CS/CE 218 Lecture -*-Outline-*- * input editing advert: basics of typing and getting responses from the Unix shell, things that you'll use every day. ** control characters Q: (For Cpr E's) what do you think pressing the "control" key does in a terminal's hardware/electronics? notation ^T (conventional), also ctrl-T helpful to know that: escape (important for emacs) is ^[ backspace is ^H tab is ^I these are also usually labelled keys on a terminal *** Erase Q: What is the default erase character? How is it used? ^H I use delete key, since it matches emacs (^?) *** escape character (\) The Unix "escape character" (\) and the escape key are different. Q: how would you escape the escape character? *** Kill Q: What is the default kill character? ^U *** Interrupt Default is ^C (not delete or rubout as in book). ** stty only affects standard input (the shell) not emacs Q: Why are users allowed to change the default erase and kill chars? Q: Is there any reason to know the system defaults for erase and kill? Q: why do changes made with stty go away after you log off? ...went to emacs at this point in Fall 1991