Introduction to Discrete Computational Structures
Spring 2000, Section-1

The Syllabus (and most other files on this Web page) are in Microsoft Word format. They can be read on any of the Windows computers in the UCF labs, or, if you're on another computer and don't have Word, you can get a free viewer from Microsoft.

Course Notes (Chapters 1-4 )
Homework  (HW#6. Question 1a) and 1b) has been modified. Check the newest version Here.)
                   (Solution for HW#6 is ready now!)
Test Info     (Final test will be on Wednesday, April 26, from 4 to 6 pm, in the class. Rm. 108 of Communication Building)
(Check the detail about Final Test here.)


16:00 - 17:15 
COMM 108 
Dr. Lang 
Dr. Sheau-Dong Lang
Office Hours - CSB 203 
Monday: 5:30 to 6:30 pm. 
 Tuesday: 4 to 7 pm. 
Wednesday: 5:30 to 6:30 pm