C++ for 10 A null-terminated array of characters. C++ for 20 A variable holding an address. C++ for 30 It says that the char pointed to cannot be changed. C++ for 40 outFile.seekp(n * sizeof(rec)); outFile.write((char *)&rec, sizeof(rec)); C++ for 50 #include #include char *capitalize(const char s[]) // PRE: s has at most 80 chars { char result[81]; strcpy(result, s); result[0] = toupper(s); return result; } ABSTRACTION AND CORRECTNESS for 10 A predicate that must be true before a function can be called. ABSTRACTION AND CORRECTNESS for 20 A list of objects that can be changed by a function call. ABSTRACTION AND CORRECTNESS for 30 A predicate that relates the state before a function call to the state afterwards. ABSTRACTION AND CORRECTNESS for 40 An assertion that is true before each test of a loop, such as a while loop. ABSTRACTION AND CORRECTNESS for 50 Documentation of how a class's data members represent its abstract values. IMPLEMENTATION DATA STRUCTURES for 10 A random access homogeneous collection. IMPLEMENTATION DATA STRUCTURES for 20 A data structure that stores different types of data at different times. IMPLEMENTATION DATA STRUCTURES for 30 An area of memory where storage is dynamically allocated and does not disappear upon return from a function. IMPLEMENTATION DATA STRUCTURES for 40 An way of implementing lists that has O(1) insertion time, uses O(N) space, and has no fixed maximum size. IMPLEMENTATION DATA STRUCTURES for 50 A copy constructor and an assignment operator. SORTING AND SEARCHING for 10 An O(N) search algorithm. SORTING AND SEARCHING for 20 Requires sorted array for searching. SORTING AND SEARCHING for 30 The fastest average time search. SORTING AND SEARCHING for 40 The fastest average time sort. SORTING AND SEARCHING for 50 A tree where the root of each subtree is greater than all its descendents. OBSCURE FACTS ABOUT COM S 228 for 10 It is dark blue, with fabric paint on both sides. OBSCURE FACTS ABOUT COM S 228 for 20 1010 LeBaron Hall. OBSCURE FACTS ABOUT COM S 228 for 30 9:45am Tuesday OBSCURE FACTS ABOUT COM S 228 for 40 229 Atanasoff Hall. OBSCURE FACTS ABOUT COM S 228 for 50 14 C++ Abstr. Impl Search Com S Correct D.S. Sort 228 ======================================= 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50