CS 227 units -*- Outline -*- * introduction motivation for the course * unix-survival starting to use the computer and Scheme * data numbers, symbols, lists, and booleans * procedures recursion on lists * adts-numbers data abstraction and numbers * recursion-general data driven recursion, deep recursion * cooperative-learning optional discussion of policies for team homeworks used in Fall 1993 only * baseball optional "lecture" for practice on recursion and seeing how to model a real-life problem (used here, after chapter 4, in Fall 1992) (used at end in Fall 1993) * local-defs scope, let and letrec, polynomials, machine number systems * interactive interactive programming, tower of hanoi, eight queens * lambda procedures as arguments and results, multiple argument procs, abstracting flat and deep recursion * vectors vectors and imperative programming, matrices * mutation assignment (set!) and mutation of cons cells, memoization while loops * oop object-oriented programming * summary-review last class, summary, study guides