Uses of Class

Packages that use Object
java.awt.event JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.lang JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.lang.reflect JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.math JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.sql JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.util JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.util.regex JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
org.jmlspecs.checker Contains the source code for a parser and typechecker for JML annotations and java code. 
org.jmlspecs.jmldoc The jmldoc tool documents java programs that contain JML (Java Modeling Language) annotations included as specially formatted comments; the generated html pages are very similar to those produced by javadoc, but with annotation information added. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac Generates Java classes from JML specifications that check assertions at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr Translates JML quantified expressions into Java source code to evaluate them at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime Classes for use during runtime assertion checking for code compiled with JML's runtime assertion checking compiler (jmlc). 
org.jmlspecs.jmlspec A tool that can generate or compare specification skeletons from Java source or class files. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunit Generates JUnit test classes from JML specifications. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies The types in this package are used in providing test data for JML/JUnit testing. 
org.jmlspecs.lang This package is a collection of types used in the definition of the JML language. 
org.jmlspecs.launcher The launcher allows the user to access all of the tools in JML. 
org.jmlspecs.models This package is a collection of types with immutable objects; it also enumerators (which have mutable objects) for the types of the immutable collections in the package. 
org.jmlspecs.models.resolve This package is a collection of types with immutable objects based on the RESOLVE specification language's mathematical models. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc This package contains samples of JML specifications written in the style of design by contract. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph This package contains samples of JML specifications for directed graphs. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver This package contains samples of JML specifications that illustrate issues in component-based programming relating to callbacks and JML's model program feature. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer This package contains samples of JML specifications from the paper "JML: a Notation for Detailed Design". 
org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlrefman This package contains samples of JML specifications from the JML Reference Manual
org.jmlspecs.samples.jmltutorial This package contains samples of JML specifications from the tutorials. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.misc This package contains miscellaneous samples of JML specifications. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign This package contains samples of JML specifications from the paper Preliminary Design of JML
org.jmlspecs.samples.reader This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to some abstractions of input and output. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.sets This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to sets. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to stacks of various sorts. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.table This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to tables. 
org.multijava.launcher The launcher allows the user to access all of the tools in MJ. 
org.multijava.mjc Implements mjc, a MultiJava compiler. 
org.multijava.mjdoc The mjdoc tool documents java programs that contain MultiJava (MJ) extensions to the Java progamming language; it produces html pages very similar to those produced by the javadoc tool. 
org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 The mjdoc tool documents java programs that contain MultiJava (MJ) extensions to the Java progamming language; it produces html pages very similar to those produced by the javadoc tool. 
org.multijava.util.backend Provides an optimizer for methods for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.classfile Provides an editor for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.compiler Provides utilities and superclasses for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.guigen Implements the automatic generation of all of the GUIs for MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.jperf Defines the perfect hashing function generator Package Specification JPerf is the perfect hashing function generator for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.lexgen Provides a lexer for the compilers of MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.msggen Implements the automatic generation of the data structure for all of the compiler messages in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.optgen Implements the automatic generation of the data structure for all of the command line options in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.optimize Provides an optimizer for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.testing Provides JUnit testing utilities for all of the parts of MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language

Uses of Object in antlr

Subclasses of Object in antlr
 class antlr.CharScanner
 class antlr.LexerSharedInputState
 class antlr.LLkParser
 class antlr.Parser
 class antlr.Token
 class antlr.TokenStreamSelector

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in

Uses of Object in java.awt

Subclasses of Object in java.awt
 class AWTEvent
 class Component
 class Container
 class Frame
 class Window

Uses of Object in java.awt.color

Subclasses of Object in java.awt.color
 class ColorSpace

Uses of Object in java.awt.event

Subclasses of Object in java.awt.event
 class ActionEvent
 class ComponentEvent
 class ItemEvent
 class WindowAdapter
 class WindowEvent

Fields in java.awt.event declared as Object
(package private)  Object ItemEvent.item

Methods in java.awt.event that return Object
 Object ItemEvent.getItem()

Constructors in java.awt.event with parameters of type Object
ActionEvent(Object, int, String)
ActionEvent(Object, int, String, int)
ActionEvent(Object, int, String, long, int)
ItemEvent(ItemSelectable, int, Object, int)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class ByteArrayOutputStream
 class FileDescriptor
 class FileWriter
 class FilterOutputStream
 class InputStream
          JML's specification of InputStream.
 class InputStreamReader
 class IOException
 class ObjectInputStream
 class OutputStream
          JML's specification of OutputStream.
 class OutputStreamWriter
 class PrintStream
          JML's specification of PrintStream
 class PrintWriter
 class RandomAccessFile
 class Reader
 class StringWriter
 class UnsupportedEncodingException
 class Writer

Fields in declared as Object
protected  Object Reader.lock
protected  Object Writer.lock
private static Object ObjectInputStream.unsharedMarker

Methods in that return Object
private  Object ObjectInputStream.readNull()
 Object ObjectInputStream.readObject()
protected  Object ObjectInputStream.readObjectOverride()
 Object ObjectInputStream.readUnshared()
private  Object ObjectInputStream.readArray(boolean)
private  Object ObjectInputStream.readHandle(boolean)
private  Object ObjectInputStream.readObject0(boolean)
private  Object ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(boolean)
private  Object ObjectInputStream.checkResolve(Object)
protected  Object ObjectInputStream.resolveObject(Object)
abstract  Object ObjectInput.readObject()

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 int File.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean File.equals(Object obj)
 void PrintStream.println(Object o)
 void PrintStream.print(Object o)
 void PrintWriter.print(Object o)
 void PrintWriter.println(Object o)
private  void ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(Object, ObjectStreamClass)
private  void ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(Object, ObjectStreamClass)
private  Object ObjectInputStream.checkResolve(Object)
protected  Object ObjectInputStream.resolveObject(Object)

Constructors in with parameters of type Object
Reader(Object Param0)

Uses of Object in java.lang

Subclasses of Object in java.lang
 class ArithmeticException
 class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 class Boolean
          JML's specification of java.lang.Boolean.
 class Byte
          JML's specification of java.lang.Byte.
 class Character
          JML's specification of java.lang.Character.
static class Character.Subset
static class Character.UnicodeBlock
 class Class
          JML's specification of java.lang.Class
 class ClassCastException
 class ClassLoader
 class ClassNotFoundException
 class CloneNotSupportedException
 class Double
          JML's specification of java.lang.Double.
 class Error
          JML's specification of java.lang.Error
 class Exception
 class Float
          JML's specification of java.lang.Float.
 class IllegalAccessException
 class IllegalArgumentException
 class IllegalStateException
 class IndexOutOfBoundsException
 class InstantiationException
 class Integer
          JML's specification of java.lang.Integer.
 class InternalError
          JML's specification of java.lang.InternalError
 class InterruptedException
 class Long
          JML's specification of java.lang.Long.
 class Math
          JML's specification of java.lang.Math.
 class NegativeArraySizeException
 class NoSuchFieldException
 class NoSuchMethodException
 class NullPointerException
 class Number
          JML's specification of java.lang.Number.
 class NumberFormatException
 class OutOfMemoryError
 class Package
          JML's specification of java.lang.Package
 class Process
 class Runtime
 class RuntimeException
 class SecurityException
 class SecurityManager
          JML's specification of java.lang.SecurityManager
 class Short
          JML's specification of java.lang.Short.
 class StackTraceElement
          JML's specification of StackTraceElement.
 class StrictMath
          JML's specification of java.lang.StrictMath.
 class String
          JML's specification of java.lang.String.
 class StringBuffer
          JML's specification of StringBuffer.
 class StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
 class System
          JML's specification of java.lang.System.
 class Thread
 class ThreadGroup
 class Throwable
 class UnsupportedOperationException
 class VirtualMachineError
          JML's specification of java.lang.VirtualMachineError

Methods in java.lang that return Object
protected  Object Object.clone()
 Object Class.newInstance()
 Object[] Class.getSigners()
 Object SecurityManager.getSecurityContext()

Methods in java.lang with parameters of type Object
 boolean Object.equals(Object obj)
 boolean String.equals(Object anObject)
 int String.compareTo(Object o)
static String String.valueOf(Object obj)
abstract  int Comparable.compareTo(Object o)
abstract  boolean CharSequence.equals(Object obj)
          According to the javadocs, the equals method should not be called.
 boolean Class.isInstance(Object obj)
(package private)  void Class.setSigners(Object[] signers)
protected  void ClassLoader.setSigners(Class, Object[])
 StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(Object o)
 StringBuffer StringBuffer.insert(int offset, Object o)
 boolean Byte.equals(Object obj)
 int Byte.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean Short.equals(Object obj)
 int Short.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean Integer.equals(Object obj)
 int Integer.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean Double.equals(Object obj)
 int Double.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean Float.equals(Object obj)
 int Float.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean Long.equals(Object obj)
 int Long.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean Character.equals(Object obj)
 int Character.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean StackTraceElement.equals(Object obj)
 void SecurityManager.checkPermission(Permission perm, Object context)
 void SecurityManager.checkRead(String file, Object context)
 void SecurityManager.checkConnect(String host, int port, Object context)
 boolean SecurityManager.checkTopLevelWindow(Object window)
private  void Thread.stop0(Object)
static boolean Thread.holdsLock(Object)
 boolean Character.Subset.equals(Object obj)
static void System.arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int length)
static int System.identityHashCode(Object x)
 boolean Boolean.equals(Object obj)

Uses of Object in java.lang.reflect

Subclasses of Object in java.lang.reflect
 class AccessibleObject
 class Array
 class Constructor
 class Field
 class InvocationTargetException
 class Method

Methods in java.lang.reflect that return Object
 Object Method.invoke(Object obj, Object[] args)
 Object Field.get(Object obj)
 Object Constructor.newInstance(Object[] initargs)
static Object Array.newInstance(Class Param0, int Param1)
static Object Array.newInstance(Class Param0, int[] Param1)
static Object Array.get(Object Param0, int Param1)

Methods in java.lang.reflect with parameters of type Object
 boolean Method.equals(Object obj)
 Object Method.invoke(Object obj, Object[] args)
 boolean Field.equals(Object obj)
 Object Field.get(Object obj)
 boolean Field.getBoolean(Object obj)
 byte Field.getByte(Object obj)
 char Field.getChar(Object obj)
 short Field.getShort(Object obj)
 int Field.getInt(Object obj)
 long Field.getLong(Object obj)
 float Field.getFloat(Object obj)
 double Field.getDouble(Object obj)
 void Field.set(Object obj, Object value)
 void Field.setBoolean(Object obj, boolean z)
 void Field.setByte(Object obj, byte b)
 void Field.setChar(Object obj, char c)
 void Field.setShort(Object obj, short s)
 void Field.setInt(Object obj, int i)
 void Field.setLong(Object obj, long l)
 void Field.setFloat(Object obj, float f)
 void Field.setDouble(Object obj, double d)
 boolean Constructor.equals(Object obj)
 Object Constructor.newInstance(Object[] initargs)
static int Array.getLength(Object Param0)
static byte Array.getByte(Object Param0, int Param1)
static char Array.getChar(Object Param0, int Param1)
static double Array.getDouble(Object Param0, int Param1)
static float Array.getFloat(Object Param0, int Param1)
static int Array.getInt(Object Param0, int Param1)
static long Array.getLong(Object Param0, int Param1)
static short Array.getShort(Object Param0, int Param1)
static boolean Array.getBoolean(Object Param0, int Param1)
static void Array.setByte(Object Param0, int Param1, byte Param2)
static void Array.setChar(Object Param0, int Param1, char Param2)
static void Array.setDouble(Object Param0, int Param1, double Param2)
static void Array.setFloat(Object Param0, int Param1, float Param2)
static void Array.setInt(Object Param0, int Param1, int Param2)
static void Array.setLong(Object Param0, int Param1, long Param2)
static void Array.setShort(Object Param0, int Param1, short Param2)
static void Array.setBoolean(Object Param0, int Param1, boolean Param2)
static Object Array.get(Object Param0, int Param1)
static void Array.set(Object Param0, int Param1, Object Param2)

Uses of Object in java.math

Subclasses of Object in java.math
 class BigDecimal
 class BigInteger
          JML's specification of java.math.BigInteger.

Methods in java.math with parameters of type Object
 int BigInteger.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean BigInteger.equals(Object x)
 int BigDecimal.compareTo(Object)
 boolean BigDecimal.equals(Object)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class InetAddress
 class MalformedURLException
 class URI
          JML's specification of
 class URISyntaxException
 class URL
          JML's specification of
 class URLConnection
 class URLStreamHandler

Methods in that return Object
 Object URL.getContent()
 Object URL.getContent(Class[] classes)
private  Object InetAddress.readResolve()
private static Object InetAddress.checkLookupTable(String)
private static Object InetAddress.getCachedAddress(String)
(package private) static Object InetAddress.loadImpl(String)
private static Object InetAddress.getAddressFromNameService(String, InetAddress)
 Object URLConnection.getContent()
 Object URLConnection.getContent(Class[])

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 boolean URL.equals(Object obj)
 boolean InetAddress.equals(Object)
private static void InetAddress.cacheAddress(String, Object, boolean)
 boolean URI.equals(Object ob)
 int URI.compareTo(Object ob)

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class AlgorithmParameters
 class GeneralSecurityException
 class InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
 class InvalidKeyException
 class InvalidParameterException
 class KeyException
 class KeyPair
          JML's specification of KeyPair.
 class NoSuchAlgorithmException
 class NoSuchProviderException
 class Permission
 class ProtectionDomain
 class Provider
 class SecureRandom
 class Signature
          JML's specification of Signaure.
 class SignatureException
 class SignatureSpi

Methods in that return Object
 Object SignatureSpi.clone()
protected abstract  Object SignatureSpi.engineGetParameter(String)
 Object Signature.clone()
 Object Signature.getParameter(String param)
          Deprecated. use getParameters()
 Object Provider.remove(Object)
 Object Provider.put(Object, Object)

Methods in with parameters of type Object
 void Permission.checkGuard(Object)
abstract  boolean Permission.equals(Object)
abstract  void Guard.checkGuard(Object)
protected abstract  void SignatureSpi.engineSetParameter(String, Object)
 void Signature.setParameter(String param, Object value)
          Deprecated. use setParameter(AlgorithmParameterSpec)
 Object Provider.remove(Object)
 Object Provider.put(Object, Object)
abstract  boolean Principal.equals(Object)

Uses of Object in java.sql

Subclasses of Object in java.sql
 class DriverManager
 class DriverPropertyInfo
 class SQLException
 class SQLWarning
 class Time
          JML specification for Time.
 class Timestamp
 class Types
          JML's specification of Types.

Methods in java.sql that return Object
abstract  Object ResultSet.getObject(int columnIndex)
abstract  Object ResultSet.getObject(String columnName)
          Can return null if value of entry is an SQL null.
abstract  Object ResultSet.getObject(int i, Map map)
abstract  Object ResultSet.getObject(String colName, Map map)
abstract  Object Ref.getObject()
abstract  Object Ref.getObject(Map)
abstract  Object Array.getArray()
abstract  Object Array.getArray(long, int)
abstract  Object Array.getArray(long, int, Map)
abstract  Object Array.getArray(Map)
abstract  Object CallableStatement.getObject(int)
abstract  Object CallableStatement.getObject(String)
abstract  Object CallableStatement.getObject(int, Map)
abstract  Object CallableStatement.getObject(String, Map)

Methods in java.sql with parameters of type Object
 boolean Time.equals(Object o)
 boolean Date.equals(Object o)
abstract  void PreparedStatement.setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType, int scale)
abstract  void PreparedStatement.setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType)
abstract  void PreparedStatement.setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateObject(int columnIndex, Object x, int scale)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateObject(int columnIndex, Object x)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateObject(String columnName, Object x, int scale)
abstract  void ResultSet.updateObject(String columnName, Object x)
 int Timestamp.compareTo(Object)
 boolean Timestamp.equals(Object)
abstract  void Ref.setObject(Object)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setObject(String, Object)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setObject(String, Object, int)
abstract  void CallableStatement.setObject(String, Object, int, int)

Uses of Object in java.util

Subclasses of Object in java.util
 class AbstractCollection
 class AbstractList
          JML's specification of java.util.AbstractList.
 class AbstractMap
(package private) static class AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
 class AbstractSequentialList
 class AbstractSet
          JML's specification of java.util.AbstractSet.
 class ArrayList
          JML's specification of ArrayList.
 class Arrays
          JML's specification of java.util.Arrays.
 class BitSet
          JML's specification of the java.util.BitSet.
 class Calendar
          JML's specification of java.util.Calendar.
 class Date
          JML's specification of java.util.Date.
 class Dictionary
 class EventObject
 class GregorianCalendar
          JML's specification of java.util.Calendar.
 class HashMap
          JML's specification of java.util.HashMap.
(package private) static class HashMap.Entry
 class HashSet
          JML's specification of java.util.HashSet.
 class Hashtable
          JML's specification of java.util.Hashtable.
 class LinkedHashSet
 class LinkedList
          JML's specification of java.util.LinkedList.
 class Locale
 class MissingResourceException
 class NoSuchElementException
 class Observable
          JML's specification of the java.util.Observable.
 class Properties
 class Random
(package private)  class RandomAccessSubList
 class ResourceBundle
 class Stack
          JML's specification of Stack.
(package private)  class SubList
 class TimeZone
 class TreeMap
          JML's specification of java.util.TreeMap.
(package private) static class TreeMap.Entry
 class TreeSet
          JML's specification of java.util.TreeSet.
 class Vector
          JML's specification of java.util.Vector.

Fields in java.util declared as Object
protected  Object EventObject.source
(package private) static Object HashMap.NULL_KEY
protected  Object[] Vector.elementData
(package private)  Object HashMap.Entry.key
(package private)  Object HashMap.Entry.value
(package private)  Object AbstractMap.SimpleEntry.key
(package private)  Object AbstractMap.SimpleEntry.value
(package private)  Object TreeMap.Entry.key
(package private)  Object TreeMap.Entry.value

Methods in java.util that return Object
 Object EventObject.getSource()
abstract  Object Map.get(Object key)
abstract  Object Map.put(Object key, Object value)
abstract  Object Map.remove(Object key)
abstract  Object[] List.toArray()
abstract  Object[] List.toArray(Object[] a)
abstract  Object List.get(int index)
abstract  Object List.set(int index, Object element)
abstract  Object List.remove(int index)
abstract  Object[] Collection.toArray()
abstract  Object[] Collection.toArray(Object[] a)
 Object[] AbstractCollection.toArray()
 Object[] AbstractCollection.toArray(Object[] a)
abstract  Object AbstractList.get(int index)
 Object AbstractList.set(int index, Object element)
 Object AbstractList.remove(int index)
 Object ArrayList.clone()
 Object[] ArrayList.toArray()
 Object[] ArrayList.toArray(Object[] a)
 Object ArrayList.get(int index)
 Object ArrayList.set(int index, Object element)
 Object ArrayList.remove(int index)
abstract  Object Dictionary.get(Object key)
abstract  Object Dictionary.put(Object key, Object value)
abstract  Object Dictionary.remove(Object key)
 Object Hashtable.get(Object key)
 Object Hashtable.put(Object key, Object value)
 Object Hashtable.remove(Object key)
 Object Hashtable.clone()
abstract  Object
abstract  Object[] Set.toArray()
abstract  Object[] Set.toArray(Object[] a)
 Object HashSet.clone()
 Object AbstractMap.get(Object key)
 Object AbstractMap.put(Object key, Object value)
 Object AbstractMap.remove(Object key)
protected  Object AbstractMap.clone()
(package private) static Object HashMap.maskNull(Object key)
(package private) static Object HashMap.unmaskNull(Object key)
 Object HashMap.get(Object key)
 Object HashMap.put(Object key, Object value)
 Object HashMap.remove(Object key)
 Object HashMap.clone()
 Object AbstractSequentialList.get(int Param0)
 Object AbstractSequentialList.remove(int Param0)
 Object AbstractSequentialList.set(int Param0, Object Param1)
 Object LinkedList.getFirst()
 Object LinkedList.getLast()
 Object LinkedList.removeFirst()
 Object LinkedList.removeLast()
 Object LinkedList.get(int index)
 Object LinkedList.set(int index, Object element)
 Object LinkedList.remove(int index)
 Object LinkedList.clone()
 Object[] LinkedList.toArray()
 Object[] LinkedList.toArray(Object[] a)
 Object Vector.elementAt(int index)
 Object Vector.firstElement()
 Object Vector.lastElement()
 Object Vector.clone()
 Object[] Vector.toArray()
 Object[] Vector.toArray(Object[] a)
 Object Vector.get(int index)
 Object Vector.set(int index, Object element)
 Object Vector.remove(int index)
 Object Stack.push(Object item)
 Object Stack.pop()
 Object Stack.peek()
abstract  Object Enumeration.nextElement()
 Object Properties.setProperty(String, String)
 Object Locale.clone()
abstract  Object
abstract  Object ListIterator.previous()
 Object SubList.set(int index, Object element)
 Object SubList.get(int index)
 Object SubList.remove(int index)
 Object Calendar.clone()
 Object TimeZone.clone()
 Object Date.clone()
 Object TreeSet.first()
 Object TreeSet.last()
 Object TreeSet.clone()
abstract  Object SortedSet.first()
abstract  Object SortedSet.last()
 Object HashMap.Entry.getKey()
 Object HashMap.Entry.getValue()
 Object HashMap.Entry.setValue(Object newValue)
abstract  Object Map.Entry.getKey()
abstract  Object Map.Entry.getValue()
abstract  Object Map.Entry.setValue(Object value)
 Object BitSet.clone()
 Object ResourceBundle.getObject(String key)
protected abstract  Object ResourceBundle.handleGetObject(String key)
 Object AbstractMap.SimpleEntry.getKey()
 Object AbstractMap.SimpleEntry.getValue()
 Object AbstractMap.SimpleEntry.setValue(Object value)
 Object TreeMap.get(Object key)
 Object TreeMap.firstKey()
 Object TreeMap.lastKey()
 Object TreeMap.put(Object key, Object value)
 Object TreeMap.remove(Object key)
 Object TreeMap.clone()
abstract  Object SortedMap.firstKey()
abstract  Object SortedMap.lastKey()
 Object TreeMap.Entry.getKey()
 Object TreeMap.Entry.getValue()
 Object TreeMap.Entry.setValue(Object value)

Methods in java.util with parameters of type Object
abstract  boolean Map.containsKey(Object key)
abstract  boolean Map.containsValue(Object value)
abstract  Object Map.get(Object key)
abstract  Object Map.put(Object key, Object value)
abstract  Object Map.remove(Object key)
abstract  boolean Map.equals(Object o)
abstract  boolean List.contains(Object o)
abstract  Object[] List.toArray(Object[] a)
abstract  boolean List.add(Object o)
abstract  boolean List.remove(Object o)
abstract  boolean List.equals(Object o)
abstract  Object List.set(int index, Object element)
abstract  void List.add(int index, Object element)
abstract  int List.indexOf(Object o)
abstract  int List.lastIndexOf(Object o)
abstract  boolean Collection.contains(Object o)
abstract  Object[] Collection.toArray(Object[] a)
abstract  boolean Collection.add(Object o)
abstract  boolean Collection.remove(Object o)
abstract  boolean Collection.equals(Object o)
 boolean AbstractCollection.contains(Object o)
 Object[] AbstractCollection.toArray(Object[] a)
 boolean AbstractCollection.add(Object o)
 boolean AbstractCollection.remove(Object o)
 boolean AbstractList.add(Object o)
 Object AbstractList.set(int index, Object element)
 void AbstractList.add(int index, Object element)
 int AbstractList.indexOf(Object o)
 int AbstractList.lastIndexOf(Object o)
 boolean AbstractList.equals(Object o)
 boolean ArrayList.contains(Object elem)
 int ArrayList.indexOf(Object elem)
 int ArrayList.lastIndexOf(Object elem)
 Object[] ArrayList.toArray(Object[] a)
 Object ArrayList.set(int index, Object element)
 boolean ArrayList.add(Object o)
 void ArrayList.add(int index, Object element)
abstract  Object Dictionary.get(Object key)
abstract  Object Dictionary.put(Object key, Object value)
abstract  Object Dictionary.remove(Object key)
 boolean Hashtable.contains(Object value)
 boolean Hashtable.containsValue(Object value)
 boolean Hashtable.containsKey(Object key)
 Object Hashtable.get(Object key)
 Object Hashtable.put(Object key, Object value)
 Object Hashtable.remove(Object key)
 boolean Hashtable.equals(Object o)
abstract  boolean Comparator.equals(Object o)
abstract  int o, Object oo)
 boolean AbstractSet.equals(Object o)
abstract  boolean Set.contains(Object o)
abstract  Object[] Set.toArray(Object[] a)
abstract  boolean Set.add(Object o)
abstract  boolean Set.remove(Object o)
abstract  boolean Set.equals(Object o)
 boolean HashSet.contains(Object o)
 boolean HashSet.add(Object o)
 boolean HashSet.remove(Object o)
 boolean AbstractMap.containsValue(Object value)
 boolean AbstractMap.containsKey(Object key)
 Object AbstractMap.get(Object key)
 Object AbstractMap.put(Object key, Object value)
 Object AbstractMap.remove(Object key)
 boolean AbstractMap.equals(Object o)
(package private) static Object HashMap.maskNull(Object key)
(package private) static Object HashMap.unmaskNull(Object key)
(package private) static int HashMap.hash(Object x)
(package private) static boolean HashMap.eq(Object x, Object y)
 Object HashMap.get(Object key)
 boolean HashMap.containsKey(Object key)
(package private)  HashMap.Entry HashMap.getEntry(Object key)
 Object HashMap.put(Object key, Object value)
 Object HashMap.remove(Object key)
(package private)  HashMap.Entry HashMap.removeEntryForKey(Object key)
(package private)  HashMap.Entry HashMap.removeMapping(Object o)
 boolean HashMap.containsValue(Object value)
(package private)  void HashMap.addEntry(int hash, Object key, Object value, int bucketIndex)
(package private)  void HashMap.createEntry(int hash, Object key, Object value, int bucketIndex)
 void AbstractSequentialList.add(int Param0, Object Param1)
 Object AbstractSequentialList.set(int Param0, Object Param1)
 void LinkedList.addFirst(Object o)
 void LinkedList.addLast(Object o)
 boolean LinkedList.contains(Object o)
 boolean LinkedList.add(Object o)
 boolean LinkedList.remove(Object o)
 Object LinkedList.set(int index, Object element)
 void LinkedList.add(int index, Object element)
 int LinkedList.indexOf(Object o)
 int LinkedList.lastIndexOf(Object o)
 Object[] LinkedList.toArray(Object[] a)
 void Vector.copyInto(Object[] anArray)
 boolean Vector.contains(Object elem)
 int Vector.indexOf(Object elem)
 int Vector.indexOf(Object elem, int index)
 int Vector.lastIndexOf(Object elem)
 int Vector.lastIndexOf(Object elem, int index)
 void Vector.setElementAt(Object obj, int index)
 void Vector.insertElementAt(Object obj, int index)
 void Vector.addElement(Object obj)
 boolean Vector.removeElement(Object obj)
 Object[] Vector.toArray(Object[] a)
 Object Vector.set(int index, Object element)
 boolean Vector.add(Object o)
 boolean Vector.remove(Object o)
 void Vector.add(int index, Object element)
 boolean Vector.equals(Object o)
 Object Stack.push(Object item)
 int o)
 boolean Locale.equals(Object obj)
abstract  void ListIterator.set(Object o)
abstract  void ListIterator.add(Object o)
 Object SubList.set(int index, Object element)
 void SubList.add(int index, Object element)
 boolean Calendar.equals(Object obj)
 boolean Calendar.before(Object when)
 boolean Calendar.after(Object when)
 boolean Date.equals(Object obj)
 int Date.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean TreeSet.contains(Object o)
 boolean TreeSet.add(Object o)
 boolean TreeSet.remove(Object o)
 SortedSet TreeSet.subSet(Object fromElement, Object toElement)
 SortedSet TreeSet.headSet(Object toElement)
 SortedSet TreeSet.tailSet(Object fromElement)
abstract  SortedSet SortedSet.subSet(Object fromElement, Object toElement)
abstract  SortedSet SortedSet.headSet(Object toElement)
abstract  SortedSet SortedSet.tailSet(Object fromElement)
static void Arrays.sort(Object[] a)
static void Arrays.sort(Object[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
static void Arrays.sort(Object[] a, Comparator c)
static void Arrays.sort(Object[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Comparator c)
static int Arrays.binarySearch(Object[] a, Object key)
static int Arrays.binarySearch(Object[] a, Object key, Comparator c)
static boolean Arrays.equals(Object[] a, Object[] a2)
static void Arrays.fill(Object[] a, Object val)
static void Arrays.fill(Object[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Object val)
static List Arrays.asList(Object[] a)
 Object HashMap.Entry.setValue(Object newValue)
 boolean HashMap.Entry.equals(Object o)
abstract  Object Map.Entry.setValue(Object value)
abstract  boolean Map.Entry.equals(Object o)
 void Observable.notifyObservers(Object arg)
abstract  void Observer.update(Observable o, Object arg)
 boolean GregorianCalendar.equals(Object obj)
 boolean BitSet.equals(Object obj)
 Object AbstractMap.SimpleEntry.setValue(Object value)
 boolean AbstractMap.SimpleEntry.equals(Object o)
 boolean TreeMap.containsKey(Object key)
 boolean TreeMap.containsValue(Object value)
 Object TreeMap.get(Object key)
 Object TreeMap.put(Object key, Object value)
 Object TreeMap.remove(Object key)
 SortedMap TreeMap.subMap(Object fromKey, Object toKey)
 SortedMap TreeMap.headMap(Object toKey)
 SortedMap TreeMap.tailMap(Object fromKey)
(package private)  void TreeMap.readTreeSet(int size, ObjectInputStream s, Object defaultVal)
(package private)  void TreeMap.addAllForTreeSet(SortedSet set, Object defaultVal)
abstract  SortedMap SortedMap.subMap(Object fromKey, Object toKey)
abstract  SortedMap SortedMap.headMap(Object toKey)
abstract  SortedMap SortedMap.tailMap(Object fromKey)
 Object TreeMap.Entry.setValue(Object value)
 boolean TreeMap.Entry.equals(Object o)

Constructors in java.util with parameters of type Object
HashMap.Entry(int h, Object k, Object v, HashMap.Entry n)
AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(Object key, Object value)
TreeMap.Entry(Object key, Object value, TreeMap.Entry parent)

Uses of Object in java.util.regex

Subclasses of Object in java.util.regex
 class Matcher
 class Pattern

Uses of Object in javax.crypto

Subclasses of Object in javax.crypto
 class BadPaddingException
 class Cipher
 class CipherSpi
 class ExemptionMechanism
 class IllegalBlockSizeException
 class NoSuchPaddingException
 class SecretKeyFactory
 class SecretKeyFactorySpi
 class ShortBufferException

Uses of Object in javax.servlet

Subclasses of Object in javax.servlet
 class GenericServlet
 class ServletContextAttributeEvent
          JML's specification of ServletContextAttributeEvent
 class ServletContextEvent
          JML's specification of ServletContextEvent
 class ServletException
          JML's specification of ServletException
 class ServletInputStream
          JML's specification of ServletInputStream
 class ServletOutputStream
          JML's specification of ServletOutputStream
 class ServletRequestAttributeEvent
          JML's specification of ServletRequestAttributeEvent
 class ServletRequestEvent
          JML's specification of ServletRequestEvent
 class ServletRequestWrapper
          JML's specification of ServletRequestWrapper
 class ServletResponseWrapper
          JML's specification of ServletResponseWrapper
 class UnavailableException
          JML's specification of UnavailableException

Methods in javax.servlet that return Object
abstract  Object ServletRequest.getAttribute(String name)
abstract  Object ServletContext.getAttribute(String name)
 Object ServletRequestAttributeEvent.getValue()
 Object ServletContextAttributeEvent.getValue()
 Object ServletRequestWrapper.getAttribute(String name)

Methods in javax.servlet with parameters of type Object
abstract  void ServletRequest.setAttribute(String name, Object o)
abstract  void ServletContext.setAttribute(String name, Object object)
 void ServletRequestWrapper.setAttribute(String name, Object o)

Constructors in javax.servlet with parameters of type Object
ServletRequestAttributeEvent(ServletContext sc, ServletRequest request, String name, Object value)
ServletContextAttributeEvent(ServletContext source, String name, Object value)

Uses of Object in javax.servlet.http

Subclasses of Object in javax.servlet.http
 class Cookie
          JML's specification of Cookie.
 class HttpServlet
 class HttpServletRequestWrapper
          JML's specification of HttpServletRequestWrapper.
 class HttpServletResponseWrapper
          JML's specification of HttpServletResponseWrapper.
 class HttpSessionBindingEvent
          JML's specification of HttpSessionBindingEvent.
 class HttpSessionEvent
          JML's specification of HttpSessionEvent.
 class HttpUtils

Methods in javax.servlet.http that return Object
 Object HttpSessionBindingEvent.getValue()
abstract  Object HttpSession.getAttribute(String name)
abstract  Object HttpSession.getValue(String name)
 Object Cookie.clone()

Methods in javax.servlet.http with parameters of type Object
abstract  void HttpSession.setAttribute(String name, Object value)
abstract  void HttpSession.putValue(String name, Object value)

Constructors in javax.servlet.http with parameters of type Object
HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession session, String name, Object value)

Uses of Object in javax.swing

Subclasses of Object in javax.swing
 class JComponent
 class JFrame
 class JPanel

Uses of Object in javax.swing.filechooser

Subclasses of Object in javax.swing.filechooser
 class FileFilter

Uses of Object in javax.xml.parsers

Subclasses of Object in javax.xml.parsers
 class FactoryConfigurationError
 class ParserConfigurationException
 class SAXParser
 class SAXParserFactory

Methods in javax.xml.parsers that return Object
abstract  Object SAXParser.getProperty(String)

Methods in javax.xml.parsers with parameters of type Object
abstract  void SAXParser.setProperty(String, Object)

Uses of Object in junit.framework

Subclasses of Object in junit.framework
 class junit.framework.Assert
 class junit.framework.TestCase
 class junit.framework.TestResult
 class junit.framework.TestSuite

Uses of Object in junit.runner

Subclasses of Object in junit.runner
 class junit.runner.BaseTestRunner

Uses of Object in junit.textui

Subclasses of Object in junit.textui
 class junit.textui.ResultPrinter
 class junit.textui.TestRunner

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.ant.tasks

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.ant.tasks
 class AbstractFileSetTask
          An abstract class for creating Tasks that work with Ant filesets.
 class AbstractFileSetTask.FileSetVisitor
(package private)  class AbstractFileSetTask.FileSetVisitor.AbstractFileSetTask$FileSetVisitor$1
 class CheckTask
          An Ant task to run the JML checker.
 class CommonOptionsTask
          An abstract Ant task that holds common options for the JML tools, including FileSets.
(package private)  class CommonOptionsTask.CommonOptionsTask$1
 class CompileTask
          An Ant task to run the JML runtime assertion checking compiler.
 class DocTask
          An Ant task to run jmldoc.
static class DocTask.Package
 class FileSetWrapper
          The inner class Visitor is provided to conveniently perform a certain action on all element in a FileSet.
 class FileSetWrapper.Visitor

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.checker

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.checker
 class AndNotPatternFilenameFilter
          Decorates the file name filter given to the constructor so it does not match names that include the pattern given to the constructor.
 class CTypeType
          This class represents the JML \TYPE type.
 class JavadocJmlLexer
 class JavadocJmlParser
 class JClassDeclarationWrapper
          A wrapper class to JClassDeclaration to implement JML-specific typechecking.
 class JConstructorBlockWrapper
 class JConstructorDeclarationWrapper
          A class representing a constructor declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JFieldDeclarationWrapper
          A class representing a field declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JInterfaceDeclarationWrapper
          This class represents a java interface in the syntax tree
 class JMethodDeclarationWrapper
          A class representing a method declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JmlAbruptSpecBody

 class JmlAbruptSpecCase

 class JmlAbstractVisitor
          An abstract JML visitor class to facilitate writing concrete visitor classes that implements the interface JmlVisitor.
 class JmlAccessibleClause
          An AST node class representing the JML accessible clause.
 class JmlAccumSubclassingInfo
 class JmlAddExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlAdmissibilityVisitor
          A visitor class to check admissibility of JML invariants and represents clauses.
protected  class JmlAdmissibilityVisitor.NotAdmissibleException
          An Exception which is thrown when some was found not to be admissible.
 class JmlArrayDimsAndInits

 class JmlAssertOrAssumeStatement
          This class represents the type of assert-statement, and assume-statement in JML.
 class JmlAssertStatement

 class JmlAssignableClause
          A JML AST node for the assignable clause.
 class JmlAssignableFieldSet
          This class acts as a set containing the assignable fields mentioned in an assignable clause.
 class JmlAssignmentStatement

 class JmlAssumeStatement

 class JmlAxiom
          This AST node represents a JML axiom annotation.
 class JmlBehaviorSpec
 heavyweight-spec ::= [ privacy ] "behavior" generic-spec-case
 class JmlBinaryArithmeticExpressionHelper
          This class is an abstract root class for binary expressions.
 class JmlBinaryField
          This class represents a class read from a *.class file.
 class JmlBinaryMember
          This type represents a java declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JmlBinaryMethod
          This class represents a method read from a *.class file.
 class JmlBinarySourceClass
          This class represents a class read from a *.class file.
 class JmlBinaryType
          This class represents a class read from a *.class file.
 class JmlBitwiseExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlBreaksClause

 class JmlCallableClause
          An AST node class representing the JML callable clause.
 class JmlCapturesClause
          An AST node class representing the JML captures clause.
 class JmlCastExpression
 This class represents a cast expression such as /*@(non_null)* / o /*@(non_null T)* / o (/*@non_null* / T) o
 class JmlClassBlock
          This class represents a instance or static initializer block annotated with a JML method specification.
 class JmlClassContext
          This class represents the context for a class during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlClassDeclaration
          This type represents a java class declaration in the syntax tree.
(package private)  class JmlClassicalAdmissibilityVisitor
 class JmlClassOrGFImport
          This type represents (in the AST) import statements for single classes or generic functions, e.g., import java.util.ArrayList; or import org.multijava.samples.typecheck.
 class JmlCodeContract
          An abstraction of JML method specification.
 class JmlCommonOptions
          This class is automatically generated from JmlCommonOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class JmlCompilationUnit
          This class represents a single JML compilation unit (typically a file in a file-based compiler like this) in the AST.
 class JmlCompilationUnitContext
          This class represents the context for a compilation unit during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlConstraint
          This AST node represents a JML constraint annotation.
 class JmlConstructorContext
          This class represents the context for a constructor during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlConstructorDeclaration

 class JmlConstructorName
          This AST node represents a constructor in a JML annotation.
 class JmlContext
          Descendents of this class represent local contexts during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlContinuesClause

 class JmlDataGroupAccumulator
          This class represents a set of jml-data-group-assertion's in JML ASTs.
 class JmlDataGroupClause
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form initially predicate.
 class JmlDataGroupMemberMap
          This class acts as a
 class JmlDebugStatement
          A concrete AST node class to represent the debug statement of the following form: debug-statement ::= "debug" expression ;
 class JmlDeclaration
          This abstract class is the superclass of all jml-declaration AST nodes, (i.e., invariants, history constraints, depends declarations, and represents declarations)
(package private)  class JmlDeclaration.ModifierAccumulator
 class JMLDefaultWarningFilter
          A warning filter for JML.
 class JmlDivergesClause
          A JML AST node class for the diverges clause.
 class JmlDivideExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlDurationClause

 class JmlDurationExpression

 class JmlElemTypeExpression

 class JmlEnsuresClause
          A JML AST node for the <\code>ensures clause.
 class JmlEqualityExpression
          This class represents the AST node for the equality operators.
 class JmlExample
          A class representing JML example specifications.
 class JmlExceptionalBehaviorSpec
 heavyweight-spec ::= [ privacy ] "exceptional_behavior" exceptional-spec-case
 class JmlExceptionalExample
          A class representing JML exceptional example specifications.
 class JmlExceptionalSpecBody
          An AST node class for the JML exceptional-spec-body.
 class JmlExceptionalSpecCase
          An AST node class for the JML exceptional-spec-case.
 class JmlExpression

 class JmlExpressionChecker
          A visitor class to check privacy (and purity) of JML expressions.
 class JmlExpressionContext
          A class for representing the context in which JML expressions are typechecked.
 class JmlExpressionFactory
          Expression AST node factory class.
(package private)  class JmlExprIDKeywords
 class JmlExtendingSpecification
          A method specification that extetends inherited specifications.
 class JmlExtractModelProgramVisitor
 class JmlFieldDeclaration

(package private)  class JmlFieldDeclaration.JmlFieldSpecsContext
          A special flow control context class for typechecking JML data group clauses.
 class JmlFileFinder
          This FileFinder looks for a .class file and a .java file, returning whichever one is newer.
 class JmlFlowControlContext
          This class is used during typechecking for control flow analysis that maintains local variable definite assignment (JLS2, 16), throwable, and reachability information (JLS2, 14.20).
 class JmlForAllVarDecl
          An AST node class for the JML forall variable declarations.
 class JmlFormalParameter
          This class represents a formal parameter in a JML AST.
 class JmlFreshExpression

 class JmlGeneralSpecCase
          An abstraction of JML specification cases.
 class JmlGenericSpecBody
          An AST node class for the JML generic-spec-body.
 class JmlGenericSpecCase
          An AST node class for the JML generic-spec-case.
 class JmlGuardedStatement

 class JmlGUI
          This class is automatically generated from JmlGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.
protected  class JmlGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter
protected  class JmlGUI.JmlCompilation
protected  class JmlGUI.JmlGUIFileFilter
protected  class JmlGUI.JmlOpenHandler
 class JmlHeavyweightSpec
          An AST node class for the JML heavyweight-spec.
 class JmlHenceByStatement

(package private)  class JmlIDKeywords
 class JmlInformalExpression

 class JmlInformalStoreRef

 class JmlInGroupClause
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form initially predicate.
 class JmlInitializerContext
          This class represents the context for a static initializer during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlInitiallyVarAssertion
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form initially predicate.
 class JmlInterfaceContext
          This class represents the context for an interface declaration during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlInterfaceDeclaration
          This class represents a java interface in the syntax tree
 class JmlInvariant
          This AST node represents a JML invariant annotation.
 class JmlInvariantForExpression
          AST for the JML expression \invariant_for.
 class JmlInvariantStatement

 class JmlIsInitializedExpression
          AST for the JML expression \is_initialized.
 class JmlJDLexer
          This is the scanner for embedded JML annotations.
 class JmlLabeled

 class JmlLabelExpression
          AST for the JML expressions \lblneg and \lblpos.
 class JmlLetVarDecl
          An AST node class for the JML let (old) variable declarations.
 class JmlLexer
          This is the top level JML scanner.
 class JmlLockSetExpression
          AST for the JML expression \lockset.
 class JmlLoopInvariant

 class JmlLoopSpecification
          This is the super class for the classes representing loop-invariant and variant-function annotations for loop-stmt.
 class JmlLoopStatement
          This class represents loop-stmts annotated with loop-invariants and/or variant-functions.
 class JmlMapsIntoClause
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form initially predicate.
 class JMLMathMode
 class JmlMaxExpression

 class JmlMeasuredClause

 class JmlMemberAccess
          This class represents and contains the information needed to determine whether a member of a class or compilation unit can be accessed from some other member.
 class JmlMemberDeclaration
          This type represents a java declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JmlMessages
 class JmlMethodContext
          This class represents the context for a method during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlMethodDeclaration

 class JmlMethodName
          This AST node represents a method name in a JML annotation.
 class JmlMethodNameList
          An AST node class representing the JML callable clause.
 class JmlMethodSpecification
          An abstraction of JML method specification.
 class JmlMinusExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlMLLexer
          This is the scanner for multi-line JML annotations.
 class JmlModelProgram
          An AST node class for the JML model-program.
 class JmlModelProgStatement
          The type of model-prog-statements.
 class JmlModuloExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlMonitorsForVarAssertion

 class JmlMultExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlName
          This class represents a store-ref-name, store-ref-name-suffix, method-res-start, or identifier from a method-ref in an AST.
 class JmlNode
          This is the superclass of most JML AST nodes.
(package private) static class JmlNode.DummyInitializerDeclaration
          A class for dummy initializer declarations.
 class JmlNondetChoiceStatement

 class JmlNondetIfStatement

 class JmlNonNullElementsExpression

 class JmlNormalBehaviorSpec
 heavyweight-spec ::= [ privacy ] "normal_behavior" normal-spec-case
 class JmlNormalExample
          A class representing JML normal example specifications.
 class JmlNormalSpecBody
          An AST node class for the JML normal-spec-body.
 class JmlNormalSpecCase
          An AST node class for the JML normal-spec-case.
 class JmlNotAssignedExpression

 class JmlNotModifiedExpression

 class JmlNumericType
          This class represents the JML primitive numeric types bigint and real.
 class JmlOldExpression

 class JmlOnlyAccessedExpression

 class JmlOnlyAssignedExpression

 class JmlOnlyCalledExpression

 class JmlOnlyCapturedExpression

 class JmlOptions
          This class is automatically generated from JmlOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class JmlOrdinalLiteral
          This class represents jml specific ordinal literals (bigint)
(package private)  class JmlOwnershipAdmissibilityVisitor
private static class JmlOwnershipAdmissibilityVisitor.State
          A data structure to store the current state of this visitor.
 class JmlPackageImport
          This type represents (in the AST) full-package import statements.
 class JmlParser
(package private) static class JmlParser.TypeBooleanPair
(package private) static class JmlParser.TypeWeaklyList
          This nested class represents a list of implemented interfaces for a class declaration (or extends interfaces for an interface declaration) and whether they are implemented (or extended) weakly.
 class JmlParserUtility
          This class is derived from ...mjc.ParserUtility; its purpose is to supply a different JavadocParser than the one in org.multijava.mjc.
 class JmlPredicate
          This represents the AST node for a predicate in JML.
 class JmlPredicateClause

 class JmlPredicateKeyword
 class JmlPreExpression

 class JmlQuotedExpressionWrapper
          This abstract class is the super class of all JmlExpressions that simply modify a quoted Java expression (e.g.
 class JmlReachExpression
          An AST node class for the JML reach expressions.
 class JmlReadableIfVarAssertion
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form readable id if predicate.
 class JmlRedundantSpec
          A class representing JML redundant specifications.
 class JmlRefineModelProgramVisitor
 class JmlRefinePrefix
 class JmlRefiningStatement

 class JmlRelationalExpression
          This class represents the JML relational expressions.
 class JmlRepresentsDecl
          This AST node represents a JML represents declaration annotation.
 class JmlRequiresClause

 class JmlResultExpression

 class JmlReturnsClause

 class JmlSetComprehension
          An AST node class for JML's set comprehension notation.
 class JmlSetStatement

 class JmlShiftExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlSigBinaryClass
          A class to represent JML class declaratons read from bytecode files.
 class JmlSigBinaryField
          A class to represent JML field declaratons read from bytecode files.
 class JmlSigBinaryMethod
          A class to represent JML method declaratons read from bytecode files.
 class JmlSigClassCreator
          A concrete class creator to create JML classes from bytecode files.
 class JmlSignalsClause
          A JML AST node class for the signals clause.
 class JmlSignalsOnlyClause
          A JML AST node class for the signals_only clause.
 class JmlSLLexer
 class JmlSourceClass
          A class for representing JML classes read from *.java files.
(package private)  class JmlSourceClass.JmlSourceClass$1
(package private)  class JmlSourceClass.JmlSourceClass$2
(package private)  class JmlSourceClass.JmlSourceClass$3
 class JmlSourceField
          A class for representing an exported field of a class.
 class JmlSourceMethod
          A class for representing JML method declaration in the signature forest.
 class JmlSpaceExpression

 class JmlSpecBody

 class JmlSpecBodyClause
          This abstract class is the common superclass of different kinds of specification clauses appearing in the specification body such as JmlAccessibleClause, JmlAssignableClause, JmlCallableClause, and JmlPredicateClause.
 class JmlSpecCase
          An abstraction of JML specification cases.
 class JmlSpecExpression
 class JmlSpecExpressionWrapper
          This abstract class is the super class of all JmlExpressions that simply modify a spec-expression (e.g.
 class JmlSpecification

 class JmlSpecQuantifiedExpression
          An AST node class for JML quantified expressions.
 class JmlSpecStatement

 class JmlSpecStatementClause

 class JmlSpecVarDecl
          An abstraction of JML specification variable declarations.
 class JmlStdType
          This class is a singleton that provides variables for the various built-in and java.lang types.
 class JmlStoreRef
          An abstraction of JML store references.
 class JmlStoreRefExpression
          An AST node class for JML store reference expressions.
 class JmlStoreRefKeyword
          This class represents a JmlStoreRefKeyword in the AST.
 class JmlStoreRefListWrapper

(package private)  class JmlTopIDKeywords
 class JmlTypeDeclaration
          This type represents a java class or interface in the syntax tree.
 class JmlTypeExpression

 class JmlTypeLoader
          This class acts as a symbol table and a cache for types, type signatures, and external generic functions.
 class JmlTypeOfExpression

 class JmlUnaryExpression
          This class represents unary expressions (unary plus, unary minus, bitwise complement, and logical not).
 class JmlUnreachableStatement

 class JmlVarAssertion
          This class represents jml-var-assertion in JML ASTs.
 class JmlVariableDefinition
          A wrapper of the class JVariableDefinition to store JML-specific information.
 class JmlVariantFunction

 class JmlVersionOptions
          This class is automatically generated from JmlVersionOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class JmlVisitorNI
          Implementation of Visitor Design Pattern for KJC.
 class JMLWarningFilter
          A warning filter for JML.
 class JmlWhenClause

 class JmlWorkingSpaceClause

 class JmlWorkingSpaceExpression

 class JmlWritableIfVarAssertion
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form writable id if predicate.
 class JStatementWrapper
          An abstraction of JML statement ASTs that should be subclass of JStatement.
(package private) static class Main.Filter
          This class is used with the Directory.list method to list those files in a directory that this program is interested in processing - in this case, all those that end in '.java', '.jml' or '.spec'.
 class Main.JmlCheckAssignableTask
          A task for checking assignable clauses; this task has to be done after type checking of assignable clauses of the super types so the fields can be combined with those of the subtype (the subtype is the one whose code is being checked against the assignable clauses but the inherited assignable clauses need to be type checked first).
 class Main.JmlModelProgramTask
          A task for checking model programs; this task has to be done after type checking the super types so the type information is available to AST nodes.
 class Main.JmlParseTask
          This class parses a group of files, given by filenames as strings, and generates a forest of ASTs.
 class Main.JmlTypecheckTask
          This class typechecks the source code.
(package private)  class Main.Main$1
(package private) static class Main.PTMode
 class NonNullStatistics
 class TestJmlParser
          Unit tests for JmlParser
protected static class TestJmlParser.Helper

Fields in org.jmlspecs.checker declared as Object
private static Object TokenStreamSelector.MODELTYPE
private static Object TokenStreamSelector.MODELCONSTRUCTOR
private static Object TokenStreamSelector.INEXPRESSION
private static Object TokenStreamSelector.NOTINEXPRESSION

Methods in org.jmlspecs.checker that return Object
 Object JmlDeclaration.clone()
          All subclasses must be clonable.
 Object JmlVarAssertion.clone()
          Clones this, making a deep copy of any mutable state.
 Object JmlDataGroupClause.clone()
 Object JmlStoreRef.clone()
 Object[] JmlPredicate.getFANonNulls(CContextType context)
          Returns a list of expressions known to be non-null (null) in this context
 Object[] JmlPredicate.getFANulls(CContextType context)
 Object[] JmlSpecExpression.getFANonNulls(CContextType context)
          Returns a list of expressions known to be non-null (null) in this context
 Object[] JmlSpecExpression.getFANulls(CContextType context)
 Object JmlSpecExpression.clone()
 Object[] JmlContext.getFANonNulls()
          returns the JPhyla that are known to be non-null in this context.
 Object[] JmlContext.getFANulls()
 Object JmlInvariant.clone()
 Object JmlAxiom.clone()
 Object JmlAssignableFieldSet.clone()
 Object JmlInitiallyVarAssertion.clone()
 Object JmlMonitorsForVarAssertion.clone()
 Object JmlReadableIfVarAssertion.clone()
 Object JmlWritableIfVarAssertion.clone()
 Object[] JmlFlowControlContext.getFANonNulls()
          returns the JPhyla that are known to be non-null in this context.
 Object[] JmlFlowControlContext.getFANulls()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.checker with parameters of type Object
 int JmlSourceClass.compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this to a given object.
protected  boolean JmlSourceClass.refines(Object maybeRefined)
protected  FieldInfo JmlSourceField.createFieldInfo(int modifiers, String name, String type, Object value, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Creates a new field info object.
 boolean JmlContext.isFANonNull(Object expr)
          Indicates whether expr (or member) is conditionally NonNull is this context.
 void JmlContext.addFANonNull(Object expr)
          Mark expr (or member) as NonNull in this context
 void JmlContext.addFANull(Object expr)
 void JmlContext.removeFANonNull(Object expr)
 void JmlContext.addFANonNulls(Object[] exprs)
          adds exprs (or members) as NonNull in this context
 void JmlContext.addFANulls(Object[] exprs)
 void mess, Object param1, Object param2)
          Generates an UnpositionedError with a given message.
 void mess, Object params)
 void mess, Object[] params)
          Generates an UnpositionedError with a given message.
 boolean JmlContext.check(boolean expr, MessageDescription mess, Object[] params)
 boolean JmlContext.check(boolean expr, MessageDescription mess, Object param1)
          Verifies an expression and if false signals an error.
 boolean JmlContext.check(boolean expr, MessageDescription mess, Object param1, Object param2)
          Verifies an expression and if false signals an error.
 boolean JmlCompilationUnitContext.equals(Object o)
          Indicates whether this is equal to a given object.
 int JmlTypeDeclaration.compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this to a given object.
 int JmlMethodDeclaration.compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this method to a given method and returns 0 if the methods belong to the same generic function, otherwise returns -1 or +1 to sort the methods.
 int JmlCompilationUnit.compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this to a given object.
 int JInterfaceDeclarationWrapper.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean JmlVersionOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 boolean JmlCommonOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 boolean JmlOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
protected  void JmlVisitorNI.imp(String method, Object self)
protected  boolean JmlRefineModelProgramVisitor.sameNullity(Object one, Object two)
          Returns true iff one and two share nullity.
static void NonNullStatistics.checkSpecification(JmlMethodDeclaration jmd, Object[] jscArr, JmlContext context, String fn)
 boolean JmlFlowControlContext.isFANonNull(Object expr)
          Indicates whether expr (or member) is conditionally NonNull is this context.
 void JmlFlowControlContext.addFANonNull(Object expr)
          Mark expr (or member) as NonNull in this context
 void JmlFlowControlContext.addFANull(Object expr)
 void JmlFlowControlContext.removeFANonNull(Object expr)
 void JmlFlowControlContext.addFANonNulls(Object[] exprs)
          adds exprs (or members) as NonNull in this context
 void JmlFlowControlContext.addFANulls(Object[] exprs)
 int JClassDeclarationWrapper.compareTo(Object o)
private  void JmlExpressionChecker.check(boolean cond, TokenReference tref, MessageDescription msg, Object obj1, Object obj2)
          Checks if the condition, cond is true.
private  void JmlExpressionChecker.check(boolean cond, TokenReference tref, MessageDescription msg, Object[] obj)
private  void JmlExpressionChecker.check(boolean cond, TokenReference tref, MessageDescription msg, Object obj1)
          Checks if the condition, cond is true.
private  void JmlExpressionChecker.warnPureness(int cond, TokenReference tref, Object obj)
          Produce a caution message about method pureness if the argument, cond, is -1.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.checker with parameters of type Object
Main.JmlTypecheckTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for checking the initializers in the given forest.
Main.JmlModelProgramTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for checking the model programs of types in the given compilation units (trees).
Main.JmlCheckAssignableTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for checking the assignable clauses of types in the given compilation units (trees).

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc
 class JmldocGUI
          This class just has a main routine that invokes the main routine in the subpackage appropriate to the version of the Java tools library that is on the classpath.
 class JmldocMessages
 class JmldocOptions
          This class is automatically generated from JmldocOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class Main
          This class just has a main routine that invokes the main routine in the subpackage appropriate to the version of the Java tools library that is on the classpath.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc with parameters of type Object
 boolean JavadocOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 boolean JmldocOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142
 class JmlClassDoc
 class JmldocClassSubWriter
 class JmldocClassWriter
          A derivative of a class in the javadoc doclet API, so as to be able to instantiate a MjdocClassWriter instead of a ClassWriter and a MjdocMethodSubWriter instead of a MethodSubWriter.
static class JmldocClassWriter.JmlMemberFilter
 class JmldocConstructorSubWriter
          This is an extension of the doclet api in order to provide functionality for writing JML annotations.
 class JmldocFieldSubWriter
protected  class JmldocGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter
protected  class JmldocGUI.JmldocCompilation
protected  class JmldocGUI.JmldocGUIFileFilter
protected  class JmldocGUI.JmldocOpenHandler
 class JmldocMethodSubWriter
          This is an extension of the doclet api in order to provide functionality for writing external methods.
 class JmldocStandard
          The class with "start" method, calls individual Writers.
 class JmldocWrapper
static class JmldocWrapper.JmlCClassMap
static class JmldocWrapper.RefinementWrapper
 class JmlHTML
          This class contains functions to generate html, fitting in with javadoc comments, that documents jml annotations.
static class JmlHTML.IntPair
          This class holds a pair of integers, used here to mark the start and (one past the) end of a section of a text string.
static class JmlHTML.IntString
          This class holds an integer and a String, corresponding to a position at which to insert text, and the text to be inserted at that position.
(package private)  class JmlHtmlFactory
          This class is just used to create a factory instance of the JmlHTML class, from which one can call jmlize to do the actual work on a real file.
 class Main.JmlHtmlTask
          This class jmlizes java files for each listed java file.
static class Main.JmlPrivacyChecker
 class Main.MjdocTask
          This class drives the generation of html files.
 class SpecWriter
          This class is a Visitor class that generates appropriate portions of the javadoc documentation by walking the parse tree.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 with parameters of type Object
 int JmlHTML.IntPair.compareTo(Object p)
          The comparison function that implements the Comparable interface.
 boolean JmlHTML.IntPair.equals(Object p)
          The equality method that implements the Comparable interface.
 int JmlHTML.IntString.compareTo(Object p)
          The comparison method that implements the Comparable interface.
 boolean JmlHTML.IntString.equals(Object p)
          The equality method that implements the Comparable interface.
 boolean JmldocWrapper.RefinementWrapper.equals(Object o)
 int JmldocWrapper.RefinementWrapper.compareTo(Object o)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 with parameters of type Object
Main.MjdocTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for javadocizing the trees in the given forest.
Main.JmlHtmlTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID, boolean specify)
          Constructs a task for javadocizing the trees in the given forest.

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac
 class AbstractExpressionTranslator
          This class is intended to be a common base class for both TransExpression and TransExpression2.
 class AssertionMethod
          An abstract class for generating assertion check methods for specific kinds of assertions such as preconditions, normal and exceptional postconditions, invariants and (history) constraints.
(package private)  class AssertionMethod.AssertionMethod$1
 class ConstraintMethod
          A class for generating assertion check methods for (history) constraints.
 class ConstructorWrapper
          A class for generating constructor wrappers.
 class DesugarSpec
          A JML visitor class for desugaring method specifications.
 class ExceptionalPostconditionMethod
          A class for generating exceptional postcondition check methods.
 class FinalizerWrapper
          A class for generating wrapper methods for finalizers.
 class InvariantLikeMethod
          A class for generating assertion check methods for class-level assertions such as invariants and history constraints.
 class InvariantMethod
          A class for generating assertion check methods for invariants.
 class JmlModifier
          A class providing utilities for operating on modifier bit masks.
 class JmlRacGenerator
          A class implementing the JML Runtime Assertion Checker (RAC).
 class JMLRacWarningFilter
          A warning filter for JML.
 class LocalConstraintMethod
          A class for generating constaint check methods that check locally specified type constraints without inheriting any constraints from supertypes.
 class Main.JavaParseTask
          A parser class for the seconding round compilation.
 class Main.JmlGenerateAssertionTask
          A task for generating runtime assertion checker (RAC) code.
 class Main.JmlPrettyPrintTask
          A task class for pretty-printing the trees in the AST forest.
 class Main.JmlWriteAssertionTask
          A task class for generating RAC code.
 class MotherConstraintMethod
          A class for generating constraint check methods that check locally specified type constraints and inherit constraints from supertypes.
 class NonExecutableExpressionException
          This is exception is used to report non-executable expressions when encountered during the visit of the tree.
 class NotImplementedExpressionException
          This is exception is used to report not implemented expressions when encountered during the visit of the tree.
 class NotSupportedExpressionException
          This is exception is used to report not supported expressions when encountered during the visit of the tree.
 class PositionnedExpressionException
          This is exception is used to report expressions evaluation issues encountered during the visit of the tree.
 class PostconditionMethod
          A class for generating postcondition check methods.
 class PreconditionMethod
          A class for generating precondition check methods.
 class PreOrPostconditionMethod
          An abstract class for generating precondition or postconditin check methods for the given methods.
private static class PreOrPostconditionMethod.StringPair
          A record class that can store a pair of strings.
(package private)  class PreValueVars
          A container class to store information about private fields that are used to pass pre-state values, typically computed by precondition check methods, to postcondition check methods.
(package private) static class PreValueVars.Entry
          A data structure class to hold information about a field.
 class RacAbstractVisitor
          A default implementation for the RacVisitor interface.
 class RacContext
          A class for representing contexts for translating JML expressions.
 class RacGUI
          This class is automatically generated from RacGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.
protected  class RacGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter
protected  class RacGUI.RacCompilation
protected  class RacGUI.RacGUIFileFilter
protected  class RacGUI.RacOpenHandler
 class RacMessages
 class RacOptions
          This class is automatically generated from RacOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class RacParser
          A utility class for generating RAC nodes from a string and an array of RAC/JML nodes.
static class RacParser.RacBlock
          A RAC node class for representing blocks.
static class RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration
          A RAC node class for representing method declarations.
static class RacParser.RacStatement
          A RAC node class for representing statements.
 class RacPredicate
          An AST node class for RAC-specific predicates.
 class RacPrettyPrinter
          A visitor class for pretty-printing JML specifications with generated RAC code.
 class SubtypeConstraintMethod
          A class for generating constaint check methods that check locally specified type constraints and inherit constraints from supertypes.
 class TransClass
          A class for translating JML class declarations.
 class TransConstraint
          A class for translating JML (history) constraints.
 class TransConstructor
          A class for translating JML annotated constructor into a RAC-enabled method.
 class TransConstructorBody
          A visitor class for translating JML specification statements in a constrcutor body into assertion check code.
 class TransExpression
          A RAC visitor class to translate JML expressions into Java source code.
static class TransExpression.DiagTerm
          A class representing a term to be presented when an assertion is violated.
private static class TransExpression.DynamicCallArg
          A private data structure class for stroring information about arguments for dynamic calls.
private static class TransExpression.StringAndNodePair
          A private data structure class for stroring a pair of String and RacNode objects.
 class TransExpression2
          A RAC visitor class to translate JML expressions into Java source code.
 class TransExpressionSideEffect
          A special expression translator that allows translation of expressions with side-effects.
 class TransInterface
          A class for translating JML interface declarations.
 class TransInvariant
          A class for translating JML invariants.
(package private)  class TransInvariant.CallExpr
(package private)  class TransInvariant.CallExpr2
 class TransMethod
          A class for translating JML annotated Java methods into RAC-enabled methods.
protected static class TransMethod.GeneralSpecCase
          A concrete wrapper class to JmlGeneralSpecCase for conjoining multiple specification clauses in a specification case.
protected static class TransMethod.SpecCase
          An abstract superclass for conjoining multiple specification clauses, such as requires and ensures clauses, in a specification case.
protected static class TransMethod.SpecCaseCollector
          A class for collecting all specification cases from a desugared method specification.
 class TransMethodBody
          A visitor class for translating JML specification statements in a method body into assertion check code.
 class TransOldExpression
          A RAC visitor class for transforming JML old expressions into Java code.
 class TransPostcondition
          A RAC visitor class for transforming JML postconditions into Java source code.
private  class TransPostcondition.QVarChecker
          A class to check whether an expression has any references to quantified variables.
 class TransPostExpression2
          A RAC visitor class to translate JML expressions into Java source code.
private  class TransPostExpression2.QVarChecker
          A class to check whether an expression has any references to quantified variables.
 class TransPredicate
          A RAC visitor class for transforming JML predicates into Java code.
 class TransType
           An abstract class for translating JML type declarations.
 class TransUtils
          A utility class for translating JML annotated Java classes into RAC-enabled classes.
 class VarGenerator
          A class for generating various uniques variable names for RAC.
private static class VarGenerator.VarGenForClass
          A variable generator for classes.
private static class VarGenerator.VarGenForMethod
          A variable generator for methods.
 class WrapperMethod
          A class for generating wrapper methods.

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac declared as Object
static Object RacParser.END_OF_LINE
          A marker object denoting the end of line.
private static Object TransExpression.DT_THIS
          Special object to denote "this" in the set of diagnostic terms.
private static Object TransExpression.DT_RESULT
          Special object to denote "\result" in the set of diagnostic terms.
private  Object TransExpression.DiagTerm.value

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac that return Object
private  Object DesugarSpec.GET_RESULT()
          Pops and returns the top element of the result stack.
 Object TransExpression.GET_RESULT()
          Returns the top element of the result stack.
protected  Object[] TransInterface.surrogatePlaceValues(RacNode newFdecls, RacNode newMdecls, RacNode mdecls)
          Returns an array of objects representing actual values for the place holder.
 Object TransExpression.DiagTerm.value()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac with parameters of type Object
 boolean RacOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
static RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration RacParser.parseMethod(String code, Object ast)
          Returns an object of RacMethodDeclaration for the given string.
static RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration RacParser.parseMethod(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2)
          Returns an object of RacMethodDeclaration for the given string.
static RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration RacParser.parseMethod(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2, Object ast3)
          Returns an object of RacMethodDeclaration for the given string.
static RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration RacParser.parseMethod(String code, Object[] asts)
          Returns an object of RacMethodDeclaration for the given string.
static RacParser.RacStatement RacParser.parseStatement(String code, Object ast)
          Returns an object of RacStatement for the given string.
static RacParser.RacStatement RacParser.parseStatement(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2)
          Returns an object of RacStatement for the given string.
static RacParser.RacStatement RacParser.parseStatement(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2, Object ast3)
          Returns an object of RacStatement for the given string.
static RacParser.RacStatement RacParser.parseStatement(String code, Object[] asts)
          Returns an object of RacStatement for the given string.
static RacParser.RacBlock RacParser.parseBlock(String code, Object ast)
          Returns an object of RacBlock for the given string.
static RacParser.RacBlock RacParser.parseBlock(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2)
          Returns an object of RacBlock for the given string.
static RacParser.RacBlock RacParser.parseBlock(String code, Object ast1, Object ast2, Object ast3)
          Returns an object of RacBlock for the given string.
private static List RacParser.parse(String code, Object[] asts)
          Parses the given string representing verbatim code possibly with positional markers ($i) and returns a list of objects (strings, objects, END_OF_LINE's) with $i replaced by the i-th objects of the array asts.
private  void DesugarSpec.RETURN_RESULT(Object obj)
          Pushes the argument to the result stack.
 void TransExpression.PUT_ARGUMENT(Object obj)
          Puts the given object to the parameter stack.
protected  void TransExpression.RETURN_RESULT(Object obj)
          Puts the given object to the result stack.
static void TransExpression.warn(TokenReference tref, MessageDescription description, Object obj)
          Produce a warning message with the given token reference, message description, and argument to message description.
protected  void TransExpression.addDiagTerm(Object term)
          Adds the given term to the set of terms to be printed when the assertion is violated.
static void JmlRacGenerator.warn(TokenReference tref, MessageDescription description, Object obj)
          Produce a warning message with the given token reference, message description, and argument to message description.
static void tref, MessageDescription description, Object obj)
          Produce an error message with the given token reference, message description, and arguments to message description.
static void tref, MessageDescription description, Object obj1, Object obj2)
          Produce an error message with the given token reference, message description, and arguments to message description.
 boolean TransExpression.DiagTerm.equals(Object obj)
          Does the argument equal to this object?

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac with parameters of type Object
Main.JmlPrettyPrintTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for pretty printer the trees in the given forest.
Main.JmlWriteAssertionTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
Main.JmlGenerateAssertionTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for generating runtime assertion code for the classes in the given.
TransExpression.DiagTerm(String term, Object value)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr
 class AbstractExpressionVisitor
          An abstract visitor class that visits all subexpressions of a given expression recursively.
 class NonExecutableQuantifierException
          Thrown to indicate that an attempt has been made to translate a JML quantified expression that is not executable.
(package private)  class QInterval
          A class for static approximations of the intervals for quantified variables of integeral types.
private static class QInterval.Bound
          A class for representing tuples of JExpression objects and int values.
private static class QInterval.CheckRecursion
          A class to check an appearance of local variables in an expression.
(package private)  class QSet
          An abstract class that represetns qsets of quantified expressions.
private static class QSet.Composite
          An abstract qset class consisting of two other qset objects, e.g., union or intersection qsets.
private static class QSet.Intersection
          A concrete qset class representating a qset that is an intersection of two qsets.
private static class QSet.Leaf
          A concrete qset class consisting of only one JML expression.
private static class QSet.Top
          A special, concrete qset class that represents the universe of all objects.
private static class QSet.Union
          A concrete qset class representating a union of two qsets.
(package private)  class StaticAnalysis
          An abstract class for translating JML quantified expressions into Java source code.
private static class StaticAnalysis.EnumerationBased
private static class StaticAnalysis.IntervalBased
private static class StaticAnalysis.SetBased
          A concrete class for translating JML quantified expressions into Java source code.
(package private)  class Translator
          An abstract class for translating JML quantified expressions into Java source code.
 class TransQuantifiedExpression
          An abstract class for translating JML quantified expressions into Java source code.

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime
 class JMLAssertError
          A JML error class to report violations of JML assert specification statements.
 class JMLAssertionError
          An abstract error class to notify all kinds of runtime assertion violations.
 class JMLAssumeError
          A JML error class to report violations of JML assume specification statements.
 class JMLChecker
          A class to set various runtime options and to check and report runtime assertion violations.
static class JMLChecker.CoverageCount
 class JMLDebugError
          A JML error class to report an error in the JML debug statement.
 class JMLEntryPreconditionError
          A JML error class to notify entry precondition violations.
 class JMLEvaluationError
 class JMLExceptionalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify exceptional postcondition violations.
 class JMLExitExceptionalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify exit exceptional postcondition violations.
 class JMLExitNormalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify exit normal postcondition violations.
 class JMLHenceByError
          A JML error class to report violations of hence_by specification statements.
 class JMLHistoryConstraintError
          A JML error class to notify history constraint violations.
 class JMLInternalExceptionalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify internal exceptional postcondition violations.
 class JMLInternalNormalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify internal normal postcondition violations.
 class JMLInternalPreconditionError
          A JML error class to notify internal precondition violations.
 class JMLIntraconditionError
          A JML exception class to signal intracondition violations.
 class JMLInvariantError
          A JML error class to notify invariant violations.
 class JMLLoopInvariantError
          A JML error class to report loop invariant violations.
 class JMLLoopVariantError
          A JML error class to report loop variant violations.
 class JMLNonExecutableException
          Thrown by generated runtime assertion check code to indicate that an attempt has been made to execute a JML expression that is not executable.
 class JMLNormalPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify normal postcondition violations.
 class JMLOldExpressionCache
          An abstraction of caches for JML old expressions.
static class JMLOldExpressionCache.Key
          A class for representing keys for cache objects.
 class JMLPostconditionError
          A JML error class to notify postcondition violations.
 class JMLPreconditionError
          A JML exception class for notifying precondition violations.
 class JMLRacBigIntegerUtils
 class JMLRacUtil
 class JMLRacValue
          A class for denoting JML expressible values for the runtime assertion checker.
 class JMLSurrogate
          The common behavior of all surrogate classes.
private static class JMLSurrogate.MapKey
          A class for implementing keys for the method cache.
 class JMLUnreachableError
          A JML error class to report violations of unreachable specification statements.

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime declared as Object
static Object JMLChecker.NO_CLASS
          A unique object to indicate non-existing class.
private static Object JMLSurrogate.NULL_METHOD
          A special object denoting no method.
private  Object JMLRacValue.value
          The object wrapped by this instance of class JMLRacValue.
 Object[] JMLOldExpressionCache.Key.values

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime that return Object
static Object JMLChecker.getSurrogate(String name, Class clazz, Object thisObj)
          Returns a surrogate object, an instance of the given surrogate class clazz, that is suitable for statically calling JML access methods on the object thisObj.
protected static Object JMLSurrogate.getReceiver(Class clazz, Object thisObj)
          Returns the receiver object for dynamic calls to methods of the class clazz from the object thisObj.
 Object JMLRacValue.value()
          Returns the wrapped value of this JMLRacValue object .
 Object JMLOldExpressionCache.get(Object key)
          Returns the value for the key, key.
 Object JMLOldExpressionCache.get(Object[] key)
          Returns the value for the key, key.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime with parameters of type Object
static Object JMLChecker.getSurrogate(String name, Class clazz, Object thisObj)
          Returns a surrogate object, an instance of the given surrogate class clazz, that is suitable for statically calling JML access methods on the object thisObj.
static String JMLChecker.toString(Object obj)
          Returns the result of invoking the toString method to the argument, obj.
protected static Object JMLSurrogate.getReceiver(Class clazz, Object thisObj)
          Returns the receiver object for dynamic calls to methods of the class clazz from the object thisObj.
 boolean JMLSurrogate.MapKey.equals(Object obj)
          Does the argument equal to this object?
static boolean JMLRacUtil.nonNullElements(Object[] a)
static JMLRacValue JMLRacValue.ofObject(Object v)
          Returns a new JMLRacValue object that wraps the given argument.
 boolean JMLOldExpressionCache.containsKey(Object key)
          Does this cache contain a value for the key, key?
 boolean JMLOldExpressionCache.containsKey(Object[] key)
          Does this cache contain a value for the key, key?
 void JMLOldExpressionCache.put(Object key, Object value)
          Puts the key/value pair to this cache.
 void JMLOldExpressionCache.put(Object[] key, Object value)
          Puts the key/value pair to this cache.
 Object JMLOldExpressionCache.get(Object key)
          Returns the value for the key, key.
 Object JMLOldExpressionCache.get(Object[] key)
          Returns the value for the key, key.
 boolean JMLOldExpressionCache.Key.equals(Object obj)
          Does the argument equal to this key object?

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime with parameters of type Object
JMLRacValue(Object value)
          Constructs a new instance.
JMLOldExpressionCache.Key(Object[] values)
          Constructs a new key object from an array.

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec
 class JspBinaryPrinter
 class JspComparator
          This class compares two compilation units to be sure that the specifications match appropriately.
 class JspGUI
          This class is automatically generated from JspGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.
protected  class JspGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter
protected  class JspGUI.JspCompilation
protected  class JspGUI.JspGUIFileFilter
protected  class JspGUI.JspOpenHandler
 class JspMessages
 class JspOptions
          This class is automatically generated from JspOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class JspPrettyPrinter
          This class overrides some of the pretty-printer methods to produce a specification skeleton for the class AST begin walked.
 class Main.JspBinaryPrinterTask
 class Main.JspCompareTask
          A task for generating specification skeletons.
 class Main.JspParseTask
          A task for generating specification skeletons.
 class Main.JspPrettyPrinterTask
          A task for generating specification skeletons.
(package private) static class Main.SuffixFilter
          This class is used with the Directory.list method to list those files in a directory that this program is interested in processing - in this case, all those that end in a valid suffix.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec with parameters of type Object
 boolean JspOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec with parameters of type Object
Main.JspPrettyPrinterTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
Main.JspCompareTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit
 class FancyTabbedPrintWriter
          A more convenient print writer.
 class JMLTestResult
          A class for collecting the results of executing test cases.
 class JMLTestRunner
          A JML/JUnit test runner class.
static class JMLTestRunner.JmlResultPrinter
 class JntGUI
          This class is automatically generated from JntGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.
protected  class JntGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter
protected  class JntGUI.JntCompilation
protected  class JntGUI.JntGUIFileFilter
protected  class JntGUI.JntOpenHandler
 class JntMessages
 class JntOptions
          This class is automatically generated from JntOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
(package private) static class Main.Main$2
 class Main.TestClassGenerationTask
          A task for generating JML/JUnit test oracle classes.
 class TestClassGenerator
          A class for generating JML/JUnit test driver classes.
protected  class TestClassGenerator.MethodInfo
          Common information needed from JMethodDeclarationType and CMethod in this class.
protected  class TestClassGenerator.MethodsIterator
          A composite control abstraction useful in this class.
private static class TestClassGenerator.NameGenerator
          A class for generating unique names for test methods.
private static class TestClassGenerator.Parameter
          A simple data structure class for storing information about a formal parameter.
 class TestDataClassGenerator
          A class for generating JML/JUnit test data classes.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit that return Object
private  Object TestClassGenerator.MethodsIterator.compositeNextMethod()
          Return the next element in the composition

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit with parameters of type Object
 boolean JntOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
protected  void TestClassGenerator.print(Object s)
          Prints the given object.
protected  void TestClassGenerator.println(Object s)
          Prints the given object with a trailing line separator.
protected  void TestClassGenerator.printlnIn(Object s)
          Prints the given object with one TAB_SIZE indentation and a trailing line separator.
 void FancyTabbedPrintWriter.print(Object s)
          Prints the given object.
 void FancyTabbedPrintWriter.println(Object s)
          Prints the given object with a trailing line separator.
 void FancyTabbedPrintWriter.printlnIn(Object s)
          Prints the given object with one tabSize indentation and a trailing line separator.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit with parameters of type Object
Main.TestClassGenerationTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies
 class AbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that allows for easy extension to the test data of the underlying strategy.
 class AbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator.
 class AbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out data that is not approved.
(package private)  class AbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class BooleanAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type boolean.
 class BooleanAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out data that is not approved.
(package private)  class BooleanAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class BooleanAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type boolean that implement the BooleanIterator interface.
 class BooleanAbstractStrategy
          Common code for strategies for providing test data of type boolean.
 class BooleanArrayIterator
          A BooleanIterator over arrays of boolean elements.
 class BooleanBigStrategy
          Test data of type boolean.
 class BooleanCompositeIterator
          Composition of several BooleanIterators.
 class BooleanCompositeStrategy
          A composition of several BooleanStrategys
 class BooleanExtensibleStrategy
          Common code for extensible strategies for providing test data of type boolean.
 class BooleanExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies (which provide test data of type type boolean) that allows for easy extension to the test data of the underlying strategy.
(package private)  class BooleanExtensibleStrategyDecorator.BooleanExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1
 class BooleanStrategy
          Test data of type boolean.
 class BooleanStrategyTypeTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for subtypes of BooleanStrategyType.
 class ByteAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type byte.
 class ByteAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out data that is not approved.
(package private)  class ByteAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class ByteAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type byte that implement the ByteIterator interface.
 class ByteAbstractStrategy
          Common code for strategies for providing test data of type byte.
 class ByteArrayIterator
          A ByteIterator over arrays of byte elements.
 class ByteBigStrategy
          Slightly more extensive test data of type byte.
(package private)  class ByteBigStrategy.ByteBigStrategy$1
 class ByteCompositeIterator
          Composition of several ByteIterators.
 class ByteCompositeStrategy
          A composition of several ByteStrategys
 class ByteExtensibleStrategy
          Common code for extensible strategies for providing test data of type byte.
 class ByteExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies (which provide test data of type type byte) that allows for easy extension to the test data of the underlying strategy.
(package private)  class ByteExtensibleStrategyDecorator.ByteExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1
 class ByteNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.
 class ByteNonNegativeStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out that filters out negative test data.
 class ByteStrategy
          Minimal test data of type byte.
 class ByteStrategyTypeTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for subtypes of ByteStrategyType.
 class CachedObjectAbstractStrategy
          A strategy for producing (test) data of an immutable or cloneable reference types from cached data provided by the user.
 class CharAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type char.
 class CharAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out data that is not approved.
(package private)  class CharAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class CharAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type char that implement the CharIterator interface.
 class CharAbstractStrategy
          Common code for strategies for providing test data of type char.
 class CharArrayIterator
          A CharIterator over arrays of char elements.
 class CharBigStrategy
          Slightly more extensive test data of type char.
(package private)  class CharBigStrategy.CharBigStrategy$1
 class CharCompositeIterator
          Composition of several CharIterators.
 class CharCompositeStrategy
          A composition of several CharStrategys
 class CharExtensibleStrategy
          Common code for extensible strategies for providing test data of type char.
 class CharExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies (which provide test data of type type char) that allows for easy extension to the test data of the underlying strategy.
(package private)  class CharExtensibleStrategyDecorator.CharExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1
 class CharIterator_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of CharIterator.
(package private)  class CharIterator_JML_TestData.CharIterator_JML_TestData$1
 class CharStrategy
          Minimal test data of type char.
 class CharStrategyTypeTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for subtypes of CharStrategyType.
 class CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for cloneable object strategies that allows for easy extension with cloneable test data.
(package private)  class CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1
 class CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy
          A strategy for producing test data of cloneable reference types.
(package private)  class CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy.CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy$1
 class CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for testing CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy.
(package private)  class CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest$1
protected  class CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SingletonCOAS
          A class that just provides null and one more value of type double[]
protected  class CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SmallestCOAS
          A class that just provides null
 class CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator
          An iterator that provides test data by returning a clone of the current object from an array of cloneable objects passed to its constructor.
 class CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator.
(package private)  class CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayArrayIterator
          A helper class used in testing it's surrounding class.
 class CollectionStrategy
          A small extensible strategy for producing test data of type Collection.
(package private)  class CollectionStrategy.CollectionStrategy$1
 class CompositeIterator
          Composition of several indefinite iterators.
 class CompositeIterator_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of CompositeIterator.
(package private)  class CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$3
 class CompositeStrategy
          A composition of several strategies
 class CompositeStrategyTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for testing CompositeStrategy.
 class ConstructorFailed
          A class that stores an exception that occured during test suite construction as a JUnit test, and when the test is run makes the problem a failure.
 class DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type double.
 class DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.
(package private)  class DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$2.DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$2$1
 class DoubleAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out data that is not approved.
(package private)  class DoubleAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class DoubleAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type double that implement the DoubleIterator interface.
 class DoubleAbstractStrategy
          Common code for strategies for providing test data of type double.
 class DoubleArrayIterator
          A DoubleIterator over arrays of double elements.
 class DoubleBigStrategy
          Slightly more extensive test data of type double.
(package private)  class DoubleBigStrategy.DoubleBigStrategy$1
 class DoubleCompositeIterator
          Composition of several DoubleIterators.
 class DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of DoubleCompositeIterator.
(package private)  class DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$3
 class DoubleCompositeStrategy
          A composition of several DoubleStrategys
 class DoubleExtensibleStrategy
          Common code for extensible strategies for providing test data of type double.
 class DoubleExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies (which provide test data of type type double) that allows for easy extension to the test data of the underlying strategy.
(package private)  class DoubleExtensibleStrategyDecorator.DoubleExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1
 class DoubleNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.
 class DoubleNonNegativeStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out that filters out negative test data.
 class DoubleStrategy
          Minimal test data of type double.
 class DoubleStrategyTypeTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for subtypes of DoubleStrategyType.
 class EmptyNewObjectIterator
          An empty new object iterator.
 class FloatAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type float.
 class FloatAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out data that is not approved.
(package private)  class FloatAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class FloatAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type float that implement the FloatIterator interface.
 class FloatAbstractStrategy
          Common code for strategies for providing test data of type float.
 class FloatArrayIterator
          A FloatIterator over arrays of float elements.
 class FloatBigStrategy
          Slightly more extensive test data of type float.
(package private)  class FloatBigStrategy.FloatBigStrategy$1
 class FloatCompositeIterator
          Composition of several FloatIterators.
 class FloatCompositeStrategy
          A composition of several FloatStrategys
 class FloatExtensibleStrategy
          Common code for extensible strategies for providing test data of type float.
 class FloatExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies (which provide test data of type type float) that allows for easy extension to the test data of the underlying strategy.
(package private)  class FloatExtensibleStrategyDecorator.FloatExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1
 class FloatNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.
 class FloatNonNegativeStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out that filters out negative test data.
 class FloatStrategy
          Minimal test data of type float.
 class FloatStrategyTypeTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for subtypes of FloatStrategyType.
 class ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategy
          A strategy for producing test data of reference types with immutable objects, such as String.
 class ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for testing ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategy.
(package private)  class ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest$1
protected  class ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SingletonIOAS
          A class that just provides null and one more value
protected  class ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SmallestIOAS
          A class that just provides null
 class ImmutableObjectArrayIterator
          An iterator that provides test data by returning the current object from an array of immutable objects passed to its constructor.
 class ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of ImmutableObjectArrayIterator.
(package private)  class ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData.ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData.ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData$2
 class ImmutableObjectExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for immutable object strategies that allows for easy extension with immutable test data.
(package private)  class ImmutableObjectExtensibleStrategyDecorator.ImmutableObjectExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1
 class IndefiniteIteratorUtilities
          Static functions to aid in testing subtypes of IndefiniteIterator and hence, the testing of various strategies.
 class IntAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type int.
 class IntAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out data that is not approved.
(package private)  class IntAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class IntAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type int that implement the IntIterator interface.
 class IntAbstractStrategy
          Common code for strategies for providing test data of type int.
 class IntArrayIterator
          A IntIterator over arrays of int elements.
 class IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of IntArrayIterator.
(package private)  class IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData$2
 class IntBigStrategy
          Slightly more extensive test data of type int.
(package private)  class IntBigStrategy.IntBigStrategy$1
 class IntCompositeIterator
          Composition of several IntIterators.
 class IntCompositeStrategy
          A composition of several IntStrategys
 class IntExtensibleStrategy
          Common code for extensible strategies for providing test data of type int.
 class IntExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies (which provide test data of type type int) that allows for easy extension to the test data of the underlying strategy.
(package private)  class IntExtensibleStrategyDecorator.IntExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1
 class IntNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.
 class IntNonNegativeStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out that filters out negative test data.
 class IntStrategy
          Minimal test data of type int.
 class IntStrategyTypeTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for subtypes of IntStrategyType.
 class IteratorAbstractAdapter
          Make a java.util.Iterator into an IndefiniteIterator.
 class JMLCollectionStrategy
          A strategy for generating test data of type JMLCollection.
(package private)  class JMLCollectionUnextensibleStrategy
          A strategy for providing test data of type JMLCollection.
 class JMLTypeStrategy
          A strategy for generating test data of type JMLType.
(package private)  class JMLTypeUnextensibleStrategy
          A strategy for providing test data of type JMLType.
 class LimitedTestSuite
          A kind of test suite that only allows the first n tests to be added, and ignores the rest.
 class LongAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type long.
 class LongAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out data that is not approved.
(package private)  class LongAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class LongAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type long that implement the LongIterator interface.
 class LongAbstractStrategy
          Common code for strategies for providing test data of type long.
 class LongArrayIterator
          A LongIterator over arrays of long elements.
 class LongBigStrategy
          Slightly more extensive test data of type long.
(package private)  class LongBigStrategy.LongBigStrategy$1
 class LongCompositeIterator
          Composition of several LongIterators.
 class LongCompositeStrategy
          A composition of several LongStrategys
 class LongExtensibleStrategy
          Common code for extensible strategies for providing test data of type long.
 class LongExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies (which provide test data of type type long) that allows for easy extension to the test data of the underlying strategy.
(package private)  class LongExtensibleStrategyDecorator.LongExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1
 class LongNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.
 class LongNonNegativeStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out that filters out negative test data.
 class LongStrategy
          Minimal test data of type long.
 class LongStrategyTypeTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for subtypes of LongStrategyType.
 class NewObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that allows for easy extension in the "new object" style to the test data of the underlying strategy.
(package private)  class NewObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.NewObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1
(package private)  class NewObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.NewObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1.NewIter
 class NewObjectAbstractIterator
          An iterator that provides test data by creating (in general) the objects each time the get() method is called.
 class NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of NewObjectAbstractIterator.
(package private)  class NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2$1
(package private)  class NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2$2
 class NewObjectAbstractStrategy
          A strategy that provides test data by creating (in general) the objects each time the make() method is called for a particular argument.
(package private)  class NewObjectAbstractStrategy.NewObjectAbstractStrategy$1
 class NewObjectAbstractStrategyTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for testing NewObjectAbstractStrategy.
protected  class NewObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SingletonNOAS
          A class that just provides null and one more object
protected  class NewObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SmallestNOAS
          A class that just provides null
 class NonNullIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out null's that would be returned otherwise.
 class NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of NonNullIteratorDecorator.
(package private)  class NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$3
 class NonNullStrategyDecorator
          A decorator that filters out null test data.
 class NonNullStrategyDecoratorTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for testing NonNullStrategyDecorator.
(package private)  class NonNullStrategyDecoratorTest.NonNullStrategyDecoratorTest$1
 class ObjectArrayAbstractIterator
          An indefinite iterator that provides test data from an array of objects passed to its constructor.
 class ObjectStrategy
          A minimal, extensible strategy for producing test data of type Object.
(package private)  class ObjectStrategy.ObjectStrategy$1
 class ObjectStrategyTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for testing ObjectStrategy.
(package private)  class ObjectStrategyTest.ObjectStrategyTest$1
 class ShortAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type short.
 class ShortAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out data that is not approved.
(package private)  class ShortAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class ShortAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type short that implement the ShortIterator interface.
 class ShortAbstractStrategy
          Common code for strategies for providing test data of type short.
 class ShortArrayIterator
          A ShortIterator over arrays of short elements.
 class ShortBigStrategy
          Slightly more extensive test data of type short.
(package private)  class ShortBigStrategy.ShortBigStrategy$1
 class ShortCompositeIterator
          Composition of several ShortIterators.
 class ShortCompositeStrategy
          A composition of several ShortStrategys
 class ShortExtensibleStrategy
          Common code for extensible strategies for providing test data of type short.
 class ShortExtensibleStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies (which provide test data of type type short) that allows for easy extension to the test data of the underlying strategy.
(package private)  class ShortExtensibleStrategyDecorator.ShortExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1
 class ShortNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.
 class ShortNonNegativeStrategyDecorator
          A decorator for strategies that filters out that filters out negative test data.
 class ShortStrategy
          Minimal test data of type short.
 class ShortStrategyTypeTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for subtypes of ShortStrategyType.
 class StringStrategy
          A strategy for producing test data of type String.
 class StringStrategyTest
          Hand-coded JUnit test for testing StringStrategy.
(package private)  class StringStrategyTest.StringStrategyTest$1
 class TestSuiteFullException
          This exception is ued to tell a test driver that we have enough tests.

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies declared as Object
private  Object[]
          The data to return in the iterations
private  Object[] ObjectArrayAbstractIterator.elems
          The elements
private  Object IteratorAbstractAdapter.item
(package private)  Object ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SingletonIOAS.newObj

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies that return Object
protected  Object NewObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.make(int n)
          Return the nth test data item.
protected  Object[] CachedObjectAbstractStrategy.getData()
          Create and return the data for the iterations.
protected  Object[] CachedObjectAbstractStrategy.defaultData()
          Create and return the default data for the iterations.
protected  Object[] CachedObjectAbstractStrategy.addData()
          Subclasses can override this to make simple extensions to the data used.
protected abstract  Object NewObjectAbstractStrategy.make(int n)
          Return the nth test data item.
protected abstract  Object CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy.cloneElement(Object elem)
          Return a clone of the argument, which is assumed not to be null.
protected  Object[] StringStrategy.defaultData()
abstract  Object IndefiniteIterator.get()
          Return the current element in this iteration.
abstract  Object IndefiniteIterator.clone()
          Return a copy of this iterator in the same state as this object.
 Object LongAbstractIterator.get()
 Object LongAbstractIterator.clone()
abstract  Object LongIterator.get()
abstract  Object LongIterator.clone()
          Return a copy of this iterator in the same state as this object.
 Object LongAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.clone()
 Object AbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.get()
          Return the current approved element.
 Object AbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.clone()
protected  Object[] ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData.ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData.ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData.ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData.ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest$1.addData()
protected  Object CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest$1.cloneElement(Object elem)
 Object DoubleAbstractIterator.get()
 Object DoubleAbstractIterator.clone()
abstract  Object DoubleIterator.get()
abstract  Object DoubleIterator.clone()
          Return a copy of this iterator in the same state as this object.
 Object DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.clone()
protected  Object[] StringStrategyTest.StringStrategyTest$1.addData()
 Object ByteAbstractIterator.get()
 Object ByteAbstractIterator.clone()
abstract  Object ByteIterator.get()
abstract  Object ByteIterator.clone()
          Return a copy of this iterator in the same state as this object.
 Object ByteAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.clone()
 Object NewObjectAbstractIterator.get()
abstract  Object NewObjectAbstractIterator.make(int n)
          Return the nth test data item.
 Object NewObjectAbstractIterator.clone()
 Object NewObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.NewObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1.NewIter.make(int n)
          Return null for index 0, and for n > 0, return the object returned NewObjectAbstractStrategy.this.make(n-1);
 Object FloatAbstractIterator.get()
 Object FloatAbstractIterator.clone()
abstract  Object FloatIterator.get()
abstract  Object FloatIterator.clone()
          Return a copy of this iterator in the same state as this object.
 Object FloatAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.clone()
protected  Object[] NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
 Object NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2$1.make(int n)
 Object NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2$2.make(int n)
protected  Object[] CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
 Object CharAbstractIterator.get()
 Object CharAbstractIterator.clone()
abstract  Object CharIterator.get()
abstract  Object CharIterator.clone()
          Return a copy of this iterator in the same state as this object.
 Object CharAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.clone()
 Object IntAbstractIterator.get()
 Object IntAbstractIterator.clone()
abstract  Object IntIterator.get()
abstract  Object IntIterator.clone()
          Return a copy of this iterator in the same state as this object.
 Object IntAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.clone()
 Object ShortAbstractIterator.get()
 Object ShortAbstractIterator.clone()
abstract  Object ShortIterator.get()
abstract  Object ShortIterator.clone()
          Return a copy of this iterator in the same state as this object.
 Object ShortAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.clone()
protected  Object[] DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] CharIterator_JML_TestData.CharIterator_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object CharIterator_JML_TestData.CharIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
 Object NewObjectAbstractStrategy.NewObjectAbstractStrategy$1.make(int n)
          Return null for index 0, and for n > 0, return the object returned by NewObjectAbstractStrategy.this.make(n-1);
protected  Object ObjectStrategyTest.ObjectStrategyTest$1.make(int n)
 Object ObjectArrayAbstractIterator.get()
protected abstract  Object ObjectArrayAbstractIterator.duplicateIfNeeded(Object elem)
          Duplicate the argument if needed.
 Object ObjectArrayAbstractIterator.clone()
protected  Object CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator.duplicateIfNeeded(Object elem)
          Return a clone of the argument, or null if it is null.
protected abstract  Object CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator.cloneElement(Object elem)
          Return a clone of the argument, which is assumed not to be null.
protected  Object CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy.CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy$1.cloneElement(Object elem)
protected  Object CollectionStrategy.CollectionStrategy$1.make(int n)
protected  Object[] NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$2.make(int n)
protected  Object[] NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$3.addData()
protected  Object NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] AbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.addData()
          Subclasses can override this to make simple extensions to the data used.
protected  Object[] ImmutableObjectExtensibleStrategyDecorator.ImmutableObjectExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1.defaultData()
abstract  Object CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.cloneElement(Object elem)
          Return a clone of the argument.
protected  Object[] CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1.defaultData()
 Object CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1.cloneElement(Object elem)
protected  Object[] CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$3.addData()
protected  Object CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest$1.addData()
protected  Object[] DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$3.addData()
protected  Object DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
 Object BooleanAbstractIterator.get()
 Object BooleanAbstractIterator.clone()
abstract  Object BooleanIterator.get()
abstract  Object BooleanIterator.clone()
          Return a copy of this iterator in the same state as this object.
 Object BooleanAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.clone()
 Object JMLTypeStrategy.cloneElement(Object elem)
          Clone a JMLType object
 Object LongCompositeIterator.clone()
 Object CharArrayIterator.clone()
 Object CompositeIterator.get()
          Return the next element in this iteration.
 Object CompositeIterator.clone()
 Object CharCompositeIterator.clone()
protected  Object CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SmallestCOAS.cloneElement(Object elem)
protected  Object[] CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SingletonCOAS.addData()
protected  Object CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SingletonCOAS.cloneElement(Object elem)
protected  Object[] JMLCollectionUnextensibleStrategy.addData()
          Test data of type JMLCollection.
 Object FloatArrayIterator.clone()
 Object LongArrayIterator.clone()
protected  Object CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayArrayIterator.cloneElement(Object elem)
protected  Object[] JMLTypeUnextensibleStrategy.addData()
          Test data of type JMLType
protected  Object JMLTypeUnextensibleStrategy.cloneElement(Object elem)
          Clone a JMLType object
 Object ByteArrayIterator.clone()
 Object ShortCompositeIterator.clone()
 Object EmptyNewObjectIterator.make(int n)
protected  Object ImmutableObjectArrayIterator.duplicateIfNeeded(Object elem)
          Return the argument (which is presumed to be immutable, and therefore not cloned).
 Object ShortArrayIterator.clone()
 Object IntCompositeIterator.clone()
 Object DoubleCompositeIterator.clone()
 Object DoubleArrayIterator.clone()
 Object IteratorAbstractAdapter.get()
abstract  Object IteratorAbstractAdapter.clone()
          Return a clone of this iterator adapter, which contains a clone of the underlying iterator.
 Object FloatCompositeIterator.clone()
protected  Object NewObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SmallestNOAS.make(int n)
protected  Object NewObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SingletonNOAS.make(int n)
protected  Object[] ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SingletonIOAS.addData()
 Object BooleanArrayIterator.clone()
 Object BooleanCompositeIterator.clone()
 Object ByteCompositeIterator.clone()
 Object IntArrayIterator.clone()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies with parameters of type Object
protected abstract  IndefiniteIterator CachedObjectAbstractStrategy.iteratorFor(Object[] data)
          Return an appropriate iterator for the data.
protected  IndefiniteIterator ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategy.iteratorFor(Object[] data)
protected  IndefiniteIterator CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy.iteratorFor(Object[] data)
protected abstract  Object CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy.cloneElement(Object elem)
          Return a clone of the argument, which is assumed not to be null.
abstract  boolean AbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.approve(Object elem)
          Return true if the element is to be returned by the get() method.
abstract  boolean AbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator.approve(Object elem)
          Return true if the element is to be returned by the get() method.
 boolean AbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter.approve(Object elem)
protected  Object ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData.ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData.ImmutableObjectArrayIterator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest$1.cloneElement(Object elem)
protected  Object NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object CharIterator_JML_TestData.CharIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected abstract  Object ObjectArrayAbstractIterator.duplicateIfNeeded(Object elem)
          Duplicate the argument if needed.
protected  Object CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator.duplicateIfNeeded(Object elem)
          Return a clone of the argument, or null if it is null.
protected abstract  Object CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator.cloneElement(Object elem)
          Return a clone of the argument, which is assumed not to be null.
protected  Object CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy.CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy$1.cloneElement(Object elem)
protected  Object NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.NonNullIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected abstract  StrategyType AbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.addedDataStrategy(Object[] added)
protected  StrategyType ImmutableObjectExtensibleStrategyDecorator.addedDataStrategy(Object[] added)
protected  StrategyType CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.addedDataStrategy(Object[] added)
abstract  Object CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.cloneElement(Object elem)
          Return a clone of the argument.
 Object CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.CloneableObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1.cloneElement(Object elem)
protected  Object CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object CompositeIterator_JML_TestData.CompositeIterator_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayIterator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData.DoubleCompositeIterator_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
 Object JMLTypeStrategy.cloneElement(Object elem)
          Clone a JMLType object
static boolean IndefiniteIteratorUtilities.contains(IndefiniteIterator iter, Object o)
          Does the given iterator return something equals to the given object?
protected  Object CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SmallestCOAS.cloneElement(Object elem)
protected  Object CloneableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SingletonCOAS.cloneElement(Object elem)
protected  Object CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayArrayIterator.cloneElement(Object elem)
protected  Object JMLTypeUnextensibleStrategy.cloneElement(Object elem)
          Clone a JMLType object
 boolean NonNullIteratorDecorator.approve(Object elem)
 boolean NonNullStrategyDecorator.approve(Object elem)
protected  Object ImmutableObjectArrayIterator.duplicateIfNeeded(Object elem)
          Return the argument (which is presumed to be immutable, and therefore not cloned).

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies with parameters of type Object
AbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator(IndefiniteIterator iter, Object ignored)
          Partially intialize this iterator decorator, with a call to initialize needed after this call.
ObjectArrayAbstractIterator(Object[] elems)
          Initialize this iterator to iterate over a clone of the array
CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator(Object[] elems)
          Initialize this iterator to iterate over a clone of the array
ImmutableObjectArrayIterator(Object[] elems)
          Initialize this iterator to iterate over a clone of the array
ImmutableObjectAbstractStrategyTest.SingletonIOAS(Object o)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.lang

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.lang
 class JMLDataGroup
          A type with one element, for use in declaring "data groups".
 class JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData.JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData.JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData$2

Methods in org.jmlspecs.lang that return Object
protected  Object JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData.JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object[] JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData.JMLDataGroup_JML_TestData$2.addData()
abstract  Object JMLSetType.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
abstract  Object[] JMLSetType.toArray()
          Return a new array containing all the elements of this.
 Object JMLDataGroup.clone()
          Return this object.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.lang with parameters of type Object
abstract  boolean JMLSetType.has(Object elem)
          Tell whether the argument is equal to one of the elements in this collection, using the notion of element equality appropriate for the collection.
abstract  boolean JMLSetType.equals(Object s2)
abstract  JMLSetType JMLSetType.insert(Object elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this and also the given argument.
 boolean JMLDataGroup.equals(Object oth)
          Test whether the given argument is a non-null object of type JMLDataGroup.

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.launcher

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.launcher
 class JmlLauncher
          A launcher for the JML tools
(package private)  class JmlLauncher.JmlLauncher$1
(package private)  class JmlLauncher.JmlLauncher$2
(package private)  class JmlLauncher.JmlLauncher$3
(package private)  class JmlLauncher.JmlLauncher$4
(package private)  class JmlLauncher.JmlLauncher$5

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.models

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.models
 class JMLArrayOps
          Array Operations that are useful for specifications.
 class JMLByte
          A reflection of Byte that implements JMLType.
 class JMLChar
          A reflection of Character that implements JMLType.
 class JMLChar_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLChar_JML_TestData.JMLChar_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class JMLChar_JML_TestData.JMLChar_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class JMLChar_JML_TestData.JMLChar_JML_TestData$3
(package private)  class JMLChar_JML_TestData.JMLChar_JML_TestData$4
 class JMLDouble
          A reflection of Double that implements JMLType.
 class JMLEnumerationToIterator
          A wrapper that makes any JMLEnumeration into a JMLIterator that does not support the remove operation.
 class JMLEqualsBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
(package private)  class JMLEqualsBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLEqualsBag.
(package private)  class JMLEqualsBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLEqualsBag.
 class JMLEqualsBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
 class JMLEqualsEqualsPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation and JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.
 class JMLEqualsObjectPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLEqualsToObjectRelation and JMLEqualsToObjectMap.
 class JMLEqualsSequence
          Sequences of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSet
          Sets of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of objects.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsValuePair
          Pairs of Object and JMLType, used in the types JMLEqualsToValueRelation and JMLEqualsToValueMap.
 class JMLFiniteInteger
          Arbitrary precision integers with a finite value.
 class JMLFloat
          A reflection of Float that implements JMLType.
 class JMLFloat_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLFloat_JML_TestData.JMLFloat_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class JMLFloat_JML_TestData.JMLFloat_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class JMLFloat_JML_TestData.JMLFloat_JML_TestData$3
(package private)  class JMLFloat_JML_TestData.JMLFloat_JML_TestData$4
 class JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData.JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData.JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData.JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData$3
 class JMLInfiniteIntegerClass
          Class with common code to implement JMLInfiniteInteger.
 class JMLInteger
          A reflection of Integer that implements JMLType.
 class JMLInteger_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLInteger_JML_TestData.JMLInteger_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class JMLInteger_JML_TestData.JMLInteger_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class JMLInteger_JML_TestData.JMLInteger_JML_TestData$3
(package private)  class JMLListEqualsNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
 class JMLListException
          Exceptions from JML List types.
(package private)  class JMLListObjectNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
(package private)  class JMLListValueNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
 class JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData.JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData.JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData$2
 class JMLLong
          A reflection of Long that implements JMLType.
 class JMLMapException
          Exceptions from JML Map types that indicate that the argument was illegal for this operation.
 class JMLMath
          A JML class that implements methods equivalent to those available in Math but that are defined over \bigint and \real instead.
 class JMLModelObjectSet
          A collection of object sets for use in set comprehensions.
 class JMLModelValueSet
          A collection of value sets for use in set comprehensions.
 class JMLNegativeInfinity
          Negative Infinity.
 class JMLNoSuchElementException
          Missing element exception used by various JML collection types and enumerators.
 class JMLNullSafe
          A class with static methods that safely work with null objects.
 class JMLNullSafe_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLNullSafe_JML_TestData.JMLNullSafe_JML_TestData$1
 class JMLObjectBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
(package private)  class JMLObjectBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLObjectBag.
(package private)  class JMLObjectBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLObjectBag.
 class JMLObjectBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
 class JMLObjectEqualsPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLObjectToEqualsRelation and JMLObjectToEqualsMap.
 class JMLObjectObjectPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLObjectToObjectRelation and JMLObjectToObjectMap.
 class JMLObjectSequence
          Sequences of objects.
 class JMLObjectSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of objects.
 class JMLObjectSet
          Sets of objects.
 class JMLObjectSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of objects.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$3
(package private)  class JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$4
(package private)  class JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$5
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectValuePair
          Pairs of Object and JMLType, used in the types JMLObjectToValueRelation and JMLObjectToValueMap.
 class JMLPositiveInfinity
          Positive Infinity.
 class JMLResources
          Model variables for reasoning à la Eric Hehner.
 class JMLSequenceException
          Index out of bounds exceptions from JML Sequence types.
 class JMLShort
          A reflection of Short that implements JMLType.
 class JMLString
          A reflection of String that implements JMLType.
 class JMLString_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLString_JML_TestData.JMLString_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class JMLString_JML_TestData.JMLString_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class JMLString_JML_TestData.JMLString_JML_TestData$3
 class JMLTypeException
          An exception class used in bad formatting exceptions.
 class JMLValueBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of values.
(package private)  class JMLValueBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLValueBag.
(package private)  class JMLValueBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLValueBag.
 class JMLValueBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of values.
 class JMLValueBagSpecs
          Special behavior for JMLValueBag not shared by JMLObjectBag.
 class JMLValueEqualsPair
          Pairs of JMLType and Object, used in the types JMLValueToEqualsRelation and JMLValueToEqualsMap.
 class JMLValueObjectPair
          Pairs of JMLType and Object, used in the types JMLValueToObjectRelation and JMLValueToObjectMap.
 class JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData.JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData.JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData$2
 class JMLValueSequence
          Sequences of values.
 class JMLValueSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of values.
 class JMLValueSequenceSpecs
          Specical behavior for JMLValueSequence not shared by JMLObjectSequence.
 class JMLValueSet
          Sets of values.
 class JMLValueSet_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.JMLValueSet_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.JMLValueSet_JML_TestData$2
 class JMLValueSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of values.
 class JMLValueSetSpecs
          Special behavior for JMLValueSet not shared by JMLObjectSet.
 class JMLValueToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$3
(package private)  class JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$4
(package private)  class JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$5
(package private)  class JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$6
 class JMLValueToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueValuePair
          Pairs of JMLType and JMLType, used in the types JMLValueToValueRelation and JMLValueToValueMap.

Fields in org.jmlspecs.models declared as Object
 Object JMLEqualsValuePair.key
          The key of this pair.
protected  Object JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator.key
          The current key for pairs being enumerated.
 Object JMLValueObjectPair.value
          The value of this pair.
 Object JMLObjectEqualsPair.key
          The key of this pair.
 Object JMLObjectEqualsPair.value
          The value of this pair.
 Object JMLObjectValuePair.key
          The key of this pair.
 Object JMLValueEqualsPair.value
          The value of this pair.
 Object JMLListEqualsNode.val
          The data contained in this list node.
 Object JMLEqualsEqualsPair.key
          The key of this pair.
 Object JMLEqualsEqualsPair.value
          The value of this pair.
protected  Object JMLObjectBagEnumerator.currEntry
          The current entry.
protected  Object JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator.key
          The current key for pairs being enumerated.
protected  Object JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator.key
          The current key for pairs being enumerated.
protected  Object JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator.key
          The current key for pairs being enumerated.
 Object JMLObjectObjectPair.key
          The key of this pair.
 Object JMLObjectObjectPair.value
          The value of this pair.
 Object JMLEqualsObjectPair.key
          The key of this pair.
 Object JMLEqualsObjectPair.value
          The value of this pair.
protected  Object JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator.key
          The current key for pairs being enumerated.
 Object JMLEqualsBagEntry.theElem
          The element in this bag entry.
protected  Object JMLEqualsBagEnumerator.currEntry
          The current entry.
 Object JMLListObjectNode.val
          The data contained in this list node.
protected  Object JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator.key
          The current key for pairs being enumerated.
 Object JMLObjectBagEntry.theElem
          The element in this bag entry.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models that return Object
abstract  Object JMLType.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
abstract  Object JMLValueSetSpecs.clone()
abstract  Object JMLValueType.clone()
          Return a deep copy of this object.
 Object JMLValueSet.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLObjectSequence.itemAt(int i)
          Return the element at the given zero-based index.
 Object JMLObjectSequence.get(int i)
          Return the element at the given zero-based index; a synonym for JMLObjectSequence.itemAt(int).
 Object JMLObjectSequence.first()
          Return the first element in this sequence.
 Object JMLObjectSequence.last()
          Return the last element in this sequence.
 Object JMLObjectSequence.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object[] JMLObjectSequence.toArray()
          Return a new array containing all the elements of this in order.
protected  Object[] JMLChar_JML_TestData.JMLChar_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLChar_JML_TestData.JMLChar_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object JMLChar_JML_TestData.JMLChar_JML_TestData$3.make(int n)
protected  Object[] JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$3.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$4.addData()
protected  Object JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$4.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$5.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$6.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData.JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData.JMLListValueNode_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLInteger_JML_TestData.JMLInteger_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLInteger_JML_TestData.JMLInteger_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLInteger_JML_TestData.JMLInteger_JML_TestData$3.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLFloat_JML_TestData.JMLFloat_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLFloat_JML_TestData.JMLFloat_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLFloat_JML_TestData.JMLFloat_JML_TestData$3.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLFloat_JML_TestData.JMLFloat_JML_TestData$4.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$3.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$4.addData()
protected  Object JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$5.make(int n)
protected  Object[] JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData.JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData.JMLInfiniteInteger_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData.JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData.JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData.JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData$2.make(int n)
protected  Object[] JMLString_JML_TestData.JMLString_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLString_JML_TestData.JMLString_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.JMLValueSet_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object[] JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.JMLValueSet_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.JMLValueSet_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object JMLNullSafe_JML_TestData.JMLNullSafe_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
 Object JMLInfiniteIntegerClass.clone()
          Return a clone of this integer.
 Object JMLValueSequenceEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in the sequence, counting up, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueSequenceEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
abstract  Object JMLEnumeration.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumeration.
abstract  Object JMLValueSequenceSpecs.clone()
          Return a clone of this object, making clones of any contained objects in the sequence.
 Object JMLValueSequence.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLListValueNode.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLValueToValueRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToValueRelationImageEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLValueSetEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueSetEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLValueToValueRelation.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLValueValuePair.clone()
 Object JMLEqualsValuePair.clone()
 Object JMLObjectToValueRelation.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
abstract  Object JMLIterator.clone()
          Return a clone of this iterator.
abstract  Object JMLValueBagSpecs.clone()
 Object JMLValueBag.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLValueToValueMap.clone()
 Object JMLEqualsToValueRelation.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLEqualsSet.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 Object JMLEqualsSet.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object[] JMLEqualsSet.toArray()
          Return a new array containing all the elements of this.
 Object JMLValueToEqualsRelation.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLEqualsToValueRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToValueRelationImageEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLEqualsSetEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsSetEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
abstract  Object JMLObjectType.clone()
          Return a shallow copy of this object.
 Object JMLEqualsToValueMap.clone()
 Object JMLValueObjectPair.clone()
 Object JMLObjectToEqualsMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToEqualsMap.clone()
 Object JMLObjectEqualsPair.clone()
 Object JMLObjectSet.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 Object JMLObjectSet.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object[] JMLObjectSet.toArray()
          Return a new array containing all the elements of this.
 Object JMLValueToEqualsMap.apply(JMLType dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToEqualsMap.clone()
 Object JMLValueToObjectRelation.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLValueToObjectMap.apply(JMLType dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToObjectMap.clone()
 Object JMLObjectToObjectRelation.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLObjectToObjectMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToObjectMap.clone()
 Object JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLValueToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLObjectSetEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectSetEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLObjectValuePair.clone()
 Object JMLValueEqualsPair.clone()
 Object JMLObjectToValueMap.clone()
 Object JMLByte.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLEqualsSequenceEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in the sequence, counting up, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsSequenceEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLEqualsSequence.itemAt(int i)
          Return the element at the given zero-based index.
 Object JMLEqualsSequence.get(int i)
          Return the element at the given zero-based index; a synonym for JMLEqualsSequence.itemAt(int).
 Object JMLEqualsSequence.first()
          Return the first element in this sequence.
 Object JMLEqualsSequence.last()
          Return the last element in this sequence.
 Object JMLEqualsSequence.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object[] JMLEqualsSequence.toArray()
          Return a new array containing all the elements of this in order.
 Object JMLListEqualsNode.head()
          Return the first element in this list.
 Object JMLListEqualsNode.itemAt(int i)
          Return the ith element of a list.
 Object JMLListEqualsNode.last()
          Return the last element in this list.
 Object JMLListEqualsNode.getItem(Object item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 Object JMLListEqualsNode.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLValueBagEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueBagEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLEqualsEqualsPair.clone()
 Object JMLObjectBagEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectBagEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLObjectBag.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 Object JMLObjectBag.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object[] JMLObjectBag.toArray()
          Return a new array containing all the elements of this.
 Object JMLObjectToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLObjectObjectPair.clone()
 Object JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLEqualsObjectPair.clone()
 Object JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLEqualsToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLEqualsToObjectMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToObjectMap.clone()
 Object JMLShort.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLInteger.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLEqualsBag.choose()
          Return an arbitrary element of this.
 Object JMLEqualsBag.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object[] JMLEqualsBag.toArray()
          Return a new array containing all the elements of this.
 Object JMLEqualsBagEntryNode.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLEqualsBagEntry.clone()
          Make a clone of the given entry.
 Object JMLEqualsBagEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsBagEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLListObjectNode.head()
          Return the first element in this list.
 Object JMLListObjectNode.itemAt(int i)
          Return the ith element of a list.
 Object JMLListObjectNode.last()
          Return the last element in this list.
 Object JMLListObjectNode.getItem(Object item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 Object JMLListObjectNode.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLString.clone()
          Return a clone of this string.
 Object JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 Object JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.clone()
 Object JMLDouble.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLFloat.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLLong.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLValueBagEntryNode.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLValueBagEntry.clone()
          Make a clone of the given entry.
 Object JMLObjectBagEntryNode.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
 Object JMLObjectBagEntry.clone()
          Make a clone of the given entry.
 Object JMLObjectSequenceEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next element in the sequence, counting up, if there is one.
 Object JMLObjectSequenceEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator.nextElement()
          Return the next image pair in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator.clone()
          Return a clone of this enumerator.
 Object JMLChar.clone()
          Return a clone of this object.
          Return the next element in this, if there is one.
 Object JMLEnumerationToIterator.clone()
          Return a clone of this iterator.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type Object
abstract  boolean JMLType.equals(Object ob2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLValueSetSpecs.has(Object elem)
          Is the argument ".equals" to one of the values in theSet.
abstract  boolean JMLValueType.equals(Object ob2)
          Compare with ob2 using .equals on underlying objects.
 boolean JMLValueSet.equals(Object s2)
abstract  boolean JMLCollection.has(Object elem)
          Tell whether the argument is equal to one of the elements in this collection, using the notion of element equality appropriate for the collection.
static JMLObjectSequence JMLObjectSequence.singleton(Object e)
          Return the singleton sequence containing the given element.
static JMLObjectSequence JMLObjectSequence.convertFrom(Object[] a)
          Return the sequence containing all the elements in the given array in the same order as the elements appear in the array.
static JMLObjectSequence JMLObjectSequence.convertFrom(Object[] a, int size)
          Return the sequence containing the first 'size' elements in the given array in the same order as the elements appear in the array.
 int JMLObjectSequence.count(Object item)
          Tells the number of times a given element occurs in the sequence.
 boolean JMLObjectSequence.has(Object elem)
          Tells whether the given element is "==" to an element in the sequence.
 boolean JMLObjectSequence.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 int JMLObjectSequence.indexOf(Object item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the sequence, if there is one
 boolean JMLObjectSequence.isInsertionInto(JMLObjectSequence s2, Object elem)
          Tells whether this sequence is the result of inserting the given element once into the given sequence.
 boolean JMLObjectSequence.isDeletionFrom(JMLObjectSequence s2, Object elem)
          Tells whether this sequence is the result of deleting the given element once from the given sequence.
 JMLObjectSequence JMLObjectSequence.replaceItemAt(int index, Object item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with item replacing the element at the given zero-based index.
 JMLObjectSequence JMLObjectSequence.insertAfterIndex(int afterThisOne, Object item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with item put immediately after the given index.
 JMLObjectSequence JMLObjectSequence.insertBeforeIndex(int beforeThisOne, Object item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with item put immediately before the given index.
 JMLObjectSequence JMLObjectSequence.insertBack(Object item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with the given item put an the end.
 JMLObjectSequence JMLObjectSequence.insertFront(Object item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with the given item put an the front.
protected  Object JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData.JMLValueToValueMap_JML_TestData$4.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData.JMLObjectToObjectRelation_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData.JMLValueObjectPair_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object JMLValueSet_JML_TestData.JMLValueSet_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
 boolean JMLInfiniteIntegerClass.equals(Object o)
          Tell whether this integer is equal to the argument.
abstract  int JMLInfiniteInteger.compareTo(Object o)
          Compare this to o, returning a comparison code.
abstract  boolean JMLInfiniteInteger.equals(Object o)
          Tell whether this integer is equal to the argument.
abstract  int JMLComparable.compareTo(Object o)
          Compare this to o, returning a comparison code.
 int JMLPositiveInfinity.compareTo(Object o)
          Compare this to o, returning a comparison code.
 boolean JMLValueSequenceEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument..
 boolean JMLValueSequenceSpecs.has(Object elem)
          Is the argument ".equals" to one of the values in this sequence.
 int JMLValueSequenceSpecs.count(Object elem)
          Tell many times the argument occurs ".equals" to one of the values in the bag.
 boolean JMLValueSequence.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLListValueNode.equals(Object ls2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLValueToValueRelationImageEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLValueSetEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLValueToValueRelation.has(Object obj)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLValueToValueRelation.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLValueValuePair.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLEqualsValuePair.keyEquals(Object dv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLEqualsValuePair.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
static JMLObjectToValueRelation JMLObjectToValueRelation.singleton(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLValueSet JMLObjectToValueRelation.elementImage(Object dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLObjectToValueRelation.isDefinedAt(Object dv)
          Tells whether this relation associates any range element to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLObjectToValueRelation.has(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLObjectToValueRelation.has(Object obj)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLObjectToValueRelation.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 JMLObjectToValueRelation JMLObjectToValueRelation.add(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLObjectToValueRelation JMLObjectToValueRelation.removeFromDomain(Object dv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain any association with the given domain element.
 JMLObjectToValueRelation JMLObjectToValueRelation.remove(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
 boolean JMLValueBagSpecs.has(Object elem)
          Is the argument ".equals" to one of the values in this bag.
 int JMLValueBagSpecs.count(Object elem)
          Tell many times the argument occurs ".equals" to one of the values in this bag.
 boolean JMLValueBag.equals(Object b2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
static JMLEqualsToValueRelation JMLEqualsToValueRelation.singleton(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLValueSet JMLEqualsToValueRelation.elementImage(Object dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLEqualsToValueRelation.isDefinedAt(Object dv)
          Tells whether this relation associates any range element to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLEqualsToValueRelation.has(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLEqualsToValueRelation.has(Object obj)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLEqualsToValueRelation.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 JMLEqualsToValueRelation JMLEqualsToValueRelation.add(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLEqualsToValueRelation JMLEqualsToValueRelation.removeFromDomain(Object dv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain any association with the given domain element.
 JMLEqualsToValueRelation JMLEqualsToValueRelation.remove(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
static JMLEqualsSet JMLEqualsSet.singleton(Object e)
          Return the singleton set containing the given element.
static JMLEqualsSet JMLEqualsSet.convertFrom(Object[] a)
          Return the set containing all the elements in the given array.
 boolean JMLEqualsSet.has(Object elem)
          Is the argument ".equals" to one of the objects in theSet.
 boolean JMLEqualsSet.equals(Object s2)
 JMLEqualsSet JMLEqualsSet.insert(Object elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this and also the given argument.
protected  JMLEqualsSet JMLEqualsSet.fast_insert(Object elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this and also the given argument, assuming the argument is not in the set.
 JMLEqualsSet JMLEqualsSet.remove(Object elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this except for the given argument.
static JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.singleton(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToEqualsRelation.inverseElementImage(Object rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 boolean JMLValueToEqualsRelation.has(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLValueToEqualsRelation.has(Object obj)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLValueToEqualsRelation.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.add(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.remove(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
static JMLObjectToEqualsRelation JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.singleton(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLEqualsSet JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.elementImage(Object dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 JMLObjectSet JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.inverseElementImage(Object rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 boolean JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.isDefinedAt(Object dv)
          Tells whether this relation associates any range element to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.has(Object dv, Object rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.has(Object obj)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 JMLObjectToEqualsRelation JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.add(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLObjectToEqualsRelation JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.removeFromDomain(Object dv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain any association with the given domain element.
 JMLObjectToEqualsRelation JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.remove(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
 boolean JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLEqualsToValueRelationImageEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLEqualsSetEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
abstract  boolean JMLObjectType.equals(Object ob2)
          Tell whether this object is equal to the argument, using == for comparisons to compare contained objects.
static JMLEqualsToValueMap JMLEqualsToValueMap.singletonMap(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 JMLType JMLEqualsToValueMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLEqualsToValueMap JMLEqualsToValueMap.extend(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLEqualsToValueMap JMLEqualsToValueMap.removeDomainElement(Object dv)
          Return a new map that is like this but has no association for the given domain element.
 boolean JMLValueObjectPair.valueEquals(Object rv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLValueObjectPair.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
static JMLObjectToEqualsMap JMLObjectToEqualsMap.singletonMap(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 Object JMLObjectToEqualsMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLObjectToEqualsMap JMLObjectToEqualsMap.extend(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLObjectToEqualsMap JMLObjectToEqualsMap.removeDomainElement(Object dv)
          Return a new map that is like this but has no association for the given domain element.
 JMLObjectToEqualsMap JMLObjectToEqualsMap.clashReplaceUnion(JMLObjectToEqualsMap othMap, Object errval)
          Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then each of these clashes is replaced by a mapping from the domain element in question to the given range element.
 boolean JMLObjectEqualsPair.keyEquals(Object dv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLObjectEqualsPair.valueEquals(Object rv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLObjectEqualsPair.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
static JMLObjectSet JMLObjectSet.singleton(Object e)
          Return the singleton set containing the given element.
static JMLObjectSet JMLObjectSet.convertFrom(Object[] a)
          Return the set containing all the elements in the given array.
 boolean JMLObjectSet.has(Object elem)
          Is the argument "==" to one of the objects in theSet.
 boolean JMLObjectSet.equals(Object s2)
 JMLObjectSet JMLObjectSet.insert(Object elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this and also the given argument.
protected  JMLObjectSet JMLObjectSet.fast_insert(Object elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this and also the given argument, assuming the argument is not in the set.
 JMLObjectSet JMLObjectSet.remove(Object elem)
          Returns a new set that contains all the elements of this except for the given argument.
static JMLValueToEqualsMap JMLValueToEqualsMap.singletonMap(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 JMLValueToEqualsMap JMLValueToEqualsMap.extend(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLValueToEqualsMap JMLValueToEqualsMap.clashReplaceUnion(JMLValueToEqualsMap othMap, Object errval)
          Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then each of these clashes is replaced by a mapping from the domain element in question to the given range element.
static JMLValueToObjectRelation JMLValueToObjectRelation.singleton(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLValueSet JMLValueToObjectRelation.inverseElementImage(Object rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 boolean JMLValueToObjectRelation.has(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLValueToObjectRelation.has(Object obj)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLValueToObjectRelation.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 JMLValueToObjectRelation JMLValueToObjectRelation.add(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLValueToObjectRelation JMLValueToObjectRelation.remove(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
static JMLValueToObjectMap JMLValueToObjectMap.singletonMap(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 JMLValueToObjectMap JMLValueToObjectMap.extend(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLValueToObjectMap JMLValueToObjectMap.clashReplaceUnion(JMLValueToObjectMap othMap, Object errval)
          Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then each of these clashes is replaced by a mapping from the domain element in question to the given range element.
static JMLObjectToObjectRelation JMLObjectToObjectRelation.singleton(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLObjectSet JMLObjectToObjectRelation.elementImage(Object dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 JMLObjectSet JMLObjectToObjectRelation.inverseElementImage(Object rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 boolean JMLObjectToObjectRelation.isDefinedAt(Object dv)
          Tells whether this relation associates any range element to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLObjectToObjectRelation.has(Object dv, Object rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLObjectToObjectRelation.has(Object obj)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLObjectToObjectRelation.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 JMLObjectToObjectRelation JMLObjectToObjectRelation.add(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLObjectToObjectRelation JMLObjectToObjectRelation.removeFromDomain(Object dv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain any association with the given domain element.
 JMLObjectToObjectRelation JMLObjectToObjectRelation.remove(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
static JMLObjectToObjectMap JMLObjectToObjectMap.singletonMap(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 Object JMLObjectToObjectMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLObjectToObjectMap JMLObjectToObjectMap.extend(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLObjectToObjectMap JMLObjectToObjectMap.removeDomainElement(Object dv)
          Return a new map that is like this but has no association for the given domain element.
 JMLObjectToObjectMap JMLObjectToObjectMap.clashReplaceUnion(JMLObjectToObjectMap othMap, Object errval)
          Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then each of these clashes is replaced by a mapping from the domain element in question to the given range element.
 boolean JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLValueToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLObjectSetEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLObjectValuePair.keyEquals(Object dv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLObjectValuePair.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLValueEqualsPair.valueEquals(Object rv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLValueEqualsPair.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
static JMLObjectToValueMap JMLObjectToValueMap.singletonMap(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 JMLType JMLObjectToValueMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLObjectToValueMap JMLObjectToValueMap.extend(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLObjectToValueMap JMLObjectToValueMap.removeDomainElement(Object dv)
          Return a new map that is like this but has no association for the given domain element.
 int JMLByte.compareTo(Object op2)
          Compare this to op2, returning a comparison code.
 boolean JMLByte.equals(Object op2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLEqualsSequenceEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument..
static JMLEqualsSequence JMLEqualsSequence.singleton(Object e)
          Return the singleton sequence containing the given element.
static JMLEqualsSequence JMLEqualsSequence.convertFrom(Object[] a)
          Return the sequence containing all the elements in the given array in the same order as the elements appear in the array.
static JMLEqualsSequence JMLEqualsSequence.convertFrom(Object[] a, int size)
          Return the sequence containing the first 'size' elements in the given array in the same order as the elements appear in the array.
 int JMLEqualsSequence.count(Object item)
          Tells the number of times a given element occurs in the sequence.
 boolean JMLEqualsSequence.has(Object elem)
          Tells whether the given element is ".equals" to an element in the sequence.
 boolean JMLEqualsSequence.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 int JMLEqualsSequence.indexOf(Object item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the sequence, if there is one
 boolean JMLEqualsSequence.isInsertionInto(JMLEqualsSequence s2, Object elem)
          Tells whether this sequence is the result of inserting the given element once into the given sequence.
 boolean JMLEqualsSequence.isDeletionFrom(JMLEqualsSequence s2, Object elem)
          Tells whether this sequence is the result of deleting the given element once from the given sequence.
 JMLEqualsSequence JMLEqualsSequence.replaceItemAt(int index, Object item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with item replacing the element at the given zero-based index.
 JMLEqualsSequence JMLEqualsSequence.insertAfterIndex(int afterThisOne, Object item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with item put immediately after the given index.
 JMLEqualsSequence JMLEqualsSequence.insertBeforeIndex(int beforeThisOne, Object item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with item put immediately before the given index.
 JMLEqualsSequence JMLEqualsSequence.insertBack(Object item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with the given item put an the end.
 JMLEqualsSequence JMLEqualsSequence.insertFront(Object item)
          Return a sequence like this, but with the given item put an the front.
static JMLListEqualsNode JMLListEqualsNode.cons(Object hd, JMLListEqualsNode tl)
          Return a JMLListEqualsNode containing the given element followed by the given list.
 boolean JMLListEqualsNode.headEquals(Object item)
          Tell if the head of the list is ".equals" to the given item.
private static boolean JMLListEqualsNode.elem_equals(Object item1, Object item2)
          Tell if the given elements are equal, taking null into account.
 boolean JMLListEqualsNode.has(Object item)
          Tells whether the given element is ".equals" to an element in the list.
 boolean JMLListEqualsNode.equals(Object ls2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 int JMLListEqualsNode.indexOf(Object item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 Object JMLListEqualsNode.getItem(Object item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 JMLListEqualsNode JMLListEqualsNode.replaceItemAt(int n, Object item)
          Return a list like this, but with item replacing the element at the given zero-based index.
 JMLListEqualsNode JMLListEqualsNode.prepend(Object item)
          Return a list that is like this, but with the given item at the front.
 JMLListEqualsNode JMLListEqualsNode.append(Object item)
          Return a list that consists of this list and the given element.
 JMLListEqualsNode JMLListEqualsNode.insertBefore(int n, Object item)
          Return a list that is like this list but with the given item inserted before the given index.
 JMLListEqualsNode JMLListEqualsNode.remove(Object item)
          Return a list that is like this list but without the first occurrence of the given item.
 boolean JMLValueBagEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument..
 boolean JMLEqualsEqualsPair.keyEquals(Object dv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLEqualsEqualsPair.valueEquals(Object rv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLEqualsEqualsPair.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLObjectBagEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument..
static JMLObjectBag JMLObjectBag.singleton(Object e)
          Return the singleton bag containing the given element.
static JMLObjectBag JMLObjectBag.convertFrom(Object[] a)
          Return the bag containing all the elements in the given array.
 int JMLObjectBag.count(Object elem)
          Tell how many times the given element occurs "==" to an element in this bag.
 boolean JMLObjectBag.has(Object elem)
          Tell whether the given element occurs "==" to an element in this bag.
 boolean JMLObjectBag.equals(Object b2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
protected  JMLObjectBagEntry JMLObjectBag.getMatchingEntry(Object item)
          Find a JMLObjectBagEntry that is for the same element, if possible.
 JMLObjectBag JMLObjectBag.insert(Object elem)
          Return a bag containing the given item and the ones in this bag.
 JMLObjectBag JMLObjectBag.insert(Object elem, int cnt)
          Return a bag containing the given item the given number of times, in addition to the ones in this bag.
 JMLObjectBag JMLObjectBag.remove(Object elem)
          Return a bag containing the items in this bag except for one of the given element.
 JMLObjectBag JMLObjectBag.remove(Object elem, int cnt)
          Return a bag containing the items in this bag, except for the given number of the given element.
 JMLObjectBag JMLObjectBag.removeAll(Object elem)
          Return a bag containing the items in this bag, except for all items that are "==" to the given item.
 boolean JMLObjectToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLObjectObjectPair.keyEquals(Object dv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLObjectObjectPair.valueEquals(Object rv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLObjectObjectPair.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
static JMLEqualsToObjectRelation JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.singleton(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLObjectSet JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.elementImage(Object dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 JMLEqualsSet JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.inverseElementImage(Object rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 boolean JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.isDefinedAt(Object dv)
          Tells whether this relation associates any range element to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.has(Object dv, Object rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.has(Object obj)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 JMLEqualsToObjectRelation JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.add(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLEqualsToObjectRelation JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.removeFromDomain(Object dv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain any association with the given domain element.
 JMLEqualsToObjectRelation JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.remove(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
 boolean JMLEqualsObjectPair.keyEquals(Object dv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLEqualsObjectPair.valueEquals(Object rv)
          Tell whether this object's key is equal to the given key.
 boolean JMLEqualsObjectPair.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLEqualsToObjectRelationImageEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
static JMLEqualsToObjectMap JMLEqualsToObjectMap.singletonMap(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 Object JMLEqualsToObjectMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLEqualsToObjectMap JMLEqualsToObjectMap.extend(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLEqualsToObjectMap JMLEqualsToObjectMap.removeDomainElement(Object dv)
          Return a new map that is like this but has no association for the given domain element.
 JMLEqualsToObjectMap JMLEqualsToObjectMap.clashReplaceUnion(JMLEqualsToObjectMap othMap, Object errval)
          Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then each of these clashes is replaced by a mapping from the domain element in question to the given range element.
 int JMLFiniteInteger.compareTo(Object o)
          Compare this to o, returning a comparison code.
static int JMLArrayOps.objectIdentityCount(Object[] array, Object element)
          Search the array for the given element and return how many times that element's object identity occurs in the array.
static int JMLArrayOps.objectIdentityCount(Object[] array, Object element, int length)
          Search the array for the given element and return how many times that element's object identity occurs in the array from 0 the given length-1.
static int JMLArrayOps.valueEqualsCount(Object[] array, Object element)
          Search the array for the given element and return how many times an object with value "equals" to the given element occurs in the array.
static int JMLArrayOps.valueEqualsCount(Object[] array, Object element, int length)
          Search the array for the given element and return how many times an object with value "equals" to the given element occurs in the array from 0 the given length-1.
static boolean JMLArrayOps.hasObjectIdentity(Object[] array, Object element)
          Search the array for the given element and tell if that element's object identity occurs in the array.
static boolean JMLArrayOps.hasObjectIdentity(Object[] array, Object element, int length)
          Search the array for the given element and tell if that element's object identity occurs in the array from 0 the given length-1.
static boolean JMLArrayOps.hasValueEquals(Object[] array, Object element)
          Search the array for the given element and tell if an object with value "equals" to the given element occurs in the array.
static boolean JMLArrayOps.hasValueEquals(Object[] array, Object element, int length)
          Search the array for the given element and tell if an object with value "equals" to the given element occurs in the array from 0 the given length-1.
 int JMLShort.compareTo(Object op2)
          Compare this to op2, returning a comparison code.
 boolean JMLShort.equals(Object op2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 int JMLInteger.compareTo(Object op2)
          Compare this to op2, returning a comparison code.
 boolean JMLInteger.equals(Object op2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
static JMLEqualsBag JMLEqualsBag.singleton(Object e)
          Return the singleton bag containing the given element.
static JMLEqualsBag JMLEqualsBag.convertFrom(Object[] a)
          Return the bag containing all the elements in the given array.
 int JMLEqualsBag.count(Object elem)
          Tell how many times the given element occurs ".equals" to an element in this bag.
 boolean JMLEqualsBag.has(Object elem)
          Tell whether the given element occurs ".equals" to an element in this bag.
 boolean JMLEqualsBag.equals(Object b2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
protected  JMLEqualsBagEntry JMLEqualsBag.getMatchingEntry(Object item)
          Find a JMLEqualsBagEntry that is for the same element, if possible.
 JMLEqualsBag JMLEqualsBag.insert(Object elem)
          Return a bag containing the given item and the ones in this bag.
 JMLEqualsBag JMLEqualsBag.insert(Object elem, int cnt)
          Return a bag containing the given item the given number of times, in addition to the ones in this bag.
 JMLEqualsBag JMLEqualsBag.remove(Object elem)
          Return a bag containing the items in this bag except for one of the given element.
 JMLEqualsBag JMLEqualsBag.remove(Object elem, int cnt)
          Return a bag containing the items in this bag, except for the given number of the given element.
 JMLEqualsBag JMLEqualsBag.removeAll(Object elem)
          Return a bag containing the items in this bag, except for all items that are ".equals" to the given item.
 boolean JMLEqualsBagEntry.equalElem(Object othElem)
          Are these elements equal?
 boolean JMLEqualsBagEntry.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLEqualsBagEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument..
static JMLListObjectNode JMLListObjectNode.cons(Object hd, JMLListObjectNode tl)
          Return a JMLListObjectNode containing the given element followed by the given list.
 boolean JMLListObjectNode.headEquals(Object item)
          Tell if the head of the list is "==" to the given item.
private static boolean JMLListObjectNode.elem_equals(Object item1, Object item2)
          Tell if the given elements are equal, taking null into account.
 boolean JMLListObjectNode.has(Object item)
          Tells whether the given element is "==" to an element in the list.
 boolean JMLListObjectNode.equals(Object ls2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 int JMLListObjectNode.indexOf(Object item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 Object JMLListObjectNode.getItem(Object item)
          Return the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the given element in the list, if there is one
 JMLListObjectNode JMLListObjectNode.replaceItemAt(int n, Object item)
          Return a list like this, but with item replacing the element at the given zero-based index.
 JMLListObjectNode JMLListObjectNode.prepend(Object item)
          Return a list that is like this, but with the given item at the front.
 JMLListObjectNode JMLListObjectNode.append(Object item)
          Return a list that consists of this list and the given element.
 JMLListObjectNode JMLListObjectNode.insertBefore(int n, Object item)
          Return a list that is like this list but with the given item inserted before the given index.
 JMLListObjectNode JMLListObjectNode.remove(Object item)
          Return a list that is like this list but without the first occurrence of the given item.
 int JMLString.compareTo(Object op2)
          Compare this to op2, returning a comparison code.
 boolean JMLString.equals(Object s)
          Tell if these two strings are equal.
 boolean JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
static JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.singleton(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
 JMLEqualsSet JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.elementImage(Object dv)
          Returns a set containing all the range elements that this relation relates to the given domain element.
 JMLEqualsSet JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.inverseElementImage(Object rv)
          Return a set of all the domain elements that relate to the given range element.
 boolean JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.isDefinedAt(Object dv)
          Tells whether this relation associates any range element to the given domain element.
 boolean JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.has(Object dv, Object rv)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.has(Object obj)
          Tells whether this associates the given key to the given value.
 boolean JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.add(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.removeFromDomain(Object dv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain any association with the given domain element.
 JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.remove(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
 boolean JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 boolean JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
static JMLEqualsToEqualsMap JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.singletonMap(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton map containing the given association.
 Object JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.apply(Object dv)
          Return the range element corresponding to dv, if there is one.
 JMLEqualsToEqualsMap JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.extend(Object dv, Object rv)
          Return a new map that is like this but maps the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLEqualsToEqualsMap JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.removeDomainElement(Object dv)
          Return a new map that is like this but has no association for the given domain element.
 JMLEqualsToEqualsMap JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.clashReplaceUnion(JMLEqualsToEqualsMap othMap, Object errval)
          Return a new map that is like the union of the given map and this map, except that if both define a mapping for a given domain element, then each of these clashes is replaced by a mapping from the domain element in question to the given range element.
static boolean JMLNullSafe.equals(Object o1, Object o2)
          Test for equality of o1 and o2, allowing either to be null.
static String JMLNullSafe.toString(Object o)
static int JMLNullSafe.hashCode(Object o)
 int JMLDouble.compareTo(Object op2)
          Compare this to op2, returning a comparison code.
 boolean JMLDouble.equals(Object op2)
          Tell whether this object is equal to the argument.
 int JMLFloat.compareTo(Object op2)
          Compare this to op2, returning a comparison code.
 boolean JMLFloat.equals(Object op2)
          Tell whether this object is equal to the argument.
 int JMLLong.compareTo(Object op2)
          Compare this to op2, returning a comparison code.
 boolean JMLLong.equals(Object op2)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLValueBagEntry.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 int JMLNegativeInfinity.compareTo(Object o)
          Compare this to o, returning a comparison code.
 boolean JMLObjectBagEntry.equalElem(Object othElem)
          Are these elements equal?
 boolean JMLObjectBagEntry.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLObjectSequenceEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument..
 boolean JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this enumerator has the same state as the given argument.
 int JMLChar.compareTo(Object op2)
          Compare this to op2, returning a comparison code.
 boolean JMLChar.equals(Object obj)
          Test whether this object's value is equal to the given argument.
 boolean JMLEnumerationToIterator.equals(Object oth)
          Return true just when this iterator has the same state as the given argument.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type Object
JMLObjectSequence(Object e)
          Initialize this to be the sequence containing just the given element.
JMLEqualsValuePair(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLObjectToValueRelation(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLEqualsToValueRelation(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLEqualsSet(Object e)
          Initialize this to be a singleton set containing the given element.
JMLValueToEqualsRelation(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLObjectToEqualsRelation(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator(JMLEqualsToValueRelationImageEnumerator ipEnum, JMLValueSetEnumerator iEnum, Object k)
JMLEqualsToValueMap(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLValueObjectPair(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLObjectToEqualsMap(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLObjectEqualsPair(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLObjectSet(Object e)
          Initialize this to be a singleton set containing the given element.
JMLValueToEqualsMap(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLValueToObjectRelation(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLValueToObjectMap(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLObjectToObjectRelation(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLObjectToObjectMap(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLObjectValuePair(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLValueEqualsPair(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLObjectToValueMap(Object dv, JMLType rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLEqualsSequence(Object e)
          Initialize this to be the sequence containing just the given element.
JMLListEqualsNode(Object item, JMLListEqualsNode nxt)
          Initialize this list to have the given item as its first element followed by the given list.
JMLEqualsEqualsPair(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLObjectBag(Object elem)
          Initialize this bag to contain the given element.
JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator(JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator ipEnum, JMLValueSetEnumerator iEnum, Object k)
JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator(JMLObjectToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator ipEnum, JMLEqualsSetEnumerator iEnum, Object k)
JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator(JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator ipEnum, JMLObjectSetEnumerator iEnum, Object k)
JMLObjectObjectPair(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLEqualsToObjectRelation(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLEqualsObjectPair(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize the key and value of this pair.
JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator(JMLEqualsToObjectRelationImageEnumerator ipEnum, JMLObjectSetEnumerator iEnum, Object k)
JMLEqualsToObjectMap(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLEqualsBag(Object elem)
          Initialize this bag to contain the given element.
JMLEqualsBagEntry(Object e)
          Initialize this object to be a singleton entry.
JMLEqualsBagEntry(Object e, int cnt)
          Initialize this object to be for the given element with the given number of repetitions.
JMLListObjectNode(Object item, JMLListObjectNode nxt)
          Initialize this list to have the given item as its first element followed by the given list.
JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this to be a relation containing a single association between the given domain and range elements.
JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator(JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator ipEnum, JMLEqualsSetEnumerator iEnum, Object k)
JMLEqualsToEqualsMap(Object dv, Object rv)
          Initialize this map to be a mapping that maps the given domain element to the given range element.
JMLObjectBagEntry(Object e)
          Initialize this object to be a singleton entry.
JMLObjectBagEntry(Object e, int cnt)
          Initialize this object to be for the given element with the given number of repetitions.

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve
 class NaturalNumber
          The natural numbers.
 class NaturalNumber_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.NaturalNumber_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.NaturalNumber_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.NaturalNumber_JML_TestData$3
(package private)  class NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.NaturalNumber_JML_TestData$4
(package private)  class NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.NaturalNumber_JML_TestData$5
 class StringOfObject
          Sequences of non-null object identities.
 class StringOfObject_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class StringOfObject_JML_TestData.StringOfObject_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class StringOfObject_JML_TestData.StringOfObject_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class StringOfObject_JML_TestData.StringOfObject_JML_TestData$3
(package private)  class StringOfObject_JML_TestData.StringOfObject_JML_TestData$4
 class UndefinedException
          Exception used to indicate that a comparison is undefined.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve that return Object
protected  Object[] NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.NaturalNumber_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object[] NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.NaturalNumber_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object[] NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.NaturalNumber_JML_TestData$3.addData()
protected  Object[] StringOfObject_JML_TestData.StringOfObject_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object[] StringOfObject_JML_TestData.StringOfObject_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object StringOfObject_JML_TestData.StringOfObject_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] StringOfObject_JML_TestData.StringOfObject_JML_TestData$3.addData()
protected  Object StringOfObject_JML_TestData.StringOfObject_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
 Object StringOfObject.get(int index)
          Return the element in the string at the given index.
 Object StringOfObject.clone()
 Object NaturalNumber.clone()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve with parameters of type Object
protected  Object StringOfObject_JML_TestData.StringOfObject_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object StringOfObject_JML_TestData.StringOfObject_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
abstract  int TotalCompareTo.compareTo(Object obj)
abstract  int CompareTo.compareTo(Object obj)
          Compare this to obj, returning negative if this is strictly less than obj, 0 if they are equal, and positive otherwise.
static StringOfObject StringOfObject.singleton(Object elem)
          Make a singleton string of objects containing just the given object.
static StringOfObject StringOfObject.ext(StringOfObject s, Object elem)
          Extend the given string by placing the given element at the end.
static StringOfObject StringOfObject.from(Object[] a)
          Make an array of objects into a string.
 StringOfObject StringOfObject.ext(Object elem)
          Extend a string with a new element at the end.
 StringOfObject StringOfObject.add(Object elem)
          Add an element to a string at the end.
 StringOfObject StringOfObject.addFront(Object elem)
          Add an element to a string at the front.
 StringOfObject StringOfObject.addAfterIndex(int afterThisOne, Object elem)
          Add an element to a string after the given index.
 StringOfObject StringOfObject.addBeforeIndex(int beforeThisOne, Object elem)
          Add an element to a string before the given index.
 StringOfObject StringOfObject.addAll(Object[] c)
          Add all the elements of c at the end of this string, in order from the smallest to the largest index.
 boolean StringOfObject.equals(Object x)
          Tell if this object is equal to the given argument.
 int StringOfObject.occurs_ct(Object y)
          Tell how many times the given object appears in this string.
 boolean StringOfObject.has(Object elem)
 int NaturalNumber.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean NaturalNumber.equals(Object x)
          Tell if this object is equal to the given argument.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve with parameters of type Object
StringOfObject(Object elem)
          Initialize this object to string containing just the given object.

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.racwrap

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.racwrap
 class FactoryPrinter
          The InterfacePrinter is an object that is used to output the interface definition of a class to a file, given an abstract syntax tree.
 class InterfacePrinter
          The InterfacePrinter is an object that is used to output the interface definition of a class to a file, given an abstract syntax tree.
 class Main.CollateFilesTask
          CollateFilesTask is used to put all the source files into a list.
 class Main.PrintFactoryTask
          PrintFactoryTask actually also prints the static members of the class
 class Main.PrintInterfaceTask
          PrintInterfaceTask is used for outputting the interface for the input file.
 class Main.PrintOrigTask
          PrintOrigTask is used to print the modified original class
 class Main.PrintWrapperTask
          PrintWrapperTask is used to print the wrappers class
(package private)  class OrigPrettyPrinter
 class Util
          Util is a class for doing various tasks that are potentially useful for several different classes.
 class WrapperPrettyPrinter
          WrapperPrettyPrinter prints the wrapper.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.racwrap with parameters of type Object
Main.CollateFilesTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
Main.PrintInterfaceTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
Main.PrintFactoryTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Just call the superclass's constructor.
Main.PrintOrigTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Just call the superclass's constructor.
Main.PrintWrapperTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Just call the superclass's constructor.

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner
 class BranchNode
          BranchNode is an implementation of Node for branches.
 class ChxClassLoader
          ChxClassLoader is the custom classloader that will load the wrapper classes when needed.
 class CommonImpl
          This component implements the common functionality required in both branch and leaf nodes.
 class Leaf
          Leaf is an implementation of Node for leaves.
 class Location
          Location contains all pertinent information to get at a class in the filesystem (or in a Jar file).
 class Runner
 class TreeBuilder
          Treebuilder has static methods to build a tree from specified locations.
 class TreePrinter
          Methods to print the tree to standard output.
 class TreeViewer
          TreeViewer is a swing-based component to view and control checking of classes.
(package private) static class TreeViewer.TreeViewer$1
 class Wrapped
          This class is the root of the inheritance hierarchy of original objects.
 class Wrapper
          This class is the root of the inheritance hierarchy of wrappers.

Fields in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner declared as Object
 Object Wrapped._chx_this
 Object Wrapped.chx_this

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc
 class Complex_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Complex.
(package private)  class Complex_JML_TestData.Complex_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class Complex_JML_TestData.Complex_JML_TestData$2
 class ComplexOps
          An abstract class that holds all of the common algorithms for complex numbers.
 class ComplexTest
          Test for the complex number types.
 class Polar
          Complex numbers in polar coordinates.
 class Rectangular
          Complex numbers in rectangular coordinates.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc that return Object
protected  Object Complex_JML_TestData.Complex_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object Complex_JML_TestData.Complex_JML_TestData$2.make(int n)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.dbc with parameters of type Object
 boolean ComplexOps.equals(Object o)
abstract  boolean Complex.equals(Object o)
          Return true if these are the same complex number.

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph
 class Arc
          Directed arcs for directed graphs.
 class Arc_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Arc.
(package private)  class Arc_JML_TestData.Arc_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class Arc_JML_TestData.Arc_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class Arc_JML_TestData.Arc_JML_TestData$3
 class ArcType
 class Digraph
          Directed graphs.
 class NodeType_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of NodeType.
(package private)  class NodeType_JML_TestData.NodeType_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class NodeType_JML_TestData.NodeType_JML_TestData$2
 class SearchableDigraph
          Directed graphs that are searchable.
 class SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of SearchableDigraph.
(package private)  class SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData$3
 class SearchableNode
          Nodes for searchable graphs.
 class SearchableNode_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of SearchableNode.
(package private)  class SearchableNode_JML_TestData.SearchableNode_JML_TestData$1
 class TransposableDigraph
          Transposable directed graphs.
 class TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of TransposableDigraph.
(package private)  class TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData.TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData.TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData$2
 class TransposableNode
          Nodes for transposable directed graphs.
 class TransposableNode_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of TransposableNode.
(package private)  class TransposableNode_JML_TestData.TransposableNode_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class TransposableNode_JML_TestData.TransposableNode_JML_TestData$2
 class ValueNode
          Nodes with values

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph declared as Object
protected  Object ValueNode.value

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph that return Object
abstract  Object NodeType.clone()
protected  Object TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData.TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object[] TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData.TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData.TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] SearchableNode_JML_TestData.SearchableNode_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object SearchableNode_JML_TestData.SearchableNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData$2.make(int i)
protected  Object[] SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData$3.addData()
protected  Object SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object NodeType_JML_TestData.NodeType_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object[] NodeType_JML_TestData.NodeType_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object NodeType_JML_TestData.NodeType_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] TransposableNode_JML_TestData.TransposableNode_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object TransposableNode_JML_TestData.TransposableNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object TransposableNode_JML_TestData.TransposableNode_JML_TestData$2.make(int n)
protected  Object[] Arc_JML_TestData.Arc_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object Arc_JML_TestData.Arc_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] Arc_JML_TestData.Arc_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object Arc_JML_TestData.Arc_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object Arc_JML_TestData.Arc_JML_TestData$3.make(int n)
 Object ValueNode.clone()
 Object ValueNode.getValue()
 Object ArcType.clone()
 Object SearchableNode.clone()
 Object Arc.clone()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph with parameters of type Object
abstract  boolean NodeType.equals(Object o)
protected  Object TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData.TransposableDigraph_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object SearchableNode_JML_TestData.SearchableNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData.SearchableDigraph_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object NodeType_JML_TestData.NodeType_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object TransposableNode_JML_TestData.TransposableNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object Arc_JML_TestData.Arc_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object Arc_JML_TestData.Arc_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
 boolean ValueNode.equals(Object o)
 void ValueNode.setValue(Object value)
 boolean TransposableNode.equals(Object o)
 boolean ArcType.equals(Object o)
 boolean SearchableNode.equals(Object o)
 boolean Arc.equals(Object o)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph with parameters of type Object
TransposableNode(Object v)
SearchableNode(Object v)
SearchableNode(Object v, int dT, int fT, SearchableNode pred, Color c)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver
 class File
          A simplified file class for purposes of this example.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver with parameters of type Object
abstract  boolean RODirectory.equals(Object oth)
 boolean File.equals(Object o)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer
 class PQException
 class PriorityQueue
 class PriorityQueue_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of PriorityQueue.
(package private)  class PriorityQueue_JML_TestData.PriorityQueue_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class PriorityQueue_JML_TestData.PriorityQueue_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class PriorityQueue_JML_TestData.PriorityQueue_JML_TestData$3
 class QueueEntry
 class QueueEntry_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of QueueEntry.
(package private)  class QueueEntry_JML_TestData.QueueEntry_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class QueueEntry_JML_TestData.QueueEntry_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class QueueEntry_JML_TestData.QueueEntry_JML_TestData$3
(package private)  class QueueEntry_JML_TestData.QueueEntry_JML_TestData$4

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer declared as Object
private  Object QueueEntry._obj

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer that return Object
abstract  Object
protected  Object PriorityQueue_JML_TestData.PriorityQueue_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object PriorityQueue_JML_TestData.PriorityQueue_JML_TestData$3.make(int n)
protected  Object[] QueueEntry_JML_TestData.QueueEntry_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object QueueEntry_JML_TestData.QueueEntry_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object QueueEntry_JML_TestData.QueueEntry_JML_TestData$3.make(int n)
 Object QueueEntry.clone()
 Object QueueEntry.getObj()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer with parameters of type Object
abstract  boolean PriorityQueueUser.contains(Object argObj)
abstract  void PriorityQueueUser.remove(Object argObj)
protected  Object QueueEntry_JML_TestData.QueueEntry_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
 void PriorityQueue.addEntry(Object argObj, int argPriorityLevel)
private  int PriorityQueue.getLevelOf(Object levelList)
 boolean PriorityQueue.contains(Object argObj)
 void PriorityQueue.remove(Object argObj)
 boolean QueueEntry.equals(Object o)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer with parameters of type Object
QueueEntry(Object argObj, int argLevel, long argTimeStamp)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlrefman

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlrefman
 class Constraint
 class Diverges
 class GhostLocals
 class Heavyweight
 class ImplicitOld
 class InconsistentMethodSpec
 class InconsistentMethodSpec2
 class IntHeap
 class Invariant
 class Lightweight
 class RefineDemo
 class RefineDemo2
 class RefineDemo2_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of RefineDemo2.
 class RefineDemo_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of RefineDemo.
 class SignalsClause
 class SumArrayLoop
          An example of some simple loops with loop invariants and variant functions specified.
 class SumArrayLoop_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of SumArrayLoop.
(package private)  class SumArrayLoop_JML_TestData.SumArrayLoop_JML_TestData$1

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlrefman that return Object
protected  Object[] SumArrayLoop_JML_TestData.SumArrayLoop_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object SumArrayLoop_JML_TestData.SumArrayLoop_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlrefman with parameters of type Object
protected  Object SumArrayLoop_JML_TestData.SumArrayLoop_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmltutorial

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmltutorial
 class Person
 class Person_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Person.
(package private)  class Person_JML_TestData.Person_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class Person_JML_TestData.Person_JML_TestData$2
 class PersonMain
 class SqrtExample
 class SqrtExample_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of SqrtExample.
(package private)  class SqrtExample_JML_TestData.SqrtExample_JML_TestData$1

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmltutorial that return Object
protected  Object Person_JML_TestData.Person_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object[] Person_JML_TestData.Person_JML_TestData$2.addData()

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.iterator

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.iterator that return Object
abstract  Object RestartableIterator.currentItem()
abstract  Object Iterator.currentItem()

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1
 class DLList
 class DLList_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of DLList.
(package private)  class DLList_JML_TestData.DLList_JML_TestData$1
 class E_SLList
 class E_SLList_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of E_SLList.
(package private)  class E_SLList_JML_TestData.E_SLList_JML_TestData$1
 class ListIterator
 class ListIterator_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of ListIterator.
(package private)  class ListIterator_JML_TestData.ListIterator_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class ListIterator_JML_TestData.ListIterator_JML_TestData$2
 class SLList
 class SLList_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of SLList.
(package private)  class SLList_JML_TestData.SLList_JML_TestData$1

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1 that return Object
 Object SLList.getEntry()
 Object SLList.clone()
 Object E_SLList.clone()
 Object DLList.getEntry()
 Object DLList.clone()
 Object ListIterator.currentItem()
protected  Object[] ListIterator_JML_TestData.ListIterator_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object ListIterator_JML_TestData.ListIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object ListIterator_JML_TestData.ListIterator_JML_TestData$2.make(int n)
protected  Object[] DLList_JML_TestData.DLList_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object DLList_JML_TestData.DLList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] SLList_JML_TestData.SLList_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object SLList_JML_TestData.SLList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] E_SLList_JML_TestData.E_SLList_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object E_SLList_JML_TestData.E_SLList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1 with parameters of type Object
 void SLList.replaceEntry(Object newEntry)
 void SLList.insertAfterCursor(Object newEntry)
 void SLList.insertBeforeCursor(Object newEntry)
 void E_SLList.insertAfterCursor(Object newEntry)
 void E_SLList.insertBeforeCursor(Object newEntry)
 void E_SLList.replaceEntry(Object newEntry)
 void E_SLList.append(Object newEntry)
 void DLList.insertAfterCursor(Object newEntry)
 void DLList.insertBeforeCursor(Object newEntry)
protected  Object ListIterator_JML_TestData.ListIterator_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object DLList_JML_TestData.DLList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object SLList_JML_TestData.SLList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object E_SLList_JML_TestData.E_SLList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node
 class DLNode
 class DLNode_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of DLNode.
(package private)  class DLNode_JML_TestData.DLNode_JML_TestData$1
 class SLNode
 class SLNode_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of SLNode.
(package private)  class SLNode_JML_TestData.SLNode_JML_TestData$1

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node declared as Object
protected  Object SLNode.entry_

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node that return Object
 Object SLNode.getEntry()
 Object SLNode.clone()
 Object DLNode.clone()
protected  Object[] DLNode_JML_TestData.DLNode_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object DLNode_JML_TestData.DLNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] SLNode_JML_TestData.SLNode_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object SLNode_JML_TestData.SLNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node with parameters of type Object
 void SLNode.setEntry(Object newEntry)
 void SLNode.insertAfter(Object newEntry)
 void DLNode.insertAfter(Object newEntry)
 void DLNode.insertBefore(Object newEntry)
protected  Object DLNode_JML_TestData.DLNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object SLNode_JML_TestData.SLNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list1.node with parameters of type Object
SLNode(Object ent)
SLNode(Object ent, SLNode nxtNode)
DLNode(Object ent)
DLNode(Object ent, DLNode prvNode, DLNode nxtNode)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2
 class E_OneWayList
 class E_OneWayList_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of E_OneWayList.
(package private)  class E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.E_OneWayList_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.E_OneWayList_JML_TestData$2
 class OneWayList
 class OneWayList_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of OneWayList.
(package private)  class OneWayList_JML_TestData.OneWayList_JML_TestData$1
 class TwoWayIterator
 class TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of TwoWayIterator.
(package private)  class TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData$2
 class TwoWayList
 class TwoWayList_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of TwoWayList.
(package private)  class TwoWayList_JML_TestData.TwoWayList_JML_TestData$1

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2 that return Object
 Object OneWayList.getEntry()
 Object OneWayList.clone()
 Object E_OneWayList.clone()
 Object TwoWayList.clone()
 Object TwoWayIterator.currentItem()
protected  Object[] OneWayList_JML_TestData.OneWayList_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object OneWayList_JML_TestData.OneWayList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData$1.make(int i)
protected  Object TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData$2.make(int n)
protected  Object E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.E_OneWayList_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object[] E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.E_OneWayList_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.E_OneWayList_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] TwoWayList_JML_TestData.TwoWayList_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object TwoWayList_JML_TestData.TwoWayList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list2 with parameters of type Object
 void OneWayList.replaceEntry(Object newEntry)
 void OneWayList.insertAfterCursor(Object newEntry)
 void OneWayList.insertBeforeCursor(Object newEntry)
 boolean E_OneWayList.equals(Object obj)
 void E_OneWayList.insertAfterCursor(Object newEntry)
 void E_OneWayList.insertBeforeCursor(Object newEntry)
 void E_OneWayList.append(Object newEntry)
 void TwoWayList.insertAfterCursor(Object newEntry)
 void TwoWayList.insertBeforeCursor(Object newEntry)
protected  Object OneWayList_JML_TestData.OneWayList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.E_OneWayList_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object TwoWayList_JML_TestData.TwoWayList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3 that return Object
 Object OneWayList.getEntry()
 Object OneWayList.clone()
 Object E_OneWayList.clone()
 Object TwoWayList.clone()
 Object TwoWayIterator.currentItem()
protected  Object[] OneWayList_JML_TestData.OneWayList_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object OneWayList_JML_TestData.OneWayList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData$1.make(int i)
protected  Object TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData.TwoWayIterator_JML_TestData$2.make(int n)
protected  Object E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.E_OneWayList_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object[] E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.E_OneWayList_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.E_OneWayList_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] TwoWayList_JML_TestData.TwoWayList_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object TwoWayList_JML_TestData.TwoWayList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.list3 with parameters of type Object
 void OneWayList.replaceEntry(Object newEntry)
 void OneWayList.insertAfterCursor(Object newEntry)
 void OneWayList.insertBeforeCursor(Object newEntry)
 boolean E_OneWayList.equals(Object obj)
 void E_OneWayList.insertAfterCursor(Object newEntry)
 void E_OneWayList.insertBeforeCursor(Object newEntry)
 void E_OneWayList.append(Object newEntry)
 void TwoWayList.insertAfterCursor(Object newEntry)
 void TwoWayList.insertBeforeCursor(Object newEntry)
protected  Object OneWayList_JML_TestData.OneWayList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object E_OneWayList_JML_TestData.E_OneWayList_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object TwoWayList_JML_TestData.TwoWayList_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node
 class OneWayNode
 class OneWayNode_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of OneWayNode.
(package private)  class OneWayNode_JML_TestData.OneWayNode_JML_TestData$1
 class TwoWayNode
 class TwoWayNode_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of TwoWayNode.
(package private)  class TwoWayNode_JML_TestData.TwoWayNode_JML_TestData$1

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node declared as Object
protected  Object OneWayNode.entry_

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node that return Object
 Object OneWayNode.getEntry()
 Object OneWayNode.clone()
 Object TwoWayNode.clone()
protected  Object[] TwoWayNode_JML_TestData.TwoWayNode_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object TwoWayNode_JML_TestData.TwoWayNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] OneWayNode_JML_TestData.OneWayNode_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object OneWayNode_JML_TestData.OneWayNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node with parameters of type Object
 void OneWayNode.setEntry(Object newEntry)
 void OneWayNode.insertAfter(Object newEntry)
 void TwoWayNode.insertAfter(Object newEntry)
 void TwoWayNode.insertBefore(Object newEntry)
protected  Object TwoWayNode_JML_TestData.TwoWayNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object OneWayNode_JML_TestData.OneWayNode_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node with parameters of type Object
OneWayNode(Object ent)
OneWayNode(Object ent, OneWayNode nxtNode)
TwoWayNode(Object ent)
TwoWayNode(Object ent, TwoWayNode prvNode, TwoWayNode nxtNode)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2
 class DualLink
 class Link

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2 declared as Object
protected  Object OneWayNode.entry_

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2 that return Object
 Object OneWayNode.getEntry()
 Object Link.getEntry()
protected  Object TwoWayNode_JML_TestData.TwoWayNode_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object OneWayNode_JML_TestData.OneWayNode_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2 with parameters of type Object
 void OneWayNode.setEntry(Object newEntry)
 void OneWayNode.insertAfter(Object newEntry)
 void TwoWayNode.insertAfter(Object newEntry)
 void TwoWayNode.insertBefore(Object newEntry)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.samples.list.node2 with parameters of type Object
OneWayNode(Object ent)
OneWayNode(Object ent, OneWayNode nxtNode)
TwoWayNode(Object ent)
TwoWayNode(Object ent, TwoWayNode prvNode, TwoWayNode nxtNode)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.misc

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.misc
 class Counter_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Counter.
(package private)  class Counter_JML_TestData.Counter_JML_TestData$1
 class EqualsN
          A search problem which is to find the number n.
 class LessThanN
          A search problem which is to find the first number strictly less than n (and greater than 0).
 class LinearSearch
          A linear search component, intended to demonstrate verification in JML specifications.
 class LinearSearch_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of LinearSearch.
(package private)  class LinearSearch_JML_TestData.LinearSearch_JML_TestData$1
 class Meter
          A behavioral subtype of Counter.
 class Meter_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Meter.
(package private)  class Meter_JML_TestData.Meter_JML_TestData$1
 class Proof
          A class that demonstrates Floyd-Hoare-style proofs using JML notation.
 class Proof_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Proof.
(package private)  class Proof_JML_TestData.Proof_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class Proof_JML_TestData.Proof_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class Proof_JML_TestData.Proof_JML_TestData$3
 class SingleSolution
          A class of search problems for which there is one solution.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.misc that return Object
protected  Object LinearSearch_JML_TestData.LinearSearch_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object[] Proof_JML_TestData.Proof_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object Proof_JML_TestData.Proof_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object Proof_JML_TestData.Proof_JML_TestData$3.make(int n)
protected  Object Counter_JML_TestData.Counter_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object Meter_JML_TestData.Meter_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.misc with parameters of type Object
protected  Object Proof_JML_TestData.Proof_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign
 class Account
 class Account_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Account.
(package private)  class Account_JML_TestData.Account_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class Account_JML_TestData.Account_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class Account_JML_TestData.Account_JML_TestData$3
 class BankAccount
 class IntMathOps
 class IntMathOps2
 class IntMathOps2_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of IntMathOps2.
(package private)  class IntMathOps2_JML_TestData.IntMathOps2_JML_TestData$1
 class IntMathOps3
 class IntMathOps4
 class IntMathOps4_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of IntMathOps4.
(package private)  class IntMathOps4_JML_TestData.IntMathOps4_JML_TestData$1
 class IntMathOps_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of IntMathOps.
(package private)  class IntMathOps_JML_TestData.IntMathOps_JML_TestData$1
 class MoneyAC
 class MoneyComparableAC
 class PlusAccount
 class PlusAccount_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of PlusAccount.
(package private)  class PlusAccount_JML_TestData.PlusAccount_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class PlusAccount_JML_TestData.PlusAccount_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class PlusAccount_JML_TestData.PlusAccount_JML_TestData$3
 class Point2D
 class Point2D_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of Point2D.
(package private)  class Point2D_JML_TestData.Point2D_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class Point2D_JML_TestData.Point2D_JML_TestData$2
 class USMoney
 class USMoney_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of USMoney.
(package private)  class USMoney_JML_TestData.USMoney_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class USMoney_JML_TestData.USMoney_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class USMoney_JML_TestData.USMoney_JML_TestData$3
(package private)  class USMoney_JML_TestData.USMoney_JML_TestData$4

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign that return Object
abstract  Object Money.clone()
protected  Object[] USMoney_JML_TestData.USMoney_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object USMoney_JML_TestData.USMoney_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] USMoney_JML_TestData.USMoney_JML_TestData$3.addData()
protected  Object USMoney_JML_TestData.USMoney_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object Account_JML_TestData.Account_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object[] Account_JML_TestData.Account_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object Account_JML_TestData.Account_JML_TestData$3.make(int n)
protected  Object PlusAccount_JML_TestData.PlusAccount_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object[] PlusAccount_JML_TestData.PlusAccount_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object PlusAccount_JML_TestData.PlusAccount_JML_TestData$3.make(int n)
protected  Object Point2D_JML_TestData.Point2D_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
 Object MoneyAC.clone()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign with parameters of type Object
abstract  boolean Money.equals(Object o2)
protected  Object USMoney_JML_TestData.USMoney_JML_TestData$2.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object USMoney_JML_TestData.USMoney_JML_TestData$3.cloneElement(Object o$)
 boolean MoneyAC.equals(Object o2)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.reader

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.reader
 class BlankReader
          A reader that delivers a stream of blanks.
 class BlankReader_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of BlankReader.
(package private)  class BlankReader_JML_TestData.BlankReader_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class BlankReader_JML_TestData.BlankReader_JML_TestData$2
 class BufferedReader
          Buffered readers.
 class ReaderTest
          Tests for the readers example.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.reader that return Object
protected  Object BlankReader_JML_TestData.BlankReader_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.sets

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.sets
 class IntegerSetAsHashSet
          A set of integers as a HashSet.
 class IntegerSetAsHashSet_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of IntegerSetAsHashSet.
(package private)  class IntegerSetAsHashSet_JML_TestData.IntegerSetAsHashSet_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class IntegerSetAsHashSet_JML_TestData.IntegerSetAsHashSet_JML_TestData$2
 class IntegerSetAsTree
          Sets of integers implemented as binary search trees.
 class IntegerSetAsTree_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of IntegerSetAsTree.
(package private)  class IntegerSetAsTree_JML_TestData.IntegerSetAsTree_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class IntegerSetAsTree_JML_TestData.IntegerSetAsTree_JML_TestData$2

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.sets that return Object
protected  Object IntegerSetAsHashSet_JML_TestData.IntegerSetAsHashSet_JML_TestData$2.make(int i)
protected  Object IntegerSetAsTree_JML_TestData.IntegerSetAsTree_JML_TestData$2.make(int n)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks
 class BoundedStack
 class BoundedStackException
 class BoundedStackImplementation
 class BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of BoundedStackInterface.
(package private)  class BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData.BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData.BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData$2
 class UnboundedStack
 class UnboundedStack2
 class UnboundedStackAsArrayList
 class UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of UnboundedStackAsArrayList.
(package private)  class UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData.UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData.UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData$2
 class UnboundedStackRC
 class UnboundedStackRC2

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks declared as Object
protected  Object[] BoundedStack.theItems
protected  Object[] BoundedStackImplementation.theItems

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks that return Object
abstract  Object BoundedThing.clone()
protected  Object BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData.BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
protected  Object BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData.BoundedStackInterface_JML_TestData$2.make(int n)
protected  Object UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData.UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData$1.make(int n)
abstract  Object
protected  Object UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData.UnboundedStackAsArrayList_JML_TestData$2.make(int n)
abstract  Object
abstract  Object
 Object BoundedStack.clone()
abstract  Object
 Object BoundedStackImplementation.clone()
abstract  Object

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks with parameters of type Object
abstract  void UnboundedStack.push(Object x)
 void UnboundedStackAsArrayList.push(Object x)
abstract  void UnboundedStackRC.push(Object x)
abstract  void UnboundedStack2.push(Object x)
 void BoundedStack.push(Object x)
abstract  void BoundedStackInterface.push(Object x)
 void BoundedStackImplementation.push(Object x)
abstract  void UnboundedStackRC2.push(Object x)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.table

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.samples.table
 class EntryImplementation
          Entries for Tables that map an index to a value.
 class EntryImplementation_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of EntryImplementation.
(package private)  class EntryImplementation_JML_TestData.EntryImplementation_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class EntryImplementation_JML_TestData.EntryImplementation_JML_TestData$2
 class TableImplementation
          An implementation of the Table interface.
 class TableImplementation_JML_TestData
          Supply test data for the JML and JUnit based testing of TableImplementation.
(package private)  class TableImplementation_JML_TestData.TableImplementation_JML_TestData$1
(package private)  class TableImplementation_JML_TestData.TableImplementation_JML_TestData$2
(package private)  class TableImplementation_JML_TestData.TableImplementation_JML_TestData$3

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.table that return Object
protected  Object[] TableImplementation_JML_TestData.TableImplementation_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object TableImplementation_JML_TestData.TableImplementation_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] TableImplementation_JML_TestData.TableImplementation_JML_TestData$2.addData()
protected  Object TableImplementation_JML_TestData.TableImplementation_JML_TestData$3.make(int n)
protected  Object[] EntryImplementation_JML_TestData.EntryImplementation_JML_TestData$1.addData()
protected  Object EntryImplementation_JML_TestData.EntryImplementation_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object[] EntryImplementation_JML_TestData.EntryImplementation_JML_TestData$2.addData()
 Object EntryImplementation.clone()
abstract  Object Entry.clone()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.table with parameters of type Object
protected  Object TableImplementation_JML_TestData.TableImplementation_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
protected  Object EntryImplementation_JML_TestData.EntryImplementation_JML_TestData$1.cloneElement(Object o$)
 boolean EntryImplementation.equals(Object o)
abstract  boolean Entry.equals(Object o)

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.util

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.util
 class RacRunTestCase

Uses of Object in org.jmlspecs.util.dis

Subclasses of Object in org.jmlspecs.util.dis
 class JDisMessages
 class JDisOptions
          This class is automatically generated from JDisOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class JmlDisassembler
          A class to print type signatures encoded in .sym files.
protected static class JmlDisassembler.JmlDisassemblerHelper
          A helper class to tune the disassembler to JML.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.util.dis with parameters of type Object
 boolean JDisOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)

Uses of Object in org.multijava.dis

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.dis
 class Disassembler
          This class prints the classfile in ksm syntaxt
static class Disassembler.DisassemblerHelper
          A helper class to tune the disassembler for languages that extend Java, such as JML.
 class DisMessages
 class DisOptions
          This class is automatically generated from DisOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class HandleCreator
          This class replaces all references to instructions by their associated handle.
 class IndentingWriter
          This class allows indented output
 class InstructionHandle
 class OpcodeNames
          Conversion from opcode to ksm name

Methods in org.multijava.dis with parameters of type Object
 boolean DisOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
(package private) static String Disassembler.convertLiteral(Object t)
          Converts a literal into ksm syntax.

Uses of Object in org.multijava.javadoc

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.javadoc
 class JavadocComment
          An Javadoc AST node representing the root of a Javadoc AST.
 class TestJavadocComment

Uses of Object in org.multijava.launcher

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.launcher
 class AbstractLaunchTool
          An abstract class to be used to simplify launching of tools.
(package private)  class AbstractLaunchTool.AbstractLaunchTool$1
 class CompactLauncher
          The implementation for a launcher that only provides a list of buttons for access to the tools.
(package private)  class CompactLauncher.CompactLauncher$1
protected static class CompactLauncher.ImagePanel
          Creates the panel that draws the logo
 class FullLauncher
          The implementation for a launcher that provides access to the tools as well as keeping track of common preferences and lists of files between tools.
(package private)  class FullLauncher.FullLauncher$1
(package private)  class FullLauncher.FullLauncher$2
private  class FullLauncher.OpenHandler
          Handles the selection of files in an open file window
 class ImpLauncher
          The superclass for all of the different implementations of the launchers for the tools.
 class Launcher
          The superclass for all of the tool set definitions
protected static class Launcher.ToolIterator
          The Iterator that uses an ArrayList to cycle through Hashtables that hold the tool descriptions and AbstractToolLaunchers to enable the launchers to run the various tools.
protected static class Launcher.ToolIteratorPair
          Collects the name of the tool and the launcher of the tool into a mapping that can be accessed by outside classes because of the common interface
 class LauncherFactory
          A factory that provides access to the correct implementation of the launcher
 class MjLauncher
          A launcher for the Multijava tools
(package private)  class MjLauncher.MjLauncher$1
(package private)  class MjLauncher.MjLauncher$2

Methods in org.multijava.launcher that return Object
          Returns the next element in the iterator
 Object Launcher.ToolIteratorPair.getKey()
          Returns the key for this pair
 Object Launcher.ToolIteratorPair.getValue()
          Returns the value for this pair
 Object Launcher.ToolIteratorPair.setValue(Object value)
          Replaces the old value with the new value and returns this new value

Methods in org.multijava.launcher with parameters of type Object
 void Launcher.ToolIterator.add(Object newItem)
          Adds an element to the iterator
 Object Launcher.ToolIteratorPair.setValue(Object value)
          Replaces the old value with the new value and returns this new value

Uses of Object in org.multijava.mjc

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.mjc
 class AbstractFileFinder
          This class provides a method for converting anchor class names to the prefixes of the files declaring the anchored generic function.
 class CAbstractMethodSet
          This class encapsulates a collection of method signatures.
 class CAbstractMethodSet.Iterator
          This nested class mimics the java.util.Iterator interface but is specific to collections of CMethod.
 class CAnchorInitializer
          This is used as a wrapper around the normal static or instance initializer method of a class that includes nested dispatcher classes (e.g., an anchor class).
 class CArrayType
          This class represents the array type in the type structure.
 class CAssertHelperMethod
          This class represents a synthetic method used in the implementation of Java's assertion mechanism.
 class CAssertStaticInitMethod
          This class represents a static initializer that begins with code to figure out if the associated class has assertions enabled or not.
 class CAugmentationMap
          This class implements a function mapping from classes and contexts to method sets, CAugmentationMap: CClass x CContextType -> CMethodSet.
(package private) static class CAugmentationMap.ContextMap
 class CBadClass
          This class represents an undefined class (something that comes from a bad classfile) This class is not usable to anything, so it will sooner or later produce a comprehensive error.
 class CBinaryClass
          This class represents a class read from a *.class file.
 class CBinaryClassContext
          This represents the context of a binary (i.e., read from .class file) class declaration.
 class CBinaryField
          This class represents loaded (compiled) class fields.
 class CBinaryGFCollection
          This class represents a single generic function collection as read from a .class file.
 class CBinaryMethod
          This class represents a loaded (already compiled) class method.
(package private)  class CBinaryMethod.CBinaryMethod$1
(package private)  class CBinaryMethod.CBinaryMethod$2
 class CBlockError
          This class represents block errors in the error hierarchy.
 class CBooleanType
          This class represents the Java boolean type.
 class CBooleanValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for booleans.
 class CCaptureType
          Type resulting from applying capture conversion (JLS3 5.1.10) to a wildcard.
 class CClass
          This class represents a class declaration in the signature hierarchy.
(package private)  class CClass.CClass$1
(package private)  class CClass.CClass$2
(package private)  class CClass.CClass$3
(package private)  class CClass.CClass$4
(package private)  class CClass.CClass$5
(package private)  class CClass.CClass$6
protected  class CClass.NoDupStrategy
          This class is a specialization of CMethodSet.Strategy that keeps track of which CClass instances have already been searched for appropriate methods.
 class CClassContext
          This class represents the context for a class during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CClassFQNameType
          This class represents a class type when the class name first appears as a forward reference and the name is definitely fully qualified as in an import clause.
 class CClassNameType
          This class represents a class type when the class name first appears as a forward reference.
 class CClassType
          This class represents a class type in the type structure.
 class CCompilationUnit
          This class handles namespace management for a compilation unit.
 class CCompilationUnitContext
          This class represents the context for a compilation unit during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CConstructorContext
          This class represents the context for a constructor during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CContext
          Descendents of this class represent local contexts during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CContextNullity
          This class provides routines used to implement the Nullity Accessor methods that are delcared in CContextType.
 class CCORInitializer
          This generates code to add external generic function dispatcher classes to the chain of responsibility for the appropriate generic function anchor class.
(package private)  class CCORInitializer.CCORInitializer$1
 class CDispatcherInitializer
          This is used as the initializer of a dispatcher class, in RMJ.
 class CErasedClassType
          This class represents class type in the type structure
 class CExpressionContext
          This class represents the context for an expression during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CExpressionError
          This class represents Expression errors in error hierarchy
 class CExtendedClassContext
          This class represents the context for a class during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CExtendedCompilationUnitContext
          This class represents the context for a class during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CExtMethodContext
          This represents the context in which an external method declaration is typechecked.
 class CField
          This class represents an exported member of a class (fields)
 class CFieldAccessorMethod
          This class is the abstract base class for the field getter and setter methods.
 class CFieldGetterMethod
          This class represents a getter method for a field that an inner or enclosing class has privileged access to.
 class CFieldSetterMethod
          This class represents a setter method for a field that an inner or enclosing class has privileged access to.
 class CFieldTable
          This class encapsulates the fields of a class.
 class CFinallyContext
          This class implements the special definite assignment and reachability calculations for combining try and finally blocks in a try-finally statement.
 class CFlowControlContext
          This class is used during typechecking for control flow analysis that maintains local variable definite assignment (JLS2, 16), throwable, and reachability information (JLS2, 14.20).
 class CFunctionAccessMethod
          This generates code to thread-safely return the function field of an external generic function.
static class CGenericFunctionCollection.CGenericFunctionCollection$1
static class CGenericFunctionCollection.Impl
 class CGFCollectionMap
          This represents a mapping from compilation units and strings to sets of collections of generic functions: CGFCollectionMap: CCompilationUnit x String -> { CGFCollection }.
static class CGFCollectionMap.SetMap
 class CInitializerContext
          This class represents the context for a static initializer during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CInterfaceContext
          This class represents the context for an interface declaration during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CLabeledContext
          This class represents a labeled context during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class ClassCreator
          A factory class to create classes.
 class CLineError
          This class represents Line errors in error hierarchy.
 class CLoopContext
          This class represents the context for a loop statement during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CMember
          This class represents a member of a class or compilation unit.
 class CMethod
          This class represents an actual method, whether generated from source code or read from a class file.
 class CMethodContext
          This class represents the context for a method during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CMethodInfo
          VMS 4.6: Methods Each method, and each (class or instance) initialization method is described by this structure.
 class CMethodNotFoundError
          This error display all parameters of method call
 class CMethodSet
          This class encapsulates a collection of method signatures.
static class CMethodSet.MethodArgsPair
 class CModifier
          This class provides utilities for operating on modifier bit masks.
 class CNullType
          This class represents null class type in the type structure
 class CNumericType
          This class represents java and kopi numericals types Such as byte, short, int, long, float, double
(package private)  class CodeLabel
          This class represents a position in the code array where the associated instruction has not yet been generated.
(package private)  class CodeSequence.CodeSequence$1
 class COrdinalValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for ordinal types such as byte, short, int, and long.
 class CParseClassContext
          This class is used by the parser to collect the members of a class declaration.
 class CParseCompilationUnitContext
          This class is used by the parser to collect the contents of a compilation unit.
 class CRealValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for floats and doubles.
 class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass
          This class represents an inner dispatcher class from which an ambiguous error method can be generated.
(package private)  class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$1
(package private)  class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$2
(package private)  class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$3
 class CSourceClass
          This class represents a class read from a *.java file.
(package private)  class CSourceClass.CSourceClass$1
 class CSourceDispatcherClass
          This class represents an inner dispatcher class for a collection of multimethods of the same generic function declared in a single lexical context.
(package private)  class CSourceDispatcherClass.CSourceDispatcherClass$1
(package private)  class CSourceDispatcherClass.CSourceDispatcherClass$2
 class CSourceDispatcherMethod
          This class represents a dispatcher method wrapping a set of multimethods of the same generic function as read from a source file.
(package private) static class CSourceDispatcherMethod.CSourceDispatcherMethod$1
 class CSourceDispatcherSignature
          This class represents the type (i.e., $signature) for inner dispatcher classes of an external generic function.
(package private)  class CSourceDispatcherSignature.CSourceDispatcherSignature$1
 class CSourceField
          This class represents an exported member of a class (fields)
 class CSourceFilteredDispatcherMethod
          This class represents a special dispatcher method for superclass method invocations whose caller is an external method and whose target is the same external generic function to which the caller belongs [see Clifton-01, Figure 24, case s-e4].
 class CSourceGFCollection
          This class represents a single generic function collection, which encapsulates all the top-level methods declared in a given context.
 class CSourceMethod
          This class represents a method read from a source code (*.java) file.
 class CSourceRedirectorMethod
          This class represents a redirector method for a pleomorphic method that belongs to an internal and external generic function.
 class CSpecializedType
          This class represents a specialized type like type1@type2.
 class CStdType
          This class is a singleton that provides variables for the various built-in and java.lang types.
 class CStringValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for Strings.
 class CSwitchBodyContext
          This class represents the context for the body of a switch statement during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CSwitchGroupContext
          This class represents the context for a switch group during checking passes.
 class CThrowableInfo
          This class represents information on the sorts of exceptions that can be thrown in a particular context.
 class CTopLevel
          This class is a facade for an instance of TypeLoader (or a subclass).
(package private) static class CTopLevel.CTopLevel$1
 class CTryContext
          This class represents the context for a try statement during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CType
          This class is the root for type hierarchy.
static class CType.MethodSignature
          This data structure represents a method type signature as an array of specialized parameter types, a return type, and a receiver type (which may be null for regular Java method signatures).
static class CType.MethodSignatureParser
          This inner class provides methods for converting a bytecode type signature into an instance of (a subclass of) CType for use in compilation.
static class CType.StringBuffers
          This inner class optimizes performance by maintaining a stack of FastStringBuffers to be recycled.
static class CType.TupleCollection
          This nested class defines a collection of tuples where only the most general type tuples are retained in the collection.
 class CTypeNullity
          This class performs nullity type information checks.
 class CTypeVariable
 class CTypeVariableAlias
 class CUniverse
          This is the abstract base class that represents Universes.
 class CUniverseImplicitPeer
          This class implements a peer/ground/default universe.
 class CUniverseImplicitReadonly
          Implements the readonly universe.
 class CUniverseMessages
 class CUniverseMethodAnnotation
          This class represents a universe annotation for a method.
 class CUniversePeer
          This class implements a peer/ground/default universe.
 class CUniverseReadonly
          Implements the readonly universe.
 class CUniverseRep
          Implements the rep universe that specifies the representation of the current object.
 class CUniverseRuntimeHelper
          This is a helper class for the universe runtime checks.
 class CUniverseServices
          Service which handles viewpoint adaptation for Generic Universe Types.
 class CUniverseThis
          Implements a universe modifier used solely as the main modifier for this.
 class CUniverseTypeAnnotation
          This class represents a universe annotation for a type.
 class CValueType
          This class represents a value specializer "type."
 class CVariableInfoTable
          This class stores information about the set of local variables in a given context.
 class CVariableState
          The class stores information about the definitely assigned state of a variable or field.
 class CVoidType
          This class represents Java void type
 class CWildcardType
          Type representing a wildcard (JLS3 4.5.1).
 class CWrapperMethod
          This class represents a wrapper method for a method that an inner or enclosing class has privileged access to.
 class Debug
          This singleton class localizes the reporting of debugging information.
 class DefaultFilter
          This is the default warning filter.
 class FunctionalTestSuite
static class FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase
protected static class FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.CodeGenResults
          Represents the results of disassembling, including a success flag and any error messages.
protected static class FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.CompilationResults
          A string representation of the working directory, used in matching expected error messages.
(package private) static class FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.FunctionalTestSuite$TestCase$1
(package private) static class FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.FunctionalTestSuite$TestCase$2
protected static class FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.Processor
protected static class FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.RuntimeResults
          Represents the results of a runtime test, including a success flag, any exception thrown and the values written to standard error and standard out.
 class JAddExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JArrayAccessExpression
          This class implements an access to an array.
 class JArrayDimsAndInits
          This class implements an AST node representing a list of expressions used in array dimensioning and an array initialization expression, as in the [1][2][3] in new Integer[1][2][3] or the { 1, 2, 3 } in Integer[] foo = { 1, 2, 3 }.
 class JArrayInitializer
          This class implements a constant list of expressions used in array initialisation.
 class JArrayLengthExpression
          This class represents an array length expression in the AST.
 class JAssertStatement
          The syntax for Java assert statements is defined as follows.
 class JAssignmentExpression
          This class implements the assignment operation
 class JavadocLexer
 class JavadocParser
 class JBinaryArithmeticExpression
          This class is an abstract root class for binary expressions.
 class JBinaryExpression
          This class is an abstract root class for binary expressions Here are conversion method following JLS 5.6.2
 class JBitwiseExpression
          This class represents the bitwise AND, OR, and XOR binary expressions.
 class JBlock
          A block is a sequence of statements and local variable declaration statements within braces.
 class JBooleanLiteral
          Root class for all expressions
 class JBreakStatement
          This class represents a break statement.
 class JCastExpression
          This class represents a cast expression '((byte)2)'
 class JCatchClause
          This class represents a catch clause in the syntax tree.
 class JCharLiteral
          A simple character constant
 class JCheckedExpression
          This AST node is used to add a portion of already checked code into code that needs to be checked.
 class JClassBlock
          This class represents an initializer block in a type declaration.
 class JClassDeclaration
          This class represents a java class in the syntax tree
 class JClassExpression
          This class represents an AST node for a class literal expression, e.g., int.class and String.class.
 class JClassFieldDeclarator
          JLS 14.5: Field Statement.
 class JClassFieldExpression
          This class represents the AST node for a field access, e.g.
 class JClassOrGFImport
          This class represents (in the AST) import statements for single classes or generic functions, e.g., import java.util.ArrayList; or import org.multijava.samples.typecheck.
 class JCompilationUnit
          This class represents a single Java compilation unit (typically a file in a file-based compiler like this) in the AST.
(package private) static class JCompilationUnit.JCompilationUnit$1
(package private) static class JCompilationUnit.JCompilationUnit$2
(package private)  class JCompilationUnit.JCompilationUnit$3
(package private) static class JCompilationUnit.JCompilationUnit$4
 class JCompoundAssignmentExpression
          This class represents the compound assignment operation, e.g., x += 3 and y *= 4, in the AST.
 class JCompoundStatement
          A compound statement is a sequence of statements and local variable declaration statements without braces.
 class JConditionalAndExpression
          This class implements the conditional and operation
 class JConditionalExpression
          This class implements expressions using the conditional operator.
 class JConditionalOrExpression
          This class implements the conditional or operation
 class JConstructorBlock
          This class represents the block of a constructor.
 class JConstructorDeclaration
          This class represents a constructor in the AST
 class JContinueStatement
          A continue statement may occur only in a while, do, or for statement; statements of these three kinds are called iteration statements.
 class JDivideExpression
          This class represents the division binary expression.
 class JDoStatement
          This class represents a do statement in the AST.
 class JEmptyStatement
          This class represents an empty statement, which does nothing.
 class JEqualityExpression
          This class represents the AST node for the equality operators.
 class JExplicitConstructorInvocation
          This class represents a explicit call to a super or self constructor.
 class JExpression
          This class is the root class for all classes representing expression nodes in the AST.
 class JExpressionFactory
          Expression AST node factory class.
 class JExpressionListStatement
          This class represents an expression list, a comma-separated list of expression statements used in the initializer and iterator of a for-loop statement.
 class JExpressionStatement
          Certain kinds of expressions may be used as statements by following them with semicolon.
 class JFieldDeclaration
          This class represents a field declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JFormalParameter
          This class represents a parameter declaration in the syntax tree
 class JForStatement
          This class represents a for statement in the AST.
 class JGeneratedLocalVariable
          This class represents a compiler-generated local variable declaration.
 class JIfStatement
          This class represents an if statement in the AST.
 class JInitializerDeclaration
          This class represents an initializer (either static or instance) in the AST.
 class JInstanceofExpression
          This class represents an instanceof expression.
 class JInterfaceDeclaration
          This class represents a java interface in the syntax tree
 class JLabeledStatement
          This class represents a labeled statement.
 class JLiteral
          Root class for all literals expression
 class JLocalVariable
          This class represents a local variable declaration in the AST.
 class JLocalVariableExpression
          This class represents the AST node for local variable references.
 class JLoopStatement
          This abstract class is the superclass for all the classes representing loop statements in the AST.
 class JMemberDeclaration
          This class represents a java declaration in the syntax tree
 class JMethodCallExpression
          This class represents method calls methodname( e1, e2, ..., en )
 class JMethodDeclaration
          This class represents a java method in the syntax tree.
(package private)  class JMethodDeclaration.JMethodDeclaration$1
 class JMinusExpression
          This class represents the subtraction binary expression.
 class JModuloExpression
          This class represents the modulo binary expression.
 class JMultExpression
          This class represents the multiplication binary expression.
 class JNameExpression
          This class represents a name within an expression.
 class JNewAnonymousClassExpression
          This class represents a new anonymous class allocation expression.
 class JNewArrayExpression
          This class represents a new array allocation expression 'new type[...]'
 class JNewObjectExpression
          This class represents an object instantiation expression 'new type(...)'
protected static class JNewObjectExpression.ArgTypes
          This nested class is used to track the argument types of the actual constructor call.
 class JNullLiteral
          A simple character constant
 class JNumberLiteral
          Root class for all number literals
 class JOrdinalLiteral
          This class represents literals of primitive integral types (byte, short, int, long).
 class JOuterLocalVariableExpression
          This class is an AST node and represents a reference to a variable of a surrounding lexical context from within an inner class.
 class JPackageImport
          This class represents (in the AST) full-package import statements, an asterisk.
 class JPackageName
          This class represents package statements in the AST, like package org.multijava.mjc.
 class JParenthesedExpression
          This class represents expression within parentheses.
 class JPhylum
          This class is a superclass for all elements of the parsing tree.
 class JPostfixExpression
          This class represents postfix increment and decrement expressions.
 class JPrefixExpression
          This class represents prefix increment and decrement expressions.
 class JRealLiteral
          This class represents real-valued literals (float, double)
 class JRelationalExpression
          This class represents the AST node for the relational operators, <, >, etc.
 class JResendExpression
          This class represents a MultiJava resend expression, for invoking a directly overridden method of the caller's generic function.
 class JReturnStatement
          This class represents a return statement in the AST.
 class JShiftExpression
          This class represents the shift (left, right, boolean-right) binary expressions.
 class JStatement
          This class is the root class for all classes representing statement nodes in the AST.
 class JStringLiteral
          A simple character constant
 class JSuperExpression
          This class represents a "super" primary expression in an AST.
 class JSwitchGroup
          This class represents an AST node for a group in a switch statement.
 class JSwitchLabel
          This class represents an AST node for the label for a single case of a switch statement.
 class JSwitchStatement
          This class represents a switch statement in the AST.
 class JSynchronizedStatement
          This class represents a synchronized statement in an AST.
 class JThisExpression
          A 'this' expression
(package private)  class JThisExpression.JThisExpression$1
(package private)  class JThisExpression.JThisExpression$2
 class JThrowStatement
          This class represents a throw statement in the AST.
 class JTryCatchStatement
          This class represents a try-catch statement in the AST.
 class JTryFinallyStatement
          This class represents a try-catch statement in the AST.
 class JTypeDeclaration
          This class represents a java class or interface in the syntax tree
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.DispatcherClassList
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.MethodList
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.MethodRecord
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.PleomorphSet
protected static class JTypeDeclaration.WrapResult
          This nested class is used to return the results from dispatcherWrapMethods
 class JTypeDeclarationStatement
          This class represents a local type declaration statement.
 class JTypeNameExpression
          This class represents the AST node for a type name expression like Object
 class JUnaryExpression
          This class represents unary expressions (unary plus, unary minus, bitwise complement, and logical not).
 class JUnaryPromote
          This class promotes an arithmetic expression to a new type.
 class JVariableDeclarationStatement
          A local variable declaration statement declares one or more local variable names.
 class JVariableDefinition
          This class represents a local variable definition in the syntax tree.
 class JWhileStatement
          This class represents a while statement in the AST.
 class Main.CheckInitializerTask
          This class typechecks the initializers of the declarations in the source code.
 class Main.CheckInterfaceTask
          This class checks the interfaces of the declarations in the source code.
static class Main.ContextBehavior
static class Main.DFilter
          This class is used with the Directory.list method to list the subdirectories in a directory (ignoring the special case of the 'CVS' subdirectory).
protected static class Main.ExpectedGF
protected static class Main.ExpectedIndifferent
protected static class Main.ExpectedResult
          This class represents the expected result of parsing a file.
protected static class Main.ExpectedType
 class Main.ParseTask
          This class parses a group of files, given by filenames as strings, and generates a forest of ASTs.
 class Main.PreprocessTask
          This class preprocesses type and generic function imports and groups external methods.
 class Main.PrettyPrintTask
          This class pretty prints the trees in the AST forest.
 class Main.ResolveSpecializerTask
          This class resolves value specializer expressions to the compile-time constants they represent.
 class Main.ResolveTopMethodTask
          This class resolves the top methods of all method declarations.
 class Main.Task
          This abstract class represents a single task to be performed by the compiler.
static class Main.TaskTimes
 class Main.TranslateMJTask
          This class pretty prints the trees in the AST forest.
 class Main.TreeProcessingTask
          This class is subclasses by classes that represent tasks operating on a forest of ASTs.
 class Main.TypecheckTask
          This class typechecks the source code.
 class MemberAccess
          This class represents and contains the information needed to determine whether a member of a class or compilation unit can be accessed from some other member.
 class MjcCommonOptions
          This class is automatically generated from MjcCommonOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class MjcFileFinder
          This FileFinder looks for a .class file and a .java file, returning whichever one is newer.
 class MjcGUI
          This class is automatically generated from MjcGUI.gui and contains member fields corresponding to tool-specific GUI specifications.
protected  class MjcGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter
protected  class MjcGUI.MjcCompilation
protected  class MjcGUI.MjcGUIFileFilter
protected  class MjcGUI.MjcOpenHandler
(package private)  class MjcIDKeywords
 class MjcLexer
 class MjcMessages
 class MjcOptions
          This class is automatically generated from MjcOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class MjcParser
 class MjcPrettyPrinter
          This class implements a Java pretty printer
 class MjcSignatureParser
 class MJGenericFunctionDecl
          This class represents a group of method declarations, all sharing the same name, that together form the top of one or more overloaded external generic function lattices.
 class MJMathMode
 class MJMathModeExpression
          This AST node is used to change the arithmetic mode for a given expression.
 class MJTopLevelAbstractMethodDeclaration
 class MJTopLevelMethodDeclaration
 class MJWarnExpression
          This AST node is used to enable or disable the compile-time and run-time checking of integral arithmetic overflow.
 class ParserUtility
          This class is delegated to my the parser classes and provides a place to encapsulate the utility methods of those classes.
 class ParsingController
          This class manages the parsing of source code.
static class ParsingController.ConfigurationException
          This inner class represents exceptions that can be thrown because of misconfiguration of the parsing controller.
 class ParsingController.FilteredTokenStream
          This inner class provides a token stream that accesses one of the lexers managed by the controller.
(package private)  class ParsingController.IndexedTokenBuffer
          This inner class buffers tokens of a nested language and allows selection and discarding of a subset of these buffered tokens based on a reference to an index token of the surrounding language.
(package private) static class ParsingController.InputState
          This nested class is a hack to expose the line and column fields of LexerSharedInputState for reading.
static class ParsingController.KeyException
          This inner class represents exceptions that can be thrown because of bad key values passed as arguments to the outer classes methods.
(package private)  class ParsingController.StreamBufferPair
          This inner class encapsulates a buffer and an input stream so they can be the stored as a single value in a map.
static class ParsingController.TokenWrapper
          This inner class wraps a single token.
 class SafeIntegralArithmetic
static class SignatureParser.ClassSignature
 class TestCContext
          Unit tests for CContext
 class TestJTypeDeclaration
          Unit tests for JTypeDeclaration
 class TestMain_CodeGen
 class TestMain_Runtime
 class TestMain_TransCompile
          This class includes test cases for the transitive compilation of referenced files.
 class TestMain_Typecheck
 class TestMjcParser
          Unit tests for MjcParser
protected static class TestMjcParser.TestCompiler
 class TestParsingController
          Unit tests for ParsingController
(package private) static class TestParsingController.TestParsingController$1
 class TypeLoader
          This class acts as a symbol table and a cache for types, type signatures, and external generic functions.
 class UniverseFilter
          A filter that lets all Universe related messages pass.

Fields in org.multijava.mjc declared as Object
private static Object[] FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.EMPTY_ARRAY
private  Object Main.mainSequenceID
protected  Object Main.activeSequenceID
          SequenceID of the currently active Task.
private  Object Main.Task.sequenceID

Methods in org.multijava.mjc that return Object
 Object JCompilationUnit.JCompilationUnit$
 Object Main.mainSequenceID()
protected  Object Main.activeSequenceID()
          Returns the sequence ID of the currently active task.
abstract  Object[] CContextType.getFANonNulls()
          returns the JPhyla that are known to be non-null in this context.
abstract  Object[] CContextType.getFANulls()
protected  Object CSourceDispatcherMethod.clone()
 Object CClassType.clone()
          We need to allow cloning of CClassType and its subtypes, in order to be able to create a new CClassType with the correct universe modifier.
 Object JExpression.clone()
 Object[] JExpression.getFANonNulls(CContextType context)
          Returns a list of expressions known to be non-null if this evaluates to true.
 Object[] JExpression.getFANulls(CContextType context)
          Returns a list of expressions known to be null if this evaluates to false.
 Object JCompilationUnit.JCompilationUnit$
 Object[] CContext.getFANonNulls()
          returns the JPhyla that are known to be non-null in this context.
 Object[] CContext.getFANulls()
 Object MJTopLevelMethodDeclaration.clone()
          Creates a shallow copy of this.
 Object CVariableState.clone()
 Object CVariableInfoTable.clone()
 Object[] CContextNullity.getFANonNulls()
 Object[] CContextNullity.getFANulls()
 Object Main.Task.sequenceID()
          Returns the unique sequenceID for tasks in this sequence.
 Object[] JEqualityExpression.getFANonNulls(CContextType context)
          Returns a list of expressions known to be non-null in this context Any expression can be returned, but adding them to the contexts will filter it out
 Object[] JEqualityExpression.getFANulls(CContextType context)
          Returns a list of expressions known to be null in this context
 Object MJGenericFunctionDecl.clone()
          Produces a copy of this declaration, including a deep copy of the external method declarations housed here-in.
 Object[] JParenthesedExpression.getFANonNulls(CContextType context)
          Returns a list of expressions known to be non-null (null) in this context
 Object[] JParenthesedExpression.getFANulls(CContextType context)
 Object[] JConditionalAndExpression.getFANonNulls(CContextType context)
          Returns a list of expressions known to be non-null (null) in this context
 Object[] JConditionalOrExpression.getFANulls(CContextType context)
          Returns a list of expressions known to be null in this context
 Object[] JInstanceofExpression.getFANonNulls(CContextType context)
          Returns a list of expressions known to be non-null (null) in this context
 Object[] JBitwiseExpression.getFANonNulls(CContextType context)
          Returns a list of expressions known to be non-null (null) in this context
 Object[] JBitwiseExpression.getFANulls(CContextType context)
abstract  Object JLiteral.getValue()
          Returns the value of this literal
 Object JBooleanLiteral.getValue()
          get a Number that represents the value of this literal Do not call before typecheck
 Object JOrdinalLiteral.getValue()
          Returns a Number that represents the value of this literal.
 Object JCharLiteral.getValue()
          get a Character that represents the value of this literal Do not call before typecheck
 Object JRealLiteral.getValue()
          Get a Number that represents the value of this literal.
 Object JStringLiteral.getValue()
          get a Number that represents the value of this literal Do not call before typecheck
 Object JNullLiteral.getValue()
          get a Number that represents the value of this literal Do not call before typecheck

Methods in org.multijava.mjc with parameters of type Object
 boolean CMethod.equals(Object other)
          Returns true if the given object is a CMethod and the two methods have same signature.
 int CMethod.compareTo(Object o)
          Allows methods to be sorted.
protected  void context, MessageDescription description, Object[] params)
          Adds a compiler error.
protected  void context, MessageDescription description, Object param)
          Adds a compiler error.
 void JPhylum.check(CContextType context, boolean cond, MessageDescription description, Object[] params)
          Verifies that the condition is true; otherwise adds an error.
 void JPhylum.check(CContextType context, boolean cond, MessageDescription description, Object param1, Object param2)
          Verifies that the condition is true; otherwise adds an error.
 void JPhylum.check(CContextType context, boolean cond, MessageDescription description, Object param)
          Verifies that the condition is true; otherwise adds an error.
 void JPhylum.warn(CContextType context, MessageDescription description, Object[] params)
          Gives a warning message.
 void JPhylum.warn(CContextType context, MessageDescription description, Object param)
          Gives a warning message.
 void JPhylum.warn(CContextType context, MessageDescription description, Object param1, Object param2)
          Gives a warning message.
 int JCompilationUnit.compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this to a given object.
 int JCompilationUnit.JCompilationUnit$ o1, Object o2)
 void Main.setMainSequenceID(Object sequenceID)
abstract  void mess, Object param1, Object param2)
          Generates an UnpositionedError with a given message.
abstract  void mess, Object[] params)
abstract  boolean CContextType.check(boolean expr, MessageDescription mess, Object[] params)
abstract  boolean CContextType.check(boolean expr, MessageDescription mess, Object param1)
          Verifies an expression and if false signals an error.
abstract  boolean CContextType.check(boolean expr, MessageDescription mess, Object param1, Object param2)
          Verifies an expression and if false signals an error.
abstract  boolean CContextType.isFANonNull(Object expr)
          Indicates whether expr (or member) is conditionally NonNull is this context.
abstract  void CContextType.addFANonNull(Object expr)
          Mark expr (or member) as NonNull in this context
abstract  void CContextType.addFANull(Object expr)
abstract  void CContextType.removeFANonNull(Object expr)
abstract  void CContextType.addFANonNulls(Object[] exprs)
          adds exprs (or members) as NonNull in this context
abstract  void CContextType.addFANulls(Object[] exprs)
 boolean CSourceDispatcherMethod.CSourceDispatcherMethod$1.edgeExists(Object o1, Object o2)
 int CClass.compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this to a given object.
 boolean CClass.equals(Object o)
          Compares the fully qualified name of this with the fully qualified name of o.
 boolean CType.equals(Object other)
          Compares two objects for equality.
 boolean CType.equals(Object other, boolean enableUniv, boolean allowUniversesCovariance)
          Compares two objects for equality.
 boolean CType.equals(Object other, boolean enableUniv)
 int CType.compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this to another type alphabetically by identifier.
 boolean CClassType.equals(Object other)
          Compares two objects for equality.
 boolean CClassType.equals(Object other, boolean enableUniv, boolean allowUniversesCovariance)
          Compares two objects for equality.
 void JExpression.dumpArray(String msg, Object[] exprs)
          Print the message followed by the array's elements.
protected  void context, MessageDescription key, Object[] params)
          Adds a compiler error.
 boolean JLocalVariable.equals(Object o)
          Returns true if the given object should be consider equal to this.
 boolean CSpecializedType.equals(Object other, CClassType[] args)
          Checks whether this specialized type is made up of the same pair of types as a given specialized type.
 boolean CSpecializedType.equals(Object other, CClassType[] args, boolean enableUniv)
 boolean CSpecializedType.equals(Object other, boolean enableUniv)
 boolean CSpecializedType.equals(Object other)
 int JCompilationUnit.JCompilationUnit$ o1, Object o2)
 boolean JThisExpression.equals(Object o)
 boolean JLocalVariableExpression.equals(Object o)
 int JTypeDeclaration.compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this to a given object.
 int JTypeDeclaration.MethodRecord.compareTo(Object o)
          Imposes an ordering based on identity and signature of the top methods.
abstract  int JMethodDeclarationType.compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this method to a given method and returns 0 if the methods belong to the same generic function, otherwise returns -1 or +1 to sort the methods.
 int JMethodDeclaration.compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this method to a given method and returns 0 if the methods belong to the same generic function, otherwise returns -1 or +1 to sort the methods.
 boolean CContext.isFANonNull(Object expr)
          Indicates whether expr (or member) is conditionally NonNull is this context.
 void CContext.addFANonNull(Object expr)
          Mark expr (or member) as NonNull in this context
 void CContext.addFANull(Object expr)
 void CContext.removeFANonNull(Object expr)
 void CContext.addFANonNulls(Object[] exprs)
          adds exprs (or members) as NonNull in this context
 void CContext.addFANulls(Object[] exprs)
 void mess, Object param1, Object param2)
          Generates an UnpositionedError with a given message.
 void mess, Object[] params)
          Generates an UnpositionedError with a given message.
 boolean CContext.check(boolean expr, MessageDescription mess, Object param1)
          Verifies an expression and if false signals an error.
 boolean CContext.check(boolean expr, MessageDescription mess, Object param1, Object param2)
          Verifies an expression and if false signals an error.
 boolean CContext.check(boolean expr, MessageDescription mess, Object[] params)
protected  void context, MessageDescription key, Object[] params)
          Adds a compiler error.
protected  FieldInfo CField.createFieldInfo(long modifiers, String name, String type, String generictype, Object value, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Creates a new field info object.
 boolean CUniverse.equals(Object other)
          Check whether two universe objects are the same.
 boolean CTypeVariable.equals(Object other, boolean enableUniv, boolean allowUniversesCovariance)
          Checks for equality of this and other
 boolean CTypeVariable.equals(Object other)
          Checks for equality of this and other
 int MJTopLevelMethodDeclaration.compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this method to a given method and returns 0 if the methods belong to the same generic function, otherwise returns -1 or +1 to sort the methods.
protected  void context, MessageDescription key, Object[] params)
          Adds a compiler error.
abstract  boolean CCompilationUnitContextType.equals(Object o)
          Indicates whether this is equal to a given object.
 boolean CVariableState.equals(Object other)
 void CContextNullity.addFANonNull(Object expr)
          Mark expr as NonNull in this context
 void CContextNullity.addFANull(Object expr)
 void CContextNullity.removeFANonNull(Object expr)
 void CContextNullity.addFANonNulls(Object[] exprs)
          adds exprs as NonNull in this context
 void CContextNullity.addFANulls(Object[] exprs)
static List CContextNullity.intersectList(List a, Object[] b)
 boolean MjcCommonOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 int Main.Task.compareTo(Object other)
          Compare tasks, ensuring that tasks of equal priority are not equal.
abstract  boolean Main.ExpectedResult.equals(Object other)
 boolean CThrowableInfo.equals(Object o)
 boolean JClassFieldExpression.equals(Object o)
static void JConditionalAndExpression.concatArrays(Object[] a, Object[] b, Object[] retVal)
static JLiteral JLiteral.createLiteral(CType type, Object value)
          Create a literal from a type and a value
protected  void MjcPrettyPrinter.print(Object s)
 boolean MjcOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 boolean CCompilationUnitContext.equals(Object o)
          Indicates whether this is equal to a given object.
 boolean CUniversePeer.equals(Object other)
          Any peer reference equals other peer or implicit-peer references.
 boolean CArrayType.equals(Object other)
          Compares two objects for equality.
 boolean CArrayType.equals(Object other, boolean enableUniv, boolean allowUniversesCovariance)
 boolean CValueType.equals(Object o)
 boolean Main.ExpectedType.equals(Object o)
 boolean Main.ExpectedGF.equals(Object o)
 boolean Main.ExpectedIndifferent.equals(Object o)
static void Main.TaskTimes.add(Object o, long time)
 boolean CUniverseReadonly.equals(Object other)
          Any readonly reference equals other readonly or implicit-readonly references.
 boolean CErasedClassType.equals(Object other)
 boolean CWildcardType.equals(Object other)
 boolean CWildcardType.equals(Object other, boolean enableUniv, boolean allowUniversesCovariance)
 boolean CTypeNullity.equals(Object that)
static void Debug.msg(MessageDescription msg, Object p0)
          Writes the given debugging message, with appropriate parameter substitution, to the debugging output stream.
static void Debug.msg(MessageDescription msg, Object p0, Object p1)
          Writes the given debugging message, with appropriate parameter substitution, to the debugging output stream.
static void Debug.msg(MessageDescription msg, Object[] ps)
          Writes the given debugging message, with appropriate parameter substitution, to the debugging output stream.
static void Debug.profileStart(Object profileID)
          Begins profiling for a block of code with the given profileID object.
static long Debug.profileEnd(Object profileID)
          Finishes profiling for a block of code with the given profileID object by returning the time (in milliseconds) since profileStart was called for the given ID.
static String Debug.profileEndAsString(Object profileID)
          Finishes profiling for a block of code with the given profileID object by returning a String of the form (profileID.toString + "took x ms") where x is the time (in milliseconds) since profileStart was called for the given ID.
private static void Debug.registerIndent(Object caller, String msg)
private static void Debug.registerOutdent(Object caller)

Constructors in org.multijava.mjc with parameters of type Object
Main.Task(int priority, Object sequenceID)
          Creates a new task of the given priority and sequenceID.
Main.TreeProcessingTask(int priority, Object sequenceID, CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, MessageDescription passCompletedMessage)
          Constructs a task that operates on an AST forest.
Main.TypecheckTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for checking the initializers in the given forest.
Main.TypecheckTask(int priority, Object sequenceID, CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, MessageDescription passCompletedMessage)
JCharLiteral(TokenReference where, Object val)
          Construct a node in the parsing tree
Main.PrettyPrintTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for pretty printer the trees in the given forest.
CBlockError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          An error with an arbitrary number of parameters
CBlockError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          An error with two parameters
CBlockError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          An error with one parameter
Main.PreprocessTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for preprocessing the ASTs in the given forest.
Main.CheckInterfaceTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for checking the interfaces in the given forest.
Main.CheckInitializerTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for checking the initializers in the given forest.
Main.ResolveSpecializerTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for resolving the specializers in the given forest.
Main.ResolveTopMethodTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for resolving the top methods in the given forest.
Main.TranslateMJTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)
          Constructs a task for pretty printer the trees in the given forest.
CLineError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          An error with an arbitrary number of parameters
CLineError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          An error with two parameters
CLineError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          An error with one parameter
CExpressionError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          An error with an arbitrary number of parameters
CExpressionError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          An error with two parameters
CExpressionError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          An error with one parameter

Uses of Object in org.multijava.mjdoc

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.mjdoc
 class BootClassPath
 class JavadocOptions
          This class is automatically generated from JavadocOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class MjdocGUI
          This class just has a main routine that invokes the main routine in the subpackage appropriate to the version of the Java tools library that is on the classpath.
 class MjdocMessages
 class MjdocOptions
          This class is automatically generated from MjdocOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class ToolsVersion

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc with parameters of type Object
abstract  boolean JavadocOptionsInterface.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 boolean JavadocOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 boolean MjdocOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)

Uses of Object in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142
 class MjClassDoc
          This class is an interface between the MJC syntax tree classes and the javadoc program; it wraps a CClass object.
static class MjClassDoc.MjMemberFilter
 class MjConstructorDoc
          This class represents a constructor of a class; it is the bridge between the MJC syntax tree object and the ConstructorDoc interface of javadoc doclets.
 class MjDoc
          This abstract class provides an implementation of the Doclet Doc class.
 class MjdocAllClassesFrameWriter
          Generate the file with list of all the classes in this run.
 class MjdocClassWriter
          A derivative of a class in the javadoc doclet API, so as to be able to instantiate a MjdocClassWriter instead of a ClassWriter and a MjdocMethodSubWriter instead of a MethodSubWriter.
 class MjdocConstructorSubWriter
          This is an extension of the doclet api in order to provide for adjusting the spacing in the javadoc and specs.
 class MjdocEMWriter
          This class takes care of writing an html page for the contents of a compilation unit that contains external methods rather than classes.
 class MjdocFieldSubWriter
 class MjdocGFWriter
          This class takes care of writing html pages that document individual generic functions (a family of related external and internal methods).
protected  class MjdocGUI.AllFilesGUIFileFilter
protected  class MjdocGUI.MjdocCompilation
protected  class MjdocGUI.MjdocGUIFileFilter
protected  class MjdocGUI.MjdocOpenHandler
 class MjdocMethodSubWriter
          This is an extension of the doclet api in order to provide functionality for writing external methods.
 class MjdocMethodWriter
          This is just used as a common super class for MjdocEFWriter and MjdocGFWriter, both of which produce html pages containing a list of methods, but not as part of a class.
 class MjdocPackageFrameWriter
          Class to generate file for each package contents in the left-hand bottom frame.
 class MjdocPackageWriter
          A derivative of a class in the javadoc doclet API, so as to be able to instantiate a MjdocClassWriter instead of a ClassWriter and a MjdocMethodSubWriter instead of a MethodSubWriter.
 class MjdocStandard
          This class is an extension and modification of the Standard doclet, that is the usual javadoc implementation.
 class MjdocWrapper
          This class is a bridge between the Mjc parsing mechanisms in Main and the html generation mechanisms in MjRootDoc and related classes.
static class MjdocWrapper.CClassMap
static class MjdocWrapper.MjPrivacyChecker
 class MjExecutableMemberDoc
          This class is a superclass representing common functionality between both methods and constructors; it wraps appropriate objects from the MJ classes and parse tree.
static class MjExecutableMemberDoc.Comp
          This class is used for sorting the gfs as listed on the package summary page and in the overview index lists.
 class MjExtMethodsDoc
          This object holds a list of external methods that are in a single compilation unit.
 class MjFieldDoc
          This class implements the Doclet FieldDoc interface by wrapping the MJC objects corresponding to a field of a class or interface.
 class MjGenericTag
          This is an implementation of the Doclet Tag interface for a generic Tag, one that simply consists of a tag name and a description (which may have inline tags in it).
 class MjMemberDoc
          This class implements the javadoc MemberDoc interface, but it clearly does not do very much.
 class MjMethodDoc
          This class represents a method (but not constructor) of a class; it is the bridge between the MJC syntax tree object and the MethodDoc interface of javadoc doclets.
 class MjPackageDoc
          This class represents a java package and provides methods for finding a package object and the classes within a package.
 class MjParameter
          The class implements the javadoc Parameter interface, and wraps the name and type of a MJC formal parameter to supply the information about the parameter to javadoc.
 class MjParamTag
          This class represents a javadoc comment @param tag; it is special in that it has a parameter name as well as a decription.
 class MjProgramElementDoc
          This is an abstract class that is a super class for derived classes representing program elements such as classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, fields; it implements the javadoc ProgramElementDoc interface; derived classes wrap appropriate objects representing the program elements in the MJC class structure.
 class MjRootDoc
          This class implements the Doclet interface for a RootDoc by containing lists of bridge classes for packages and classes.
 class MjSeeTag
          This class represents the content of an @see or @link tag.
 class MjSourcePosition
 class MjTag
          This class is the abstract parent task for the various special kinds of tag objects that represent tags in javadoc comments.
 class MjTagParser
          This class is a helper class to parse javadoc comments into the appropriate set of tags.
 class MjTextTag
          This class represents a portion of a Javadoc tag that is simply text (i.e. no inline tags such as links).
 class MjThrowsTag
          This class represents a 'throws' tag in a javadoc comment, which has an exception name and a description; the description itself is composed of a sequence of text and inline tags.
 class MjType
          This class implements the javadoc Doclet Type interface, by wrapping appropriate type objects from the MJ compiler.

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 that return Object
 Object MjFieldDoc.constantValue()
          Get the value of a constant field.

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 with parameters of type Object
 int MjDoc.compareTo(Object o)
          This compares two Doc objects.
 int o1, Object o2)

Constructors in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 with parameters of type Object
Main.MjdocTask(CompilerPassEnterable[] trees, Object sequenceID)

Uses of Object in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime
 class RMJClassLoader
protected static class RMJClassLoader.EmptyTupleSet
(package private) static class RMJClassLoader.RMJClassLoader$1
 class RMJErrorSignature
 class RMJOperation
 class RMJPreloader
 class RMJRuntimeException
 class RMJSignature
static class RMJSignature.ArgumentOverrides
static class RMJSignature.EqualSignatures
private static class RMJSignature.HasIntersection
static class RMJSignature.IncomparableSignatures
static class RMJSignature.OverridesArgument
 class RMJUnreachableSignature

Fields in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime declared as Object
private  Object[] RMJSignature._specializers
private  Object[] RMJSignature._specializersOrTypes
private  Object[] RMJErrorSignature.specializers
 Object[] RMJSignature.EqualSignatures.intersection

Methods in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime that return Object
 Object[] RMJSignature.specializers()
 Object[] RMJSignature.specializersOrTypes()

Methods in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime with parameters of type Object
protected  boolean RMJClassLoader.checkForResolvingSig(Object[] intersection, boolean isOld, RMJSignature nsig, RMJSignature osig)
protected  boolean RMJClassLoader.checkCollectionForResolvingSig(Collection sigs, RMJOperation op, Object[] intersection, RMJSignature nsig, RMJSignature osig)
protected  List RMJClassLoader.generateTopConcreteSetsBelow(Object specializer)
protected  String RMJClassLoader.prettyString(Object[] tuple)
protected  String RMJClassLoader.tupleToString(Object[] tuple)
 boolean RMJClassLoader.RMJClassLoader$1.edgeExists(Object o1, Object o2)
 boolean RMJSignature.equals(Object other)
 boolean RMJSignature.appliesTo(Object[] argSpecializers)
private static boolean RMJSignature.overrides(Object[] specializers, Object[] otherSpecializers)
private  int RMJSignature.intersect_one(Object thisSpec, Object otherSpec, RMJClassLoader loader)
private  Collection RMJSignature.generateCrossProduct(Object[] tupleOfSets)
private  Collection RMJSignature.generateCrossProductTo(Object[] tupleOfSets, int pos)
private  void RMJSignature.extendTuple(Object[] earlierTuple, int pos, Object spec, List setOfTuples)
 boolean RMJOperation.equals(Object other)
 boolean RMJUnreachableSignature.equals(Object other)

Constructors in org.multijava.relaxed.runtime with parameters of type Object
RMJErrorSignature(RMJSignature s, Object[] specs)
RMJSignature.EqualSignatures(Object[] i)

Uses of Object in org.multijava.relaxed.util

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.relaxed.util
 class Hexdump
 class Readdump
 class RMJAnnotation
static class RMJAnnotation.Method
private static class RMJAnnotation.ParseError
 class RMJDebug
 class RMJOptions

Uses of Object in org.multijava.universes.rt

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.universes.rt
 class UniverseRuntime

Methods in org.multijava.universes.rt that return Object
abstract  Object UrtImplementation.getOwner(Object obj)
abstract  Object UrtImplementation.getRootSetMember()
abstract  Object UrtImplementation.getContext()
abstract  Object UrtPolicy.getNativeOwner(Object obj)
abstract  Object UrtPolicy.getCollectedOwner(Object obj)

Methods in org.multijava.universes.rt with parameters of type Object
abstract  void UrtImplementation.setOwnerRep(Object obj, Object owner)
abstract  void UrtImplementation.setOwnerPeer(Object obj, Object current)
abstract  void UrtImplementation.setConstructorData(Object currentObject, Object objectClass, int modifier)
abstract  void UrtImplementation.setOwner(Object o)
abstract  void UrtImplementation.setArrayOwnerRep(Object obj, Object owner, int arrayElementType)
abstract  void UrtImplementation.setArrayOwnerPeer(Object obj, Object current, int arrayElementType)
abstract  boolean UrtImplementation.checkArrayType(Object o, int elementType)
abstract  boolean UrtImplementation.isPeer(Object o1, Object o2)
abstract  boolean UrtImplementation.isOwner(Object owner, Object obj)
abstract  Object UrtImplementation.getOwner(Object obj)
abstract  void UrtImplementation.setContext(Object currentObject)
abstract  Object UrtPolicy.getNativeOwner(Object obj)
abstract  Object UrtPolicy.getCollectedOwner(Object obj)

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util
 class ArrayListCache
          This class implements a cache of ArrayLists.
 class ArrayLocator
          This class allows to find the position of an object in an array.
 class CharArrayCache
          This class implements a cache of char arrays
 class ClassPathContains
          This class is a command-line utility to test for the presence of a given class on the CLASSPATH.
 class Destination
          This class represents the destination of the output of one of the tools included in the project.
 class DirectedAcyclicGraph
          This utility class represents a directed acyclic graph.
 class FormattedException
          This class defines exceptions formatted using message descriptions.
 class InconsistencyException
          An InconsistencyException indicates that an inconsistent internal state has been discovered, usually due to incorrect program logic.
 class IntStack
          This class represents a simple stack of integer values.
 class Message
          This class represents the root class for all kopic errors
 class MessageDescription
          This class defines message descriptions (errors, warnings, notices, ...).
 class MjcHashRelation
          This class is used to map a key to a sequence of values, the image of the key.
 class Options
          This class implements basic option parsing.
 class TestArrayListCache

 class TestDirectedAcyclicGraph
          JUnit tests for DirectedAcyclicGraph.
(package private) static class TestDirectedAcyclicGraph.TestDirectedAcyclicGraph$1
 class TestIntStack

 class TestUtils

(package private)  class TestUtils.TestUtils$1
 class Utils
          This class defines severals utilities methods used in source code
 class VectorCache
          This class implements a cache of char arrays

Fields in org.multijava.util declared as Object
private  Object[] DirectedAcyclicGraph.vertex
          The vertices of the DAG.
private  Object[] DirectedAcyclicGraph.result
          Working space for the depth-first search algorithm
private  Object[] ArrayLocator.array
private  Object[] Message.parameters

Methods in org.multijava.util that return Object
static Object[] Utils.vectorToArray(Vector vect, Class type)
          Creates a typed array from a vector.
static Object[] Utils.combineArrays(Object[] x, Object[] y)
          Combines two reference arrays of into one; the result has the same dynamic type as the first argument.
 Object[] DirectedAcyclicGraph.inDFSOrder()
          Returns the vertices in depth-first search order.
 Object[] Message.getParams()
          Returns the message description.
 Object MjcHashRelation.remove(Object key)
 Object MjcHashRelation.remove(Object key, Comparable value)
          requires key !

Methods in org.multijava.util with parameters of type Object
 boolean Options.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
static Object[] Utils.combineArrays(Object[] x, Object[] y)
          Combines two reference arrays of into one; the result has the same dynamic type as the first argument.
abstract  boolean DirectedAcyclicGraph.EdgeCalculator.edgeExists(Object o1, Object o2)
          Returns true is a directed edge from o1 to o2 exists in the DAG.
private  void TestDirectedAcyclicGraph.check(Object[] powerSet)
 boolean TestDirectedAcyclicGraph.TestDirectedAcyclicGraph$1.edgeExists(Object o1, Object o2)
 String MessageDescription.format(Object[] parameters)
          Returns a string explaining the error.
 int ArrayLocator.getIndex(Object object)
          Returns the index of the specified object in the array, or -1 if the object cannot be found.
 boolean MjcHashRelation.containsKey(Object key)
 boolean MjcHashRelation.containsValue(Object value)
          Returns true if there exists a key such that theRelation.elementImage(key).has( value ), otherwise it returns false.
 Object MjcHashRelation.remove(Object key)
 Object MjcHashRelation.remove(Object key, Comparable value)
          requires key !
 Comparable MjcHashRelation.get(Object key)
          Returns the least value in the set of values mapped to by the given key (if the image of the given key has been sorted), or null if this key is not in the domain of the theRelation.
 Collection MjcHashRelation.getImage(Object key)
          Returns the collection of values mapped to by the given key, or null if this key is not in the domain of the theRelation.
 Comparable MjcHashRelation.put(Object key, Comparable value)
          Adds value to the set of values in the image of the given key.
 Collection MjcHashRelation.putImage(Object key, Collection image)
          Adds a mapping from the given key to the given image.
 boolean MjcHashRelation.sortImage(Object key)
 Comparable MjcHashRelation.getNextValue(Object key, Comparable value)
static Comparable MjcHashRelation.getNextValueFromN(MjcHashRelation[] rels, Object key, Comparable value)

Constructors in org.multijava.util with parameters of type Object
DirectedAcyclicGraph(Object[] vertices, DirectedAcyclicGraph.EdgeCalculator calc)
          Constructs a directed acyclic graph with the given objects as the vertices and the given calculator specifying the edges.
FormattedException(MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          An exception with an arbitrary number of parameters
FormattedException(MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          An exception with two parameters
FormattedException(MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          An exception with one parameter
ArrayLocator(Object[] array)
          Constructs a new ArrayLocator object.
Message(MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          Constructs a message with an arbitrary number of parameters
Message(MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          Constructs a message with two parameters
Message(MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          Constructs a message with one parameter

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util.backend

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util.backend
 class BackendMessages
 class BackendOptions
          This class is automatically generated from BackendOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
(package private)  class BasicBlock
          This class replaces all references to instructions by their associated handle.
 class CodeSequence
          This class reconstructs the code sequence
 class ControlFlow
          This is the entry point of the backend, this class constructs the control flow graf and applies optimizations
 class DeadcodeElimination
          This class removes deadcode generated by optimizations or code transformation
(package private)  class InferenceNode
          This class represents a temporary
 class LivenessAnalysis
          This class compute the liveness of each temporaries
(package private)  class MethodEnv
          This class represents a method environment
 class Optimizer
          This class is the entry point for the peephole byte code optimizer
(package private)  class Optimizer.Optimizer$1
(package private)  class QIinc
          This class represents a quadruple: a source and a destination
(package private)  class QJump
          This class represents the origin of a quadruple
(package private)  class QLiteral
          This class represents a literal
(package private)  class QNode
          This class represent an abstract node
(package private)  class QNop
          This class represents the an instruction that has no return value
(package private)  class QOperand
          This class represents the origin of a quadruple
(package private)  class QOperator
          This class represents the origin of a quadruple
(package private)  class QQuadruple
          This class represents a quadruple: a source and a destination
(package private)  class QStack
          This class represents a stack placeholder
(package private)  class QSwitch
          This class represent an abstract node
(package private)  class QTemporary
          This class represents a temporary
(package private)  class QVoid
          This class represents the an instruction that has no return value
 class RegisterAllocation
          This class allocate the the temporary to a minimal number of registers
 class StackSchleduler
          This class tries to find the best schleduling to minimize local vars
 class Trace
          This is the entry point of the backend, this class constructs the control flow graf and applies optimizations
 class TraceControlFlow
          This is the entry point of the backend, this class constructs the control flow graph and applies optimizations
 class TraceInferenceGraph
          This is the entry point of the backend, this class constructs the control flow graph and applies optimizations
 class TreeWalker
          This is the an abstract class to walk across the tree (DFS)

Methods in org.multijava.util.backend with parameters of type Object
 boolean BackendOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
private static boolean LivenessAnalysis.equals(Object[] o1, Object[] o2)

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util.classfile

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util.classfile
 class AbstractInstructionAccessor
          This class provides default implementations for the InstructionAccessor interface: the resolution of the accessor is left to the transformer, which must in turn have knowledge of and access to the accessor to be transformed.
 class AnchorAttribute
          This attribute flags a class as an external generic function anchor class.
 class Annotation
          This class represents an annotation structure in a classfile.
private  class Annotation.ElementValuePair
          Nested class representing name/value pair in an annotation structure.
 class AnnotBooleanElementValue
          A class representing a boolean value in an element-value pair of an annotation structure.
 class AnnotByteElementValue
          A class representing a byte value in an element-value pair of an annotation structure.
 class AnnotCharElementValue
          A class representing a char value in an element-value pair of an annotation structure
 class AnnotDoubleElementValue
          A class representing a double value in an element-value pair of an annotation structure.
 class AnnotElementValue
          A class representing a value in an element-value pair of an annotation structure.
 class AnnotFloatElementValue
          A class representing a float value in an element-value pair of an annotation structure.
 class AnnotIntegerElementValue
          A class representing a char value in an element-value pair of an annotation structure.
 class AnnotLongElementValue
          A class representing a long value in an element-value pair of an annotation structure.
 class AnnotShortElementValue
          A class representing a short value in an element-value pair of an annotation structure.
 class AnnotStringElementValue
          A class representing a String value in an element-value pair of an annotation structure.
 class AsciiConstant
          This is a class to create Ascii Constant entries.
 class Attribute
          This is the root class of every attribute
 class AttributeList
          This class represents a list of attributes within a ClassInfo structure (see JVM2, 4.7).
static class AttributeList.ParserIterator
          This nested class implements a specialized iterator that returns successive parsers from the chain-of-responsibility and keeps clients from having to perform casts.
 class BadAccessorException
          This exception is to report unresolvable instruction accessors.
 class BaseAttributeParser
          This class implements a parser for regular Java bytecode attributes as defined in the JVM specification.
 class ClassConstant
          This is used to create a Class constant pool item
(package private)  class ClassDirectory
          This class represents a conceptual directory which may hold files.
 class ClassFileFormatException
          Error thrown on problems encountered.
 class ClassfileMessages
 class ClassfileOptions
          This class is automatically generated from ClassfileOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class ClassFileReadException
          This exception is used to communicate a problem reading a classfile to client packages.
 class ClassInfo
          VMS 4.1 Class File This is the place where all information about the class defined by this class file resides.
 class ClassInfoCreator
          A factory class to create class info objects.
 class ClassPath
          This class implements the conceptual directory structure for .class files
static class ClassPath.ClassDescription
          A File value used to indicate an undefined result.
(package private) static class ClassPath.ClassPath$1
static class ClassPath.Data
          This class mimics a DataInput, but optimizes the reading of the supplied InputStream.
static class ClassPath.FileClassDescription
 class ClassRefInstruction
          Instructions that refers to class: opc_anewarray, opc_checkcast, opc_instanceof, opc_new
(package private)  class CodeEnv
          This class represent the code environement during control flow This allow to compute the amount of stack consumed, to check if instructions are reached and so on
(package private)  class CodeEnv.CodeEnv$1
 class CodeInfo
          This class represents the Java virtual machine instructions and auxiliary information for a single method.
 class CodePosition
          This class represent the code position of each instruction during analyse of control flow.
 class ConstantPool
          The constant pool, in this object are stored all the constant of the classfile
 class ConstantValueAttribute
          VMS 4.7.3: Constant Value Attribute A ConstantValue attribute represents the value of a constant field that must be (explicitly or implicitly) static
 class DeprecatedAttribute
          ICS: Member Attribute Deprecated This attribute marks superseded classes, fields and methods.
(package private)  class DirClassDirectory
 class DispatcherAttribute
          This attribute flags a member as a compiler-generated dispatcher.
 class DoubleConstant
          Wrap an Double constant reference with this CPE.
 class ExceptionsAttribute
          VMS 4.7.5: Exceptions Attribute This attribute indicates which checked exceptions a method may throw.
 class FieldInfo
          VMS 4.5: Fields Each field is described by this structure.
 class FieldRefConstant
 class FieldRefInstruction
          Instructions thar refers to class fields opc_getstatic, opc_putstatic, opc_getfield, opc_putfield
 class FloatConstant
          Wrap an Float constant reference with this CPE.
 class GenericAttribute
          This is an opaque attribute that lets you add an uninterpreted stream of bytes into an attribute in a class file.
 class GenericFunctionInfo
          This data structure groups a set of multimethods all declared in the same class or generic function anchor and all belonging to the same generic function.
 class GenericFunctionsAttribute
          This attribute represents the entire set of generic functions declared in or overridden in a single class or generic function anchor.
 class HandlerInfo
          This class represents a protected ("try") portion of block with an handler (catch) for a specified type of exception
(package private)  class Hashtables
 class IincInstruction
          Some instructions are perniticky enough that its simpler to write them separately instead of smushing them with all the rest.
 class InnerClassInfo
          This class represents a single entry in the array of classes stored inside an InnerClasses attribute.
 class InnerClassTable
          This represents an InnerClasses attribute.
 class Instruction
          Root class for instructions.
 class InstructionIO
          An utility class that read the instructions from a stream
(package private) static class InstructionIO.ForwardReference
(package private)  class InstructionIO.InstructionIO$1
 class IntegerConstant
          Wrap an integer constant reference with this CPE.
 class InterfaceConstant
 class InvokeinterfaceInstruction
          Some instructions are perniticky enough that its simpler to write them separately instead of smushing them with all the rest.
 class JumpInstruction
          This class represents instructions that take a label as argument.
 class LineNumberInfo
          VMS 4.7.6: Line Number Table Attribute This attribute represents a mapping between he Java Virtual Machine code array and the line number in the original Java source file
 class LineNumberTable
          VMS 4.7.6: Line Number Table Attribute This attribute represents a mapping between he Java Virtual Machine code array and the line number in the original Java source file
 class LocalVariableInfo
          VMS 4.7.6: Line Number Table Attribute This attribute represents a mapping between he Java Virtual Machine code array and the line number in the original Java source file
 class LocalVariableTable
          VMS 4.7.6: Line Number Table Attribute This attribute represents a mapping between he Java Virtual Machine code array and the line number in the original Java source file
 class LocalVarInstruction
          This class represents instructions that take a local variable as argument.
 class LongConstant
          Wrap an Long constant reference with this CPE.
 class Member
          VMS 4.5: Members Root class for class members (fields, methods, inner classes and interfaces)
 class MethodInfo
          VMS 4.6: Methods Each method, and each (class or instance) initialization method is described by this structure.
 class MethodRefConstant
 class MethodRefInstruction
          Instruction that references method opc_invokevirtual,_invokespecial, opc_invokestatic
 class MJAttributeParser
          This class implements a parser for the additional bytecode attributes defined in the MultiJava language specification.
 class MultiarrayInstruction
          Some instructions are perniticky enough that its simpler to write them separately instead of smushing them with all the rest.
 class MultimethodBodyAttribute
          This attribute flags a method as a compiler-generated multimethod body.
 class MultimethodInfo
          An instance of this data structure describes each multimethod in a class.
 class NameAndTypeConstant
          This constant represent a name and a type in the contant pool
 class NewarrayInstruction
          This class represents instructions that take a local variable as argument.
 class NoArgInstruction
          This class represents instructions that take no arguments.
(package private)  class PooledArray
 class PooledConstant
          this is an abstraction to contain all the constant items that can be created.
 class PushLiteralInstruction
          This class encapsulates the instructions pushing a literal on the stack: bipush, sipush, ldc, ldc_w, ldc2_w, dconst_<d>, fconst_<f>, iconst_<i>, lconst_<l>
(package private)  class PushLiteralInstruction.ByteOperand
(package private)  class PushLiteralInstruction.ConstantOperand
(package private)  class PushLiteralInstruction.ShortOperand
 class RedirectorAttribute
          This attribute flags a member as a compiler-generated pleomorphic method redirector.
 class ReferenceConstant
          VMS 4.4.2: This class implements field/method/interface method reference constants.
 class RMJAttribute
          This attribute corresponds to a sequence of RMJ annotations.
 class RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute
          A class representing a RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute.
 class RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute
          A class representing a RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations attribute.
 class SignatureAttribute
 class SkippedCodeInfo
          The code info, but without the instructions (only the interface)
 class SourceFileAttribute
          VMS 4.7.2: Source File Attribute This attribute represents the name of the source file from which this class file was compiled.
 class StringConstant
          Wrap an String constant reference with this CPE.
 class SwitchInstruction
          Some instructions are persnickety enough that its simpler to write them separately instead of smushing them with all the rest.
 class SyntheticAttribute
          ICS: Member Attribute Synthetic This attribute marks fields and methods synthesized by the compiler in order to implement the scoping of names.
 class UniverseAttributeParser
          This class implements an attribute parser that recognizes the JUTS attributes.
 class UniverseByteConstants
          This class contains static helper functions that work on the byte constants used to represent universe annotations in attributes.
 class UniverseClassAttribute
          This class implements a JUTS class attribute.
 class UniverseFieldAttribute
          This class implements a JUTS field attribute.
 class UniverseMethodAttribute
          This class implements a JUTS method attribute.
 class UnresolvedConstant
          Wrap an Unresolved constant reference with this CPE.
(package private)  class ZipClassDescription
(package private)  class ZipClassDirectory

Fields in org.multijava.util.classfile declared as Object
private  Object PushLiteralInstruction.value

Methods in org.multijava.util.classfile that return Object
 Object FieldInfo.getConstantValue()
          Returns the value of the this field
(package private) abstract  Object PooledConstant.getLiteral()
          Returns the associated literal
(package private)  Object ClassConstant.getLiteral()
          Returns the associated literal: this constant type has none
 Object PushLiteralInstruction.getLiteral()
          Returns the value of this literal
(package private)  Object ReferenceConstant.getLiteral()
          Returns the associated literal: this constant type has none
(package private)  Object AsciiConstant.getLiteral()
          Returns the value of the constant.
(package private)  Object UnresolvedConstant.getLiteral()
(package private)  Object LongConstant.getLiteral()
          Returns the associated literal
(package private)  Object IntegerConstant.getLiteral()
          Returns the associated literal
(package private)  Object FloatConstant.getLiteral()
          Returns the associated literal
(package private)  Object DoubleConstant.getLiteral()
          Returns the associated literal
(package private)  Object StringConstant.getLiteral()
          Returns the associated literal
(package private)  Object NameAndTypeConstant.getLiteral()
          Returns the associated literal: this constant type has none
(package private)  Object ConstantValueAttribute.getLiteral()
          Returns the value of the constant value attribute

Methods in org.multijava.util.classfile with parameters of type Object
 boolean Member.equals(Object o)
 int Member.compareTo(Object o)
 void FieldInfo.setConstantValue(Object value)
          Sets the value of the this field
abstract  boolean PooledConstant.equals(Object o)
          equals (an exact comparison) ASSERT: this.hashCode == o.hashCode ===> cast
 int ClassConstant.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean ClassConstant.equals(Object o)
          equals (an exact comparison) ASSERT: this.hashCode == o.hashCode ===> cast
 int InnerClassInfo.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean ReferenceConstant.equals(Object o)
          equals (an exact comparison) ASSERT: this.hashCode == o.hashCode ===> cast
 int AsciiConstant.compareTo(Object o)
 boolean AsciiConstant.equals(Object o)
          equals (an exact comparison) ASSERT: this.hashCode == o.hashCode ===> cast
 boolean UnresolvedConstant.equals(Object o)
          equals (an exact comparison) ASSERT: this.hashCode == o.hashCode ===> cast
 boolean LongConstant.equals(Object o)
          equals (an exact comparison) ASSERT: this.hashCode == o.hashCode ===> cast
 boolean IntegerConstant.equals(Object o)
          equals (an exact comparison) ASSERT: this.hashCode == o.hashCode ===> cast
 boolean FloatConstant.equals(Object o)
          equals (an exact comparison) ASSERT: this.hashCode == o.hashCode ===> cast
 boolean DoubleConstant.equals(Object o)
          equals (an exact comparison) ASSERT: this.hashCode == o.hashCode ===> cast
 boolean ClassfileOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)
 boolean StringConstant.equals(Object o)
          equals (an exact comparison) ASSERT: this.hashCode == o.hashCode ===> cast
 boolean NameAndTypeConstant.equals(Object o)
          equals (an exact comparison) ASSERT: this.hashCode == o.hashCode ===> cast

Constructors in org.multijava.util.classfile with parameters of type Object
FieldInfo(short modifiers, String name, String type, String generictype, Object value, boolean deprecated, boolean synthetic)
          Constructs a field entry
ConstantValueAttribute(Object value)
          Create a new constant attribute whose constant value is picked up from constant pool with the given entry.

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util.compiler

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util.compiler
 class CompilationAbortedError
          This class is thrown when an error occurs during compilation that from which the compilation process cannot or should not recover.
 class CompilationAbortedException
          This exception is used to abort out of compilation tasks, but to still report errors satisfactorily, and perhaps to continue on.
 class Compiler
          This class defines the common behaviour of all KOPI compilers.
 class CompilerMessages
 class CToken
(package private) static class CToken.LookupToken
 class CWarning
          This class represents warnings in the compiler error hierarchy
 class FastStringBuffer
 class InputBuffer
          This class allows to find the position of an object in an array.
 class JavaStyleComment
          A simple character constant
 class NumberParser
          This class parse Strings to convert them to ordinal literal
 class Phylum
          This class represents the root class for all elements of the parsing tree
 class PositionedError
          This class is the root class for all compiler errors with a reference to the source text.
 class TabbedPrintWriter
          This class implements a tabbed print writer
 class TokenReference
          This class defines objets that hold a reference to a file and a position in the file.
 class UnpositionedError
          This class is the root class for all compiler errors without a reference to the source text.

Methods in org.multijava.util.compiler that return Object
 Object[] CWarning.getParams()
          Returns the parameters of the message.

Methods in org.multijava.util.compiler with parameters of type Object
 void Compiler.inform(MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          Write a message to the diagnostic output.
 void Compiler.inform(MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          Write a message to the diagnostic output.
 void Compiler.inform(MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          Write a message to the diagnostic output.
 boolean CToken.LookupToken.equals(Object o)

Constructors in org.multijava.util.compiler with parameters of type Object
UnpositionedError(MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          An exception with an arbitrary number of parameters
UnpositionedError(MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          An exception with two parameters
UnpositionedError(MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          An exception with one parameter
PositionedError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          An error with an arbitrary number of parameters
PositionedError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          An error with two parameters
PositionedError(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          An error with one parameter
CWarning(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          An error with an arbitrary number of parameters
CWarning(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          An error with two parameters
CWarning(TokenReference where, MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          An error with one parameter

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util.gui

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util.gui
 class org.multijava.util.gui.AbstractOpenHandler
          An abstract class that defines the general behavior of an Open dialog window
 class org.multijava.util.gui.GUI
          A graphical user interface for running Mjc.
protected  class org.multijava.util.gui.GUI.Compilation
          Allows the compilation process to run seperately in another thread
protected  class org.multijava.util.gui.GUI.GUIFileFilter
          File filter that determines which files the tool can accept
protected  class org.multijava.util.gui.GUI.OpenHandler
          Handles the selection of files in an open file window
 class org.multijava.util.gui.GUIFrame
          Superclass that defines all of the GUI windows

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util.guigen

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util.guigen
(package private)  class DefinitionFile
 class GuigenError
          Error thrown on problems encountered while running the program.
 class GuigenLexer
 class GuigenMessages
          The message list for Guigen
 class GuigenParser

Constructors in org.multijava.util.guigen with parameters of type Object
GuigenError(MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          An exception with an arbitrary number of parameters
GuigenError(MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          An exception with two parameters
GuigenError(MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          An exception with one parameter

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util.jperf

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util.jperf
(package private)  class Graph
          This class represents the intermediate graph
 class JPerf
          This class represents the perfect hashing function generator
 class Keywords
          This class contains the keywords to hash
(package private)  class Node
          Node is an object class representing nodes in GGPerf's intermediate graph.
 class Table
          This class is the internal representation of the tables T1 and T2.

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util.lexgen

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util.lexgen
(package private) static class DefinitionFile.KeywordTokenInfo
          This nested class serves as a data structure for accumulating information in #accumKeywords(List,String,List).
 class LexgenError
          Error thrown on problems encountered while running the program.
 class LexgenLexer
 class LexgenMessages
 class LexgenOptions
          This class is automatically generated from LexgenOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class LexgenParser
 class TestLexgenLexer

(package private)  class TokenDefinition

Methods in org.multijava.util.lexgen with parameters of type Object
 boolean LexgenOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)

Constructors in org.multijava.util.lexgen with parameters of type Object
LexgenError(MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          An exception with an arbitrary number of parameters
LexgenError(MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          An exception with two parameters
LexgenError(MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          An exception with one parameter

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util.msggen

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util.msggen
(package private)  class MessageDefinition
 class MsggenError
          Error thrown on problems encountered while running the program.
 class MsggenLexer
 class MsggenMessages
          The message list for Msggen
 class MsggenParser

Constructors in org.multijava.util.msggen with parameters of type Object
MsggenError(MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          An exception with an arbitrary number of parameters
MsggenError(MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          An exception with two parameters
MsggenError(MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          An exception with one parameter

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util.optgen

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util.optgen
 class OptgenError
          Error thrown on problems encountered while running the program.
 class OptgenLexer
 class OptgenMessages
          The message list for Optgen
 class OptgenParser
(package private)  class OptionDefinition

Constructors in org.multijava.util.optgen with parameters of type Object
OptgenError(MessageDescription description, Object[] parameters)
          An exception with an arbitrary number of parameters
OptgenError(MessageDescription description, Object parameter1, Object parameter2)
          An exception with two parameters
OptgenError(MessageDescription description, Object parameter)
          An exception with one parameter

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util.optimize

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util.optimize
 class OptimizeMessages
 class OptimizeOptions
          This class is automatically generated from OptimizeOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class Patterns
          This class is the entry point for the peephole byte code optimizer

Methods in org.multijava.util.optimize with parameters of type Object
 boolean OptimizeOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)

Uses of Object in org.multijava.util.testing

Subclasses of Object in org.multijava.util.testing
 class Diff
          Class for calculating a (somewhat) detailed comparison of two strings.
 class ExternalInputIterator
          This is a utility class that is an iterator over the lines produced by an external executable.
 class FileCompareTestCase
          This class is a jutils.framework.Test that compares two files.
 class FileIterator
          This is a utility class that is an iterator over the lines produced by reading a file.
(package private)  class Main.SuiteWriter
 class SampleTestCase
 class TestingOptions
          This class is automatically generated from TestingOptions.opt and contains member fields corresponding to command-line options.
 class TestMain
          Unit tests for Main
static class Utils.QuoteTokenizer
(package private) static class Utils.Utils$1
(package private) static class Utils.Utils$2
(package private) static class Utils.Utils$3

Methods in org.multijava.util.testing that return Object
          Per a standard iterator, returns the next value - and throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if the list has been exhausted (hasNext() returns false).
          Per a standard iterator, returns the next value - and throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if the list has been exhausted (hasNext() returns false).

Methods in org.multijava.util.testing with parameters of type Object
 boolean TestingOptions.setOption(String name, Object newValue)


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.