Succeeding with Students (sung to the tune of "O Come all ye Faithful") Copyright (c) Gary T. Leavens, 1995 Succeeding with Students at Iowa State, playing with board games for two or three hours, First there's refreshments, then the introductions. Succeeding with Students, Succeeding with Students, Succeeding with Students, at I--. S. U.. Succeeding with Students: what's the situation in-- the fifties? (Does anyone care?) Things were real swell then, everyone had money. Succeeding with Students, Succeeding with Students, Succeeding with Students, at I--. S. U.. Succeeding with Students: let's look at the cash flow, with statistics shown on gra--phs that lie. Research makes money, is there some for teaching? Succeeding with Students, Succeeding with Students, Succeeding with Students, at I--. S. U.. Succeeding with Students: here's a student's journey, a freshman-- coming to Iowa State. Will we be friendly, welcoming, and helpful? Succeeding with Students, Succeeding with Students, Succeeding with Students, at I--. S. U.. Succeeding with Students: Pomerantz is happy, with our attendence at Iowa State. He doesn't know that it's not about... Succeeding with Students, Succeeding with Students, Succeeding with Students, at I--. S. U..