FOAL 2014 Agenda

Tuesday, 22 April 2014
USI Auditorium, University of Lugano, Lugano, Switzerland

FOAL will be held in the USI Auditorium. The entrance is on the 3rd floor of the USI Main Building.

Session 1 (Welcome and Keynote)


Session Chair: Gary T. Leavens —University of Central Florida, USA
Welcome and introductions (15 minutes)

Eric Bodden —Fraunhofer SIT / TU Darmstadt, Germany

Gary T. Leavens —University of Central Florida, USA

Hidehiko Masuhara —University of Tokoyo, Japan

Hridesh Rajan —Iowa State University, USA

To be destructive or not to be, that is the question on modularity (Invited Keynote) (50 minutes + 10 minutes discussion)

Shigeru Chiba —The University of Tokyo

Break—Coffee, Informal Discussions


Session 2 (Papers)


Session Chair: Eric Bodden —Fraunhofer SIT / TU Darmstadt, Germany
Event-based Modularization (25 minutes + 5 minutes discussion)

Somayeh Malakuti —Technical University of Dresden, Germany

Mehmet Aksit —University of Twente, The Netherlands

Static Verification of PtolemyRely Programs Using OpenJML (25 minutes + 5 minutes discussion)

José Sánchez —University of Central Florida, USA

Gary T. Leavens —University of Central Florida, USA

Specification of Domain-Specific Languages Based on Concern Interfaces (25 minutes + 5 minutes discussion)

Matthias Schöttle —McGill University, Canada

Omar Alam —McGill University, Canada

Gunter Mussbacher —McGill University, Canada

Jörg Kienzle —McGill University, Canada

Context Holders: Realizing Multiple Layer Activation Mechanisms in a Single Context-Oriented Language (10 minutes + 5 minutes discussion)

Tomoyuki Aotani —Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Tetsuo Kamina —The University of Tokyo, Japan

Hidehiko Masuhara —Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

ECAlogic: Hardware-Parametric Energy-Consumption Analysis of Algorithms (10 minutes + 5 minutes discussion)

Marc Schoolderman —Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Jascha Neutelings —Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Rody Kersten —Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Marko van Eekelen —Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Page last modified Sunday, March 1, 2015.