Lecture -*- Outline -*- * Closures and Functions (Thompson 9 and 10, Davie 5) > module Functionals where > import Prelude hiding (sum, product, curry, foldr) ** \ makes functions this is called lambda in Scheme and LISP fn in SML a block, [ .. | ... ], in Smalltalk and { ... | ... } in Ruby Used for avoiding redundancy in code (functional abstraction) and for tool building *** examples: ------------------------------------------ \ MAKES FUNCTIONS (CLOSURES) Prelude> (\ x -> x) "y" Prelude> ((\ x -> head x) [1,2,3]) Prelude> ((\ (x,y) -> 0) (head [], "hmm")) Prelude> ((\ () -> 5)) Prelude> (\ () -> 5)() ------------------------------------------ the function (\ x -> head x) is the same as head talk about parenthesization; the \ extends as far to right as possible so best to use parens around it for application Lisp style is generally clear, but note that there are no zero-argument functions in Haskell, as shown by the last two examples *** normal order evaluation rule ------------------------------------------ AVOIDING CAPTURE let head = [4,5] in ((\ x -> (\ head -> head x)) head) tail ------------------------------------------ don't want this to be let head = [4,5] in (\ head -> head head) need to rename the bound variable, head, so that the actual isn't captured --------------------------------------------------------- FREE AND BOUND OCCURRENCES OF VARIABLES IN THE LAMBDA CALCULUS > data Expression = IntLit Integer | BoolLit Bool > | Varref Var | Lambda Var Expression > | App Expression Expression > deriving (Eq, Show) > type Var = String > occursFreeIn :: Var -> Expression -> Bool > occursFreeIn x (Varref y) = x == y > occursFreeIn x (Lambda y body) = > x /= y && occursFreeIn x body > occursFreeIn x (App left right) = > (occursFreeIn x left) || (occursFreeIn x right) > occursFreeIn x _ = False > freeVariables :: Expression -> [Var] > freeVariables (Varref y) = [y] > freeVariables (Lambda y body) = > delete y (freeVariables body) > freeVariables (App left right) = > (freeVariables left) `union` (freeVariables right) > freeVariables _ = [] > occursBoundIn :: Var -> Expression -> Bool > occursBoundIn x (Varref y) = False > occursBoundIn x (Lambda y body) = > x == y && occursFreeIn x body > || occursBoundIn x body > occursBoundIn x (App left right) = > (occursBoundIn x left) || (occursBoundIn x right) > occursBoundIn x _ = False Some set-like operations on lists needed above > union :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] > union [] ys = ys > union (x:xs) ys = if x `elem` ys then union xs ys > else x: union xs ys > delete :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a] > delete x ys = filter (x /=) ys --------------------------------------------------------- See CoreHaskellFreeVars.hs for a definition for CoreHaskell ------------------------------------------ EXAMPLES OF FREE AND BOUND VARIABLES f, f1, f2 occur free in: f (Varref "f") (f1 f2) (App (Varref "f1") (Varref "f2")) (\x -> f x) (Lambda "x" (App (Varref "f") (Varref "x"))) b, b1, b2 occur bound in: (\b -> b) (Lambda "b" (Varref "b")) (\b1 -> (Lambda "b1" (\b2 -> (b1 b2))) (Lambda "b2" (App (Varref "b1") (Varref "b2)))) ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ NOT EXACTLY OPPOSITES A particular variable occurrence is either free or bound (\x -> ((f x) y)) (Lambda "x" (App (App (Varref "f") (Varref "x)) (Varref "y"))) But the same name may occur both ways! ((\x -> x) x) (App (Lambda "x" (Varref "x")) (Varref "x")) And may not occur at all: (\x -> 3) (Lambda "x" (IntLit 3)) ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- SUBSTITUTION WITHOUT CAPTURE > substitute :: Expression -> Var > -> Expression -> Expression > substitute new old e@(Varref y) = > if y == old then new else e > substitute new old (App left right) = > (App (substitute new old left) > (substitute new old right)) > substitute new old e@(Lambda y body) = > if y `elem` (old:freeVariables new) > then (substitute new old > (Lambda z (substitute (Varref z) y body))) > else (Lambda y (substitute new old body)) > where z = fresh (freeVariables new > `union` freeVariables body) > substitute _ _ e = e > fresh :: [Var] -> Var > fresh names = help 0 > where help n = if zn `notElem` names > then zn > else help (n+1) > where zn = "z" ++ show n --------------------------------------------------------- fresh is used to generate an unused variable ------------------------------------------ EXAMPLES OF SUBSTITUTION [3/x]x == 3 substitute (IntLit 3) "x" (Varref "x") == (IntLit 3) [3/x](\x -> x) substitute (IntLit 3) "x" (Lambda "x" (Varref "x")) == (\z0 -> z0) == (Lambda "z0" (Varref "z0")) [lst/head] substitute (Varref "lst") "head" (\head -> (Lambda "head" (head x)) (App (Varref "head") (Varref "x"))) == (\z0 -> (z0 x)) == (Lambda "z0" (App (Varref "z0") (Varref "x"))) ------------------------------------------ the second example happens because the value of old is the same as the formal parameter ------------------------------------------ NORMAL ORDER EVALUATION FOR LAMBDA CALCULUS ((\ x -> e1) e2) =def= [e2/x]e1 examples: ((\ z -> z * z + 1) 7) == ((\ (x,y) -> x*y + 3) (5,6)) == ------------------------------------------ ... (7 * 7 + 1) ... 5*6 + 3 also do (\ (a,b) -> 1) (length [1 ..], "hmm") *** the point: static scoping the point of all this machinery is to enforce static scoping, so that a variable name refers to its closest lexical definition. Another way to think about it is that this machinery makes it so your function does what you think it does looking at its def ** Functions first-class in Haskell (\ x -> e) denotes functional abstraction of e. *** curried functions ------------------------------------------ CURRIED FUNCTIONS > cadd = \x -> \y -> x + y > add2 = (cadd 2) Prelude> (add2 3) Prelude> (add2 7) ------------------------------------------ functions are "automatically" curried in Haskell, since the definition cadd x y = x + y is equivalent to the one given above one use of curried functions is as "partial application" as shown by the function "add2". This prevents writing 2 redundantly in code... But the point is we can use cadd to make lots of tools, add3, add4, add5, etc. all *at run-time*, we don't have to write a (redundant) separate definition for each. *** closures in C Q: can you write a function in C which is a curried addition? have to explicitly represent the closure ------------------------------------------ CURRYING IN C++? #include using namespace std; typedef int (*func)(int); int takes_y(int y) { return(x + y); } func cadd(int x) { return(&takes_y); } int main() { cout << (cadd(2))(3) << endl; } ------------------------------------------ Q: does this work? no, what's the value of x in takes_y? To solve that problem, simulate the notion of a closure ------------------------------------------ CORRECTED C++ PROGRAM #include using namespace std; typedef int (*func)(int, int); class closure { public: closure(int x_val, func f_val) : x(x_val), f(f_val) {} int call(int arg) { return f(x, arg); } private: const int x; const func f; }; int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } closure* cadd(int x) { return new closure(x, add); } int main() { cout << cadd(2)->call(3) << endl; } ------------------------------------------ explain what a closure is: environment (values for free vars) + code Q: What in C++ is like a closure? an object: it has a little environment (data members) and code (member functions) But again, in C++, don't have anonymous classes, and can't capture the environment at run-time without preparing with class definition ahead of time. *** gravitational force example one use of curried functions is to model "field-like" things i.e., planning tools for future use ------------------------------------------ PHYSICS FOR FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMERS > grav_force_c :: Kg -> Meter -> Kg -> N > grav_force_c m1 r m2 = > if r == 0.0 > then 0.0 > else (big_G * m1 * m2) > / (square r) Type synonyms and other defs used above > type Kg = Float > type Meter = Float > type N = Float > type N_x_m2_per_kg2 = Float > big_G :: N_x_m2_per_kg2 > big_G = 6.670e-11 > square :: Float -> Float > square r = r * r ------------------------------------------ parenthesize the type ------------------------------------------ TYPES OF CURRIED FUNCTION APPLICATIONS EXPRESSION TYPE grav_force_c :: Kg -> Meter -> Kg -> N 5.96E24 :: Kg grav_force_c 5.96E24 :: 6.0E6 :: Meter grav_force_c 5.96E24 6.0E6 :: 68.0 :: Kg grav_force_c 5.96E24 6.0E6 68.0 :: ------------------------------------------ parenthesize the types and applications as you go ... Meter -> Kg -> N ... Kg -> N by planning ahead, we can make something that is useful in many applications *** tool makers A good use of curried functions is for defining tool makers... **** folding here we start to see how functionals are useful for tool making ------------------------------------------ ABSTRACTING A COMMON PATTERN > sum :: Num a => [a] -> a > sum [] = 0 > sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs > product :: Num a => [a] -> a > product [] = 1 > product (x:xs) = x * product xs ------------------------------------------ Q: What are the parts specific to computing the sum? the product? identify the common parts of this pattern, and pass the changing parts as arguments > -- foldr functional > foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b > foldr op z [] = z > foldr op z (x:xs) = x `op` (foldr op z xs) foldr is in the Haskell prelude, where sum and product are actually written also, but in terms of foldl' (no matter) Explain how foldr substitutes `op` for : and z for [] in a list Now can write sum and product in terms of foldr > sum2 = foldr (+) 0 trace this applied to [1,2,3] using equations if questions Compare with (by the eta rule) > sum3 = \ ls -> foldr (+) 0 ls ------------------------------------------ USES OF FOLDR concat :: [[a]] -> [a] concat = foldr (++) [] FOR YOU TO DO Using foldr, write functions and, or :: [Bool] -> Bool such that and [] = True and (b:bs) = b && and bs or [] = False or (b:bs) = b || or bs ------------------------------------------ ... and = foldr (&&) True or = foldr (||) False just look at where these are compared to the pattern **** abstraction on a different data type ------------------------------------------ FOR YOU TO DO > data Tree a = Lf > | Br (a, Tree a, Tree a) > deriving (Eq, Show) Generalize: > preorder :: Tree a -> [a] > preorder Lf = [] > preorder (Br(v,t1,t2)) = > [v] ++ preorder t1 ++ preorder t2 > inc :: Num a => Tree a -> Tree a > inc Lf = Lf > inc (Br(v,t1,t2)) = > Br(v + fromInteger 1, inc t1, inc t2) ------------------------------------------ To make the pattern clearer, rewrite the above as: > preorder0 Lf = [] > preorder0 (Br(v,t1,t2)) = > (\ lv l1 l2 -> lv ++ l1 ++ l2) [v] (preorder0 t1) (preorder0 t2) > inc0 Lf = Lf > inc0 (Br(v,t1,t2)) = > (\ v t1 t2 -> Br(v, t1, t2)) (v+ fromInteger 1) (inc0 t1) (inc0 t2) Then identify the changing parts, and make those parameters: > foldTree :: ((a, b, b) -> b) -> (c -> a) -> b -> Tree c -> b > foldTree combine top base Lf = base > foldTree combine top base (Br(v, t1, t2)) = > combine ((top v),(foldTree combine top base t1), > (foldTree combine top base t2)) > preorder' = foldTree (\(lv,l1,l2) -> lv ++ l1 ++ l2) (\v -> [v]) [] > inc' :: Num a => Tree a -> Tree a > inc' = foldTree Br (+ (fromInteger 1)) Lf **** combinators The point here is to play with the substition model of function definitions and to treat functions as data ------------------------------------------ COMBINATORS (WITH HISTORICAL NAMES) > b f g x = f(g x) > w f x = ((f x) x) > twice = (w b) > by2 x = 2 * x Example: ((twice by2) 7) ------------------------------------------ these are usually written with capital letter names b = (.) -- in Haskell ... ((twice by2) 7) = (((w b) by2) 7) = (((b by2) by2) 7) = (by2 (by2 7)) = 28 ------------------------------------------ ENOUGH FOR COMPUTING! (almost) > i x = x > k c x = c > s f g x = ((f x) (g x)) FOR YOU TO DO What is: k 3 5 s k k 3 ------------------------------------------ Anything you can program, you can do with s and k (only)! (if s had the right type, but it doesn't in Haskell, or ML) ? :type s s :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c The problem is that the term (s i i) doesn't type check. Combinators like this are the basis of certain machines. ------------------------------------------ FIXPOINT COMBINATOR > fix :: ((a -> b) -> (a -> b)) > -> (a -> b) > fix f x = f (fix f) x > fact :: (Integer -> Integer) > -> (Integer -> Integer) > fact f n = > if n == 0 then 1 else n * f(n-1) > factorial = fix fact Prelude> factorial 3 ------------------------------------------ Note that fact is not recursive! but factorial is the factorial function! factorial 3 = fix fact 3 = fact (fix fact) 3 = if 3 = 0 then 1 else 3 * (fix fact)(3-1) -- can skip this step = 3 * (fix fact)(2) = 3 * fact (fix fact) 2 = 3 * 2 * (fix fact)(1) = 3 * 2 * fact (fix fact) 1 = 3 * 2 * 1 * (fix fact)(0) = 3 * 2 * 1 * fact (fix fact) 0 = 3 * 2 * 1 * 1 = 6 ** functions are the ultimate these ideas will be explored more fully later. *** can be used to implement "infinite" data strucutures because a function describes a potentially infinite mapping streams *** can be used to implement arbitrary control structures. because a function can represent the rest of the program continuations