Topics for Exam 3 in Com S 362 ($Date: 2004/11/12 19:47:22 $) This test covers topics from homeworks 7-8. REMINDERS This test is open book and notes. However, it is to be done individually and you are not to exchange or share materials with other students during the test. So if you have materials on your team project you wish to refer to during the test, please make copies. If you need more space, use the back of a page. Note when you do that on the front. This test is timed. We will not grade your test if you try to take more than the time allowed. Therefore, before you begin, please take a moment to look over the entire test so that you can budget your time. For diagrams and programs, clarity is important; if your diagrams or programs are sloppy and hard to read, you will lose points. Correct syntax also makes some difference. READINGS Principally, chapters 10-20 of Craig Larman's "Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process", Second Edition. Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001. Also read chapters 4 and 11 of Martin Fowler with Kendall Scott's book UML Distilled (Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc., Reading, MA, 2000). Finally, as an example look at the web page for the StickSync project: If you have more time, see the syllabus for further readings. TOPICS Topics marked + below are more important than topics marked - below. Topics marked with a ++ will almost certainly be on the test. In general, things that are more like the [homework] will be more important. Past exam problems are marked by (Year: description) * Concepts - Explain how feedback from one iteration affects the next iteration. * Analysis ++ Read and understand use cases in brief, casual, or fully dressed format. [HW7] ++ Be able to draw a system sequence diagram for a scenario of a use case. [HW7] ++ Find conceptual classes, associations, and attributes appropriate for a use case or use case scenario, and specify them in a conceptual class diagram (domain model). [HW7] (Fall 2003: write domain model for library checkout system) - Be able to explain conceptual class diagrams and draw conclusions from them. * Design - Explain the connection between analysis models and design models. ++ Design objects and methods with appropriate assignment of responsibilities, using the GRASP design patterns, and record these in interaction diagrams, and design class diagrams. [HW8] ++ Be able to read and write sequence diagrams with proper notation (see Larman chapter 15). [HW7, HW8] (Spring 2002: domain model for layout crossword puzzle, Fall 2002: domain model for text editor create text document, Spring 2003: domain model for send email with attachments, Fall 2003: domain model for library checkout system) ++ Be able to read and write collaboration diagrams with proper notation (see Larman chapter 15). [HW8] (Spring 2002: interaction diagram for setDimensions and enterWord, Fall 2002: interaction diagram for createDocument, Spring 2003: interaction diagram for composeMail, Fall 2003: interaction diagram for checkOut in library) ++ Be able to read and write design class diagrams with proper notation (see Larman chapter 19). [HW8] (Spring 2002: class diagram for setDimensions and enterWord, Fall 2002: class diagram for createDocument and insertNormalChar, Spring 2003: class diagram for composeMail and addAttachment, Fall 2003: class diagram from startCheckOut and checkOut diagrams) + Be able to explain interaction diagrams and design class diagrams and draw conclusions from them. [HW8] ++ Be able to justify or explain assignments of responsibilities using design patterns. As in the homework you should be able to do this by including on your interaction diagrams dog-eared boxes (annotations) with names of patterns to indicate what patterns you are using to assign responsibilities. See Larman's chapter 17 for examples of this, e.g., Figure 17.7. [HW8] (Spring 2002: what design pattern to use for various situations) + Be able to explain the GRASP design patterns (Fall 2003: how does Creator lower coupling?) + Be able to identify instances of high coupling or low cohesion, and suggest how to remedy them using design patterns. (Fall 2003: cohesion of combining all formula classes into one?) + Be able to identify uses of GRASP design patterns from interaction diagrams or English descriptions. (Spring 2003: What class should compute something? Application of Creator to decide between classes? Fall 2002: What GRASP pattern supports separation of UI and application logic layers? Common methods among different characters in a game?) * Implementation - Explain the connection between design models and code. + Turn designs into clear OO code in Java. [HW8] - Describe plans for testing OO code (given other UML artifacts describing it). [HW8] - Be able to write a JUnit test class for a Java class or from interaction diagrams and design class diagrams for code. - Be able to write Java code to implement a class based on existing JUnit tests. - Be able to write a lightweight JML specification for a class, given code, JUnit tests for it, or English descriptions of its methods.