Online Health Monitoring System

Project Management Report

COP 4331, Fall, 2014


Modification history:







G. H. Walton




C. N. McCue

Week 2 to Week 4 Bi-Weekly Report







Team Name: Online Health Monitoring System

Team Members:



Overall status

Planned vs Actual Expenditures

Planned vs actual for each technical progress metric

Updated PERT chart

Comments or Concerns 

Overall status

We are about right on schedule.  This week we are revising the documentation.  The target date for submission of Deliverables I is Tuesday, 9/16/2014.  After revision, the documentation should meet quality standards.  No major problems have been encountered.  No major changes are expected.  There are no current issues. 

Planned vs Actual Expenditures

Overall, actual documentation expenditures have stayed close to planned expenditures.  It was estimated that each subdivision of documentation would take 1 hour.

Planned vs actual for each technical progress metric

Any discrepancy between planned and actual should be fixed during the revision stage of Phase I.


It is estimated that 20% of the project is complete to date.

Updated PERT chart

See Appendix W4

Comments or Concerns 

Deliverables I appears to be the most extensive documentation of the three sets of documentation.  In light of this, 3 weeks is a shorter period of time.  However, we started on the documentation as early as possible.  It is anticipated that the other phases of the project will have a much more reasonable pace.

Template created by G. Walton ( on Aug 30, 1999 and last updated Aug15, 2000

This page last modified by C. N. McCue ( on 9/13/2014