Introduction, say something like: Greetings to you all, former employees of Symbolic Computers. We here at Numeric Only Machines hope you enjoy working for your new company, and that there are no hard feelings after our hostile takeover of Symbolic Computers. You've all been hired to work on the rational numbers project, code named ratl. (pronounce each letter in "r a t l", write: "the ratl project" on the board) (Get louder gradually, loudest on the word "world" below ...) The ratl progect is part of our strategic plan to bring advanced numerical computation to the world! To tell you more about the ratl project, it is my pleasure to introduce to you our chief numerical scientist, and head of the ratl project, Dr. Sevens! Later, after the electrical questioner says that it takes a long time to write programs: But, Dr. Sevens, aren't voltages, gates, latches, etc. just abstractions themselves of the underlying physics? In physics we describe reality using elementary particales and the principles of electromagnetic theory. For example, when I program I always think about Maxwell's equations --- although I'm still working on the first programming assignment for this class...