COP 4910 - Frontiers in IT - Fall 2005

Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 - 10:15 am ENG2 105

Instructor: Dr. Mark Llewellyn
Office: CSB 242
Phone: (407) 823-2790


Course Syllabus

Course Calendar

Groups and Topics

Presentation #1 Schedule

Interim Presentation Schedule

Sample Format Guideline for Final Reports

Final Presentation Schedule

Most Recent Announcements

11/15 - The final presentation schedule is now set. Attendence is required for the final presentation sessions. Remember that the final paper (email version) is due no later than 5:00 pm on Friday December 2nd.

11/9 - The final presentation schedule is now available. Only 3 groups left to sign up! Two slots left on the first day and 1 on the last day. Choice of time slots on a FCFS basis until Thursday PM. After that time I'll just assign the three remaining time slots. Final reports are due via email no later than 5:00 pm December 2nd (Friday).

10/31 - We need to meet as a class on Tuesday November 8th to finalize the schedule for the final presentations. We won't need to meet too long, so let's start at 9:30am instead of the usual 9:00am time.

10/20 - Grades for both presentations are now available on WebCT. Sorry about the grades for the first presentation, I forgot to release the column so that you could see it.

10/10 - Interim presentations will be presented on October 18 and 20 by each group. Attendence is required for these two days of class. Format will be similar to the first presentation. This presentation should focus specifically on the problem you have elected to investigate. As before, the focus should not be on the technology itself ut rather the impact you forsee it causing in the specific target area you are analyzing. You should indicate in your presentation the exact topical areas you will address in your research/analysis. For those groups working in a project oriented environment, you should give a detailed status report which describes the work you have completed to this point, the work that remains to be done, and some idea of the projects completeness at this point. The schedule for the interim presentations is available by clicking on the "Interim Presentation Schedule" link on the left side of the page. Bascially, we'll go in the reverse order of the first presentation.

9/19 - The presentation schedule for the first presentation is now posted. Presentations are next week. The first presentation should be about 5 minutes in length and focus on a brief background of the topic and why you have selected this topic for investigation and the potential impacts you feel it may have on the IT world. The classroom computer has a floppy drive, CD drive, and USB ports for portable drives, so you can choose your storage medium (you can also do it via email to yourself). If you have any questions about this first presentation - please contact me ASAP.

9/12 - It looks like there will be at most 15 groups (Ashley Hall, please contact me ASAP regarding topic/group). You now need to begin preparing for your first presentation on Sept. 27th or Sept. 29th. I'll post a detailed schedule of presentations later this week.

9/8 - Preliminary Project Status presentations will be Tuesday September 27th and Thursday September 29th. These will be 5 minute presentations (use PowerPoint or equivalent) during which you identify your topic/project and give a brief justification for why you selected this topic and what potential impact you forsee. If you are working on a project rather than a report, this presentation should provide a background for what your project involves and the work you will be accomplishing during the project. I'll announce more specific details here sometime next week. As soon as all groups are identified, I'll post a detailed schedule for the preliminary presentations.

9/8 - Most of the groups and topics have been selected, see the Groups page using the link on the left. Thomas Baker, Ashley Hall, and Evan Oei need to email me ASAP with a topic and/or group designation.

9/1 - No class next Tuesday - use this time to finalize your project topic and group members. Class will meet on Thursday September 8th to finalize project topics and groups.

8/29 - On Tuesday, Jeff Wirth, Director of the Interactive Performance Lab at UCF, will discuss a potential IT project related to interactive theater. Dr. Hughes from Computer Science will also discuss a couple of potential projects for the course. Attendence is required!

8/25 - Click here for a listing of some emerging IT areas that you might wish to investigate further IT Areas for investigation.    Dr. Hughes will talk to the class next Tuesday (8/30) about some potential projects.