CS 541 HOMEWORK 2, additional Due: Feb. 24, 1992 1. Read either the Revised Report on Algol 60 (CACM, Jan. 1963), or the Revised^3 report on Scheme (SIGPLAN Notices, December 1986). Write a few paragraphs about what you learned about how to specify programming languages in English descriptions. 2. For a small piece of the language from your original paper for HW2, a piece that specifically has to do with parallelism (for example your parallel unification directive), redesign it if necessary and describe it in your own words as follows: a. Give a context-free grammar for that piece of your language b. Clearly state the semantics (meaning) of each piece of the syntax, in the style of one of the above reports. c. Give at least examples of programs (or program fragments) that are described in your grammmar. Explain their meaning informally. d. explain any changes you made to your language fragment in this process.