Tentative Class Schedule

The following is the tentative class schedule for this semester.

Date Lecture/Paper Topics
8/19/14 Syllabus and overview of course topics
8/21/14 Software Engineering Review
8/26/14 Software Engineering Review
8/28/14 Software Engineering Review
9/2/14 Software Engineering Review
9/4/14 Topic: Software requirements, design and development
Machine Learning Approach to Software Requirements Prioritization, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, April 2013) [Avula] .ppx

Assessing the Effectiveness of Sequence Diagrams in the Comprehension of Functional Requirements: Results from a Family of Five Experiments, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, March 2013) [Bacanli] .pdf
9/9/14 Systematic Elaboration of Scalability Requirements through Goal-Obstacle Analysis, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, January 2013) [Balasubramanian] .pptx

Variability in Software Systems - A Systematic Literature Review, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, March 2014) [Challana] .pptx
9/11/14 Software Architecture Optimization Methods: A Systematic Literature Review, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, May 2013) [Goel] .pptx

A taxonomy for requirements engineering and software test alignment, (ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), March 2014) [Goyal] .pptx
9/16/14 What Industry Needs from Architectural Languages: A Survey, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, June 2013) [Kovalenko] .pptx

Usability through Software Design, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, November 2013) [Nikolaev] .pptx
9/18/14 Capsule-Based User Interface Modeling for Large-Scale Applications, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Sept. 2013) [Renduchintala] .pptx

Monitor-Based Instant Software Refactoring, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Aug. 2013) [Sakhawalkar] .pptx
9/23/14 The Effects of Test-Driven Development on External Quality and Productivity: A Meta-Analysis, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, June 2013) [Shekhawat] .pptx

An Empirical Study of RefactoringChallenges and Benefits at Microsoft, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, July 2014) [Xu] .pdf
9/25/14 Topic: Software Testing
An Empirical Evaluation of Mutation Testing for Improving the Test Quality of Safety-Critical Software, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, June 2013) [Avula] .pptx

The Role of the Tester's Knowledge in Exploratory Software Testing, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, May 2013) [Bacanli] .pdf

Homework 1 due

9/30/14 A Second Replicated Quantitative Analysis of Fault Distributions in Complex Software Systems, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Apr. 2013) [Balasubramanian] .pptx

An orchestrated survey of methodologies for automated software test case generation, (Journal of Systems and Software, August 2013) [Challana] .pptx
10/02/14 Researcher Bias: The Use of Machine Learning in Software Defect Prediction, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, June 2014) [Goel] .pptx

Effects of Developer Experience on Learning and Applying Unit Test-Driven Development, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, April 2014) [Goyal] .pptx Homework 1: Review
10/7/13 Project progress presentations [Teams: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9]
10/9/14 No class due to UCF Football schedule
10/14/13 Project progress presentations [Teams: 2, 7, 8, 10, 11]
10/16/14 Topic: Software management: cost, effort, schedule estimation, teams
Pair Programming and Software Defects--A Large, Industrial Case Study, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, July 2013) [Kovalenko] .pptx

Local versus Global Lessons for Defect Prediction and Effort Estimation, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, June 2013) [Nikolaev] .pptx
10/21/14 Ranking and Clustering Software Cost Estimation Models through a Multiple Comparisons Algorithm, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Apr. 2013) [Renduchintala] .pptx

Self-Organizing Roles on Agile Software Development Teams, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Mar. 2013) [Sakhawalkar] .pptx
10/23/14 Governing Software Process Improvementsin Globally Distributed Product Development, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, March 2014) [Shekhawat] .pptx Homework 1: Review

Ant Colony Optimization for Software Project Scheduling and Staffing with an Event-Based Scheduler, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Jan. 2013) [Xu] .pdf

Homework 2 due

10/28/14 Software effort estimation as a multiobjective learning problem, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, October 2013) [Avula] .pptx

Coordination Breakdowns and Their Impact on Development Productivity and Software Failures, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Jan. 2013) [Bacanli] .pptx
10/30/14 Topic: Software maintenance
Quantifying the Effect of Code Smells on Maintenance Effort, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Aug. 2013) [Balasubramanian] .pptx Homework 2: Review

An Empirical Investigation on Documentation Usage Patterns in Maintenance Tasks, (IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, September 2013) [Challana] .pptx
11/4/14 Topic: Miscellaneous
Static Analysis for Extracting Permission Checks of a Large Scale Framework: The Challenges and Solutions for Analyzing Android, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, June 2014) [Goel] .pptx Homework 2: Review

Trends in the Quality of Human-Centric Software Engineering Experiments--A Quasi-Experiment, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, July 2013) [Goyal] .pdf
11/6/14 A Decentralized Self-Adaptation Mechanism for Service-Based Applications in the Cloud, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, May 2013) [Kovalenko] .pptx

Resource Management for Complex, Dynamic Environments, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Mar. 2013) [Nikolaev] .pptx
11/11/14 Veterans Day (no class!)
11/13/14 Investigating Country Differences in Mobile App User Behavior and Challenges for Software Engineering, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Sept. 2014) [Renduchintala] .pptx

On the Accuracy, Efficiency, and Reusability of Automated Test Oracles for Android Devices, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Oct. 2014) [Sakhawalkar] .pptx
11/18/14 The Awareness Network, To Whom Should I Display My Actions? And, Whose Actions Should I Monitor?, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, May 2013) [Shekhawat] .pptx

GreenDroid: Automated Diagnosis of Energy Inefficiency for Smartphone Applications, (IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, May 2014) [Xu] .pptx Homework 2: Review
11/20/14 Project Demos [Teams: ]
11/25/14 Project Demos [Teams: ]
11/27/14 Thanksgiving Holiday (no class!)