TOK class 1/26 -------------- We continued talking about the "good reasons" from chapter 2 of Abel. Mainly we discussed how someone becomes an authority figure for us, and how we decide what is true when different authority figures disagree on certain issues. One reason given as to how an authority figure gains that status is through trust. By trust I mean that over a period of time, they prove that they are knowledgable in a particular area and that what they say about that topic should be trusted. Most people said that they stopped always believing in what their parents said at some point in their lives. We talked about what made everybody stop believing in what their parents always said. Next we talked about how reliable consensus was to verify a knowledge claim. Surprisingly, it works most of the time. We talked about if that is the case, and if so, why? We ended class talking about revalation, faith and the difference between the two. We also talked about how strong faith is as a justification for knowledge. Invariably, the discussion started getting into specific religions, even though that wasn't necessarily the goal of discussing faith as a justification for knowledge. In particular, we talked some about the role of interpretation with religious texts, such as the bible. We also brought up questions such as, "Is it still faith if you pick and choose different bits of different religions to base your faith from?" This question came up as a response to people stating that they had faith, but not one that perfectly corresponded to the literal word of the Bible, or the beliefs of the church that they attended.