I. Inception (Larman, Ch. 4) ------------------------------------------ INCEPTION (LARMAN, CH. 4) The best is the enemy of the good. -- Voltaire Goal is to explore: - Vision and business case - Is the project feasible? - Buy or build it? - Roughly estimate cost (order of mag.) - Proceed or stop? Get agreement from stakeholders on these ------------------------------------------ How long should inception take? A week? A month? A year? A. an analogy (4.1) B. artifacts (4.3) ------------------------------------------ INCEPTION ARTIFACTS (4.3) Key idea: - only partially completed in inception, - only create if will add value, - content should be light Possible Artifacts: - Vision and Business case - Use Case Model (names of cases) - Supplementary specification - Glossary - Risk List and Risk Management Plan - Prototypes - Iteration Plan (for first elab. iter.) - Phase Plan and Software Devel. Plan - Developement Case ------------------------------------------ C. questions (4.4) Should you deine the software architecture in inception? Should there definitely be a Business case or Vision artifact? Should the names of most of the use cases and actors be identified? Should all of the use cases be written in detail? Some of them?