Com S 342 --- Principles of Programming Languages HOMEWORK 2: INDUCTION and RECURSION (File $Date: 2006/01/24 04:54:12 $) Due: problems 1-6 on Tuesday, January 31, 2006. In this homework, you will learn about higher-order procedures, syntax abstraction, and a bit more about recursion. All code is to be written in Scheme, using the exact procedure names specified in the problem descriptions. For code hand in *both* your printout of the code and a transcript of testing. See the directory $PUB/homework/hw2 for test data for each coding problem, as described in problem 7 below. (Recall that $PUB means /home/course/cs342/public/.) This applies even if you aren't using the Com S machines. (If you're not, see the course web page for how to test at home.) *No* credit will be given for Scheme programming problems unless you also hand in a transcript that includes our tests. The section headings below give the readings related to the problems. (Please read them!) STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS, SECTION 1.3 ( 1. (5 points) [average3-c] Define a curried version of the following procedure, call it average3-c, and also write a deftype for it. (deftype average3 (-> (number number number) number)) (define average3 (lambda (a b c) (/ (+ a b c) 3))) Test your code by executing the following. (test-hw2 "average3-c") You can check the syntax and typing by using the "Type Check" button in DrScheme. Remember, for this and all of the following coding problems, you must hand in both a printout of your code file and a transcript showing testing using our test data. Be sure to include statements at the top of your code file identifying yourself, as described in previous homeworks. 2. (5 points) [average-9-42] Using your solution from problem 1, define a procedure, (deftype average-9-42 (-> (number) number)) that takes a number, c, and returns the average of 9, 42, and c. For example, (average-9-42 0) ==> 17 (average-9-42 3) ==> 18 Test your code by executing the following. (test-hw2 "average-9-42") Important: your solution must use average3-c from the previous problem. You will get zero points if your solution's code does not depend on average3-c. STRUCTURE AND INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS, SECTIONS 1.1.6 ( REVISED^5 REPORT ON THE ALGORITHMIC LANGUAGE SCHEME, section 4.2 CODE EXAMPLES PAGE ( 3. (10 points) [occurs-twice? using "and" and "or"] Write the procedure occurs-twice? from homework 1, problem 5 without using #t and #f, but using "and" and "or". Hand in a printout of your code and a transcript of testing that includes our test cases, which you can execute using: (test-hw2 "occurs-twice") 4. (5 points) [example of syntactic sugar] Give an example of a statement or expression in Java or C++ that is a syntactic sugar. State what language you are giving an example from. Explain by a simple example how to desugar this statement or expression. THE LITTLE SCHEMER, Chapters 2-5 FOLLOWING THE GRAMMAR (handout at 5. (20 points) [Following the grammar for flat lists] For each of the following, say whether the procedure has a correct outline that follows the grammar for flat lists, and if not, briefly explain what the problem is with that procedure (why it does not follow the outline). (Note: you don't have to judge whether these are correct or not, and you aren't expected to run them.) ;; (a) (define talents-of (lambda (people) (cond ((null? people) '()) (else (cons (talent (car people)) (talents-of (cdr people))))))) ;; (b) (define talents-of (lambda (people) (cons (talent (car people)) (talents-of (cdr people))))) ;; (c) (define talents-of (lambda (people) (cond ((null? people) '()) (else (talent (car people)) (talents-of (cdr people)))))) ;; (d) (define talents-of (lambda (people) (if (null? people) (list) (cons (talent (car people)) (talents-of (cdr people)))))) ;; (e) (define talents-of (lambda (people) (if (null? people) (list) (begin (cdr people) (define first-talent (car people)) (cons (talent first-talent) (talents-of people)))))) ;; (f) (define talents-of (lambda (people) (if (null? people) people (cons (talent (car people)) (talents-of (cdr people)))))) ;; (g) (define talents-of (lambda (people) (cond ((null? people) '()) (else (talents-of (talent (car people)) (cdr people)))))) 6. (20 points) [Following the grammar for flat lists 2] For each of the following, say whether the procedure has a correct outline that follows the grammar for flat lists, and if not, briefly explain what the problem is with that procedure (why it does not follow the outline). (Note: you don't have to judge whether these are correct or not, and you aren't expected to run them.) ;; (a) (define rhymes-with (lambda (sought words) (if (null? words) '() (append (if (not (rhyme? sought (car words))) '() (list (car words))) (rhymes-with sought (cdr words)))))) ;; (b) (define rhymes-with (lambda (sought words) (if (null? words) (list) (if (not (rhyme? sought (car words))) (rhymes-with sought (cdr words)) (cons (car words) (rhymes-with sought (cdr words))))))) ;; (c) (define rhymes-with (lambda (sought words) (cond ((null? words) '()) (else (cond ((not (rhyme? sought (car words))) (rhymes-with sought (cdr words))) (else (cons (car words) (rhymes-with sought (cdr words))))))))) ;; (d) (define rhymes-with (lambda (sought words) (cond ((null? words) '()) (else (cdr words) (cond ((not (rhyme? sought (car words))) (rhymes-with sought words)) (else (cons (car words) (rhymes-with sought words)))))))) ;; (e) (define rhymes-with (lambda (sought words) (cond ((rhyme? sought (car words)) (cons (car words) (rhymes-with sought (cdr words)))) (else (rhymes-with sought (cdr words)))))) ;; (f) (define rhymes-with (lambda (sought words) (cond ((null? words) words) (else (cond ((not (rhyme? sought (car words))) (rhymes-with sought (cdr words))) (else (cons (car words) (rhymes-with sought (cdr words))))))))) ;; (g) (define rhymes-with (lambda (sought words) (cond ((null? words) '()) ((rhyme? sought (car words)) (cons (car words) (rhymes-with (cdr words)))) (else (rhymes-with cdr words)))))