School of Computer Science

COP 4600 Simulator Project (Fall 2004)

The directions below assume that you are logged into your olympus account. If you have any questions, send email to your instructor.

1.- Remain in your directory. There is NO need to do cd  into any other directory. 

2.- There is a Makefile in the ~emontagn/project directory. Make a link to that file in your directory. Do not copy it to your directory. You can link to it with the following command:

      ln –s ~emontagn/project/Makefile Makefile

3.- Execute make copyfiles. This will copy necessary files from my directory into your current directory. After this, you should have the following files:

      obj1.c obj2.c obj3.c obj4.c obj5.c obj6.c simulator.c externs.h osdefs.h intro.doc

      Print all the files and copy them onto a disk. This is so that you can run the simulator locally if you choose to do so.

      After printing, delete externs.h (rm externs.h), osdefs.h and simulator.c from your directory.

      rm externs.h

4.- To compile, execute make obj1.o

      (Change this to obj2.o, obj3.o, etc. for the other objectives)

5.- To copy data files, execute make data1files

      Copy other data files by replacing 1 with the current objective number. Copy these data files onto your disk so that you can run
      the simulator locally.

6.- To link, execute make sim

7.- To run your program, execute sim

8.- Debug and correct errors.

9.- To run ossim and get a correct output file to compare, execute make correct-output

      This creates a file ossim.out in your current directory, which contains the “correct” output for the current objective.

10.- To compare your results, execute make compare OBJ=1(=2, =3, etc. for the others)

11.- To submit, execute make submit

(a)   Do NOT edit any datafiles. Not even config.dat.(despite what the instructions say)
(b)   Do NOT retain any header files(*.h) in your directory after printing them. You will run into problems later if you do not delete
(c)   You will only submit the files obj1.c, obj2.c, etc. DO NOT modify the header files, simulator.c or the Makefile. We will not
        accept those files and will not use them when we compile and test you objectives. If your code depends on them, it will not
        run for us, and you know what that means.
Penalties for late submission are:
- Up to 1 week late - 10% off.
- From 1 week to 2 weeks late - 20%
- Objective are not accepted more than 1 week late (i.e. 0% for that objective)
1.- The first three objectives must be completed satisfactorily to pass the course.
2.- Objective 4 need not be handed in separately, it will be included with Objective 5.
3.- Objective 5 is the official end of the project for those who are not eligible for, or who elect not to do the extra credit.
4.- Objective 6 is considered to be extra credit. You are eligible for that extra credit ONLY IF you have successfully completed
      Objective #5. The extra credit could be used to offset earlier penalties, or to offset poor exam performance, or just so you can
      say that you finished the whole thing.