Welcome to DrScheme, version 209. Language: Typedscm, typed extension to EoPL(2e). Name: Gary T. Leavens Section: all 3-5.scm: language with procedures 2001-05-10 16:12 > (run "let f = proc (x) 3 in (f 4 2)") . apply-procval: Wrong number of actual arguments, 2, to procedure # > (run "(proc(x) 3)") . apply-procval: Wrong number of actual arguments, 0, to procedure # > (run "let add3 = proc (x, y, z) +(x,+(y,z)) in (add3 4 2)") . apply-procval: Wrong number of actual arguments, 2, to procedure # > (run "let add3 = proc (x, y, z) +(x,+(y,z)) in (add3 4 2 5 6)") . apply-procval: Wrong number of actual arguments, 4, to procedure # > (run "let add3 = proc (x, y, z) +(x,+(y,z)) in (add3 4 2 5)") 11 >