EEL 6883 Software Engineering II (Spring 2010)

 Faculty:           Dr. Damla Turgut
Office:             ENG3 317
Phone:             (407) 823-6171

Class Time:    M W 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Classroom:     BA 216 (FEEDS)
Office Hours: M W 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Web site:
Class Mailing List: To send an email to the class list, use

TA: There will be no TA assigned for this class.

Pre-requisite: EEL 5881 or equivalent and/or consent of instructor

Credit Hours: 3

Required Textbooks:
No required textbooks. The lectures will be based on latest published research papers in journals, conferences and reference books.

Reference Books:
1. Kim M. Liu and Keith C.C. Chan, "Software Development Rhythms," Inter-Science, 2008.
2. Gerald D. Everett and Raymond McLeod, Jr., "Software Testing," Wiley Inter-Science, 2007.
3. Richard Shelby(Editor), "Software Engineering: Barry Bohem's Lifetime Contributions to Software Development, Management, and Research," Wiley Inter-Science, 2007.
4. Linda M. Laird and M. Carol Brennan, "Software Measurement and Estimation: A Practical Approach," Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, July 2006.
5. J. Fernando Naveda and Stephen B. Seidman, "IEEE Computer Society Real-World Software Engineering Problems: A Self-Study Guide for Today's Software Professional," Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, July 2006.
6. Jeff Tian, "Software Quality Engineering: Testing, Quality Assurance, and Quantifiable Improvement," Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, February 2005.
7. Donald J. Reifer (Editor), "Software Management," 7th Edition, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, August 2006.
8. Nazim H. Madhavji (Editors), "Software Evolution and Feedback: Theory and Practice," Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, June 2006.
9. Martin Fowler, "UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language, 3rd Edition", Addison-Wesley, 2004.
10. Stephen R. Schach, "Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering", 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006.
11. Ian Sommerville, "Software Engineering", 7th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2004.
12. F.P. Brooks, Jr., "The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1975. Twentieth Anniversary Edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1995.

Catalog Description:
Continuation of EEL 5881. This course emphasis more on the term projects and case studies.

Course Objectives:
This course is designed for advanced graduate students. The course objectives are to provide students with an:


The assignments include research paper critiques

Paper review assignments:
Written reviews are required to be posted in a secure web site where each student is required to send the link to the instructor by the time of the first review is due. No email messages with file attachments are allowed.

For each paper, students should write a review answering each of the following questions:
1. What problems (with prior work or the lack thereof) were addressed or surveyed by the authors?
2. What solutions were proposed or surveyed by the authors?
3. What are the technical strengths and main contributions of the paper's proposed solutions?
4. What are the technical weaknesses of the paper's proposed solutions?
5. What suggestions do you have to improve upon the paper's ideas?

Possible projects will be posted and students are welcome to propose their own projects by turning maximum of 2 pages long project proposal to the instructor on or shortly after the projects are posted.

Grading Scheme:
The instructor may use +/- grading for the final grades.

Important Note: If you are located within the 100 miles of driving distance to UCF main campus, you are required to come to campus for in class presentations and exams.