EEL 6883 Software Engineering II (Fall 2015)

 Faculty:           Dr. Damla Turgut
Office:             ENG3 316
Phone:             (407) 823-6171

Class Time:    T TH 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Classroom:     EB1 384 (Tegrity)
Office Hours: T TH 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Web site:
Class Mailing List: To send an email to the class list, use

GTA: Ashok Khanal
Office: Engineering Building I, Rm 274
Office Hours: M T 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Pre-requisite: EEL 5881 or equivalent and/or consent of instructor

Credit Hours: 3

Required Textbooks:
No required textbooks. The lectures will be based on latest published research papers in journals, conferences and reference books.

Catalog Description:
Continuation of EEL 5881. This course emphasis more on the term projects and case studies.

Course Objectives:
This course is designed for advanced graduate students. The course objectives are to provide students with an:


The assignments include research paper critiques.

Paper review assignments:

For each paper, students should write a review answering each of the following questions:
1. What problems (with prior work or the lack thereof) were addressed or surveyed by the authors? What solutions were proposed or surveyed by the authors? This is essentially the summary of the paper.
2. What are the technical strengths and main contributions of the paper's proposed solutions?
3. What are the technical weaknesses of the paper's proposed solutions?
4. What suggestions do you have to improve upon the paper's ideas?


The students will choose _one_ of the following:

a) A major programming project which gives you the opportunity to practice sound software engineering practices. Projects will be individual student projects. Some suggested projects will be posted, but you will have the opportunity to propose your own project. Web applications (PHP, AJAX, etc) as well as mobile applications (on Apple iOS or Android) are welcome. As a note, recruiters are explicitly looking for candidates who had the experience of a major completed project.

b) A survey paper on a specific topic of software engineering (individual student project) as alternative to the programming project.
Possible projects will be posted and students are welcome to propose their own projects by turning maximum of 2 pages long project proposal to the instructor on or shortly after the projects are posted.

Grading Scheme:
Standard 90/80/70/60 scale will be used for final grades. The instructor may use +/- grading for the final grades.