Com S 541 Lecture -*- Outline -*- * Concepts (intro to Ch 6, 6.1-6.2) Based on Peter van Roy and Seif Haridi's book, "Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming" (MIT Press, 2004), where all references that are not otherwise attributed are found. ** declarative vs. imperative Q: What's the meaning of "declarative programming"? should be about description, a matter of degree: Fortran vs. Assembler: Fortran is more declarative traditionally: declarative = stateless imperative = stateful (has state and assignment) declarative readings: logic programs can be read as "logic + control" (Kowalski) functional program can be read as a set of mathematical definitions but these often aren't very realistic (cut, tail-recursion, etc. interfere with the straightforward reading) ** state ------------------------------------------ STATE def: state is a time-indexed sequence of values Implicit (declarative) state: - accumulator arguments - doesn't live apart from calls Explict state: - lives apart from calls' arguments - hidden from callers CELLS FOR EXPLICIT STATE Operations NewCell : > @ : }: T> := : T}: T> ------------------------------------------ Q: Why is hiding the state from callers important? Information hiding Q: Can explicit state be programmed in the declarative model? No Importance: removes limits of declarative model data abstractions can be much more modular can be used sequentially ** state and system building (6.2) *** abstraction ------------------------------------------ PRINCIPLE OF ABSTRACTION All systems have 2 parts: - specification - implementation Layers: - Specification is often simpler - Build system in layers ------------------------------------------ Q: What point of view is used to write specifications? Client's or outside view Q: What's meant by building a system in layers? Q: Why is that helpful? Spec is often simpler, Don't have to understand everything at once *** systems that grow + system properties (6.2.1) ------------------------------------------ HOW TO SUPPORT ABSTRACTION Needs: - growth/change ==> accumulate knowledge - abstraction/modularity ==> protect/hide knowledge - compositionality (combining parts) ==> encapsulation of knowledge + control of dependencies - instantiation (parameterization) ==> abstract/parameterize knowledge ------------------------------------------ Encapsulation is key Q: How did we get encapsulated state from the message passing model? state can be kept in internal arguments of port object requires concurrency (Why?) Here we get state without concurrency Q: Why not make all state global? Too hard to reason about. Reasoning: - safety properties (nothing bad happens): invariants - liveness properties (something good happens): progress metric They advocate building systems with only a few stateful components *** component-based programming (6.2.2) + OOP (6.2.3) ------------------------------------------ COMPONENTS - procedures - functors (compilation units) - concurrent actors - objects ------------------------------------------ In OOP inheritance (incremental extension with recursive binding) is also important