValueNode removeItemAt(int n)
          Return a list like this list, but without the element at the given zero-based index.
 JMLListValueNode removeLast()
          Return a list containing all but the last element in this.
 JMLListValueNode removePrefix(int n)
          Return a list containing all but the first n elements in this list.
 JMLListValueNode replaceItemAt(int n, JMLType item)
          Return a list like this, but with item replacing the element at the given zero-based index.
 JMLListValueNode reverse()
          Return a list that is the reverse of this list.
 String toString()
          Return a string representation for this list.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Model Field Detail


public JMLDataGroup elementState
datagroup contains: val.objectState next.elementState
Ghost Field Detail


public Class entryElementType
The type of the elements contained in the entries in this list.


public boolean containsNullElements
Whether this list can contain null elements in its bag entries;


public Class elementType
The type of the elements in this list. This type is an upper bound on the element's types. The type is computed pessimistically, so that the order of adding elements does not matter; that is, if any element in the list is null, then we use JMLType as the type of the list's elements.


public boolean containsNull
Whether this list can contain null elements;

Field Detail


public final JMLType val
The data contained in this list node.

is in groups: objectState
maps val.objectState \into elementState


public final JMLListValueNode next
The next node in this list.

is in groups: objectState
maps next.elementState \into elementState
Constructor Detail


public JMLValueBagEntryNode(non_null JMLValueBagEntry entry,
                            JMLValueBagEntryNode nxt)
Initialize this list to have the given bag entry as its first element followed by the given list. This does not do any cloning.

entry - the JMLValueBagEntry to place at the head of this list.
nxt - the JMLValueBagEntryNode to make the tail of this list.
See Also:
cons(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry, org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode)
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires entry != null;
assignable val, next, elementType, containsNull, owner;
assignable entryElementType, containsNullElements;
ensures this.val.equals(entry);
ensures == nxt;
ensures this.entryElementType == (nxt == null ? entry.elementType : (nxt.entryElementType <: entry.elementType ? entry.elementType : ((entry.elementType <: nxt.entryElementType) ? nxt.entryElementType : \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType))));
ensures this.containsNullElements == (((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry)this.val).theElem == null||( != null&&((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode);
Model Method Detail


public boolean equational_theory(JMLListValueNode ls,
                                 JMLListValueNode ls2,
                                 JMLType e1,
                                 JMLType e2,
                                 \bigint n)
An `equational' specification of lists, for use in the invariant.

Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result <==> (new org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode(e1, null)).size() == 1;
ensures \result <==> (ls != null) ==> (new org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode(e1, ls)).size() == 1+ls.size();
ensures \result <==> (ls != null) ==> ( == null) == (ls.size() == 1);
ensures \result <==> ls != null&& != null ==> ls.size() ==;
ensures \result <==> (ls != null&&ls.val != null) ==> ls.val.equals(ls.head());
ensures \result <==> (e1 != null) ==> cons(e1,ls).head().equals(e1);
ensures \result <==> (ls != null&&ls.val != null) ==> ls.itemAt(0).equals(ls.head());
ensures \result <==> ls != null&&0 < n&&n < ls.size() ==> ls.itemAt(n).equals(;


public JMLType itemAt(\bigint i)
               throws JMLListException
Return the ith element of a list.

See Also:
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 <= i&&i < this.length();
ensures \result != null ==> (* \result ".equals" the ith element of this *);
public exceptional_behavior
requires !(0 <= i&&i < this.length());
signals_only org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListException;
ensures \result != null ==> \typeof(\result ) <: this.elementType;
ensures !this.containsNull ==> \result != null;


public \bigint size()
Tells the number of elements in the sequence; a synonym for length

Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
ensures (* \result is the number of JMLListValueNode(s) in this *);
ensures \result > 0;


public \bigint length()
Tells the number of elements in the sequence; a synonym for length

Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == this.size();
ensures \result > 0;


public \bigint bi_indexOf(JMLType item)
Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one

item - the JMLType sought in this.
the first index at which item occurs or -1 if it does not.
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires this.has(item)&&item != null;
ensures this.itemAt(\result ).equals(item)&&( \forall \bigint i; 0 <= i&&i < \result ; !(this.itemAt(i) != null&&this.itemAt(i).equals(item)));
ensures_redundantly (* \result is the first index at which item occurs in this *);
public normal_behavior
requires this.has(item)&&item == null;
ensures this.itemAt(\result ) == null&&( \forall \bigint i; 0 <= i&&i < \result ; this.itemAt(i) != null);
ensures_redundantly (* \result is the first index at which null occurs in this *);
public normal_behavior
requires !this.has(item);
ensures \result == -1;
ensures \result >= -1;


public JMLListValueNode prefix(\bigint n)
Return a list containing the first n elements in this list.

n - the number of elements to leave in the result.
null if n is not positive or greater than the length of this list.
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n <= this.length();
ensures \result != null&&\result .length() == n&&( \forall \bigint i; 0 <= i&&i < n; \result .itemAt(i) == this.itemAt(i));
requires n <= 0;
ensures \result == null;
requires this.length() < n;
ensures this.equals(\result );
ensures !this.containsNull&&\result != null ==> !\result .containsNull;


public JMLListValueNode removePrefix(\bigint n)
Return a list containing all but the first n elements in this list.

n - the number of elements to remove
null if n is negative or greater than the length of this list.
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n < this.length();
ensures \result != null&&\result .length() == this.length()-n&&( \forall \bigint i; n <= i&&i < this.length(); \result .itemAt(i-n) == this.itemAt(i));
requires n <= 0;
ensures this.equals(\result );
requires this.length() <= n;
ensures \result == null;
ensures !this.containsNull&&\result != null ==> !\result .containsNull;


public JMLListValueNode removeItemAt(\bigint n)
Return a list like this list, but without the element at the given zero-based index.

n - the zero-based index into the list.
null if the index is out of range or if the list was of size 1.
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires n == 0&&this.length() == 1;
ensures \result == null;
public normal_behavior
requires n == 0&&this.length() > 1;
ensures \result .equals(this.removePrefix(1));
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n < this.length();
ensures \result != null&&\result .length() == this.length()-1&&\result .equals(this.prefix(n).concat(this.removePrefix(n+1)));
ensures !this.containsNull&&\result != null ==> !\result .containsNull;


public JMLListValueNode replaceItemAt(\bigint n,
                                      JMLType item)
Return a list like this, but with item replacing the element at the given zero-based index.

n - the zero-based index into this list.
item - the item to put at index index
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 <= n&&n < this.length();
ensures \result != null&&\result .length() == this.length();
public normal_behavior
requires n == 0&&this.length() == 1;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(cons(item,;
public normal_behavior
requires n == 0&&this.length() > 1;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.removePrefix(1).prepend(item));
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n == this.length()-1;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.prefix(n).append(item));
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n < this.length()-1;
ensures \result != null&&\result .length() == this.length()&&\result .equals(this.prefix(n).concat(this.removePrefix(n+1).prepend(item)));
requires 0 <= n;
ensures n == 0 ==> \result != null;
ensures item == null&&\result != null ==> \result .containsNull;
ensures item != null&&!this.containsNull&&\result != null ==> !\result .containsNull;


public JMLListValueNode insertBefore(\bigint n,
                                     JMLType item)
                              throws JMLListException
Return a list that is like this list but with the given item inserted before the given index.

Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n <= this.length();
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.prefix(n).concat(cons(item,this.removePrefix(n))));
public normal_behavior
requires n == 0;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(cons(item,this));
public exceptional_behavior
requires !(0 <= n&&n <= this.length());
signals_only org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListException;
Method Detail


public static JMLValueBagEntryNode cons(non_null JMLValueBagEntry hd,
                                        JMLValueBagEntryNode tl)
Return a JMLValueBagEntryNode containing the given entry followed by the given list. This method handles any necessary cloning for value lists and it handles inserting null elements.

hd - the JMLValueBagEntry to place at the head of the result.
tl - the JMLValueBagEntryNode to make the tail of the result.
See Also:
JMLValueBagEntryNode(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry, org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode)
Specifications: pure non_null
public normal_behavior
requires hd != null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .headEquals(hd)&&\result .next == tl;
ensures \result .equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode(hd, tl));
requires hd != null;
ensures tl == null <==> \result .next == null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .val instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry&&\result .entryElementType == (\result .next == null ? ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry)\result .val).elementType : (((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode)\result .next).entryElementType <: ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry)\result .val).elementType ? ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry)\result .val).elementType : ((((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry)\result .val).elementType <: ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode)\result .next).entryElementType) ? ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode)\result .next).entryElementType : \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType))));
ensures \result != null&&\result .containsNullElements == (((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntry)\result .val).theElem == null||(\result .next != null&&((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode)\result .next).containsNullElements));


public Object clone()
Return a clone of this object.

Specified by:
clone in interface JMLValueType
clone in class JMLListValueNode
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&\result instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode&&((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueBagEntryNode)\result ).equals(this);
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class JMLListValueNode:
       non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&\result instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode&&((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode)\result ).equals(this);
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
protected normal_behavior
requires this instanceof java.lang.Cloneable;
assignable \nothing;
ensures \result != null;
ensures \typeof(\result ) == \typeof(this);
ensures (* \result is a clone of this *);
protected normal_behavior
requires this.getClass().isArray();
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((java.lang.Object[])\result ).length == ((java.lang.Object[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((java.lang.Object[])this).length; ((java.lang.Object[])\result )[i] == ((java.lang.Object[])this)[i]);
requires this.getClass().isArray();
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(\result ) == java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(this);
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(this); ( \exists java.lang.Object result_i; result_i == java.lang.reflect.Array.get(\result ,i); (result_i == null&&java.lang.reflect.Array.get(this,i) == null)||(result_i != null&&result_i.equals(java.lang.reflect.Array.get(this,i)))));
protected exceptional_behavior
requires !(this instanceof java.lang.Cloneable);
assignable \nothing;
signals_only java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException;
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) <: \type(java.lang.Object);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((java.lang.Object[])\result ).length == ((java.lang.Object[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((java.lang.Object[])this).length; ((java.lang.Object[])\result )[i] == ((java.lang.Object[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(int);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((int[])\result ).length == ((int[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((int[])this).length; ((int[])\result )[i] == ((int[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(byte);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((byte[])\result ).length == ((byte[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((byte[])this).length; ((byte[])\result )[i] == ((byte[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(char);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((char[])\result ).length == ((char[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((char[])this).length; ((char[])\result )[i] == ((char[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(long);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((long[])\result ).length == ((long[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((long[])this).length; ((long[])\result )[i] == ((long[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(short);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((short[])\result ).length == ((short[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((short[])this).length; ((short[])\result )[i] == ((short[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(boolean);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((boolean[])\result ).length == ((boolean[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((boolean[])this).length; ((boolean[])\result )[i] == ((boolean[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(float);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((float[])\result ).length == ((float[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((float[])this).length; (java.lang.Float.isNaN(((float[])\result )[i])&&java.lang.Float.isNaN(((float[])this)[i]))||((float[])\result )[i] == ((float[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(double);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((double[])\result ).length == ((double[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((double[])this).length; (java.lang.Double.isNaN(((double[])\result )[i])&&java.lang.Double.isNaN(((double[])this)[i]))||((double[])\result )[i] == ((double[])this)[i]);
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface JMLValueType:
public normal_behavior
ensures \result instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLValueType&&(* all externally-visible mutable objects contained directly in "this" must be cloned in \result. *);
ensures (* no direct aliases are created between this and \result *);
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface JMLType:
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null;
ensures \result instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType;
ensures ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType)\result ).equals(this);
ensures \result != null&&\typeof(\result ) <: \type(org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType);


public JMLValueBagEntryNode removeBE(non_null JMLValueBagEntry entry)
Return a list that is like this list but without the first occurrence of the given bag entry.

Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires !this.has(entry);
ensures this.equals(\result );
public normal_behavior
old int index = this.indexOf(entry);
requires this.has(entry);
ensures \result == null <==> \old(this.int_size() == 1);
ensures \result != null&&index == 0 ==> \result .equals(this.removePrefix(1));
ensures \result != null&&index > 0 ==> \result .equals(this.prefix(index).concat(this.removePrefix((int)(index+1))));


public static JMLListValueNode cons(nullable JMLType hd,
                                    nullable JMLListValueNode tl)
Return a JMLListValueNode containing the given element followed by the given list. Note that cons() adds elements to the front of a list. It handles any necessary cloning for value lists and it handles inserting null elements.

hd - the value to place at the head of the result.
tl - the JMLListValueNode to make the tail of the result.
Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result .headEquals(hd)&&\result .next == tl;
ensures \result .equals(new org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode(hd, tl));
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&\result .containsNull <==> hd == null||(tl != null&&tl.containsNull);


public JMLType head()
Return the first element in this list. Note that head() handles any cloning necessary for value lists.

Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires this.val != null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.val);
public normal_behavior
requires this.val == null;
ensures \result == null;
ensures \result != null ==> \typeof(\result ) <: this.elementType;
ensures !this.containsNull ==> \result != null;


public boolean headEquals(JMLType item)
Tell if the head of the list is ".equals" to the given item.

See Also:
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires this.val != null;
ensures \result == (this.val.equals(item));
public normal_behavior
requires this.val == null;
ensures \result == (item == null);


public JMLType itemAt(int i)
               throws JMLListException
Return the ith element of a list.

See Also:
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 <= i&&i < this.int_length();
ensures \result != null ==> (* \result ".equals" the ith element of this *);
public exceptional_behavior
requires !(0 <= i&&i < this.int_length());
signals_only org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListException;
ensures \result != null ==> \typeof(\result ) <: this.elementType;
ensures !this.containsNull ==> \result != null;


public int int_size()
Tells the number of elements in the list; a synonym for length.

Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == this.size();
ensures \result > 0;


public int int_length()
Tells the number of elements in the list; a synonym for size.

Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == this.length();
ensures \result > 0;


public boolean has(JMLType item)
Tells whether the given element is ".equals" to an element in the list.

Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires item != null;
ensures \result <==> ( \exists int i; 0 <= i&&i < this.int_length(); (this.itemAt(i) == null ? item == null : this.itemAt(i).equals(item)));
public normal_behavior
requires item == null;
ensures \result <==> ( \exists int i; 0 <= i&&i < this.int_length(); this.itemAt(i) == null);


public boolean isPrefixOf(JMLListValueNode ls2)
Tells whether the elements of this list occur, in order, at the beginning of the given list, using ".equals" for comparisons.

Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires ls2 != null;
ensures \result <==> this.int_length() <= ls2.int_length()&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < this.int_length(); (ls2.itemAt(i) == null&&this.itemAt(i) == null)||(ls2.itemAt(i) != null&&ls2.itemAt(i).equals(this.itemAt(i))));
public normal_behavior
requires ls2 == null;
ensures !\result ;


public boolean equals(nullable Object ls2)
Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.

Specified by:
equals in interface JMLValueType
equals in class Object
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires ls2 != null&&ls2 instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode;
ensures \result <==> this.isPrefixOf((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode)ls2)&&((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode)ls2).isPrefixOf(this);
public normal_behavior
requires ls2 == null||!(ls2 instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListValueNode);
ensures \result <==> false;
Specifications inherited from overridden method equals(Object obj) in class Object:
public normal_behavior
requires obj != null;
ensures (* \result is true when obj is "equal to" this object *);
public normal_behavior
requires this == obj;
ensures \result ;
public code normal_behavior
requires obj != null;
ensures \result <==> this == obj;
diverges false;
ensures obj == null ==> !\result ;
Specifications inherited from overridden method equals(Object ob2) in interface JMLValueType:
public normal_behavior
ensures \result ==> ob2 != null&&(* all externally-visible objects contained in ob2 test as ".equals()" to the corresponding object in this (and vice versa) *);
Specifications inherited from overridden method equals(Object ob2) in interface JMLType:
public normal_behavior
ensures \result ==> ob2 != null&&(* ob2 is not distinguishable from this, except by using mutation or == *);
public normal_behavior
requires ob2 != null&&ob2 instanceof org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType;
ensures ((org.jmlspecs.models.JMLType)ob2).equals(this) == \result ;
requires ob2 == this;
ensures \result <==> true;


public int hashCode()
Return a hash code for this object.

Specified by:
hashCode in interface JMLType
hashCode in class Object
Specifications: (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
public behavior
assignable objectState;
ensures (* \result is a hash code for this object *);
public code normal_behavior
assignable \nothing;
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface JMLType:


public int indexOf(JMLType item)
Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one

item - the JMLType sought in this.
the first index at which item occurs or -1 if it does not.
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires this.has(item)&&item != null;
ensures this.itemAt(\result ).equals(item)&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < \result ; !(this.itemAt(i) != null&&this.itemAt(i).equals(item)));
ensures_redundantly (* \result is the first index at which item occurs in this *);
public normal_behavior
requires this.has(item)&&item == null;
ensures this.itemAt(\result ) == null&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < \result ; this.itemAt(i) != null);
ensures_redundantly (* \result is the first index at which null occurs in this *);
public normal_behavior
requires !this.has(item);
ensures \result == -1;
ensures \result >= -1;


public JMLType last()
Return the last element in this list.

Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures (\result == null&&this.itemAt((int)(this.int_length()-1)) == null)||\result .equals(this.itemAt((int)(this.int_length()-1)));
ensures \result != null ==> \typeof(\result ) <: this.elementType;
ensures !this.containsNull ==> \result != null;


public JMLType getItem(JMLType item)
                throws JMLListException
Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one

item - the JMLType sought in this list.
the first zero-based index at which item occurs.
JMLListException - if the item does not occur in this list.
See Also:
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires this.has(item);
requires item != null;
ensures \result .equals(this.itemAt(this.indexOf(item)));
requires item == null;
ensures \result == null;
public exceptional_behavior
requires !this.has(item);
signals_only org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListException;
ensures \result != null ==> \typeof(\result ) <: this.elementType;
ensures !this.containsNull ==> \result != null;


public JMLListValueNode prefix(int n)
Return a list containing the first n elements in this list.

n - the number of elements to leave in the result.
null if n is not positive or greater than the length of this list.
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n <= this.int_length();
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_length() == n&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < n; \result .itemAt(i) == this.itemAt(i));
requires n <= 0;
ensures \result == null;
requires this.int_length() < n;
ensures this.equals(\result );
ensures !this.containsNull&&\result != null ==> !\result .containsNull;


public JMLListValueNode removePrefix(int n)
Return a list containing all but the first n elements in this list.

n - the number of elements to remove
null if n is negative or greater than the length of this list.
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n < this.int_length();
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_length() == this.int_length()-n&&( \forall int i; n <= i&&i < this.int_length(); \result .itemAt((int)(i-n)) == this.itemAt(i));
requires n <= 0;
ensures this.equals(\result );
requires this.int_length() <= n;
ensures \result == null;
ensures !this.containsNull&&\result != null ==> !\result .containsNull;


public JMLListValueNode removeItemAt(int n)
Return a list like this list, but without the element at the given zero-based index.

n - the zero-based index into the list.
null if the index is out of range or if the list was of size 1.
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires n == 0&&this.int_length() == 1;
ensures \result == null;
public normal_behavior
requires n == 0&&this.int_length() > 1;
ensures \result .equals(this.removePrefix(1));
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n < this.int_length();
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_length() == this.int_length()-1&&\result .equals(this.prefix(n).concat(this.removePrefix((int)(n+1))));
ensures !this.containsNull&&\result != null ==> !\result .containsNull;


public JMLListValueNode replaceItemAt(int n,
                                      JMLType item)
Return a list like this, but with item replacing the element at the given zero-based index.

n - the zero-based index into this list.
item - the item to put at index index
Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 <= n&&n < this.int_length();
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_length() == this.int_length();
public normal_behavior
requires n == 0&&this.int_length() == 1;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(cons(item,;
public normal_behavior
requires n == 0&&this.int_length() > 1;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.removePrefix(1).prepend(item));
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n == this.int_length()-1;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.prefix(n).append(item));
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n < this.int_length()-1;
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_length() == this.int_length()&&\result .equals(this.prefix(n).concat(this.removePrefix(n+1).prepend(item)));
requires 0 <= n;
ensures n == 0 ==> \result != null;
ensures item == null&&\result != null ==> \result .containsNull;
ensures item != null&&!this.containsNull&&\result != null ==> !\result .containsNull;


public JMLListValueNode removeLast()
Return a list containing all but the last element in this.

Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result == null ==> this.int_length() == 1;
ensures \result != null ==> \result .equals(this.prefix((int)(this.int_length()-1)));
ensures !this.containsNull&&\result != null ==> !\result .containsNull;


public JMLListValueNode concat(non_null JMLListValueNode ls2)
Return a list that is the concatenation of this with the given lists.

ls2 - the list to place at the end of this list in the result.
the concatenation of this list and ls2.
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires ls2 != null;
ensures \result != null&&\result .int_length() == this.int_length()+ls2.int_length()&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < this.int_length(); \result .itemAt(i) == this.itemAt(i))&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ls2.int_length(); \result .itemAt((int)(this.int_length()+i)) == ls2.itemAt(i));
ensures (* \result is the concatenation of this followed by ls2 *);


public JMLListValueNode prepend(JMLType item)
Return a list that is like this, but with the given item at the front. Note that this clones the item if necessary.

item - the element to place at the front of the result.
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(cons(item,this));
ensures_redundantly \result != null&&\result .int_length() == this.int_length()+1;


public JMLListValueNode append(JMLType item)
Return a list that consists of this list and the given element.

Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(cons(item,this.reverse()).reverse());
ensures_redundantly \result != null&&\result .int_length() == this.int_length()+1;


public JMLListValueNode reverse()
Return a list that is the reverse of this list.

Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result .int_length() == this.int_length()&&( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < this.int_length(); (\result .itemAt((int)(this.int_length()-i-1)) != null&&\result .itemAt((int)(this.int_length()-i-1)).equals(this.itemAt(i)))||(\result .itemAt((int)(this.int_length()-i-1)) == null&&this.itemAt(i) == null));
ensures_redundantly (* \result has the same elements but with the items arranged in the reverse order *);
ensures this.elementType == \result .elementType;
ensures this.containsNull <==> \result .containsNull;


public JMLListValueNode insertBefore(int n,
                                     JMLType item)
                              throws JMLListException
Return a list that is like this list but with the given item inserted before the given index.

Specifications: non_null (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires 0 < n&&n <= this.int_length();
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.prefix(n).concat(cons(item,this.removePrefix(n))));
public normal_behavior
requires n == 0;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(cons(item,this));
public exceptional_behavior
requires !(0 <= n&&n <= this.int_length());
signals_only org.jmlspecs.models.JMLListException;


public JMLListValueNode remove(JMLType item)
Return a list that is like this list but without the first occurrence of the given item.

Specifications: (class)pure
public normal_behavior
requires !this.has(item);
ensures this.equals(\result );
public normal_behavior
old int index = this.indexOf(item);
requires this.has(item);
ensures \result == null <==> \old(this.int_size() == 1);
ensures \result != null&&index == 0 ==> \result .equals(this.removePrefix(1));
ensures \result != null&&index > 0 ==> \result .equals(this.prefix(index).concat(this.removePrefix((int)(index+1))));


public String toString()
Return a string representation for this list. The output is ML style.

toString in class Object
Specifications: non_null (class)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
public normal_behavior
assignable objectState;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.theString);
ensures (* \result is a string representation of this object *);
public code normal_behavior
assignable \nothing;
ensures \result != null&&(* \result is the instance's class name, followed by an @, followed by the instance's hashcode in hex *);
public code model_program { ... }
assignable objectState;
ensures \result != null;


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.