TOK class 1/17 -------------- Random Stuff: Video on Demand is coming to Orlando, fairly soon in a test market...what will this do to BlockBuster, etc.? UF seeks diversity in adversity - how UF is trying "circumvent" the end of affirmative action, through essays...though this is relatively minor part of the application. We actually talked about the affirmative action issue for a while. (It's something we'll talk about later in more detail...) The main topic of discussion was how convincing are each of the following, as justifications for knowledge? 1)Intuition 2)Perception 3)Reasoning 4)Memory 5)Authority 6)Group Consensus 7)Revelation 8)Faith What are some of the weaknesses in each of these reasons? When are they fairly reliable? Another question we briefly addressed is: Does knowing something carry any responsibility on the knower? If so, in what types of situations?