EEL 6788: Advanced Topics in Computer Networks (Spring 2011)

Faculty:           Dr. Damla Turgut
Office:             HEC 317
Phone:             (407) 823-6171

Class Time:    MW 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Classroom:     EB1 388 (Tegrity)
Office Hours: MW 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Web site:
Class Mailing List:

TA:                  There will be no TA for this class.

Pre-requisite: Basic networking and programming knowledge

Class Description: This class will focus on participatory/urban sensing

Class Project: The class requires the students to prepare a major research project in one of the topics explored in the class.

Textbook(s): There is no required textbook for this course. We will study from the most recently published research papers in journals and conferences.

The purpose of the homework in this class is to reward the efforts of the presenters, and motivate the other students to attend to and listen to the presentations with an interested and critical eye.
For each presentation and project (a) summarize each paper presentations in 250 words (500 words for each programming tutorial presentations and 150 words for each class project presentations) give two grades on a 0-100 scale on informativeness (how much did you learn from the presentation) and on presentation (the quality of the presentation). An example summary illustrating the lenght and format required is below:

Topic xx: Urban chipmunks

This presentation was about chipmunks. We learned that chipmunks chuck wood.

Three facts about the lives of chipmunks were presented:
1: their stripes have nothing to do with the racing stripes on Herbie the talking Volkswagen. Chipmunks are not cars, and Volkswagens are not small squirrels, although they can be Rabbits. Furthermore, chipmunks do not race and Volkswagens do not chuck wood.
2: Chipmunks eat nuts, acorns, seeds, mushrooms, fruit, berries, insects, bird eggs, snails and sometimes small mammals like young mice. Chipmunks play an important role as prey for various predatory mammals and birds, but are also opportunistic predators themselves, particularly with regard to bird eggs and nestlings.
3: How much wood would a chipmunk chuck if a chipmunk could chuck wood? A chipmunk would chuck all the wood he could if a chipmunk could chuck wood!
The chipmunks and woodchuks are the similar, in that they are not Volkswagens.

Grades: Informative = 70, Presentation = 90

Grading Scheme:
individual or group (at most 2 people) project (60%)
homeworks (20%)
presentations (20%)
Standard 90/80/70/60 scale will be used for final grades (curved if necessary) and also the instructor may use +/- grading for the final grades.

Important Note: If you are located within the 100 miles of driving distance to UCF main campus, you are required to come to campus for in class presentations.