Com S 342 meeting -*- Outline -*- * XML and the Design of Scheme Goals: help students understand Scheme's syntax orientation for rest of course overview of PL design, parts of language ** language design goals ------------------------------------------ LANGUAGE DESIGN GOALS FOR SCHEME simplicity: especially ease parsing the input and implementation ==> regularity generality: since it aids simplicity ability to manipulate programs as data: to ease construction of interpreters and compilers to allow "meta programming" ------------------------------------------ want to be able to manipulate programs and data easily (meta-programming, genetic programming) ** XML ------------------------------------------ WHY XML? A program is a document - mostly formal, - structured - follows some standard grammar (schema) Processing tools: Compiler = lexer + parser + code gen. Interpreter = lexer + parser + evaluator Lexer: Character* -> Token* Parser: Token* -> Abstract Syntax Trees Code Gen.: Abstract Syntax Trees -> object code Interpreter: Abstract Syntax Trees -> effects How to focus on interpreter and ignore lexing and parsing techniques? Solution: XML ------------------------------------------ XML is the current standard for structured documents ------------------------------------------ XML Extensible Markup Language (XML) - international standard - structured - text-based Many tools for parsing XML, XML documents -> internal tree-objects XML used as syntax for many languages: - ant (building systems) - o:XML (an OO language) - MetaL ... ------------------------------------------ *** XML syntax ------------------------------------------ EXAMPLE: HELLO WORLD IN o:XML ------------------------------------------ Q: What's the advantage of this syntax? From Introducing o:XML by Martin Klang, July 21, 2004 at "Using the same format for code as we use for data allows us to think slightly differently about the code. The application is not only a runtime executable, magically incantated by the source code -- it is structured data, information, a document!" ------------------------------------------ XML SYNTAX BASICS (simplified) Document ::= Prolog Element Prolog ::= Element ::= < Name {Attribute}* /> | < Name {Attribute}* > {Content}* Attribute ::= Name = CharData Content ::= CharData | Element ------------------------------------------ Note the two kinds of Element, the example above uses both. (And the recursion is remarkably like S-expressions!) Q: What's the advantage of using the ... syntax? Better for human readers to match Q: What's the problem with this kind of syntax? painful to type ... It's verbose. Q: What's the advantage of the syntax? It's more succinct. But look at the 2nd and 3rd lines from the bottom: these use < as opening marker, have a keyword, attributes, and then /> as closing marker. *** another example, Water In water you get to choose which style you like, either one works: ------------------------------------------ WATER LANGUAGE From the Water home page (on Jan 9, 2004) "Water(TM) is a new language optimized for rapidly prototyping XML Web services. It delivers both power and simplicity. The language is as easy as BASIC and as powerful as LISP." x. x. n. 1 else n. /> /> ==> 6 ==> 24 ------------------------------------------ (Well... it look like it *is* Lisp in different syntax. :-) ------------------------------------------ WATER SYNTAX (simplified) Document ::= Element Element ::= < Name {Content}* /> | < Name {Attribute}* > {Content}* Attribute ::= Name = CharData Content ::= CharData | Element | Attribute ------------------------------------------ ** Scheme's Syntax ------------------------------------------ SCHEME SYNTAX (S-EXPRESSIONS) (define (double x) (+ x x)) (define (factorial n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))) (double 3) ==> 6 (factorial 4) ==> 24 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ SCHEME SYNTAX (simplified) Vs. XML: - use ( and ) instead of < and /> - no long form, , for closing - the initial Name can be omitted The initial name is either - a keyword (special form) - a procedure name (e.g., +, *) Program ::= {S-Expression}* S-List ::= ( {S-Expression}* ) S-Expression ::= Atom | S-Expression Atom ::= Keyword | Proc-Name | Literal Literal ::= Number | ... ------------------------------------------ *** comparison to XML-based syntax Compare to the Water syntax... ------------------------------------------ COMPARISON TO XML SYNTAX XML SCHEME Document Program ... (define ...) ... Element S-List fact 3 (fact 3) Content S-Expression fact fact ------------------------------------------ *** regularity ------------------------------------------ SCHEME SYNTAX IS REGULAR TO AID PROCESSING BY COMPUTERS Mathematics Scheme 3 + 4*2 (+ 3 (* 4 2)) (3+4) * 2 (* (+ 3 4) 2) f(x,y) (f x y) ------------------------------------------ draw trees ** conclusion ------------------------------------------ SCHEME SYNTAX SUMMARY Scheme's syntax, like XML, is designed to: - be very simple and regular - ease parsing by computer - allow programs to be represented as data Scheme syntax is a textual representation of abstract syntax trees, like XML. It's not designed to be good for humans. ------------------------------------------