Com S 342 --- Principles of Programming Languages HOMEWORK 3: RECURSION OVER FLAT LISTS AND NUMBERS, AND INDUCTION (File $Date: 2006/02/08 17:58:08 $) Due: problems 1, 3-6 at the beginning of class on Tues., Feb. 7, 2006; problems 11, 12-15 at the beginning of class on Thurs., Feb. 9, 2006. In this homework, you will learn more about recursion over flat lists, higher-order procedures, recursion over numeric data, and grammars. All code is to be written in Scheme, using the exact procedure names specified in the problem descriptions. For code hand in *both* your printout of the code and a transcript of testing. See the directory $PUB/homework/hw3 for test data for each coding problem, as described in problem 7 below. (Recall that $PUB means /home/course/cs342/public/.) This applies even if you aren't using the Com S machines. (If you're not, see the course web page for hints.) *No* credit will be given for Scheme programming problems unless you also hand in a transcript that includes our tests. The section headings below give the readings related to the problems. (Please read them!) ESSENTIALS OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: pages 1-19 (you can skim section 1.1) THE LITTLE SCHEMER, CHAPTER 3 CODE EXAMPLES WEB PAGE, FOLLOWING THE GRAMMAR HANDOUT This first set of problems is about recursion over flat lists, and some of the problems involve interesting uses of Scheme's procedure mechanisms. (You may also want to refer to the Revised^5 Report on Scheme for details about procedures.) 1. (5 points) [change to remove-first] Do exercise 1.8 on p. 18 in the text (which means the Essentials of Programming Languages, second edition book). 2. (suggested practice) [change to remove] Do exercise 1.9 on p. 19 in the text. 3. (10 points) [append-all] Write a procedure, append-all, whose type is given by the following deftype: (deftype append-all (forall (T) (-> ((list-of (list-of T))) (list-of T)))) The procedure append-all takes a list of lists, ll, and returns a list of all the lists in ll appended together in the same order in which they appear in ll. In your solution's code you may only use Scheme's append procedure with two (2) arguments. The following are examples. (append-all '()) ==> () (append-all '((3 7 10) (20 25 30) (5 4 3))) ==> (3 7 10 20 25 30 5 4 3) (append-all '((20 25 30) (5 4 3))) ==> (20 25 30 5 4 3) (append-all '((l i k) (e) (t h i s) () (o k))) ==> (l i k e t h i s o k) After doing your own testing you must test your code using: (test-hw3 "append-all") Print a transcript of your testing, and hand that in with your printout of the code. Be sure your name appears in a comment in your code. 4. (10 points) [append*] Write a Scheme procedure, append*, whose type is: (forall (T) (-> ((list-of T) ...) (list-of T))) that takes 0 or more argument lists and returns a list of all these argument lists appended together in the same order. In your solution's code you may only use Scheme's append procedure with two (2) arguments. You may use the append-all procedure if you wish as well. The following are examples. (append* ) ==> () (append* '(3 7 10) '(20 25 30) '(5 4 3)) ==> (3 7 10 20 25 30 5 4 3) (append* '(20 25 30) '(5 4 3)) ==> (20 25 30 5 4 3) (append* '(l i k) '(e) '(t h i s) '() '() '(o k) '()) ==> (l i k e t h i s o k) After doing your own testing you must test your code using: (test-hw3 "appendstar") Print a transcript of your testing, and hand that in with your printout of the code. Be sure your name appears in a comment in your code. 5. (20 points) [append-map] Write a procedure, append-map : (forall (S T) (-> ((-> (S) (list-of T)) (list-of S)) (list-of T)))) such that (append-map f (list e1 e2 ...)) is the list that results from appending the results of (f e1), (f e2), and so on. That is, append-map should satisfy the equation: (append-map f (list e1 e2 ...)) = (append* (f e1) (f e2) ...). The following are examples. (append-map (lambda (x) (list x)) '(copies the argument list)) ==> (copies the argument list) (append-map (lambda (x) (list x)) '()) ==> () (append-map (lambda (n) (if (= n 3) '() (list n))) '(3 4 2 3 7)) ==> (4 2 7) (append-map (lambda (x) (list x 7 (+ x 1))) '(5 4 1 2 100 50 10 3)) ==> (5 7 6 4 7 5 1 7 2 2 7 3 100 7 101 50 7 51 10 7 11 3 7 4) (append-map (lambda (x) (list (list x 7 (+ x 1)))) '(5 4 1)) ==> ((5 7 6) (4 7 5) (1 7 2)) (append-map (lambda (x) (if (= 5 x) '() (list (list x 7 (+ x 1))))) '(5 4 1)) ==> ((4 7 5) (1 7 2)) After doing your own testing, you must test your code using: (test-hw3 "append-map") Print a transcript of your testing, and hand that in with your printout of the code. Be sure your name appears in a comment in your code. 6. (35 points) [set-ops] In this problem you will write procedures to operate on the ADT of sets. In our dialect of Scheme, Typedscm, ADTs are stored in modules, which export only what is listed in their "provides" clause. See the documentation on Typedscm in section 3.3, which has an explanation of modules, provide, require, and defrep. In this problem, we give you some of the code for implementing sets as lists, and ask you to fill in the remaining code. Our code is found in $PUB/homework/hw3/set-ops.scm, which is also available in the homework zip file for the course under collects/homework/hw3/set-ops.scm. You need to read the code for the operations we provide to understand it. As noted in the code's `defrep' declaration (defrep (forall (T) (set-of T) (list-of T))) we represent sets (of some type T) by lists (of the same type). Our representation assumes that lists are represented *without* duplicate elements. Duplicates are defined by Scheme's `equal?' operation; that is, we consider x to be a duplicate of y if (equal? x y) is true. There is one additional complication in the code that we have provided for you. That is, it won't type check or pass Scheme until you write something for your code. In particular, our code for the procedure named `set' uses `set-add', which you are to write; so `set' won't work until you define `set-add'. Your task is to write a procedure for each of the following operations on sets (given with their types below). set-add : (forall (T) (-> (T (set-of T)) (set-of T))) set-remove : (forall (T) (-> (T (set-of T)) (set-of T))) set-union : (forall (T) (-> ((set-of T) (set-of T)) (set-of T))) set-minus : (forall (T) (-> ((set-of T) (set-of T)) (set-of T))) set-intersect : (forall (T) (-> ((set-of T) (set-of T)) (set-of T))) set-union-list : (forall (T) (-> ((list-of (set-of T))) (set-of T))) set-union* : (forall (T) (-> ((set-of T) ...) (set-of T))) The operation `set-add' inserts an item into a set, `set-remove' takes an item out of a set (or returns its set argument unchanged if the element argument was not in the set argument), `set-union' returns the union of its two arguments as a set (i.e., without duplicates), `set-minus' returns the set of all elements such that every element of the result is an element of the first set argument, but no element of the result is an element of the second set argument, `set-intersect' returns the set of elements that are elements of both sets, `set-union-list' gives the union of all the sets in its argument list, and `set-union*' is the variable argument version of set-union-list. The following are examples illustrating these operations. In these examples, note that the expression (set 2 3 1) evaluates to the set containing 1, 2 and 3. (set-equal? (set-add 1 (set 2 3)) (set 1 2 3)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-add 1 (set 2 3 1)) (set 1 2 3)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-remove 1 (set 2 3 1)) (set 3 2)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-remove 1 (set 2 3 4 8)) (set 3 2 4 8)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-union (set 'a 'b) (set 'c 'd)) (set 'a 'b 'c 'd)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-union (set 'a 'b 'c) (set 'c 'd)) (set 'a 'b 'c 'd)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-minus (set 'a 'b) (set 'c 'd)) (set 'a 'b)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-minus (set 'a 'b 'c) (set 'c 'a 'd)) (set 'b)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-intersect (set 'a 'b) (set 'c 'd)) the-empty-set) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-intersect (set 'a 'b 'c) (set 'c 'a 'd)) (set 'a 'c)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-union-list (list (set 'a 'b) (set 'c 'd))) (set 'a 'b 'c 'd)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-union-list (list (set 'a) (set 'b 'c) (set 'c 'a))) (set 'a 'b 'c)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-union* (set 'a 'b) (set 'c 'd) (set)) (set 'a 'b 'c 'd)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-union* (set 'a) (set 'b 'c) (set 'c 'a)) (set 'a 'b 'c)) ==> #t (set-equal? (set-union* ) (set )) ==> #t To start solving this problem, copy the file $PUB/homework/hw3/set-ops.scm to your directory, in Unix do: cp $PUB/homework/hw3/set-ops.scm . Note that your file must be called "set-ops.scm". In any case you want to start with the `set-ops.scm' code we have provided for you. Then add your own procedure definitions at the appropriate places (after each corresponding deftype) as indicated in the file we provide. In your solution you may not modify any of the provided procedures. Hint: these are really just a bunch of list recursion problems. Hint: To save yourself time, you should write and test each of your procedures one by one. It really will save time to test your code yourself; just trying to run our test cases will be frustrating, because you won't have much idea of what went wrong. Hint: to incrmentally develop the procedures, start with by implementing set-add. It may be helpful to either "stub out" the other procedures, or to change the provide at the beginning of the module so that it doesn't list all of the names, as in: (provide the-empty-set set-empty? set-size set set-member? set-one-elem set-rest set-subset? set-equal? set-add ;set-remove ;set-union ;set-minus ;set-intersect ;set-union-list ;set-union* ) This works becuase commenting out a name from the provide list makes Scheme not demand a definition for it in the body of the module. The provide list allows you to only implement set-add (in addition to the ones we have provided for you). This is a good choice for testing at first. Note that when you implement the next one, say set-remove, you have to uncomment the corresponding name (set-remove) in the provide list, otherwise it won't be available when you try to test it. Hint: since modules are cached when you use (require ...), you need to press Run again, or restart DrScheme, if you make changes to the module that aren't reflected in your testing. Save the file first! Important: To test your code, since set-ops is a module, you can't use the Scheme, "load" procedure, and the DrScheme "Run" button doesn't do the right thing either. So you have to save your file, and then (press "Run" in DrScheme and then) use (require "set-ops.scm") in the interactions window to both load and import into the interactions window the exported definitions of the set-ops module. After doing your own testing, you must test your code using: (test-hw3 "set-ops") Print a transcript of your testing, and hand that in with your printout of the code. Be sure your name appears in a comment in your code. 7. (suggested practice) [merge] Do exercise 1.16 on p. 26 in the text, part 5 [merge]. You should assume that the argument lists are sorted in ascending order. The type of merge is given by the following. (deftype merge (-> ((list-of number) (list-of number)) (list-of number))) After doing your own testing, you must test your code using: (test-hw3 "merge") Print a transcript of your testing, and hand that in with your printout of the code. Be sure your name appears in a comment in your code. 8. (suggested practice) [sort] Do the sort parts of exercise 1.17 on p. 27 of the text. You'll have to test this yourself. 9. (15 points; extra credit) [remove using append-map] Write remove (see pages 18-19 of the text) using append-map. Hand in a printout of your code and testing. 10. (10 points; extra credit) [remove-first using append-map] Can you write remove-first easily using append-map? If so, do it; if not, explain why you can't. THE LITTLE SCHEMER, CHAPTER 4 The following problems involve recursion over the non-negative integers. 11. (20 points) [insert-after] Write a procedure insert-after : (forall (T) (-> (number T (list-of T)) (list-of T))) such that (insert-after n new ls) returns a list that is just like ls, except that it has new in position n+1. Positions are zero-based. If ls has a length less than or equal to n, then ls is returned. You may assume that n is a non-negative integer. For example: (insert-after 0 'x '()) ==> () (insert-after 1 'x '()) ==> () (insert-after 1 'x '(y)) ==> (y) (insert-after 0 'x '(y)) ==> (y x) (insert-after 0 'x '(z e r o b a s e d)) ==> (z x e r o b a s e d) (insert-after 1 'x '(z e r o b a s e d)) ==> (z e x r o b a s e d) (insert-after 2 'y '(z e r o b a s e d)) ==> (z e r y o b a s e d) (insert-after 3 '- '(z e r o b a s e d)) ==> (z e r o - b a s e d) (insert-after 2 '- '(e r o b a s e d)) ==> (e r o - b a s e d) (insert-after 1 '- '(r o b a s e d)) ==> (r o - b a s e d) (insert-after 0 '- '(o b a s e d)) ==> (o - b a s e d) After doing your own testing, you must test your code using: (test-hw3 "insert-after") Print a transcript of your testing, and hand that in with your printout of the code. Be sure your name appears in a comment in your code. 12. (15 points) [iterate] Write a procedure, iterate : (forall (T) (-> ((-> (T) T) number) (-> (T) T))) such that (iterate f 0) is the identity function, so that, for all x, ((iterate f 0) x) = x and so that for integers n > 0, (iterate f n) is that function that applies f n times to its argument. That is, for all n > 0, and for all x, ((iterate f n) x) = (f ((iterate f (- n 1)) x)). For example: ((iterate (lambda (n) (+ n 1)) 4) 100) ==> 104 ((iterate (lambda (n) (+ n 1)) 3) 100) ==> 103 ((iterate (lambda (n) (+ n 1)) 3) 5) ==> 8 ((iterate (lambda (n) (+ n 1)) 1) 5) ==> 6 ((iterate (lambda (n) (+ n 1)) 0) 5) ==> 5 ((iterate (lambda (n) (* n n)) 3) 5) ==> 390625 ((iterate (lambda (n) (* n n)) 2) 5) ==> 625 ((iterate (lambda (n) (* n n)) 1) 5) ==> 25 ((iterate (lambda (ls) (cons 1 ls)) 8) '(2 3)) ==> (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3) ((iterate (lambda (ls) (cdr ls)) 7) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) ==> (7 8 9) ((iterate (lambda (ls) (cons (+ 1 (car ls)) ls)) 6) '(0)) ==> (6 5 4 3 2 1 0) ((iterate (iterate (lambda (n) (+ n 1)) 5) 6) 1) ==> 31 ((iterate (iterate (lambda (n) (* n n)) 2) 3) 2) ==> 18446744073709551616 After doing your own testing, you must test your code using: (test-hw3 "iterate") Print a transcript of your testing, and hand that in with your printout of the code. Be sure your name appears in a comment in your code. 13. (25 points) [board] Write a procedure, board, whose type is given by the following. (deftype board (-> (number) (list-of (list-of symbol)))) When board is called with a non-negative integer, size, it returns a list containing size lists, each of which is of length size. These inner lists each contain only the symbols b (representing black squares) and w (representing white squares) so that the alternations across all the lists created form a chess-board pattern. The result always has the symbol b as the first element of the first sublist, if any. In the following examples, we have formatted the output to show the result more clearly, but your output will not look the same (unless you use pretty-print); it is sufficient to just get the outputs that are equal? to those shown. (board 0) ==> () (board 1) ==> ((b)) (board 2) ==> ((b w) (w b)) (board 3) ==> ((b w b) (w b w) (b w b)) (board 4) ==> ((b w b w) (w b w b) (b w b w) (w b w b)) (board 8) ==> ((b w b w b w b w) (w b w b w b w b) (b w b w b w b w) (w b w b w b w b) (b w b w b w b w) (w b w b w b w b) (b w b w b w b w) (w b w b w b w b)) Hint: this problem involves a nested numeric recursion (reflected in the nested lists of its output). For that reason you should use several helping procedures, and give yourself examples for each of these helping procedures. Test your helpers first, before testing the whole solution. After doing your own testing, you must test your code using: (test-hw3 "board") Print a transcript of your testing, and hand that in with your printout of the code. Be sure your name appears in a comment in your code. ESSENTIALS OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: Section 1.1 The following problems are about syntactic derivations from grammars. 14. (5 points) [syntactic derivation] Write a syntactic derivation that proves (3 . (4 . (2 . ()))) is a list of numbers, using the first grammar on page 4 in the text (i.e., in Essentials of Programming Languages, second edition). 15. (5 points) [Kleene * and +] Do exercise 1.2 on p. 7 in the text. 16. (suggested practice) [syntactic derivation] Do exercise 1.3 on p. 7 in the text.