COP 4020 Lecture -*- Outline -*- * The Erlang Language (5.7) ------------------------------------------ ERLANG (5.7) From Ericsson telecommunications - automatic memory management - hides internal representation of data - efficient threads - high-performance s/w fault tolerance - dynamically typed - first class functions - asynchronous message passing - used in Open Telecom Platform - updated while running ------------------------------------------ Q: What other language do we know that hides the representation of data? Oz ** computation model (5.7.1) ------------------------------------------ COMPUTATION MODEL program = process* processes = port + mailbox port = stream + recursive function pattern matching can - wait for messages - remove some from mailbox - leave others message passing asynchronous processes are independent no shared references between processes transparent distribution failure detection (linking), - sends message when another process fails replicated database ------------------------------------------ Q: What features are useful for reliability? independent processes, asynchronous messages, no shared refs DB compensates for the lack of mutable store ** Semantics of Erlang (5.7.2) We'll skip the syntax, but see the Erlang book ------------------------------------------ CONCURRENCY AND MESSAGE PASSING PRIMITIVES IN ERLANG PID = spawn(M,F,A) -- creates new process with id PID running module M's function F with argument list A Pid!Msg -- sends Msg to process with id Pid receive Pattern1 [when Guard1] -> Body1; ... PatternN [when GuardN] -> BodyN; [ after Expr -> BodyT; ] -- blocks until a message matches one of the Patterns (with true guard) removes it from mailbox, binds values to pattern variables, executes the corresponding body -- the after clause is optional, it gives a timeout, after which BodyT is executed ------------------------------------------ the send syntax is inspired by Hoare's CSP ------------------------------------------ COMPARISON OF RECEIVE WITH CASE IN OZ ------------------------------------------ Q: How are the parts of Erlang's "receive" like "case" in Oz? - the "when" is like andthen in Oz - the "->" is like "then" - the ";" is like [] - the "after" like "else", but only when Expr is 0. a timeout of 0 means after is executed if no messages match *** translation into Oz ------------------------------------------ TRANSLATION INTO OZ process ~~> thread + port send to process ~~> send to port mailbox ~~> receive ~~> function on 2 streams (I/O) ------------------------------------------ ... port's stream **** without timeout ------------------------------------------ TRANSLATION OF RECEIVE WITHOUT TIMEOUT Let B, B1, B2, be Erlang body statements We simulate the effect of B on a list representing the Erlang mailbox's current contents: For a sequence B1 B2: T((B1 B2) Sin Sout) ~~> local Sout2 in T(B1 Sin Sout2) T(B2 Sout2 Sout) end For a simple (atomic) statement, where receive doesn't appear in B: T(B Sin Sout) ~~> B Sout=Sin For a receive statement: T(receive P1 -> B1; ... PN -> BN; Sin Sout) ~~> local fun {Loop S L#E Sout} case S of M|S1 then case M of T(P1) then E=S1 T(B1 L Sout) ... [] T(PN) then E=S1 T(BN L Sout) else E1 in E=M|E1 {Loop S1 L#E1 Sout} end end end L in {Loop Sin L#L Sout} end ------------------------------------------ Q: What is T? The translation function Q: What is L? the head of the intermediate list of rejected messages Q: What is S1 above? not a mistake, it's the new tail of S (the input) Q: What is L#L doing? it's a difference list of the rejected messages, starts empty Q: How would you deal with the guards? translate them to Oz. Pattern translation: T({name, Var}) ~~> name(Var) e.g., T({ones, X}) ~~> ones(X) ------------------------------------------ EXAMPLE TRANSLATION TO OZ Consider the Erlang receive {ones, X} -> R=X; {tens, Y} -> R=Y*10; receive {factor, Z} -> Ans=Z*R The translation of this into Oz using Sin and Sout would be: T(receive {ones, X} -> R=X; {tens, Y} -> R=Y*10; receive {factor, Z} -> Ans=Z*R Sin Sout) ~~> (by rule for sequencing) local Sout2 in T(receive {ones, X} -> R=X; {tens, Y} -> R=Y*10 Sin Sout2) T(receive {factor, Z} -> Ans=Z*R Sout2 Sout) end Let's focus on the first one of these: T(receive {ones, X} -> R=X; {tens, Y} -> R=Y*10 Sin Sout2) ~~> (by rule for receive, translating patterns) local fun {Loop S L#E Sout} case S of M|S1 then case M of ones(X) then E=S1 T(R=X L Sout) [] tens(Y) then E=S1 T(R=Y*10 L Sout) else E1 in E=M|E1 {Loop S1 L#E1 Sout} end end end L in {Loop Sin L#L Sout2} end ~~> (by rule for atomic statements, twice) local fun {Loop S L#E Sout} case S of M|S1 then case M of ones(X) then E=S1 R=X Sout=L) [] tens(Y) then E=S1 R=Y*10 Sout=L else E1 in E=M|E1 {Loop S1 L#E1 Sout} end end end L in {Loop Sin L#L Sout2} end ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ EXAMPLE WITH DATA Suppose the initially the mailbox is (in Oz list notation): factor(7)|tens(4)|END What happens when we execute this with Sin = factor(7)|tens(4)|END Sout2 = _ ------------------------------------------ ... We run with Sin=factor(7)|tens(4)|END and Sout=_ so do Sin ................. Sout2 {Loop factor(7)|tens(4)|END L# L _} M'...... S1'........ L' E' Sout' % note L' = L = E' = (factor doesn't match) E' = factor(7)|E1' {Loop tens(4) |END L' # E1' Sout'} M'' Y'' S1'' L'' E'' Sout'' % note L'' = L and E1' = E'' = (match on second case) E''=S1'', so S1'' = END = E1'' R=4*10, so R = 40 Sout'' = L'', so now L' = Sout'' = Sout' = Sout2 = factor(7)|END **** with timeout Q: How would you handle a non-zero timeout? use an Alarm and WaitTwo to make a race between messaging and the alarm Q: How would you handle a zero timeout? just check the messages first, before using the timeout code