FAQ for Assign#4 (RMI)

Q: What do I need to run the RMI code?

A: Outside of the zip, you need a JRE. All you require is in the zip. It has everything structured correctly, except you should unzip it to a folder named C:\Classes\COP4610\Examples, or you can change the paths in my bat files. Well, actually, you will need to double check my paths anyways, because of where I assume the jdk is located.

Additionally, I use a simple http server that comes with Jini. You could use this or use another. I assume the http server is listening on port 6666. That may not match your networking capabilities. You could change this to 8080 and use the Tomcat server but, if you do, be sure to store this project directly in the root of your server’s web content area.

The changes will not be extensive. Get it working first and observe the minor problems I noted. Fix the Java code so these problems go away and no new ones appear.

Q: Were the batch files in RMI messed up?

A: Yes. I included some wrong bat files (one from a project called Bid.com). The zip is now fixed.