SCM ERROR MESSAGES AND WHAT THEY MIGHT MEAN by Gary T. Leavens Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University $Date: 1999/02/04 17:43:08 $ The following is an attempt to explain what the error messages that the SCM interepreter produces might mean. Of course, to really understand what the error messages mean, you would have to know what the error is that you made, but then, that is what you are trying to find out! To help, this note gives an example that causes each error; you will have to look for an analogous error in your code. 1. HOW TO READ AN ERROR MESSAGE. There are at least two kinds of error messages. One is a message from a (primitive) procedure, usually about a type error, such as the following. ERROR: +: Wrong type in arg1 () ERROR: car: Wrong type in arg1 () The second kind is from the Scheme system, usually about something that could be seen as a violation of a language rule, often a syntax error, such as the following. ERROR: Wrong type to apply: (see errobj) ERROR: unbound variable: foo ERROR: if: missing or extra expression (see errobj) The subsections below describe how to read each type of error message. 1.1 MESSAGES FROM PROCEDURES Let's consider the typical SCM interpreter error message from a procedure. ERROR: +: Wrong type in arg1 () This has several parts. Following "ERROR: " you see the name of the procedure that is complaining, "+", and its complaint, that it was passed the wrong type of agrument as its first argument. Often, like this, it is a type error; + expects arguments of a certain type (numbers) but got something else (the empty list). 1.2 MESSAGES FROM THE SCHEME SYSTEM An example of an error from the Scheme system is the following. ERROR: Wrong type to apply: (see errobj) ; in expression: (... 3 7) ; in top level environment. In such an error message, the note "(see errobj)" means that there is a variable, errobj, which holds the offending expression. The following shows how to see it in the interpreter. > errobj (3 7) This tells you that the interpreter was trying to evaluate the "expression" (3 7), which produced the error. In such an error message the two (and sometimes more) comment lines following it tell you more about the error and where it occurred. Usually the first line tells you about the expression that caused the error. In the above, the line ; in expression: (... 3 7) Says that the error occurred in a expression that looked like (... 3 7). But here the errobj is clearer. The following comment lines try to tell you what scope the error occurred in. I caused the error message above by typing (add (3 7)) at the top level. > (add (3 7)) ERROR: Wrong type to apply: (see errobj) ; in expression: (... 3 7) ; in top level environment. If the error happens inside a procedure, as will normally be the case, you will see more information. For example. > (define faulty (lambda (x y) (add (x y)))) # > (faulty 3 7) ERROR: Wrong type to apply: 3 ; in expression: (... #@0+0 y) ; in scope: ; (x y) Here the location of the error is within a scope with a formal parameter list of the form (x y) namely the procedure faulty. If worst comes to worst, you can look through your code for a procedure with those formal parameter names (one good reason for giving sensible names to your formals). The error message itself says that the number 3 is being given as a procedure to apply. Note that the "scope" printed in this form is the smallest enclosing scope that contains the error. For example, consider the following. > (define buggy (lambda (a b) (faulty a b))) # > (buggy 10 4) ERROR: Wrong type to apply: 10 ; in expression: (... #@0+0 y) ; in scope: ; (x y) The error is still happening in the procedure "faulty". Another example of an error from the Scheme system is the following. ERROR: unbound variable: foo ; in expression: (... foo (cdr ls)) ; in scope: ; (ls) This means that in some procedure with a single parameter called ls, an expression something like (... foo (cdr ls)) is being executed, but it foo isn't defined. This can happen as follows. > (define bad-foo (lambda (ls) (if (null? ls) '() (cons (+ 1 (car ls)) (foo (cdr ls)))))) # > (bad-foo '(1 2)) ERROR: unbound variable: foo ; in expression: (... foo (cdr ls)) ; in scope: ; (ls) See it? The problem is that foo should have been called bad-foo. 1.3 SUMMARY OF READING ERROR MESSAGES For both kinds of error messages, look at the part following "ERROR: ". This tells you what happened. If you can focus on that, and use the information about what procedure is complaining (in the first kind of error message), or about what piece of syntax is wrong (in the second kind) you can often find out the problem. When the message says (see errobj), type errobj at the interpreter to get better information. 2. EXAMPLE ERROR MESSAGES AND WHAT THEY (MIGHT) MEAN ERROR: Wrong type to apply: x ERROR: Wrong type to apply: (see errobj) ERROR: Wrong type to apply: #f 1. You tried to call a symbol or number as a procedure. All of the following cause this error. > ('x) > (3) > (3 4) > ((null? '(a b)) 3) 2. You have an extra parenthesis in your code, which causes scheme to try to call some value as a procedure. (define snoc (lambda (ls item) (if (null? ls) (cons (item '())) ;;;;; oops! (cons (car ls) (snoc (cdr ls) item))))) The line marked oops! should be (cons item '()), The parenthesis in Scheme means that the value of the next thing should be called as a procedre. Thus the parenthesis before the name "item" on the oops! line tries to call the value of item, in this case the symbol x, or the number 3. These result from calls of the form (snoc '(a b c) 'x) (snoc '(a b c) 3) 3. you left out "(cond". For example when you call the following (define remove-1st-oops (lambda (item ls) ((null? ls) '()) ;;; whoa! ((equal? (car ls) item) (cdr ls)) (else (cons (car ls) (remove-1st-oops item (cdr ls)))))) This is hard to see, but similar to the above. The line marked whoa! is producing the problem, because ((null? ls) '()) is calling (null? ls), which returns #f, and that is trying to be called as a procedure. What makes it hard to see and understand is thath this is a syntax error. On the line before whoa! should be (cond -here's another way to do this... (define remove-1st (lambda (item ls) (if ;;;; should be cond ((null? ls) '()) ((equal? (car ls) item) (cdr ls)) (else (cons (car ls) (remove-1st item (cdr ls))))))) ERROR: Wrong number of args to # ERROR: Wrong number of args to # 1. You didn't give it enough arguments, or you gave it too many All the following cause the error that mentions #. > (cons) > (cons 3) > (cons ls) > (cons 3 4 2) And if one does the following... > (define id (lambda (x) x)) ... then the error mentioning # can happen as follows. > (id) > (id 3 4 2) Notice in this case that the name of the procedure being called isn't shown, but its parameter list and boyd is enclosed within the #. Use that information to find the procedure's name, which will help you find where the call happens. Also, in such cases, the other lines of the error message may tell you the procedure's name, as in the following. ERROR: Wrong number of args to # ; in expression: (... id 3 4 2) ; in top level environment. 2. Your code has a recursive call without enough arguments. For example: (define snoc (lambda (ls item) (if (null? ls) (cons item '()) (cons (car ls) (snoc (cdr ls)))))) ^ needs another argument here-| Even though item does not change in the recursion, snoc takes 2 arguments (because of the (lambda (ls item) ...)), so each time you call it, you need to pass it 2 arguments, including the recursive calls. ERROR: unbound variable: x ERROR: unbound variable: setremove ERROR: unbound variable: scm ERROR: unbound variable: loading ERROR: unbound variable: lamdba ERROR: unbound variable: pi 1. You forgot to define the variable or procedure named. Consider the following, which all make the error that mentions x: > x > (+ 3 x) > (define foo (lambda (y) (+ 3 x))) > (foo 4) Somewhere in the expression you typed, is the variable name x. It needs a definition. 2. You misspelled a procedure or variable name. Consider the following. (define set-remove (lambda (e S) (cond ((set-empty? S) S) ((equal? e (car S)) (cdr S)) (else (cons (car S) (setremove e (cdr S))))))) See the spelling error? Scheme is very picky about misspellings. 3. You are trying to use a variable that is a parameter to another procedure. If you need that variable, it has to be passed to the procedure where you need it. Scheme has lexical scoping. 4. You misspelled lambda! For example, (define remove-1st (lamdba (item ls) (if ((null? ls) '()) ((equal? (car ls) item) (cdr ls)) (else (cons (car ls) (remove-1st item (cdr ls))))))) 5. You are using let or letrec and trying to make sequential bindings. For example the following cause an error that mentions pi > (let ((pi 3.14159) (pi/2 (/ pi 2))) (+ pi pi/2)) > (letrec ((pi 3.14159) (pi/2 (/ pi 2))) (+ pi pi/2)) One solution is to use let* in such cases (See the Scheme report). ERROR: car: Wrong type in arg1 () ERROR: cdr: Wrong type in arg1 () 1. The following expressions cause this to occur. > (car '()) > (cdr '()) 2. Yes, you *are* trying to take the car or cdr of the empty list. Most likely you left off the base case of a recursion, for example: (define remove-1st (lambda (item ls) (cond ((equal? (car ls) item) (cdr ls)) (else (cons (car ls) (remove-1st item (cdr ls))))))) ERROR: car: Wrong type in arg1 x ERROR: car: Wrong type in arg1 -5 1. The following expressions cause this to occur. > (car 'x) > (car -5) 2. Yes, you *are* trying to take the car or cdr of a symbol, number, etc. This often happens in tree recursion. For example: (define sum-all-pos ; TYPE: (-> ((tree number)) number) (lambda (ton) ; ENSURES: result is the sum of ; all the postive numbers in ton (cond ((null? ton) 0) ((and (number? (car ton)) (positive? (car ton))) (+ (car ton) (sum-all-pos (cdr ton)))) (else (+ (sum-all-pos (car ton)) (sum-all-pos (cdr ton))))))) A call such as (sum-all-pos '((3 4 (-5 6)) 2)) gives the error ERROR: car: Wrong type in arg1 -5 The problem is an incomplete case analysis. When the else is reached one knows that ton is not null and that (car ton) is either not a number or that it is negative. But this leads to calling (sum-all-pos (car ton)) when (car ton) is negative (as in -5). ERROR: +: Wrong type in arg1 () ERROR: +: Wrong type in arg2 () 1. The following expressions cause these. > (+ '() 3) > (+ 3 '()) 2. Yes, you are trying to add the empty list to a number. Most likely you have a procedure that is supposed to return a number, but in the base case returns a list. Like this: (define add-list (lambda (ls) (if (null? ls) '() ;;; should be 0 (+ (car ls) (add-list (cdr ls)))))) ERROR: No such file or directory ERROR: LOAD couldn't find file "" 1. You typed the name of the file wrong, try (load "hw1.scm") or whatever the file name really is. 2. you are in the wrong directory. Try typing (load "~/hw1.scm") if it's in your home directory, or (load-from-lib "set-equal.scm") if it's in the class library. "junk.scm", line 1: ERROR: Too many open files ERROR: LOAD couldn't find file "junk.scm" 1. The file named "junk.scm" loads itself. That is, it has a line in it of the form: (load "junk.scm") This might happen because of a circle of files, each of which loads one of the others... "prob2.scm", line 3: ERROR: list: end of file in 1. the file prob2.scm has a missing right parenthesis `)', on line 3 "prob3.scm", line 2: ERROR: string: end of file in 1. the file has a missing double quote ", on line 2 ERROR: quote: missing or extra expression (see errobj) 1. This is caused by the following expressions > (quote) > (quote a b) 2. If the errobj is (quote quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing) then you have redefined the Scheme keyword "case", and are using pretty-printing. This causes the error > (define case "cond->if") > (pretty-print '(quote a)) ERROR: if: missing or extra expression (if < 3 4 #t #f) 1. This is caused by extra arguments to the if special form, such as > (if < 3 4 #t #f) To fix these kind of problems in your files, use emacs to indent your code, and see if the indentation matches what you think it should be. (To get emacs to do that, press TAB on each line.) ERROR: let: bad body (see errobj) 1. This is caused by the following expression > (let ((x 1) x)) in this case errobj is (let ((x 1) x)). You can get a clue from the formatting, if you're using emacs, that there is no body, or (looked at another way) there is a missing right parenthesis ")" on the first line. This will be harder to see in real code. ERROR: letrec: bad body (see errobj) 1. This is caused by the following expression > (letrec ((x 1) x)) See above. ERROR: variant-case: invalid syntax (exp (lit (datum) datum) (lit (datum) datum) (varref (var) (cell-ref (apply-env env var))) (app (rator rands) (let ((proc (eval-exp rator env)) (args (eval-rands rands env))) (apply-proc proc args))) (if (test-exp then-exp else-exp) (if (true-value? (eval-exp test-exp env)) (eval-exp then-exp env) (eval-exp else-exp env))) (proc (formals body) (make-closure formals body env)) (varassign (var exp) (cell-set! (apply-env env var) (eval-exp exp env))) (else (error "Invalid abstract syntax: " exp))) 1. This is caused by having two duplicate cases in a variant-case, you can actually see the two "lit" cases in the error message above. This list is undoubtedly incomplete. If you have an error message that you don't understand, send me mail with it and your code. If it's not in here already, I'll add it to the list. 3. WHAT IF THAT DOESN'T HELP Use emacs to indent your code. (See $PUB/docs/running-scheme.txt for details.) Look to see if any of the indentation doesn't look right. That may give you a clue. Another thing you can do is to use the trace facility or the PSD debugger to get more information. See the file $PUB/docs/debugging-scm.txt for how to use that. If none of the above works, ask a member of the course staff, but be sure to send: * your error message, * the scheme code, and * your test case. These will help us find out what the problem is.